East Surrey League

Epsom Men played away at Caterham on Sunday 6th September.  Last year Epsom lost at home, but this year they won on all 4 rinks securing a 6 points to nil result.  This was the 7th League in a row that Epsom have won.


Rink 2 skipped by Graham Pilbrow got off to a poor start and found themselves 12 - 2 down after just 8 ends.  They then got into the game and went ahead 14 - 13 after 15 ends.  They scored a 4 on the 19th end and went on to win 21 - 18.

Rink 3 skipped by Graham Naish was involved in a very tight game.  The scores were level 10 - 10 after 10 ends, but then they lost the lead but came back to score a 5 on the 17th end to regain the lead 18 - 16.  They finished well scoring a 2, 1 & 2 to win 23 - 18.

Rink 5 skipped by Peter Miller had a very good start and went into a 12 - 3 lead after 10 ends.  Caterham had a much better second half and got back to within 2 shots, 17 - 15 after 19 ends.  Epsom held out to win by just the 1 shot 18 - 17.

Rink 6 skipped by Les Owen had a good first half and led 19 - 9 after 10 ends.  They continued to score in the second half and won comfortably 31 - 15.

Final Details:

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  Cyril Newman  John Hart  Graham Pilbrow  Won 21 - 18

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  John Warren  George Sperring  Graham Naish   Won 23 - 18

Rink 5  Martin Harbottle  Derek Hoffmann  David Sowdon  Peter Miller   Won 18 - 17

Rink 6  Geoff Purrott  Roy Ward  Jim Scott  Les Owen   Won 31 - 15*

Final Score:  Epsom 93  Caterham 68

                       Epsom 6 points  Caterham 0 points

* Highest winning rink


East Surrey League

The Ladies also played a League match at Caterham on Sunday 6th September.  They lost on both rinks with one of these having a dramatic collapse.


Rink 1 skipped by Gill Sperring got off to an excellent start and led 13 - 3 after 10 ends.  They increased the lead to 22 - 6 after 14 ends, but Caterham shortened the jack length and Epsom lost their way dropping 19 shots over the last 7 ends to lost 25 - 22.

Rink 4 skipped by Sylvia Pearce struggled throughout the game.  They were behind 11 - 6 after 10 ends, fell further behind 16 - 7 after 15 ends and were soundly beaten 22 - 9.

Final Details:

Rink 1  Freda Starkey  Sandra Huxford  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring   Lost 22 - 25

Rink 4  Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  Jo Ellis  Sylvia Pearce  Lost 9 - 22

Final Score:  Epsom 31  Caterham 47

                       Epsom 0 points  Caterham 4 points


Finals Day       Sunday 30th August 2009


Men's Lower Handicap Singles  Alan Wybrow v Tony Jackman


Alan got off to a good start in the game and led 14 - 4 after 10 ends.  Tony scored a 2 and the n 1 shot on ends 11 & 12, but Alan went on to win 21 - 9.


Mixed Handicap Pairs  Jan Allum & Pat Buckley v Ruth Nixon & Fred Read


There was a big handicap difference in this game which gave Fred & Ruth a 9 shot start.  At 6 ends Jan & Pat were well down 16 - 5.  At 11 ends they had narrowed the gap to 19 - 13, but they then won the next 8 ends scoring a total of 19 shots to win 32 - 20.  An excellent performance.


Ladies' Handicap Triples  Heather Pigden, Dolly Snow & Maggie O'Sullivan v Nancy Smillie, Lyz Warren & Gill Sperring


At 10 end Maggie's team was 12 - 6 ahead and increased their lead to 19 - 6 after 15 ends.  Although Gill's team scored a 5 on the 16th end it was not quite enough.  Maggie's team won 20 - 12. This was the first time Heather has won a Competition at the Club.


Ladies Championship Singles  Gill Sperring v Jo Ellis


Although Gill got off to a 7 - 0 lead this turned out to be a very close and exciting game to watch.  At 10 ends Gill led 10 - 6, but Jo had a much better second half in the match.  Gill took the lead 20 - 18 on end 24, but then had a disastrous 25th end when she dropped the 3 shots Jo required for victory, 21 - 20.


Men's Championship Singles  Graham Pilbrow v Sid Bailey


For the fourth year in a row Graham appeared in the final and this game was no different from the last 3.  He overcame a brave fight from Sid by winning 21 - 10.  This win means that Graham has won the Men's Singles Championship on 20 occasions - quite incredible.


Men's Handicap Triples  Derek Jones, John Warren & Martin Harbottle v Bob Lister, Laurie Mills & Ted Ray.


This turned out to be a very one sided game.  Martin's team raced to a 17 - 4 lead after just 10 ends.  They dominated the second half and the game was over on the 17th end when Martin's team won 27 - 7.  This is the first time Derek Jones has won a Competition at the Club.


100 Up Cup  Peter Miller v Gill Sperring


This was the last game to be played on the Sunday & for Gill this was the 6th Competition of the weekend. This was the very first year that the 100 Up Cup has been played and Mrs Joan Reynolds (wife of Geoff Reynolds - who passed away last year) attended.

Joan donated the Cup in memory of Geoff.

The game turned out to be an excellent finale for the weekend.  Many members stayed to watch the match and several ooh's and aah's were heard.  The game was played in an excellent sporting manner.  There was never much in the score throughout and on the 17th end Peter led 90 - 80.  The last few ends were very tense, but Peter held on to become the very first winner of the 100 Up Cup.


Finals Day       Saturday 29th August 2009


Ladies' Two Wood Plate    Diana Taylor v Maggie O’Sullivan


This was a very close game all the way through.  After 9 ends the scores were level 6 – 6, and remained even at 12 ends, 8 – 8.  Maggie took the lead 13 – 11 at 18 ends and increased her lead to 14 – 11 after the next end.  Diana came back strongly on the 20th end to score 2 shots to force the game into the last end.  Diana held the shot after the first 2 bowls had been delivered, and then flicked the jack with her second bowl to still hold shot.  Maggie played an excellent last bowl inside Diana’s shot bowl to win the match 15 – 13.


