Welcome to the September 2011 Newsletter. 

Men's Friendly v Cheam Fields
Epsom Men travelled the short distance to Cheam Fields on Wednesday 31st August 2011 to play in a Friendly match.  Epsom won 2 rinks, lost 2 rinks and lost the match overall 67 - 74.


Rink 1  Eddie Needham  Derek Jones  Derek Hoffmann  John Warren  lost 11 - 22

Rink 2  Brian Kenyon  Arthur Upward  John Huxford  David Sowdon  won 25 - 19

Rink 3  Bob Lister  Tony Dunn  Bill Lawrence  Roy Doughty   won 20 - 15

Rink 4  Bob Blaker  Derek Martin  Ken Lacey  Ron Snow  lost 11 - 18

Final Score:  Epsom 67  Cheam Fields 74


Sutton & District Bowling Association - Yonwin Cup
Epsom Men played against Supreme in the Yonwin Cup on Tuesday 30th August 2011.  They won the match on all 3 rinks & the match 72 - 50.

This was the 11th time that Epsom has appeared in the Semi Final of the Yonwin Cup since this Competition started in 1976.  They have won the Yonwin Cup on seven occasions and lost in the Final twice. (The most recent loss was in 2010 against Cheam).

This turned out to be a remarkable game.  After 10 ends overall Epsom was 8 shots down, but between ends 12 & 18 across the 3 rinks Epsom scored 39 shots to Supreme's 5 shots.  This turned the game totally in favour of Epsom and they went on to win by 22 shots.


Rink 2  John Hart  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 29 - 19

After 10 ends Epsom found themselves 11 - 14 down, but came back to tie the scores 16 - 16 after 15 ends.  On ends 16, 17 & 18 the rink scored a total of 11 shots including a 7 on the 18th end.  They eventually won by 10 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  Peter Miller  Les Owen  won 23 - 16

This was a very close game at the beginning with the scores tied 8 - 8 after 10 ends.  Over ends 11 to 17 Epsom out scored Supreme 15 shots to 2.  The last few ends belonged to Supreme, but Epsom still won by 7 shots.

Rink 4  Martin Harbottle David Sowdon Pat Buckley  Jim Scott  won 20 - 15

This was also a close game until Epsom dropped 6 shots on end 10 to go behind 7 - 12.  Ends 12 to 16 belonged to Epsom when they scored a total of 8 shots without reply to take a 15 - 13 lead.  Epsom had the better of the remaining ends and won by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 72  Supreme 50

The Final will be a repeat of last year when Epsom will play Cheam.


Ladies' Friendly v Purley
The Ladies played against Purley on Tuesday 30th August 2011 and lost on both rinks & the match 28 - 49.


Rink 3 Heather Pigden  Ruth Nixon  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills  lost 14 - 24

Purley had the better of the first few ends, but Epsom fought back well to level the scores 11 - 11 after 14 ends.  Purley, once again, took control of the game and out scored Epsom over the last 7 ends to win by 10 shots.

Rink 4  Sandra Huxford  Maureen Trumble  Jan Allum  Gill Sperring  lost 14 - 25

Purley had the better of this game from the start.  After 15 ends Epsom was 11 - 17 behind and failed to make any headway into the game and lost by 11 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom  24  Purley 49


Past Times
Epsom 'A' played against Southey in the Semi Final of the Past Times Competition on Monday 29th August 2011 and lost on both rinks and the match 26 - 43.


Away  Brian Kenyon  John Warren  Ron Mew  Les Owen  lost 9 - 20

This was a very close game up to 9 ends when Epsom trailed 4 - 6.  After 15 ends they fell further behind 6 - 14 and really did not make much further progress in the game finally losing by 11 shots.

Home  John Hart  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish  lost 17 - 23

Epsom got off to a bad start at home and trailed 1 - 7 after only 5 ends.  After 11 ends they were 8 - 13 adrift but then picked up 7 shots on end 12 to go into the lead.  The last few ends belonged to Southey and they went on to win by 6 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 26  Southey 43


Secretaries v Presidents
The annual match between the Secretaries' Team & the Presidents' Team took place on Sunday 28th August 2011.  The Secretaries Team won 79 - 78.  After 10 ends across the 5 rinks the Secretaries were winning by 9 shots.  However, after 15 ends the Presidents took a 6 shot lead.  The secretaries had the better of the last few ends and won by just the one shot.


