Welcome to the Winter 2015/20156 Newsletter.  This Newsletter will contain all information from 5th October 2015

Please scroll down for all Reports on recent Matches.


Surrey County Indoor Bowling Association
Over 60's Inter County Competition

Surrey Over 60's travelled to Nottingham on Sunday 27th March 2016 to play Northamptonshire.


EIBA – Surrey v Northamptonshire (played at Nottingham IBC on 27th March 2016)

              Inter County Over 60’s Competition










Richard Wooster  Phil Clark  Ian Ross  Steve Fortescue

Trevor Hoy  Ric Long  John Kenton  Martin Tuck

Arnie Lewis  Alistair McNicol  Robert Palser  Chris Cranham

Ted Barlow  Adrian Sussex  Alan Binns  John Sussex

Robert Wharf  Norman Pervoe  John Graham  Steve Shanley

Chris Jones  John Green  Mike Lambert  Paul Vamvacopoulos

26 – 25

17 – 21

13 – 21

20 – 26

18 – 20

24 - 17








118 - 130


Surrey played in the Final at Nottingham IBC and were behind across the 6 rinks 66 – 52 after 10 ends.  A few ends later they took a slender lead, but then slipped back again after 15 ends trailing by just 10 shots (92 – 82).

Surrey then went 21 shots adrift, but after 118 ends across the 6 rinks the scores were level, 117 – 117.

The last few ends were very close, but Surrey eventually lost by 12 shots.


Rink Details:


Rink 1             This rink were ahead all throughout the game.  They led 25 – 13 after 15 ends & 26 – 18 after 18 ends.  However, they let their opponents back into the game over the final ends to win by just 1 shot.


Rink 2             After 10 ends Surrey was 6 – 12 down, but fought back well to be just 1 shot behind, 14 – 15 after 15 ends.  They lost by 4 shots.


Rink 3             This rink was behind all afternoon.  They were 9 – 18 behind after 15 ends finally losing by 8 shots.


Rink 4             After 15 ends this rink led 17 – 12, lost the next 3 ends to go behind 17 – 20.  They lost by 6 shots.


Rink 5             After 15 ends this rink was 7 – 18 down, but fought back well to lose by just 2 shots.


Rink 6             This rink was behind 10 – 16 after 15 ends, but played well over the rest of the game to lead 17 – 16 after 18 ends & went on to win by 7 shots.


Jubilee Cup - Semi Final v Supreme

Epsom played Supreme in the Semi Final of the Jubilee Cup on Thursday 24th March 2016 & lost on both rinks.


Rink 3  Stefan Tomm  John Huxford  Peter Miller  Graham Naish  lost 13 - 21

After 10 ends Epsom was leading by 1 shot, 11 - 10 but soon fell behind.  They conceded after 16 ends losing by 8 shots.

Rink 4  Keith Roberts  Tony Dunn  David Sowdon  John Warren   lost 10 - 29

This rink struggled all evening.  They were 4 - 15 behind after 10 ends going on to lose by 19 shots after 18 ends.

Final Score:  Epsom 23  Supreme 50


East Surrey League Champions

On Wednesday 23rd March 2016 the East Surrey League Annual Dinner & Presentation took place at Sutton Bowling Club.
David Ganney, John Warren, Martin Harbottle, David Sowdon & Les Owen attended to represent Epsom Bowling Club. There were representatives present from all the East Surrey League Clubs who enjoyed a very good meal.
After the meal the presentations of Trophies took place.
Les went forward to be presented with the Champions Trophy, the Champions Banner (to be flown at the Club during home League matches) & a small keepsake Shield.

The draw for the ESL Top 10 was also made & Epsom are drawn away to Wallington to be played by the 26th June 2016.

Click here for photographs


Indoor Friendly v Donyngs

Epsom travelled to Donyngs Indoor Bowling Club to play a 3 rink friendly match on Sunday 20th March 2016.  They won on all 3 rinks winning 72 - 38.


Rink 4  Derek Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Eric Brown  Stefan Tomm  won 22 - 13

After 10 ends Epsom led 12 - 5 and continued in the lead going on to win by 9 shots.