Ladies Handicap Pairs     Pat Felloni & Gill Sperring v Sandra Huxford & Jo Ellis


After 10 ends the scores were level and remained level at 15 ends, 13 – 13.  Jo & Sandra then had 3 very good ends when they scored a total of 9 shots to go ahead 22 – 13.  Gill & Pat won the last 3 ends, but failed to catch up and lost 22 – 18.


Men’s Fours    Alan Wybrow, Ken Phillpot, Peter Humphreys & Terry Hoye v

                                  Derek Martin, Tony Jackman, Fred Read & Peter Miller.


Peter’s team got off to a very good start and led 13 – 1 after 7 ends.  At 15 ends they had stretched their lead to 19 – 9.  This was immediately followed by a 4 which proved to be too much of a hill to climb for Terry’s team.  Peter's team won 23 – 12.

This was the first time Derek Martin has won a Competition at the Club.


Ladies' Handicap Singles    Gill Sperring v Jo Ellis


The first half of this game was very even.  At 10 ends Gill led 9 - 8.  Jo went ahead 12 - 10, but then Gill scored 10 shots over the next 5 ends to go ahead 20 - 12.  Jo fought hard to get back into the game by scoring 4 shots over 3 ends.  However, Gill managed to get the two shots necessary to win on the 23rd end 22 - 16.


Men's Handicap Singles   Graham Pilbrow v John Hart


This turned out to be an excellent game with John fighting hard to come back from a big deficit.  At 9 ends Graham led 10 - 7 and he won the next 7 ends scoring 11 shots to lead 21 - 7.  John then staged an excellent fight back to trail 21 - 15, but Graham won the game by getting the 3 shots necessary over the 27th & 28th ends to win 26 - 18.


Mixed Singles  David Sowdon v Brian Kenyon

This turned out to be a close game throughout.  At 10 ends David led 9 - 7.  Brian drew level at 13 ends, 10 - 10 and then he won 6 ends in a row to go ahead 18 - 12.  On ends 23, 24 & 25 David scored 2 3's and a 2 to go ahead 20 - 18.  The last two ends were very tense, but David managed to win the game 21 - 19.


Men's Handicap Pairs  Alan Wybrow & Eric Brown v Vic Phillips & Sid Bailey


After 9 ends Sid & Vic took the lead 9 - 8 and then scored 12 shots over the next 6 ends to go ahead 21 - 8.  Eric & Alan then came back into the game scoring a total of 7 shots to be just 6 shots adrift with 2 ends remaining.  Sid & Vic scored 3 shots over the last two ends to win 24 - 15. This is the first time Vic has won a Competition at the Club


Men's Two Wood  Graham Pilbrow v Martin Harbottle


After 5 ends the scores were tied at 4 - 4 and at 10 ends Graham took the lead 8 - 5.  Graham then dominated the match running out a comfortable winner 15 - 6 after 17 ends.


Ladies' Two Wood    Gill Sperring v Eileen Mills


Gill, playing her third game of the day dominated the match and after 10 ends led 10 - 4.  She won the last 5 ends to win comfortably 19 - 4.


Ladies' Friendly

Epsom Ladies lost at home against Purley on Tuesday 25th August 78 - 48.  This was the first defeat since 23rd July having won their last 6 matches.


Rink 2 skipped by Eileen Mills did not have a very good afternoon.  They found themselves 18 - 6 down after 10 ends and only scored 5 more shots in the game.  They lost heavily 37 - 11.

Rink 3 skipped by Gill Sperring was involved in a much closer game.  At 10 ends they were 8 - 6 down, but had a very good second half and went on to win 20 - 16.

Rink 4 skipped by Sylvia Pearce was also down at 10 ends, 14 - 4.  They recovered well in the second half, but still lost 25 - 17.

Final Details:

Rink 2    Audrey Jones  Betty Day  Maureen Trumble  Eileen Mills        Lost 11 - 37

Rink 3    Anne Hoffmann  Tessa Hurworth  Dolly Snow  Gill Sperring      Won 20 - 16

Rink 4    Maggie O'Sullivan  Ann Bailey  Jan Allum  Sylvia Pearce           Lost 17 - 25

Final Score:  Epsom 48  Purley 78


Men's Friendly

Epsom Men played away at Cheam Fields on Wednesday 26th August and won the match 94 - 60.

They won three rinks and lost the other.


Rink 1 skipped by David Sowdon was 12 - 5 up at 10 ends and continued to dominate the game eventually winning 32 - 9.

Rink 2 skipped by Eric Brown was involved in a close game.  At 10 ends Epsom led 9 - 7, and the game remained fairly even in the second half.  Epsom won 20 - 17.

Rink 3 skipped by Captain of the Day, John Warren, had a poor first half and found themselves 15 - 8 down at 10 ends.  They recovered well in the second half and closed the gap, but eventually lost 23 - 18.

Rink 4 skipped by Ron Mew was 11 - 7 up at 10 ends and had an excellent second half.  They scored 13 shots to 4 over ends 11 - 21 to win 24 - 11.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Ron Snow, Clive Banderet, Ken Lacey, Dave Sowdon                won 32-9
Rink 2    Arthur Upward, Bill Norman, Alan Wybrow, Eric Brown             won 20-17
Rink 3    John Southam, Derek Jones, Derek Hoffmann, John Warren     lost 18-23
Rink 4    Brian Kenyon, John Huxford, Geoff Purrott, Ron Mew               won 24-11

Final Score:  Epsom 94  Cheam Fields 60


Sutton & District Paston Cup

Graham Pilbrow has reached the Paston Cup Final for the 7th time.  He beat David Pearce from Chipstead 21 - 11 on Tuesday 25th August.  The game was played on a neutral green - Sutton.  Graham has won this trophy 5 times which is a record for this Competition.  His last win came last year - 2008.  The Final will take place on Saturday 12th September.  The time of the Final will be posted here as soon as it becomes available.