Rink 1  Sue Needham  David Ruston  Ron Snow  John Warren v                Won 18 - 14

             Bill Lawrence  Tony Jackman  Maureen Trumble  Eileen Mills

The Secretaries got off to a good start and led 10 - 1 after 5 ends.  They continued to dominate the game, but the Presidents had a good last couple ends to lose by only 4 shots.

Rink 2  Eddie Needham Maggie O’Sullivan  Ken Lacey  Terry Hoye v        Won 21 - 15

             Derek Jones  Len Phillpot  Jo Ellis  Cyril Newman

This was a close game with the Presidents leading 16 - 14 after 10 ends.  However, the Secretaries played well over the remaining 8 ends to go on to win by 6 shots.

Rink 3  Ruth Nixon  Derek Martin  Brian Kenyon  Pat Buckley v                 Won 15 - 13

             Janet Newman  Derek Hoffmann  Martin Harbottle  George Sperring

This was a very close game.  After 15 ends the scores were level 12 - 12.  The Secretaries led 14 - 13 going into the last end and were 1 shot down but Pat drew the shot to secure a 2 shot victory.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Roy Doughty  Gill Sperring * v        Won 18 - 7

             Bob Blaker  John Huxford  Lyz Warren

The Secretaries were ahead all through this game.  They led 12 - 4 after 10 ends and went on to win by 11 shots.

Rink 5  Ken Philpott  Anne Hoffmann  Geoff Purrott  Ron Mew v                 Lost 7 - 29

             Arthur Upward  Sandra Huxford  Alan Wybrow  Les Owen **

The Secretaries were outplayed all afternoon and only managed to win 4 ends.  After 10 ends the Presidents led 15 - 5 and continued to dominate play winning comfortably by 22 shots.

Final Score:  Secretaries 79  Presidents 78

* Highest winning rink Secretaries' Team    ** Highest winning rink Presidents' Team

After the match bottles of wine were presented to the highest winning rink on the Secretaries' Team & Presidents' team.

Thanks to the members who laid on tea and buns.


Ladies Friendly v Epsom Court

Epsom Ladies played a 2 rink match against Epsom Court on Thursday 25th August 2011 and won on both rinks winning the match 41 - 18.  It was decided to make this a match of 18 ends.


Rink 3  Sylvia Smart  Tessa Hurworth  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills  won 23 - 8

Epsom dominated this rink right from the start.  They led 14 - 5 after 10 ends and continued to out score Epsom Court for the rest of the game finally winning by 15 shots.

Rink 4  Ann Bailey  Ruth Nixon  Jo Ellis  Gill Sperring  won 18 - 10

After 12 ends Epsom was 1 shot adrift, 8 - 9, but dominated the last 6 ends to win by 8 shots.

Final Result:  Epsom 41  Epsom Court 18


East Surrey League - Men

Epsom Men bounced back with a win against Cheam Fields at home on Sunday 21st August 2011. This turned out to be a very close match overall.  At one stage Epsom was facing another defeat in two days. However, they fought hard over the last few ends to secure a 8 shot victory.


Rink 2  Geoff Purrott  Ron Snow  John Warren  Jim Scott  lost 17 - 19

After 7 ends Epsom held a 6 - 3 lead, but then dropped 9 shots over 3 ends.  They were only one shot behind, 12 - 13 after 15 ends and scored 4 shots on the 20th end to be behind 17 - 18.  Facing several shots on the last end down Jim got the shot to draw the rink, but the Cheam Fields managed to take this away to beat Epsom by 2 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  Peter Miller  Les Owen   won 19 - 13*

This was a very close game for the first 8 ends, but Epsom went into a 15 - 7 lead after 15 ends.  Epsom remained on 16 shots for 5 ends with Cheam Fields narrowing the gap to just 3 shots.  Epsom won the last end scoring 3 shots to win by 6.

Rink 4  John Hart  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish  drew 19 - 19

Epsom was 5 - 11 down after 10 ends and further behind 11 - 18 after 17 ends.  They then scored a 3 & 2 to be just 2 shots adrift.  Cheam Fields scored 1 shot on the 19th end to leave Epsom needing 4 shots to win the rink on the last end.  Graham had last bowl and was holding 3 shots for the draw and narrowly failed to get the fourth shot to win the rink.