Rink 5  Mike James  Bill Lawrence  Eileen Mills  Tony Dunn  won 29 - 15

After 10 ends the scores were level 8 - 8.  However, Epsom dominated the next 5 ends going ahead 21 - 10.  They went on to win by 14 shots.

Rink 6  Brian Collis  Audrey Jones  Brian Kenyon  John Warren  won 21 - 10

This rink led from the start going ahead 9 - 4 after 10 ends, 17 - 5 after 15 ends & went on to win by 11 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 72   Donyngs 38


Card Making on Thursday 10th March at 2pm.

Several Ladies enjoyed another challenging afternoon of card making, plus an Easter Basket on Thursday 10th March 2016..
Thanks to the skill of our teacher, Denise, we all left please with our achievements.
Thanks to Martine for getting the cakes.


Beetle Drive on Friday 11th March at 7pm.

Two hours of laughter, and shouting, and some very interesting shaped beetles took place on Friday 11th March 2016. We had 3 winners - in 3rd place Matthew, 2nd place Heather, and 1st place Gill -well done, We also tried Toy Bingo - this was great fun with 2 cash prizes. The winners were Howard and Gill.
This all went so well we hope to do it again.

Sandra, and Martine


Refurbishment of the kitchen at Epsom Bowling Club
In January 2016 a team of volunteers from Epsom Bowling Club got together to renew the out dated kitchen.
The Club would like to thank the following for all their hard work.
David Bragg - mainly Carcass assembling and general building
Jim Martin - mainly plumbing, electrics, and general building
Brian Kenyon, John Meningen & Stefan Tomm – painting Tony Dunn& Bob Blaker - tiling
Geoff Parrot (General Help) Terry Berry - Flooring David Sowdon - General Help
Sandra Huxford, Mary Bragg & Martine Ellis - Inventory and General Cleaning
Martin Harbottle (Rubbish clearing)

Eileen Mills at the beginning of the project
Others in support especially Frances Suttonwood for the tiles

Lastly a BIG thank you to John Warren and the memory of Lyz Warren who was with me every step of the way.
Thank you
Howard Ellis

Epsom Bowling Club would like to thank Howard for co-ordinating all the work involved in renewing the kitchen


Jubilee Cup

Epsom played against Chipstead on Thursday 25th February 2016 in the Quarter Final and won on 1 rink, lost on the other, and won overall 39 - 33.


Rink 4  Keith Roberts  Peter Humphreys  Peter Miller  Graham Naish  lost 11 - 24

After 6 ends the scores were level 4 - 4, but Chipstead had some very fortunate rubs of the green over a few ends to go ahead 13 - 5 after 12 ends.  Over the remaining ends Epsom was out played by Chipstead finally losing by 13 shots.

Rink 5  Stefan Tomm  Tony Dunn  John Warren  Jim Scott    won 28 - 9

This was a superb performance from the start with John & Jim playing some outstanding bowls.  After 10 ends they had a commanding lead 17 - 6.  They continued to outplay Chipstead and went on to win by 19 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 39  Chipstead 33

An Evening with Guy Sowdon
The Club was once again entertained by Guy Sowdon on Friday 19th February 2016.
Everyone had a great night with the bar being very busy - thanks to Stefan and Frank. Guy was as brilliant as always (nice hair cut) & we were dancing and singing in the aisle. A huge big thank goes to Martine as without her help none of this would be possible (and on their Anniversary).
Thank you everyone for coming and making it a special night.
Sandra Huxford

Mole Valley Cup

Epsom played against Leatherhead on Friday 12th February 2016 and lost 11 - 20. 


Bill Lawrence  Jo Ellis  Jan Allum  Martin Harbottle

After 8 ends Epsom was 3 - 5 down , but drew level 6 - 6 on the 12th end.  However, Leatherhead outplayed Epsom over the last 6 ends to go on to win by 9 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 11  Leatherhead 20


Jubilee Cup

Epsom played against Imber Court in the Jubilee Cup on Monday 8th February 216 and won on one rink, lost on the other, but won overall 24 - 21.


Rink 4  Stefan Tomm  Roy Ward  Peter Miller  Graham Naish  lost 9 - 16

Epsom made a slow start on this rink finding themselves 3 - 11 down after 8 ends.  They narrowed the gap to 3 shots after 12 ends, but lost by 7 shots.