Congratulations Graham from all at Epsom Bowling Club.

You can view the whole history of Sutton & District Bowling Association and records of all the trophies that take place within this Association on this Web Site.  Simply go to Associations - Sutton & District and follow the links.


A BIG Thank you
I, not only for myself, but I am sure for all the members of Epsom Bowling Club wish to say a BIG thank you to all those involved in making our Centenary Year such a special occasion.
There has obviously been a massive amount of work and much preparation in organising the events, resulting in everything going off smoothly, the events have been most enjoyable, and even quite classy!
So a BIG thank you to Tony Jackman, Maureen Trumble, Arthur Upward, Sid Bailey, Anne Hoffmann, Betty Day, Cyril Newman, George Sperring, Bill Ellis (Gala Day), Nancy Smillie, John Warren and Eileen Mills for all their work behind the scenes.
To Bob Brennan, George Sperring and Peter Miller for their excellent work on the green. To John Hart and all his helpers behind the bar, and to all other members who have helped to make 2009 a special year for us.
The meals have been excellent, and what a difference it has made to have crisp tablecloths, and on occasions flower displays, quite classy! Well done Nancy Smillie and Mrs Ruston.
Another BIG thank you to Les Owen. What a colossal amount of work he has done for Epsom Bowling Club. Not only being Men’s Captain, but also serving on all the Committees continually up dating our Web Site, writing and editing our monthly Newsletter etc. etc.
Les Owen this season has displayed an (until now) hidden talent. The Welsh Nation for many years has produced many famous people with a great command of the English Language whether it has been written or oral
I list the following:- Aneurin Bevan, Lloyd George, Dylan Thomas, Richard Burton, Max Boyce, Anthony Hopkins and many more.
Les Owen (the first Welsh Captain in the history of Epsom Bowling Club), during his captaincy in our Centenary Year has not only shown a great command of the English Language but a great delivery as well. Les has shown what a great orator he is, and having displayed this skill his name can be added to his above mentioned Welsh ancestors - just joking Les! but I really have enjoyed the delivery of his speeches, but most of all I would like to thank you for your efforts on behalf of Epsom Bowling Club.
Finally having been a member of Epsom Bowling Club since 1975 I have great affection for and loyalty to Epsom Bowling Club. It is a wonderful achievement for the Club to reach the landmark of 100 years.
As pointed out by many visiting presidents the game of bowls, as with other sports, is in decline as a result of fewer people nowadays taking up sport. For instance over 20 years ago within the County of Surrey there were around 220 clubs, now there about 150.
Compared with many other clubs Epsom Bowling Club is in a reasonably healthy state with around 100 members, however, in the 1970's and 1980's our membership was full at 140.
In recent years we have had reasonably successful recruitment campaigns. It is my total belief that to ensure the continuing future of Epsom Bowling Club we start up another vigorous recruitment campaign, thus continuing the traditions of Epsom Bowling Club namely the enjoyment of playing the game of bowls retaining the harmony and friendship of all its members.
Anyway thanks again for making Epsom Bowling Centenary Year such a special enjoyable event.
Graham Pilbrow

I am writing in answer to a request for feedback on members' thoughts re the Newsletter.
In my opinion the Newsletter is a First Class way of providing members with a monthly update on what has been happening on a number of fronts: playing – both in club and inter-club; law changes and the social side together with humorous anecdotes, jokes and puzzles. I believe the club is very fortunate to have someone like you who is prepared to give so much time and effort to produce not only the Newsletter but also the club's Website. The Newsletter, however, is an important means of communication to those who do not have a computer.
I believe you have the balance about right with text and photos. Both Diane and I would miss the Newsletter if a decision was made to stop the production and we would not be alone! Therefore I hope members will respond to your enquiry and I do not mind if you publish this letter in the hope that it may be a reminder to those who have not let you know their views.
I take this opportunity to THANK YOU for your efforts to give the club so much information on such a regular basis. The club could really do with a few more like you.
I will keep my fingers crossed.
Warmest regards - Eric Brown

Secretaries Team v Presidents Team

This annual fixture took place on Sunday afternoon 23rd August.  It was a very hot sunny day when 40 members turned out to play.  The Secretaries Team selected by John Warren won 92 - 70.  The President's Team was selected by Epsom's President Tony Jackman.  The game was over 18 ends.


Rink 1 Secretaries - John Southam  Bill Ellis  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren

             Presidents - Olive Phillips  Ken Phillpot  Derek Hoffmann  Maureen Trumble

At 10 ends the score was 12 - 9 to the President's Team, but the Secretaries Team had a very strong second half scoring a total of 14 shots for and only 2 against to win 23 - 14.

Rink 2  Secretaries - Bill Lawrence  Audrey Norman  Pat Felloni  John Warren

              Presidents - Ruth Nixon  Tony Jackman  Eileen Mills  Cyril Newman

At 10 ends the President's Team were ahead by just 1 shot, 8 - 7.  However they dropped 6 shots on the 11th end and with the last half of the game being fairly even these 6 shots turned out to be the deciding factor allowing the Secretaries Team to win 18 - 14.

Rink 3  Secretaries - Doris Flintham  Heather Pigden  Eileen Godfrey  Sid Bailey

              Presidents - Reg Grady  Maggie O'Sullivan  Geoff Purrott  Pat Buckley

This turned out to be a very even contest throughout the afternoon.  The Secretaries led 12 - 11 at 10 ends, 15 - 12 at 15 ends, but the President's rink came back strongly to tie the scores 14 - 14.

