East Surrey League

Chipstead visited Epsom on Saturday 13th September to play the very last League game of the season.  Epsom always look forward to this game as it has always been played in a sporting manner.  This year was no exception and once again turned out to be a very competitive game.

The result of the match was not decided until the very last few ends.  Epsom shared the rinks

2 - 2, but won overall 76 - 67.

Full details:

Rink 2:    Bill Lawrence  Martin Harbottle  Terry Hoye  Peter Miller      Won 30 - 13

Rink 3:    Cyril Newman  Jim Robson  David Sowdon  Roy Ward            Lost 15 - 24

Rink 4:    John Hart  Laurie Garrett  John Warren  Pat Buckley             Won 17 - 12

Rink 5:    Roy Doughty  Geoff Purrott  Ron Snow  Les Owen                  Lost 14 - 18

Final score:  Epsom 76  Chipstead 67    Epsom 4 points  Chipstead 2 points.

Epsom finished 3rd in the League.

Well done to all players who played in the League this year.

Full details of scores etc. can be viewed in the relevant section of the Web Site.  Visit 'Associations', 'East Surrey League' and follow the links.


East Surrey League - Men

Epsom v Caterham

Epsom suffer an unexpected defeat against Caterham on Sunday 7th September.  Needing just 5 points from the remaining two games to make sure of third place in the league Epsom were very confident of securing most of these against Caterham.  However this was not to be.  Three of the rinks were struggling right from the start and at one stage it looked like Epsom would not secure a single point.  As the game progressed two of the rinks crept back well with one eventually winning and the other securing a draw.

Full details:-

Rink 3:   Brian Kenyon  John Warren  George Sperring  Les Owen    Drew 17 - 17

Rink 4:   Bill Lawrence  Martin Harbottle  Terry Hoye  Peter Miller   Won 21 - 16

Rink 5:   Ron Snow  Jim Robson  John Hart  Pat Buckley                  Lost 16 - 18

Rink 6:   Stefan Tomm  Geoff Purrott  Roy Ward  David Sowdon       Lost 21 - 35


Final Result:  Epsom 75 shots  Caterham 86 shots

                     Epsom 1½  Caterham 4½


East Surrey League - Ladies

Epsom v Caterham

Epsom Ladies were also seeking a 4 - 0 win against Caterham to secure second place in the League.  They won on one rink but lost by just one shot on the other.

Full details:-

Rink 1:    Freda Starkey  Jo Ellis  Joan Robson  Sylvia Pearce       Lost 20 - 21

Rink 2:    Anne Hoffmann  Dolly Snow  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring   Won 37 - 10


Final Result:  Epsom 56  Caterham 31

                     Epsom 3 points  Caterham 1 point.


East Surrey League Top 10 Competition  - Semi Final

Epsom played against Shirley Park for the fourth time over recent years in this Competition.  After losing to them in three finals this was a great opportunity to gain some revenge.

The match turned out to be a very close competitive game, but Epsom were given a great start by Ted Ray in the Singles.  Coming in for Graham Pilbrow, who was sick, Ted did not know he was playing until a few hours earlier, but he had a superb win against one of Shirley Park's leading singles player 21 - 11.  This gave the rest of the team a huge boost as this meant a 10 shot lead early on.

The pair of Stefan Tomm & David Sowdon also played a strong pair from Shirley Park, but they too won after taking the lead around the 14th end.

The triple of John Hart, George Sperring & Les Owen had a very close game throughout, but lost the last two ends to go down by 4 shots.

The Fours were having big battle all evening, but they went ahead late in the game and kept the lead to win by 5 shots.  Terry Hoye played his very first game in this Competition.

Final Scores:

Singles:  Ted Ray   Won 21 - 11         Pairs:  Stefan Tomm & David Sowdon   Won 21 - 19

Triples:  John Hart, George Sperring & Les Owen   Lost 13 - 17

Fours:    Martin Harbottle, Terry Hoye, Pat Buckley & Peter Miller   Won 21 - 16

Final Result:   Epsom 3 points  Shirley Park 1 point.  (Shots:  Epsom 76  Shirley Park  63)

Epsom play Warlingham Park in the Final - date to be arranged.


Paston Cup

Congratulations to Graham Pilbrow for reaching the Final of the Paston Cup.

Graham has won this Cup on 4 occasions - 1985,1986,1988 & 1991

and was Runner Up in 2002.

Graham becomes the first player ever to have reached 6 Finals in this Competition.


Past Times

Epsom played Old Coulsdon on Tuesday 26th August in the Semi Final of the Past Times Competition.

This turned out to be quite an amazing game with Epsom, unfortunately, losing on a measure on an extra end.

On the 6th end, at home, Epsom picked up 4 shots to go into the lead 11 - 6.   They then scored 2 more shots, but the bad news from Old Coulsdon was that the away team were 1 - 22.  This was a huge blow to the home side.  The home side continued to score shots with Pat Buckley playing some outstanding saving bowls.  At 15 ends the home side were ahead 21 - 8.  On the15th end more news was received that the away team had pulled back to 7 - 25.  Epsom's home team continued to play really well and went further ahead 25 - 12 on the 18th end.  The away team were 10 - 28 down on 18 ends.