Rink 5  Keith Roberts  Tony Dunn  John Warren  Jim Scott    won 15 - 5

Epsom played well on this rink and led 12 - 3 after 8 ends.  They continued to hold the initiative & went on to win by 10 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 24  Imber Court 21   Epsom 4 points  Imber Court 2 points


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom played against Chessington on Friday 5th February 2016 and lost 10 - 24. 


Audrey Jones, Jan Allum, Peter Miller, Geoff Purrott    lost 10 - 24

After 5 ends Epsom was 1 - 5 down , but drew level 5 - 5 on the 8th end.  However, they had 4 bad ends dropping a total of 14 shots to go 5 - 19 behind.  Epsom did not recover from this setback finally losing by 14 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 10  Chessington 24


Spitfire League

Epsom played their last Spitfire League match against Godstone on Wednesday 3rd February 2016 and won on 1 rink, lost on 2 rinks but won the match 47 - 46 (6 - 4).


Rink 1  Ruth Nixon  Derek Hoffmann  Tony Dunn  Martin Harbottle  won 18 - 14

After 11 ends Epsom led 11 - 8, but Godstone won the next 2 ends to go in front 14 - 11.  Epsom recovered well and went on to win by 4 shots.

Rink 2  Sylvia Smart  Eric Brown  Peter Humphreys  Peter Miller  lost 15 - 17

Epsom had a really bad start when they found themselves 1 - 14 down after 8 ends.  They made a great comeback over the rest of the game outscoring Godstone 14 - 3 to lose by just 2 shots.

Rink 3  Bill Lawrence  Anne Hoffmann  Geoff Purrott  Fred Read lost 14 - 15

After 10 ends Epsom led 10 - 8, but then failed to score again until the 15th end when they were 12 - 15 down.  They managed to score 2 shots on the final end to fall short by just 1 shot.

Final Score:  Epsom 47  Godstone 46     Epsom 6 points  Godstone 4 points

Epsom ended up 3rd this year just failing to reach the final stages.

Big thanks to Martin Harbottle for all his hard work in organising the matches.


100 Club - 2nd January 2016
First Prize Roy Doughty (No. 36) £27     Second Prize Ken Phillpot (No. 55) £13
Third Prize Peter Humphreys (No. 60) £10

Next draw February 24th.


Zippers Bowling Association

Epsom Bowling Club has received written confirmation that the Zipper’s Bowling Association has officially announced that due to the lack of support the Association ceased to function on 31st December, 2015. The reason for the delay in notification of the closure was due to having to finalise the Accounts.

This message is written by Eric Brown

On behalf of the Zippers Bowling Association I express sincere appreciation for the help and support the Zipper’s have received from Epsom Bowling Club. The total raised during the seven Charity Days over the years was £3,784.00 The last game played on 21st July 2013 raised £700.00. As I am also a member of the Epsom Bowling Club I feel I must personally thank all those people for helping make the events so successful. The generous financial support, donation of fantastic prizes for the large raffles, the special catering and the time and effort of so many individual members helped the Zipper’s Bowling Association achieve its aims in providing much needed equipment specifically for coronary and cardiac units or re-habilitation centres in hospitals around the country.


Epsom Bowling Club would also like to thank Eric for all his work with the Zippers Bowling Association for many years.


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom played against Oxshott in the very first match of this season in the Mole Valley Cup.  This turned out to be a very close match with Epsom winning by just 1 shot.


Ruth Nixon, Eileen Mills, Geoff Purrott  Peter Miller  won 16 - 15

After 10 ends Epsom was 9 - 11 down , but scored a 3 & 2 on the next 2 ends to go ahead 14 - 11.  Oxshott fought back well, but Epsom held on to win by 1 shot.


Jubilee Cup

Epsom played against Supreme on Friday 8th January 2016 and won on 1 rink, lost on the other, and lost overall 24 - 30.  Epsom started very well going into a 12 - 2 lead after 5 ends across the two rinks.  However, rink 2 had 3 bad ends dropping a total of 13 shots which turned out to be a deciding factor in the whole context of the game.