Rink 4  Secretaries - Ann Bailey  Trish Tewfig  Derek Jones  Brian Kenyon

              Presidents - Bill Norman  Sandra Huxford  John Huxford  Len Philpott*

This game also turned out to be very close.  The President's side led 7 - 6 at 10 ends, 11 - 10 at 15 ends and held on to win by just the one shot 14 - 13.

Rink 5  Secretaries  - Tessa Hurworth  Clive Allum  Roy Doughty  Ron Mew*

              Presidents - Audrey Jones  Vic Phillips  Anne Hoffmann  Peter Humphreys

This turned out to be quite an easy game for the Secretaries.  They led 11 - 4 at 10 ends and scored heavily in the second half to win comfortably 22 - 12.

Final Score:  Secretaries Team 92   President's Team 70

After the game prizes were given to the highest winning rinks as indicated above *

All players enjoyed a welcome cup of tea and cakes- a most enjoyable afternoon.


Past Times

Epsom played Cheam in the Semi Final of the Past Times Competition on Saturday 22nd August.  Unfortunately they lost at home and away.  At 19 ends Epsom had a 2 shot advantage overall, but the away rink dropped a total of 6 shots over the last 3 ends shots & the home rink dropped 4 shots on the 20th end. These dropped shots gave the win to Cheam.


Home Rink skipped by Les Owen had a poor start and found themselves 12 - 7 down at 10 ends.  Epsom won 6 of the next 9 ends, but Cheam kept the score to just 1 shot every end won by Epsom.  On the 19th end Epsom were just 2 shots behind, 14 - 16 and the news from away meant that Epsom were ahead by 2 shots overall.  Unfortunately the home rink dropped 4 shots on the 20th end to lose the rink 20 - 15.

Away rink skipped by Graham Naish were also down at 10 ends, 9 - 6, but they began to play well and were ahead 17 - 12 at 18 ends.  Unfortunately they too dropped vital shots - 6 over the last 3 ends.

Final Details:

Away    Brian Kenyon  John Hart  George Sperring  Graham Naish    Lost 17 - 18

Home    Graham Pilbrow  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  Les Owen            Lost 15 - 20

Final Score:  Epsom 32  Cheam 38


Ladies Friendly

The Epsom Ladies played Epsom Court in a Friendly on Thursday 20th August and won on all three rinks.


Rink 3 skipped by Jo Ellis was involved in a close first half.  Epsom led 11 - 10 at 10 ends then increased their lead to 20 - 14 at 15 ends.  Over the last few ends Epsom played well and secured a 29 - 22 victory.

Rink 4 skipped by Gill Sperring was 12 - 6 up at 10 ends.  They also increased the lead at 15 ends to 18 - 8.  Epsom Court came back into the game over the last few ends, but Epsom held on to win 22 - 13.

Rink 5 was a Triple skipped by Sylvia Pearce.  They had a very slow start when they were 9 - 5 down at 10 ends.  Starting at 12 ends they then won 6 ends in a row, scoring a total of 16 shots to go on to an excellent win 21 - 11.

Final Details:

Rink 3    Freda Starkey  Tessa Hurworth  Maureen Trumble  Jo Ellis      Won 29 - 22

Rink 4    Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Godfrey  Lyz Warren  Gill Sperring        Won 22 - 13

Rink 5    Dolly Snow  Pat Felloni  Sylvia Pearce                                            Won 21 - 11

Final Score:  Epsom 72  Epsom Court 48


Mixed Friendly

Epsom played the London Secretaries on Wednesday 19th August as part of the Centenary Celebrations.  Unfortunately The Secretaries could only bring 5 rinks so Epsom made the 6th rink up by using all Epsom players.  (This score is shown separately).  The Secretaries were also one short on a rink so an Epsom player played.  During the game on this rink one of the Secretaries players was taken to hospital and another Epsom player stepped in.  It turned out to be a very warm sunny afternoon.


Rink 1 skipped by Peter Humphreys did not get off to a good start and found themselves 17 - 1 down at 11 ends.  They had a much better second half, but still lost 24 - 11.

Rink 2 skipped by Peter Miller was involved in a very close game throughout the afternoon.  At 10 ends the score was level 6 - 6 and 10 - 10 at 15 ends.  Going into the last end Epsom led 14 - 13, but dropped 2 shots to lose the rink 15 - 14.

Rink 3 skipped by Cyril Newman was 14 - 11 up at 10 ends and remained ahead for the rest of the game.  The Secretaries pulled back to be just one shot down, 19 - 18, at 19 ends, but Epsom held on to win 22 - 19.

Rink 4 skipped by Les Owen was 9 - 2 down after just 6 ends.  They then scored 9 shots over 3 ends to take 11 - 9 lead.  They lost the lead again at 15 ends, 18 - 16, but finished strongly to win 23 - 22.

Rink 5 skipped by Ron Mew got off to a great start and led 21 - 3 at 10 ends.  Leading 29 - 5 at 16 ends the wheels fell off and they dropped a total of 12 shots, but still won comfortably 29 - 17.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Anne Hoffmann  Roy Doughty  John Warren Peter Humphreys       Lost 11 - 24

Rink 2    Bill Lawrence  Maureen Trumble  Lyz Warren  Peter Miller            Lost 14 - 15

Rink 3    Arthur Upward  Dolly Snow  Sid Bailey  Cyril Newman                      Won 22 - 19

Rink 4    Maggie O'Sullivan  Tony Jackman  Eileen Mills  Les Owen              Won 23 - 22

Rink 5    Bill Norman  Pat Felloni  Eric Brown  Ron Mew                                  Won 29 - 17*

Final Score:    Epsom 99   London Secretaries 97

* Highest winning rink.

Rink 6   Epsom v Epsom


Ann Bailey  Clive Banderet  Geoff Purrott  Martin Harbottle v

Ruth Nixon  Derek Hoffmann  Brian Kenyon  Roy Ward.