Rink 5  Bill Lawrence  Eric Brown  Ron Mew  Pat Buckley  won 22 - 18

Epsom was 11 - 5 ahead after 10 ends & 18 - 15 ahead after 15 ends.  The last few ends were keenly contested with Cheam Fields scoring 3 singles on the last 3 ends.  However, Epsom won by 4 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 77  Cheam Fields 69    Epsom 4˝ points  Cheam Fields 1˝

* Highest winning rink


East Surrey League - Ladies

The Ladies also played against Cheam Fields on Sunday 21st August 2011 and lost the match 33 - 46.  However, one rink was very close with Cheam Fields snatching a win on the last end.


Rink 1  Audrey Jones  Sandra Huxford  Anne Hoffmann  Gill Sperring  lost 10 - 22

Epsom was always behind in this game.  They were behind 5 - 13 after 10 ends & 7 - 16 adrift after 15 ends.  They were soundly beaten by 12 shots.

Rink 6  Maggie O’Sullivan  Jo Ellis  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills  lost 23 - 24

Epsom held the initiative in this game for most of the afternoon.  They led 14 - 10 after 10 ends and 20 - 15 after 15 ends.  Cheam Fields won the last 4 ends to snatch a win by just 1 shot.

Final score:  Epsom 33 Cheam Fields 46    Epsom 0 points  Cheam Fields 4 points


East Surrey League - Men

This was a very big set back in the East Surrey League for Epsom Men as they lost 1 - 5 to Shirley Park on Saturday 20th August 2011. This loss means that the task of winning the League for the very first time will be very difficult.


Rink 1  Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  Peter Miller  Les Owen   won 25 - 17*

Epsom started off really badly on this rink and found themselves 1 - 11 down after just 6 ends.  However, Epsom won the next 11 ends scoring a total of 22 shots to lead 23 - 11.  The rink continued to play well eventually winning by 8 shots.

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  Martin Harbottle  Ron Mew  Pat Buckley  lost 12 - 21

After 10 ends Epsom was 2 shots down, 6 - 8 and fell behind 9 - 13 after 15 ends.  Shirley Park had the better of the last 6 ends beating Epsom by 9 shots overall.

Rink 3  Geoff Purrott  John Warren  David Sowdon  Jim Scott  lost 12 - 30

This rink struggled all afternoon and found themselves 4 - 18 down after 10 ends.  They went further behind 5 - 25 after 15 ends & although they had a good finish to the game they were well beaten by 18 shots.

Rink 6  John Hart  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish  lost 16 - 22

Epsom held a 1 shot lead, 8 - 7 after 9 ends, but Shirley Park went ahead at 15 ends, 11 - 18.  Epsom won the last three ends, but still lost by 6 shots.

Final score:  Epsom 65  Shirley Park 90   Epsom 1 point  Shirley Park 5 points

* Highest winning rink


East Surrey League - Ladies

The Ladies were involved in a very close match all afternoon, but lost on both rinks with identical scores, 14 - 16.


Rink 4  Sandra Huxford  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills  lost 14 - 16

After 10 ends Epsom was behind 6 - 9 and still 3 shots adrift, 10 - 13 after 15 ends.  They eventually lost by 2 shots.

Rink 5  Audrey Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Jan Allum  Gill Sperring  lost 14 - 16

After 10 ends Epsom was 7 - 8 down & 10 - 12 down after 15 ends.  This rink also lost by 2 shots amd the same score as rink 4.

Final score:  Epsom 28  Shirley Park 32   Epsom 0 points  Shirley Park 4 points

Gill Sperring played in her 50th game in the East Surrey League.


Chrystie League 2011


Last years figures in brackets.


The 2011season has been completed with one game being cancelled (away to Pippbrook).  This year Epsom won 4 (5), lost 4 (5) with 1 cancelled . They ended up scoring 21 points (20).  Epsom finished 3rd (3rd).


In all 17 (18) members represented Epsom in the Chrystie League in 2011.  The following are some significant appearances:-

Ron Snow 6,  Derek Jones, Alan Wybrow, Derek Martin, Bob Lister, John Huxford, Ken Lacey, Ken Phillpot 5


Here are some facts that you may find interesting:-

Number of rinks won - 10 (9)             Number of rinks lost - 8 (8)                Number of rinks drawn 0 (3)

Epsom won 1 (1) of the games 4 - 0 and lost 0 (2) games 4 - 0.

Against individual Clubs Epsom lost 0 (2) games on both rinks.