Rink 2  Keith Roberts  Martin Harbottle  John Warren  Jim Scott    lost 11 - 19

After 5 ends this rink led 7 - 1, but over ends 9, 10 & 11 they dropped a total of 13 shots to go behind 8 - 18.  They ended up losing by 8 shots.

Rink 3  Tony Dunn  Roy Ward  Peter Miller  Graham Naish  won 13 - 11

This rink led 10 - 5 after 10 ends, but Supreme drew level after 12 ends, 10 - 10.  Epsom finished well and won by 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 24   Supreme 30


Spitfire League

Epsom played their third Spitfire League match against Reigate Priory on Wednesday 16th December 2015 and won on 2 rinks lost on 1 rink and won the match 54 - 41 (8 - 2).  This was the first win for Epsom in this League this season.


Rink 4  David Ganney  Derek Hoffmann  Eric Brown  Eileen Mills  won 25 - 17

This was a game of two halves.  After 8 ends Epsom was 6 - 14 down, but came back well outscoring Reigate Priory 19 shots to 3 over the last 8 ends to win by 8 shots.

Rink 5  Brian Kenyon  Anne Hoffmann  Peter Humphreys  Fred Read  lost 9 - 18

This turned out to be the complete opposite to rink 4.  Epsom led 8 - 5 after 8 ends, but only scored 1 more shot to lose by 9 shots.

Rink 6  Sylvia Smart  Bill Lawrence  Mike James  Tony Dunn  won 20 - 6

Epsom dominated this game all afternoon.  They led 13 - 6 after 10 ends and won the remaining 6 ends to win by 14 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 54  Reigate Priory 41   Epsom 8 points  Reigate Priory 2 points.


Christmas Carols

On Wednesday 16th December 2015 several members and friends gathered at the Club for a Carol Singing Evening.  Hot Sausages and cheese onion rolls, warm Mince pies with cream, lots of mulled wine flowed to put us all in a good voice. Archie Flashman played the music, in his father Christmas hat. Well done and a big thanks to you, and Les our host for the evening. Thanks also goes to John Warren on the Bar. We had fun singing twelve days of Christmas when we all held up cards with the twelve days shown on each card. Birds and drums were used to give sound effects and we all sang traditional carols, ending with flag waving to the Land of Hope and Glory.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Epsom Bowling Club acquire a new Flag Pole

On Monday 14th December 2015 a ceremony was held at the Club when Maureen Trumble officially handed over a Flag Pole donated in memory of her late husband Percy.

Click on photographs for larger versions


Quiz Night on Friday 4th December 2015
This was another Great Success. Quiz Questions ranged from Classical Music to Picture Questions & General Knowledge. At halftime we had sandwiches, hot sausage rolls, cheese rolls, and chocolates to fuel our brains for the second half. That was just as enjoyable. The winners were Heather and Jimmy, Claire & Brian Collis & Ruth and Richard - well done to them.

A huge amount of hard work goes into the Quiz Night, so we would like to thank Les and Denise for making it all possible, Gold star to you both.
Thanks - Sandra Huxford

A huge thanks also goes to Sandra & Martine Ellis for preparing the food & to Brian Kenyon for giving up his evening to run the bar.


Craft Afternoon

Epsom Ladies had their 2nd card making class on Tuesday 1st December 2015. Eleven Ladies attended, and after a lot of gluing, cutting, and the odd "oh Bother" said!. glittering and half a cup of tea & coffee, (lots of concentration) 2 fabulous Christmas Cards were produced. (see photo) We were a proud bunch - we may not yet going into commercial production, but we did have a very enjoyable afternoon, thanks to our very patient teacher Denise Owen. We will all be looking forward to our next lesson.

Click on photograph for larger version


Jubilee Cup

Epsom played against Chessington on Monday 30th November 2015 and won on 1 rink, lost on the other, but won overall 25 - 24.  This was an excellent win against a strong Chessington team.  All players played their part, but were out done by the skip for Chessington on rink 5 who played exceptionally well. Going into the last end on both rinks Epsom led by 5 shots overall.  However, John dropped 1 shot & Graham faced 5 shots down laying the last bowl, but managed to get 4th bowl thus helping Epsom to win by 1 shot.