After 10 ends  Roy's team was 14 - 13 ahead, went further ahead 20 - 15 at 15 ends and held on to win by just 2 shots 22 - 20.

Many thanks to these 8 players for agreeing to play each other & to make up the 6 rinks.

Heather Pigden took over from the player unwell on rink 1.


East Surrey League

Epsom played at home against Cheam Fields on Sunday 16th August.  Last year Epsom had a disappointing result at Cheam Fields when they only managed a draw, 76 - 76 (3 - 3).  They were hoping for a little better this year considering the last 5 games this season have been excellent wins.  The team for this game had to be changed at the last moment as 3 of the original team had qualified for the Semi Final of the Area 3 Top 4 Competition.  This gave John Huxford the opportunity to play in his very first League game.  John became the 138th member of Epsom Bowling Club to play in the League since it began on 6th June 1987.  Roy Ward, who played today, was a member of that game in 1987 which Epsom lost against Old Coulsdon 70 - 82(1 - 5).

Epsom completed the weekend with another win.  This time they won 100 - 67 and gained 5 points to Cheam Fields 1 point.  This also extended the winning streak to 6 games.


Rink 1 skipped by Pat Buckley made a poor start, but drew level 10 - 10 after 10 ends.  They took the lead, but lost it again quite quickly.  Over the last few ends Cheam Fields scored a 3 then 4 shots which proved to be decisive and they went on to win 24 - 16.

Rink 2 skipped by Les Owen went into a 12 - 6 lead after 10 ends.  At 15 ends they stretched the lead to 22 - 9.  Although Cheam Fields scored a total of 10 shots over the last few ends the rink ran out comfortable winners 32 - 19.

Rink 4 skipped by Peter Miller was 13 - 7 ahead at 10 ends and continued to win end after end to stretch the lead to 20 - 7 at 15 ends.  They continued to dominate the game and ran out easy winners 27 - 10.

Rink 6 skipped by Graham Naish stormed into a 18 - 2 lead after just 10 ends.  They had a few loose ends in the second half of the game, but they too had a comfortable win 25 - 14.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Geoff Purrott  Len Philpott  Roy Ward  Pat Buckley                   Lost 16 - 24

Rink 2    John Huxford  John Warren  Ron Mew  Les Owen                     Won 32 - 19

Rink 4    Bill Lawrence  Roy Doughty    Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller   Won 27 - 10*

Rink 6    Ron Snow  Derek Hoffmann  George Sperring  Graham Naish   Won 25 - 14

Final Result:  Epsom 100    Cheam Fields 67

                        Epsom 5 points  Cheam Fields 1 point

* Highest winning rink


East Surrey League - Ladies

The Ladies played Cheam Fields on Sunday 16th August and lost the match 26 - 49.


Rink 3 skipped by Gill Sperring was 8 - 7 ahead at 10 ends, but fell behind 15 - 10 at 15 ends.  They fought hard over the last few ends, but fell short by just 2 shots to lose 18 - 16.

Rink 5 skipped by Jo Ellis was having a very hard time being outplayed for most of the game.  They were 15 - 4 down at 10 ends, fell further behind 23 - 6 at 15 ends and eventually lost 31 - 10.

Final details:

Rink 3    Sandra Huxford  Jan Allum  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring      Lost 16 - 18

Rink 5    Maggie O’Sullivan  Tessa Hurworth  Lyz Warren  Jo Ellis  Lost 10 - 31

Final Score:    Epsom 26  Cheam Fields 49    Epsom 0 points  Cheam Fields 4 points


East Surrey League

Epsom played away against Shirley Park on Saturday 15th August.  In recent years Epsom have had a good record in the League playing at home against Shirley Park, but have always struggled away.  (Last year Epsom won 75 - 70, 4 - 2).  This year it turned out to be an excellent win for Epsom as they won for the first time since 1999 at Shirley Park.  They won two rinks, lost two rinks, but won the match overall 76 - 68.  At 10 ends Shirley Park were just 4 shots ahead overall, 34 - 30 then Epsom levelled at 15 ends, 48 - 48.  The last few ends decided the match in Epsom's favour.

This gives Epsom a great chance of finishing in the top 3 this year after some poor results earlier in the season.


Rink 3 skipped by Graham Naish was 8 - 5 down at 10 ends, fell further behind at 15 ends 12 - 7.  However, they had a good second half, but eventually lost 19 - 14.

Rink 4 skipped by Jim Scott got off to an excellent start and led 13 - 3 at 10 ends.  They stretched the lead to 17 - 7 at 15 ends and ran out comfortable winners 27 - 11.

Rink 5 skipped by Peter Miller had a similar game to rink 3.  They were down 12 - 5 at 10 ends, 15 - 10 down at 15 ends and just failed to close the gap finally losing 20 - 15.

Rink 6 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was involved in a very close game.  They were 11 - 7 down at 10 ends, drew level at 15 ends 14 - 14 and after some good play over the last few ends they won 20 - 18.

Final Details:

Rink 3    Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  George Sperring  Graham Naish    Lost 14 - 19

Rink 4    Bill Lawrence  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Mew  Jim Scott                Won 27 - 11*

Rink 5    Martin Harbottle  Roy Ward  David Sowdon  Peter Miller          Lost 15 - 20

Rink 6    John Hart  John Warren  Pat Buckley  Graham Pilbrow               Won 20 - 18

Final Score:    Epsom 76  Shirley Park 68    Epsom 4 points  Shirley Park 2 points

* Highest winning rink


East Surrey League - Ladies

The Epsom Ladies played Shirley Park & lost the match 36 - 49.  They lost one rink, but drew the other,


Rink 1 skipped by Gill Sperring was 20 - 4 down at 10 ends and had a much better second half, but failed to narrow the score and lost 28 - 15.