The best match win was 41 - 24 (+17) against Bookham on the 20th June and the worst defeat came against Esher 29 - 41 (-12) on the 4th July.

The best rink win was a 25 - 6 victory against Bookham on 20th July & the worst defeat on a rink was the 8 - 27 defeat against Esher on 4th July.

The highest total shots scored in a match was on 4th July against Esher when the combined score was 70 shots (29 - 41).

The lowest combined total of shots scored was 52, (26 - 26), in the match against Pippbrook on the 13th June.


All the facts on the Chrystie League can be viewed on our Web Site.  These include all the teams for each game played since 2001.  It also includes the number of appearances made by each member over this time.

To date since 2001 Ken Lacey has played in 67 matches, Fred Read 53, Bill Lawrence 42, & Peter Humphreys 38.

The number of members who have played in the Chrystie League since 2001 is 38.


A little bit of history:-

Since the Chrystie League began in 2001 Epsom have played 102 matches.  Of these 57 have been won, 41 lost, 4 drawn and 8 cancelled.  3315 shots have been scored for and 3075 shots against.


The highest number of shots scored in a season was in 2004 (386) when Epsom were the Champions.  The most shots scored against in a year was in 2010 - 327.


Since 2001 Epsom have a very good record in this league, winning in 2004, and 2nd in 2003, 2005 & 2006.


Surrey Ladies v Buckinghamshire Ladies

The above match took place on Epsom's Green on Wednesday 17th August 2011.  Many members from Epsom Bowling Club gave up their time to help make the afternoon go smoothly.

Particular thanks goes to the following:

Kitchen - Eileen Mills  Lyz Warren  Doris Flintham  Diana Taylor  Olive Phillips

General help including washing up, help in the car park, bar & general duties - Anne & Derek Hoffmann  John Warren  Les Owen  Vic Phillips  Roy Doughty  George Sperring  John Hart.

Thanks to everyone.

Buckinghamshire won the match.


Chrystie League

The last game in the Chrystie League this season was played on Monday 8th August 2011 against Esher.  Epsom won the match 31 - 28 and finished 3rd in the League.  All the facts & details are recorded in the Results section of this Web Site, but a summary will appear here shortly.


David Ruston  Ken Phillpot  Ken Lacey  Ron Snow  lost 15 - 16

Epsom was 8 - 9 down after 10 ends & 11 - 15 behind after 15 ends.  The last 3 ends were closely contested, but Esher won by 1 shot.

Tony Dunn  Bob Lister  Alan Wybrow  John Huxford  won 16  12

Epsom was ahead 8 - 6 after 10 ends, but fell behind 11 - 12 after 15 ends.  Epsom played well over the last 3 ends to win by 4 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 31  Esher 28       Epsom 3 points  Esher 1 point

An interesting statistic occurred in this match when after the 14th the rink scores were identical, 11 - 11.


Men's Friendly v The Surrey Patrons

This annual fixture took place at Epsom on Sunday 14th August 2011.  Last year Epsom suffered a heavy defeat against the Patrons 86 - 141, but this year Epsom won the match by 6 shots.


Rink 1  Bill Lawrence  David Ruston  Derek Hoffmann  George Sperring  lost 18 - 24

After 10 ends Epsom was behind 6 - 9.  They took the lead, 12 - 11 after 14 ends and still led 18 - 16 after 19 ends.  Unfortunately they then dropped two 4's on the last 2 ends to lose by 6 shots.

Rink 2  Bob Blaker  Howard Ellis  John Huxford  Pat Buckley  won 25 - 12

This rink led throughout the game, leading 10 - 8 after 10 ends they had an excellent second half outscoring the Patrons to win by 13 shots.

Rink 3  Ken Phillpot  Tony Dunn  Terry Hoye  Martin Harbottle won 25 - 13

Just like rink 2 this team had a very good afternoon.  They led 14 - 8 after 10 ends, 22 - 9 after 15 ends and went on to win by 12 shots.

Rink 4  Derek Martin  Tony Jackman  Geoff Purrott  Eric Brown  won 28 - 10

An excellent afternoon for this rink as well.  After 10 ends they led 12 - 3 and stretched the lead to 21 - 4 after 15 ends.  They went on to win comfortably by 16 shots.