Rink 4  Stefan Tomm  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  John Warren    won 16 - 8

After 5 ends Epsom led 6 - 5 and kept the lead for the rest of the evening.  They were 12 - 6 ahead after 10 ends and went on to win by 8 shots.

Rink 5  Keith Roberts  Tony Dunn  Roy Ward  Graham Naish  lost 9 - 16

Epsom led 9 - 6 after 10 ends, but failed to score again going on to lose by 7 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 25   Chessington 24

The next match is on Friday 8th January 2016 at 6.30pm


Indoor Match v Mole Valley

Epsom travelled to Mole Valley on Sunday 30th November 2015 to play a 4 rink Friendly match.   Epsom won on 2 rinks, lost on 2 rinks & lost overall 61 - 85.


Rink 1  Anne Hoffmann  Brian Kenyon  Tony Dunn  Martin Harbottle  won 18 - 17

Epsom was behind 7 - 9 after 10 ends and 1 shot adrift, 13 - 14 after 15 ends.  They finished strongly to snatch a 1 shot win.

Rink 2  Guy Sowdon  Audrey Jones  Derek Hoffmann  Peter Miller  won 19 - 18

Another close game at the end, but Epsom were being well beaten after 10 ends when they were 4 - 15 down.  They won the last 6 ends of the game to win by 1 shot.

Rink 3  Stefan Tomm  Bill Lawrence  Eileen Mills  John Warren  lost 18 - 19

Epsom led 9 - 6 after 10 ends and 14 - 9 after 15 ends.  Going into the last end the scores were level 18 - 18, but Epsom dropped one shot to lose a good game.

Rink 4  Joy Rundle  Geoff Purrott  Pat Buckley  Graham Naish  lost 6 - 31

Epsom was outplayed on this rink scoring on only 6 ends.

Final Score:  Epsom 61  Mole Valley 85


Jubilee Cup

Epsom played their first game in the Jubilee Cup on Monday 16th November 2015 against Cuddington and won on both rinks & the match 31 - 22.


Rink 2  Keith Roberts  Tony Dunn  Roy Ward  Graham Naish   Won 19 - 13

Epsom held the lead throughout this game leading 11 - 5 after 10 ends.  On the 12th end Epsom picked up 7 shots & despite dropping a count of 6 on the last end they won by 6 shots.

Rink 3  Stefan Tomm  Martin Harbottle  John Warren  Jim Scott  Won 12 - 9

This was a very close game with the scores level 5 - 5 after 8 ends.  Epsom went on to win by 3 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 31  Cuddington 22

Keith Roberts played in his very first Jubilee Cup game for Epsom Bowling Club.


Guy Sowdon


Ashtead guitar tutor and wedding singer has song featured on international album

Singing at weddings and teaching guitar lessons in Ashtead are the usual day-to-day activities for Guy Sowdon.
But now he needs to add "being listened to across the world" to his to-do list after receiving a very special call inviting him to appear on a compilation album.
The three-CD, 60-track album, A Breath Of Fresh Air, will be sold in the UK, USA and across Europe. It will feature independent artists from all those areas.
Mr Sowdon was "shocked but very excited" to have been asked to make the leap from performer to recording artist.
But he admits he was not initially aware how the organisers had come across his music, but later found out a friend of his had put his name forward to be featured.
The song, called Think Again, is both written and performed by Mr Sowdon, and the recording being used for the CD was made at a live gig.
But this will not be the first time Mr Sowdon's music has gone transatlantic; the power of the internet means the song has already hit the USA.
The 46-year-old said: "I got an email from a rock DJ in Los Angeles and he said 'I have been playing your song for months and I love it'. I think he must have heard it on my SoundCloud [music sharing] account.
"It was a bit weird but obviously I said, 'Keep on playing it, that's brilliant'."
He added: "I'm just looking forward to seeing what happens now. We've been told it will be three albums of 20 songs each. I think one is meant to be pop, one is folk and one is country.
“It is exciting, I'm really happy about it. It sounds like they are planning a lot of promotion around it so watch this space.”
Mr Sowdon, who lives in Langley Vale, performs as a solo act; in a duo called the Zensations and in a 60s and 70s band called The Zen Relics.
The latter perform an annual concert called The Hippie Summer Ball at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, in memory of Mr Sowdon's mother.
The compilation album will be launched over Christmas this year. For more information search for A Breath Of Fresh Air on Facebook.