Rink 2 skipped by Sylvia Pearce was involved in a much closer game.  At 10 ends they led 12 - 9 and went further ahead 21 - 11 on 17 ends.  Then - disaster they dropped a total of 10 shots on the last 4 ends to hold on to a draw 21 - 21.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Sandra Huxford  Maureen Trumble  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring     Lost 15 - 28

Rink 2    Anne Hoffmann  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren  Sylvia Pearce                 Drew 21 - 21

Final Score:  Epsom 36  Shirley Park 49

                      Epsom ˝ Shirley Park 3˝


Ladies Friendly

The Epsom Ladies played against Ashtead on the 18th August and won the match 56 - 46.  They won one rink and drew the other.


Rink 2 skipped by Lyz Warren was having a very close game.  They led 12 - 8 at 10 ends, but allowed Ashtead back into the game to draw the rink 17 - 17.

Rink 3 skipped by Gill Sperring was 11 - 4 down at 10 ends and 15 - 5 down at 14 ends.  They then had 4 remarkable ends when they scored a total of 10 shots to draw the rink 15 - 15.

Rink 4 skipped by Jo Ellis raced into a 22 - 6 lead at 14 ends and although Ashtead scored 2 4's they won comfortably 24 - 14.

Rink 2    Tessa Hurworth  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren                Drew 17 - 17

Rink 3    Doris Flintham  Pat Felloni  Jo Ellis                           Won 24 - 14

Rink 4    Anne Hoffmann  Maureen Trumble  Gill Sperring    Drew 15 - 15

Final Score:  Epsom 56  Ashtead 46


Area 3 Top 4

The Epsom four Brian Kenyon, Fred Read, John Hart & Graham Pilbrow won through to the Semi Final of the Area 3 Top 4 Competition.  The Semi Final was played on Sunday morning the 16th August at Sutton Bowling Club.  After a tense game in the morning Epsom won on the extra end.  This meant they played Old Coulsdon in the afternoon.  After a great achievement in getting to the Final the Epsom four just fell short and lost by 9 shots.

Well done to the four for doing so well this year.


Centenary Match

Epsom played The London & Southern Counties Bowling Association on Wednesday 12th August as part of their Centenary Celebrations.  The London & Southern Counties team was represented by players from 7 Counties and 18 different Clubs.  This turned out to be a heavy defeat for Epsom 158 - 118.  Although this was a big defeat it turned out to be quite a comeback in the second half of the match by Epsom.  Trailing heavily at 15 ends across the 6 rinks Epsom rallied on each rink and scored a total of 57 shots from ends 15 - 21.


Rink 1 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was involved in a very close match up to 13 ends when the score was 11 - 11.  However, the rink had a very good second half scoring a total of 18 shots to win 29 - 15.

Rink 2 skipped by Jim Scott was struggling from the beginning and fell behind 17 - 5 at 10 ends.  Things did not get much better up to end 16 when the score increased to 25 - 9.  However, over the last few ends the rink found some form and scored a total of 16 shots to eventually lose by just 3 shots.

Rink 3 skipped by Les Owen was 12 - 8 down at 10 ends and fell further behind 26 - 12 at 16 ends.  On ends 17 & 18 Epsom picked a total of 8 shots to get back into the game, but immediately dropped a 4.  They ended up being beaten soundly 32 - 22.

Rink 4 skipped by George Sperring was never in the game.  They struggled throughout the afternoon being 16 - 7 down at 15 ends and lost the rink 28 - 8.

Rink 5 skipped by Peter Miller was 10 - 9 up at 9 ends, but then did not score for 7 ends.  Although they rallied between ends 16 - 19, scoring 9 shots in total, they lost 25 - 19.

Rink 6 skipped by Ron Mew was involved in a very close game up to end 12 - down 12 - 11.  Disaster struck on ends 13 and 14 when they dropped a 6 then a maximum 8.  This totally transformed the game and they lost 33 - 15.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Peter Humphreys  Ken Lacey  Terry Hoye  Graham Pilbrow    Won 29 - 15*

Rink 2    Bill Norman  Sid Bailey  Roy Ward  Jim Scott                             Lost 25 - 28

Rink 3    Brian Kenyon  Tony Jackman  John Warren  Les Owen             Lost 22 - 32

Rink 4    John Hart Eric Brown  Derek Hoffmann  George Sperring         Lost 8 - 25

Rink 5    Bill Lawrence  Dave Ruston  David Sowdon  Peter Miller          Lost 19 - 25

Rink 6    Arthur Upward  Derek Jones  Cyril Newman  Ron Mew             Lost 15 - 33

Final Scores:   Epsom 118 shots  L&SCBA  158 shots

* Highest winning rink


Past Times

Epsom played against Caterham on Monday 10th August.


Away Team.  The away team skipped by Graham Naish led 8 - 6 at 10 ends but then Caterham came back into the game and they found themselves 18 - 10 down at 15 ends.  Epsom scored 4 more shots in the game and lost 24 - 14.

Home Team.  The home team was skipped by Les Owen and they got off to a great start.  At 10 ends they led 15 - 2, stretched the lead to 19 - 4, but led Caterham come back into the game dropping 7 shots in total over 4 ends.  Going into the last end news came from Caterham that Epsom had won the Extra end.  This meant that Epsom needed to win the last end at home or allow Caterham just 1 shot.  Epsom won the last end by 1 shot thus giving Epsom an overall win by 2 shots.

Final Details:

Away Rink    Brian Kenyon  John Hart  George Sperring  Graham Naish    Lost 14 - 24

Home Rink    Graham Pilbrow  Ted Ray  Peter Miller  Les Owen                 Won 24 - 12

Final Result:  Epsom 38  Caterham 36

Epsom now play Cheam in the Semi Final


Chrystie League

Epsom played at home to Leatherhead on Monday 10th August.  This was the last game of the season and Epsom finished with a win.