Rink 5  Eddie Needham  Vic Phillips  Len Philpott  John Warren  lost 13 - 31

Epsom was outplayed on this rink and found themselves 6 - 14 down after 10 ends, 6 - 27 behind after 15 ends finally getting well beaten by 18 shots.

Rink 6  Ivor Merrifield  Derek Jones  Roy Doughty  Cyril Newman  lost 13 - 26

Just like rink 5 this rink were outplayed all afternoon.  They were behind all throughout the game being 7 - 11 behind after 10 ends, 11 - 20 adrift after 15 ends finally losing by 13 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 122 Surrey Patrons 116


Men's East Surrey League v Bletchingley

Epsom played at home against Bletchingley on Saturday 13th August 2011 and won 96 - 53.  This was the 7th year running that Epsom has won against Bletchingley.  Although Epsom won 6 - 0 there were 2 very close encounters with one rink snatching a victory right on the last end with the other rink just managing to hold on to the win on the last end.


Rink 2  Geoff Purrott  Ron Snow  John Warren  Jim Scott  won 29 - 10

This rink dominated play all afternoon.  They led 13 - 5 after 10 ends, 20 - 7 after 15 ends and went on to win comfortably by 19 shots.

Rink 3  Bill Lawrence  Roy Doughty  Ron Mew  Pat Buckley  won 18 - 17

After 10 ends Epsom led 9 - 6 and still held a 3 shot advantage after 15 ends, 13 - 10.  Epsom stretched their lead to 18 - 10 after 18 ends, but Bletchingley won the last 3 ends scoring 5 shots to nearly snatch a win.

Rink 4  John Hart  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 18 - 17

This was an extremely close match ending with Epsom snatching a win on the very last end.  After 10 ends Epsom led 10 - 7 and held a 2 shot advantage, 12 - 10 after 15 ends.  Bletchingley score 5 shots on end 17 to take the lead 15 - 13.  They stretched their lead to 17 - 13 with 3 ends to go, but Epsom dug deep to score the required 5 shots to scrape home by just 1 shot.

Rink 5  Brian Kenyon  Eric Brown  Terry Hoye  Peter Miller  won 31 - 9*

After 5 ends Epsom was behind 2 - 3, but then scored 22 shots without reply over the next 8 ends to lead 24 - 3.  The rink eventually won by 22 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 96  Bletchingley 53   Epsom 6 points  Bletchingley 0 points

* Highest winning rink


Men's Friendly v Carshalton

This was a 3 rink friendly match played away at Carshalton on Wednesday 10th August 2011.


Rink 2  Bob Blaker  Bob Lister  John Warren lost 13 - 21

After 10 ends the scores were level 7 - 7, but Carshalton had the better of the remaining 8 ends out scoring Epsom 14 - 6 to win by 8 shots.


Rink 3  Derek Jones  John Huxford  Eric Brown  lost 16 - 18

Epsom held a 3 shot advantage after 10 ends, 9 - 6, but Carshalton scored 12 shots to Epsom's 7 shots during the remaining 8 ends to win by 2 shots.

Rink 4  Tony Dunn  Derek Martin  Fred Read  won 24 - 13

This rink had an outstanding start and raced into a 21 - 2 lead after 10 ends.  Carshalton came back strongly in the last 8 ends outscoring Epsom , but it was not enough to catch Epsom up and they went on to win by 11 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 53  Carshalton 52


Mixed Friendly v Cheam

Epsom played away at Cheam on Sunday 7th August 2011 and won 94 - 60.  This was an excellent win against a very strong club.


Rink 2 Vic Phillips  Sandra Huxford  Tony Dunn  John Warren  won 29 - 8

After 3 ends the scores were level 3 - 3, but Epsom then won the next 12 ends scoring a total of 21 shots to lead 24 - 3.  Cheam only score 5 more shots in the game leaving Epsom with a very good 21 shot win.

Rink 3  Derek Jones  Stefan Tomm  Lyz Warren  Geoff Purrott  won 21 - 10

After 10 ends Epsom held a 1 shot lead, 11 - 10.  They had a very good second half and went on to win by 11 shots.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Derek Hoffmann  Roy Doughty  Ron Snow  won 27 - 17

This game was also close after 10 ends when Epsom held a 1 shot advantage, 9 - 8.  However, Epsom had an excellent second half outscoring Cheam to win by 10 shots.