This article is produced with the kind permission of Jennifer Hardwick from the Leatherhead Advertiser


Roy Ward

Congratulations go to Roy Ward on being elected as a Life Member of Surrey County Bowling Association.  Sincere congratulations from al at Epsom Bowling Club for this honour.

This statement was read out at the Surrey meeting on Saturday 14th November 2015.


The County today wishes to endow one of its number with the highest honour available. That is Life Membership.

This Honour is awarded for outstanding and significant active contributions to the work of the County over many years. It will, therefore, be awarded rarely, and will reflect the high standards of the conditions for receipt.

The member who we honour today began his career in 1979 at Worcester Park BC.

Then moved to Epsom BC and took up the role of Club captain from 1987 to 1991, moving on to greater thing by becoming Club President from 1992 to 1995

He has been a councillor since 1990……….now that’s commitment, or lack of something else to occupy his time!

Foremost amongst his achievements was his tenure as Area 3 Competition Secretary from 1993 to 2006. Anyone who has been involved with a similar position knows the hours of commitment this occupies.

1998 to 2004 he served as County Match Selector and with an added year was also a Middleton Cup selector for 1998 to 2005

Not content with this in 1997 he ventured on to the Presidential ladder and became President of the County in 1999 and is by virtue an HVP of the County.

2002 to 2005 was spent on the F&GP

2004 & 2006 saw another string to his bow as delegate to the EBA (forerunner of BE)


Spitfire League

Epsom played their second Spitfire League match against Monotype on Wednesday 11th November 2015 and lost on all 3 rinks and the match 19 - 63 (0 - 10).


Rink 1  Audrey Jones  Derek Hoffmann  Stefan Tomm  Eileen Mills  lost 6 - 25

Epsom only scored on 5 of the 16 ends & were beaten by 19 shots.

Rink 2  Sylvia Smart  Tony Dunn  Pat Buckley  Graham Naish  lost 9 - 17

After 9 ends Epsom led 8 - 7, but allowed Monotype to dominate the rest of the afternoon finally losing by 8 shots.

Rink 3  Anne Hoffmann  Brian Kenyon  Fred Read  John Warren  lost 4 - 21

This was a similar story to rink 1.  Epsom only scored on 4 ends going on to lose by 17 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 10  Monotype 63   Epsom 0 points  Monotype 10 points


Indoor Match v Horsham

Epsom travelled to Horsham on Wednesday 4th November 2015 to pay a 4 rink Friendly match.  They travelled in the newly acquired Mini Bus.  Not a good day though on the green as Epsom lost on all 4 rinks & the match 49 - 116.  It must be remembered that several Epsom players do not play indoors regularly.


Rink 3  Audrey Jones  Derek Hoffmann  Stefan Tomm  Fred Read  lost 19 - 22

Epsom made a good account of themselves on this rink.  They were only 1 shot adrift, 11 - 12 after 12 ends, but went ahead 17 - 16 on the 17th end.  However, they immediately dropped 5 shots on end 18 and finally lost by 3 shots.

Rink 4  David Rundle  Ruth Nixon  Brian Kenyon  David Sowdon  lost 11 - 30

No a good afternoon on this rink with Epsom winning just 6 ends.

Rink 5  Sylvia Smart  Derek Jones  Tony Dunn  John Huxford  lost 9 - 35

Epsom was completely outplayed on this rink losing by 26 shots.

Rink 6  Bill Lawrence  Ken Lacey  Martin Harbottle  Eileen Mills  lost 10 - 29

Much the same story on this rink as on rink 4 & 5 with Epsom losing by 19 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 49  Horsham 116

Click on photo


Car Boot Sale

Once again Howard and Martine Ellis & Sandra Huxford got up at the crack of dawn on Sunday 1st November 2015  for a car boot stall.

The total now raised has reached over £200 - well done.