Rink skipped by Ken Lacey won 18 - 10 and the rink skipped by Peter Humphreys won 21 - 18.

Final Result:  Epsom 39  Leatherhead 28  Epsom 4 points  Leatherhead 0 points.

Full details of the season can be viewed by going to results and following the links.


Chrystie League 2009

The 2009 season has been completed successfully with all games being played.  This year Epsom won one more game (5) than last year (4) and ended up with 3˝ points (23) more than last season (19˝).

The Final League Table has yet to be published.  As soon as it becomes available it will be published here.

In all 17 members represented Epsom in the Chrystie League in 2009.

The following are some significant appearances:-

Ken Lacey & Ken Phillpot 9                Bob Lister & Fred Read 8        Roy Doughty 7

Ron Snow & Alan Wybrow 6               Derek Jones 5

Here are some  facts that you find interesting:-

Number of rinks won - 13        Number of rinks lost - 7.

Epsom won four of the games 4 - 0 and lost only one game 4 - 0.

Against individual Clubs Epsom won one and lost one game.

The best match win was 39 - 28 (+11) against Leatherhead on the 10th August and interestingly the worst defeat came against Leatherhead 13 - 25 (-11) on the 6th July.

The highest total shots scored in a match was on 20th July against Brockham & on 10th August against Leatherhead when the combined score was 67 shots - both Epsom wins.

The lowest combined total of shots scored was 55 in the match against Brockham when Epsom lost on the 15th June.

In the 7 matches played by Roy Doughty he was in a winning rink 6 times.  Ron Snow was in a winning rink 5 out of 6 games played.  The other interesting fact is that Bob Lister was in a winning rink 6 out of 8 matches played.

All the facts on the Chrystie League can be viewed on our Web Site.  These include all the teams for each game played since 2001.  It also includes the number of appearances made by each member over this time.

To date since 2001 Ken Lacey has played in 55 matches, Fred Read 46, Laurie Garrett 45, Bill Lawrence 35, Peter Humphreys 33 & Cyril Newman 31.

The number of members who have played in the Chrystie League since 2001 is 35.


East Surrey League

Epsom played Bletchingley on Saturday 8th August.  Traditionally this game has always been the last League match of the season (often played in pouring rain and on one occasion abandoned).  However, this season the game had been moved to this date and hopefully will remain in August in the future.  Fortunately it was played on a very warm afternoon.  Over recent years Epsom have had an impressive record against Bletchingley.  Of the 22 games played since the League began in 1987 Epsom have won 18.  Epsom made it 19 wins today in convincing fashion.  They won 3 of the rinks comfortably and just managed to scrape through on the fourth.  This win gave Epsom it's third 6 - 0 win of the season.


Rink 1 skipped by Graham Naish was leading 16 - 5 at 10 ends and scored 17 more shots over the second half of the game to win 34 - 11.

Rink 2 skipped by Les Owen got off to a slow start, but led 11 - 5 at 10 ends.  They then had a run of 6 ends scoring 13 shots.  Although Bletchingley won the last three ends the rink won comfortably 24 - 13.

Rink 3 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was involved in a very close game right from the start.  They led 9 - 7 at 10 ends, went behind 12 - 11 at 14 ends, but recovered to take the lead 17 - 14 at 17 ends.  They then lost the lead again before a second recovery saw them win by just 1 shot 20 - 19.

Rink 4 skipped by Peter Miller scored a 5 on end 9 followed by a 7 on end 10 to give themselves a 17 - 5 lead.  They continued to have the upper hand and won 30 - 17.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  Ron Mew  Graham Naish     Won 34 - 11*

Rink 2    Peter Humphreys  Cyril Newman  Jim Scott  Les Owen    Won 24 - 13

Rink 3    John Hart  Len Philpott  Pat Buckley  Graham Pilbrow      Won 20 - 19

Rink 4    Ron Snow  Roy Ward  David Sowdon  Peter Miller            Won 30 - 17

Final Result:

Epsom 108 shots  Bletchingley 60  shots

Epsom 6 points  Bletchingley 0 points.

* Highest winning rink.


Ladies Friendly

Epsom Ladies played a triples match against Bletchingley on Saturday 8th August and won on one rink and lost the other.
Rink 5 skipped by Maureen Trumble led 9 - 7 at 10 ends, but dropped 2 lots of 4 shots in the second half to lose 20 - 16.
Rink 6 skipped by Lyz Warren was never behind in the match. At 10 ends they led 16 - 5 and won comfortably 24 - 15.
Rink 5 Sandra Huxford Pat Felloni Maureen Trumble     Lost 16 - 20
Rink 6 Maggie O’Sullivan Ruth Nixon Lyz Warren         Won 24 - 15
Final Score: Epsom 40 Bletchingley 35


Area 3 Top 4

The Epsom 4 consisting of Brian Kenyon, Fred Read, John Hart & Graham Pilbrow have reached the Area Semi Final.  This will be played on Sunday 16th August.  To reach the Semi Final they beat Redhill 19 - 14.


Ladies Friendly

Epsom Ladies played against Bookham on the 4th August and won on one rink, lost on two rinks, but won the match overall.


Rink 3 skipped by Gill Sperring was having a very close game throughout the afternoon.  At 10 ends the score was 7 - 7, but at 15 ends Epsom fell behind 12 - 9.  With 3 ends to go they were 5 shots adrift and managed to win these remaining ends, but fell just one shot short to lose 15 - 14.

Rink 4 skipped by Sylvia Pearce had an amazing start.  At 13 ends Bookham had failed to score and Epsom were ahead 27 - 0.  Bookham managed to get on the scoreboard and scored a total of 7 shots over the last few ends.  Epsom won the rink convincingly 34 - 7.