Rink 5  Olive Phillips  Bob Blaker  John Huxford  Brian Kenyon  lost 17 - 19

This turned out to be a very close game.  Epsom was behind 6 - 11 after 10 ends, but went ahead 17 - 16 after 18 ends.  Cheam won the last three ends to snatch a win by 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 94  Cheam 60


Mixed Friendly v Raynes Park

Epsom played a Triples match away at Raynes Park on Saturday 6th August 2011 and lost 64 - 70.


Rink 2  Eddie Needham  Tessa Hurworth  Roy Doughty  lost 13 - 18

After 10 ends Epsom was behind 7 - 13, but fought back well over the last 8 ends, but eventually lost by 5 shots.

Rink 3  Audrey Jones  Bob Blaker  John Huxford  won 24 - 14

Epsom led 13 - 10 after 10 ends and had an excellent last 8 ends outscoring Raynes Park to win the game by 10 shots.

Rink 4  Sue Needham  Derek Jones  Lyz Warren  lost 6 - 23

Epsom was outplayed in this game.  They were 3 - 15 behind after 10 ends and only scored 3 more shots in the game losing by 17 shots.

Rink 5  Trish Tewfik  John Warren (2 players)  won 21 - 13

Epsom was reduced to two players on this rink, but managed a good win by 8 shots.  Epsom held a 1 shot lead, 14 - 13 with 2 ends to go and finished strongly with a 4 and a 3.

Final Score:  Epsom 64  Raynes Park 70

Raynes Park had requested a Pairs for this afternoon.


Pairs: Derek Martin  Tony Jackman lost 3 - 31


Past Times

Epsom 'A' played against Chipstead on Thursday 4th August 2011 and won a very close match on the extra end.


Away  Brian Kenyon  John Warren  Ron Mew  Les Owen 

            v  John Wilson  Dave Botting  Chris Hill  Nigel Chapman     won 16 - 15

This was an extremely close game throughout the evening.  After 10 ends Chipstead led 8 - 6 and extended their lead to 12 - 8 after 15 ends.  Epsom levelled the scores 12 - 12 after 17 ends, fell behind once more, 12 - 14 after 19 ends, but then scored 4 shots on the 20th end to lead by 2 shots.  The last end was very close with Epsom holding 3 shots, but the Chipstead number 3 played an excellent bowl to secure shot.  The situation did not change and Epsom won by just the 1 shot.

Home  John Hart  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish

            v Norman Winford  Duncan Meetcham  Roger Mallet  Dickie Day  lost 16 - 17

After 10 ends Epsom held a 1 shot advantage, 8 - 7, but after 15 ends Chipstead led 8 - 12.  The last few ends were very close, but Epsom finally lost by 1 shot.

As Chipstead were the challengers the extra end was played at Chipstead.  Epsom won the toss and gave the jack to Chipstead. This end was played in very poor light and the yellow jack being used was changed to a white one.  Epsom had control of the end right from the first bowl and Ron then drew a much closer bowl.  This was not altered by the two skips and Epsom held the necessary shot to win the match.

Final Result  Epsom 33  Chipstead 32

Many thanks to Martin Harbottle who was the travelling reserve and for collating the scores from Epsom.

Epsom will play Southey in the Semi Final.  This game to be played by 2nd September 2011. 


Ladies' Friendly

Epsom Ladies played against Ewell on Tuesday 2nd August 2011 and won on all 3 rinks & won the match 82 - 24.  The Ladies played very well all afternoon and all 3 rinks finished strongly over the last 6 ends scoring a total of 41 shots.  The weather was really very hot and humid so it was decided to play 18 ends only.

Rink 1  Ann Bailey  Maureen Trumble  Anne Hoffmann  Gill Sperring  won 36 - 5

This rink dominated play right from the start and led 17 - 3 after 10 ends, finally winning by 31 shots.

Rink 2  Sylvia Smart  Ruth Nixon  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills  won 21 - 16

Epsom got off to a poor start on this rink and found themselves 7 - 12 behind after 10 ends.  They came back well and won by 5 shots.

Rink 3  Sue Needham  Diana Taylor  Jan Allum  Jo Ellis  won 25 - 3

Just like rink 1 this team dominated play and led 12 - 2 after 10 ends.  Ewell only managed 1 more shot in the game and Epsom won comfortably by 22 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 82  Ewell 24


Chrystie League

Epsom played Leatherhead in the Chrystie League on Monday 1st August 2011 and won on 1 rink, lost the other & lost the match overall 26 - 28.