Click on the photos for larger versions


Craft Afternoon

A very successful Craft afternoon took place in the Pavilion on Friday 9th October 2015. 8 Ladies attended the class and all made two cards under the instruction of Denise Owen.

Here are some examples of the cards made.

Click on photograph for larger version


Car Boot Sale

Howard and Martine Ellis got up at the crack of dawn on Sunday 11th October 2015 and arrived at Hook Road Arena at 7am on a dark and misty morning to set up a stall for a car boot stall.

John & Sandra Huxford arrived at 7.30am to help.  With damp feet and a cup of coffee, the sun soon came out and we all had a great fun morning. We met some interesting people.

Thanks to all the club members who gave items that they could try to sell.

£121.50 was raised for the club which we hope will be used to buy new garden tools.

We would like to say a Great Big thank you to everyone who supported us.

Sandra and John Huxford.


Men's AGM

The Men's AGM took place on Friday 9th October 2015.

The 2015 Captain, Les Owen, thanked everyone for attending & thanked all for their support.  He outlined the best year ever for the Club especially winning the East Surrey League & successes in the other Competitions.

He expressed concern re the lack of support for Friendly matches & hoped that this will improve in 2016 especially as the Match Secretary, Martin Harbottle had managed to get more games.  Les mentioned the Green & asked everyone to give the new Contractors opportunities to get the playing surface improved. Les also thanked everyone who continue to help the Club especially David Sowdon, Club President, for all his work in raising funds for the Club.  He also thanked all those involved in the Working Party.  He then gave a summary of the results of the season. Finally Les presented a framed photograph of the East Surrey League Winners to the Club. Other Officers gave their reports.

Les told those present that a new position was created - a Mixed Team Manager & asked for approval of this.  All agreed.  Brian Collis has offered to oversee this new role.  The 2016 Officers nominated were then elected.

Several members raised issues during any other business.  One of these was trying to get new people to join the Club.

A full summary will be included in the Minutes.

All relevant parts of the Website will be updated to reflect the changes in the Committee.


Spitfire League

Epsom played their first Spitfire League match against Caterham on Wednesday 7th October 2015 and won on 1 rink, lost on 2 rinks & lost the match 38 - 52 (2 - 8).


Rink 4  Sylvia Smart  Derek Hoffmann  Pat Buckley  Graham Naish  won 20 - 16

Epsom had a good first 8 ends when they led 12 - 5.  However, they let Caterham back into the game allowing them to draw level, 16 - 16 after 14 ends.  Epsom kept their nerve scoring 3 shots on end 15 & 1 shot on end 16 to win by 4 shots.

Rink 5  Audrey Jones  Geoff Benfield  Brian Kenyon  Martin Harbottle  lost 8 - 25

After 8 ends Epsom was just 2 shots adrift 5 - 7, but they were out played over the remaining ends finally losing by 17 shots.

Rink 6  Anne Hoffmann  Bill Lawrence  Stefan Tomm  Eileen Mills  lost 10 - 11

After 10 ends Epsom was 5 - 9 down & 7 - 11 in arrears after 14 ends.  Going into the last end Epsom was 2 shots behind & just failed to snatch a draw/win losing by just 1 shot.

Final Score:  Epsom 38  Caterham 52    Epsom 2 points  Caterham 8 points


Friendly Match v Donyngs Indoor Bowling Club

Epsom played their first Friendly Indoor match against Donyngs on Sunday 4th October 2015.  They won on 1 rink, lost on 2 rinks & lost the match 40 - 58.


Rink 4  David Rundle  Bill Lawrence  Ruth Nixon Derek Hoffmann  lost 9 - 22

Epsom struggled for most of this game.  They were 6 - 8 down after 10 ends, 8 - 16 adrift after 15 ends finally losing by 13 shots.

Rink 5  David Ganney  Derek Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Brian Kenyon  lost 14 - 21

Donyngs raced into a 12 - 0 lead after 11 ends before Epsom got onto the board.  Epsom played well for the rest of the game, but still lost by 7 shots.

Rink 6  Mike James  Pat Buckley  Audrey Jones  Eileen Mills  won 17 - 15

After 11 ends the scores were level 8 - 8, but Epsom played well over the remaining ends to win by 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 40  Donyngs 58