Rink 5 skipped by Jo Ellis was also involved in a close game.  At 16 ends it was level 12 - 12.  Over the remaining ends it remained close, but Bookham scored 5 shots on the 20th end to go on to win 22 - 16.

Final Details:

Rink 3    Audrey Jones  Betty Day  Lyz Warren  Gill Sperring                       Lost 14 - 15

Rink 4    Maggie O’Sullivan  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  Sylvia Pearce    Won 34 - 7

Rink 5    Freda Starkey  Diana Taylor  Pat Felloni  Jo Ellis                             Lost 16 - 22


Chrystie League

Epsom travelled to Bookham for the penultimate game this season in the Chrystie League on the 3rd August.  They lost both rinks and the match 25 - 35.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Ken Phillpot  Bob Lister  Ron Snow  Fred Read                 Lost 12 - 19

Rink 2    Derek Jones  Derek Martin  Alan Wybrow  Ken Lacey    Lost 13 - 16

Final Score:  Epsom 25  Bookham 35     Epsom 0 points  Bookham 4 points


Mixed Friendly

Epsom travelled to Cheam on Sunday 2nd August to play a mixed friendly match.


Rink 4 skipped by Geoff Purrott was having a difficult afternoon.  At 10 ends they were 11 - 7 down, but pulled back to be just 1 shot behind at 15 ends, 14 - 13.  However, they had a disastrous last few ends when they dropped a total of 12 shots to lose 26 - 15.

Rink 5 skipped by John Warren was having a very poor first half.  Trailing 14 - 9 at 10 ends, 20 - 12 at 15 ends they recovered well to lose by just 2 shots, 22 - 20.

Rink 6 skipped by David Sowdon was having an excellent game.  They led 12 - 8 at 10 ends but Cheam pulled back to be just 2 shots behind at 15 ends, 16 - 14.  The last few ends belonged to Epsom and they ran out 22 - 16 winners.

Final Details:

Rink 4    Audrey Jones  Doris Flintham  Lyz Warren  Geoff Purrott     Lost 15 - 26

Rink 5    Sandra Huxford  Anne Hoffmann  Derek Hoffmann  John Warren    Lost 20 - 22

Rink 6    Tessa Hurworth  Derek Jones  Pat Felloni  David Sowdon   Won 22 - 16

Final Result:  Epsom 57  Cheam 64


East Surrey League Top 10

The Semi Final of the Top 10 took place away at Shirley Park on Sunday 2nd August.  Epsom was hoping for a repeat of the win last year against Shirley Park, also in the Semi Final, but fell short on shots.  Epsom won the Singles & Triples, but lost the Pairs & Fours.


Singles:    Graham Pilbrow, once again, represented Epsom in the Singles.  Graham was involved in a very close game, but found himself trailing 8 - 5 at 10 ends.  For the next few ends it was 1 shot per end shared between the two players.  Graham went ahead 13 - 12 after 18 ends, and kept the pressure on his opponent to take a 17 - 15 lead after 25 ends.  On the 26th end Graham played some excellent bowls and held 4 shots with one bowl to play by his opponent.  The last bowl ended up 2 yards short giving Graham a win 21 - 15 (+ 6 shots).

Pairs:    The pairs had to be changed from the last game, and this time John Hart led for Ron Mew.  They started off very well and led 9 - 5 after 8 ends.  They then had a disastrous string of 8 ends dropping a total of 19 shots.  They failed to recover from this set back and lost 26 - 12. (-14 shots).

Triples:  The triples skipped by Graham Naish got off to a great start and led 10 - 1 after just 6 ends.  At 10 ends the score was 13 - 6 to Epsom, but then like the Pairs the triple lost the next 6 ends dropping a total of 9 shots to go behind 14 -13.  Over the last three ends Epsom found their earlier good form and scored a 2, 3 & 5 to secure an excellent win 23 - 14.  (+ 9 shots). These 10 shots scored changed the whole outlook of the match as the Fours were only losing by 3 shots.

Fours:    The Fours skipped by Peter Miller was involved in a very close game.  At 10 ends the scores were level 7 - 7.  Despite picking up a 3 on the 15th end Epsom lost the last 6 ends to lose 21 - 11 (- 10 shots).

Final Details:

Singles:  Graham Pilbrow won 21 - 15    Pairs:  John Hart & Ron Mew lost 26 - 12

Triples:   Brian Kenyon, Les Owen & Graham Naish won 23 - 14

Fours:     Martin Harbottle, Ted Ray, Pat Buckley & Peter Miller lost 21 - 11

Final Scores:  Epsom 2 points  Shirley Park 2 points

                        Epsom  67 shots  Shirley Park  76

Shirley Park won by 9 shots.


Men's Friendly

The Men travelled to Raynes Park on Saturday 1st August and won on two rinks, lost on two rinks and lost the match overall 63 - 71.  This was a triples match.


Rink 1 skipped by Eric Brown was having a very difficult afternoon playing against a strong triple.  At 10 ends they were 19 - 2 down and finished the match well beaten 28 - 9.

Rink 2 skipped by Jim Scott led 12 - 9 at 10 ends, scored well in the second half to win 20 - 12.

Rink 5 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was 13 - 6 down at 10 ends, but recovered well in the last few ends to lose by just 2 shots, 16 - 14.

Rink 6 skipped by John Warren was having a very close game in the first half.  In the second half they played well to secure a 20 - 15 shot win.

Rink 1    Bill Lawrence  Ron Snow  Eric Brown                 Lost  9 - 28

Rink 2    John Southam  Derek Hoffmann  Jim Scott        Won 20 - 12

Rink 5    Ken Rogers  John Hart  Graham Pilbrow            Lost 14 - 16

Rink 6    Brian Kenyon  Tony Jackman  John Warren      Won 20 - 15

Final Score:  Epsom 63  Raynes Park 71