Rink 3  Bill Lawrence  Derek Martin  Bob Blaker  Roy Doughty  won 16 - 12

Leatherhead had the better of the first 10 ends of this game and led 9 - 5 after 10 ends.  Epsom came back well and went ahead 14 - 10 after 15 ends.  They continued to play well and won by 4 shots.

Rink 4  Ken Rogers  Vic Phillips  Derek Jones  Clive Banderet  lost 10 - 16

This rink got off to a very bad start and were 1 - 11 down after 10 ends.  They came back well and were 9 - 14 behind after 15 ends.  On the last end this rink needed 1 shot to tie the match overall & were holding 4 shots when the Leatherhead skip went to the mat.  He drew second bowl with his first wood and then played an excellent last bowl to win the end.  Epsom lost the rink by 6 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 26  Leatherhead 28    Epsom 1 point  Leatherhead 3 points


Men's & Ladies League matches v Wallington

Epsom Men & Ladies both won at Wallington in a League match on Saturday 30th July 2011.  This was the 11th year in a row that Epsom Men have won this fixture.

Details:  Men

Rink 1  Geoff Purrott  Ron Snow  John Warren  Jim Scott  won 26 - 15

After 7 ends when the scores were level 7 - 7.  Epsom took control and went into 13 - 7 lead after 11 ends.  Epsom finished the game strongly scoring a total of 8 shots over the last 4 ends to win the rink by 11 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Len Philpott  Cyril Newman  Pat Buckley  won 29 - 17

Epsom held a 2 shot lead after 10 ends, 11 - 9, and had an excellent second half outscoring Wallington to win by 12 shots.

Rink 5  Bill Lawrence  Roy Doughty  Terry Hoye  Peter Miller  won 21 - 20

Epsom held a healthy lead, 16 - 8 after 13 ends, but Wallington fought back well to go ahead 17 - 18 after 18 ends.  Epsom scored 4 shots to Wallington's 2 shots over the last 3 ends to win narrowly by 1 shot.

Rink 6  John Hart  Eric Brown  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 33 - 16*

This rink got off to a poor start and found themselves 2 - 10 down after just 4 ends.  They then took control scoring a total of 16 shots on the next 7 ends to go ahead 18 - 10.  The rink continued to dominate and outscored Wallington 15 shots to 6 over the remaining 10 ends.  They won by 17 shots

Final Score:  Epsom 109  Wallington 68  Epsom 6 points  Wallington 0 points

* Highest winning rink


Details:  Ladies

Rink 2  Audrey Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Jan Allum  Gill Sperring won 24 - 23

Epsom got off to really poor start on this rink and found themselves 4 - 14 down after 10 ends.  They won the next 4 ends scoring a total of 15 shots to take the lead 19 - 14.  The remainder of the game was evenly contested, but Epsom held their nerve and went on to win by just the 1 shot.

Rink 4  Lyz Warren  Dolly Snow  Eileen Mills  Sylvia Pearce  drew 16 - 16

This was a very even game throughout the afternoon.  Epsom was down 6 - 9 after 10 ends, 10 - 12 behind at 15 ends but fought well to achieve a draw.

Final Score:  Epsom 40  Wallington 39  Epsom 3˝ points  Wallington ˝ point


Ladies' Friendly

Epsom played a Triples match against Dorking on Thursday 28th July 2011 and won on two rinks, lost on the third, but won the match 56 - 47.  This was a rearranged game from 14th June 2011.


Rink 2  Tessa Hurworth  Lyz Warren  Jo Ellis  won 19 - 8

Up to the 8th end this was a close contest, but Epsom scored 4 shots on the 10th end and continued to dominate the game winning by 11 shots.

Rink 3  Audrey Jones  Maureen Morris  Sylvia Pearce  lost 16 - 29

This was a remarkable game as Epsom got off to a terrible start finding themselves 0 - 14 down after 6 ends.  They got back into the match very well to draw level 16 - 16 after 14 ends.  However, Dorking had 4 excellent ends scoring a total of 13 shots to beat Epsom by 13 shots.

Rink 4  Sylvia Smart  Anne Hoffmann  Jan Allum  won 21 - 10

This rink dominated play all afternoon.  They led 8 - 7 at 10 ends, but had an excellent last 8 ends scoring 13 shots to Dorking's 3 shots.  They won by 11 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 56  Dorking 47