With darkness looming the last few ends were played in virtual darkness (the jack was changed to a white one for clearer vision!).  Waiting for a telephone call from Old Coulsdon became quite nail biting, and it was revealed that the away team had lost 11 - 31.  Needing two shots at home on the last end to win the match and holding one Pat just failed to score two thus making the match all square. 

A quick call was then made to Old Coulsdon to tell them to play the extra end.  How they could see no one knows, but Epsom lost on a measure.

A great effort from the Epsom 'A' team.


East Surrey League - Men

Epsom travelled the short distance to play Cheam Fields on Sunday 17th August hoping to continue the success of beating Shirley Park on the 16th.

Epsom were forced to make several changes to the side that beat Shirley Park and this affected the Cheam Fields game in a big way.

Rink 2:  John Hart  Len Phillpot  Graham Pilbrow  George Sperring        Won 24 - 10

Rink 4:   Bill Lawrence  Cyril Newman  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller      Lost 19 - 24

Rink 5:   Brian Kenyon  Ron Snow  Geoff Purrott  Les Owen                    Lost 14 - 24

Rink 6:  Clive Banderet  John Warren  Roy Ward  Jim Scott                    Won 19 - 18


Final Result:  Epsom 76 shots  Cheam Fields 76 shots

                     Epsom 3 points  Cheam Fields 3 points


East Surrey League - Ladies

The Ladies were well beaten on one rink, but were successful on the other.

Rink 1:  Lyz Warren  Jan Allum  Eileen Mills  Janet Cheesman    Lost 11 - 32

Rink 3:  Anne Hoffmann  Jo Ellis  Dolly Snow  Gill Sperring         Won 23 - 13


Final Result:   Epsom 34 shots  Cheam Fields 45 shots

                      Epsom 1 point  Cheam Fields 3 points

A fuller report of these two games will be published in the Newsletter issued on 1st September at the Club.


East Surrey League - Men

Epsom beat Shirley Park on Saturday 16th August 75 - 70 but the rinks were shared 2 - 2.

This was an excellent win as it keeps Epsom in with a slim chance of winning the League or at the very least coming 2nd.  The game at one stage looked like being a 5 - 1 victory for Epsom, but Shirley Park scored some vital shots on all four rinks during the last few ends.

Rink 3:  Brian Kenyon  Jim Robson  Roy Ward  Les Owen                        Won 19 - 14

Rink 4:  John Hart  Ken Horgan  Geoff Purrott  Jim Scott                        Lost 14 - 17

Rink 5:  Bill Lawrence  Martin Harbottle  Terry Hoye  Peter Miller            Lost 18 - 22

Rink 6:  Stefan Tomm  Roy Doughty  Graham Pilbrow  George Sperring    Won 24 - 17


Final Result:  Epsom 75 shots  Shirley Park 70 shots

                    Epsom 4 points  Shirley Park 2 points


Ken Horgan played his very first game in the East Surrey League and became the 135th player to represent the Club since 1987.

A fuller report will be published in the Newsletter issued on 1st September at the Club.


St Raphael Pairs (Sutton & District Mixed Pairs Competition)

Brian Kenyon & Eileen Mills played Barbara White & Eddie Rochford of Sutton and won 23 - 10.

This win puts Brian & Eileen into the Semi Final.


Chrystie League 2008

The Chrystie League has been completed for the 2008 season. The results for the season have been mixed, but slightly better than last year.
All ten games scheduled were played with Epsom winning 4, losing 5 and drawing 1. The total number of shots scored for was 320, and the total shots against was 287. Epsom ended up with 19½ points. (The League position is not known at this time).
23 members of the Club played during the season with Derek Jones playing in 9 of the 10 games, Ken Lacey 8 games, Bob Lister 7 games, Fred Read & Eric Brown 6 games, Roy Doughty & Geoff Purrott 5 games and Ken Phillpott 4 games.
In all there were 20 rinks played with 10 winning, 9 losing & 1 drawing.
During the season the following players represented the Club in the Chrystie League for the first time:-
John Huxford & Len Philpott against Esher, Alan Wybrow & Laurie Mills against Brockham & Derek Jones against Leatherhead.
Epsom’s record in the Chrystie League since it started in 2001 is as follows:-
Played 73 Won 43 Lost 27 Drawn 3 Shots For 2420 Shots Against 2180
There have been 7 cancellations.

Epsom have won the league on one occasion - in 2004 when they won 10 out of 10 matches. They have been Runners Up on three occasions - 2003, 2005 & 2006.
The members with the most appearances in the Chrystie League since 2001 are as follows:
Laurie Garrett 45 Ken Lacey 46 Fred Read 38 Bill Lawrence 33 John Hart 29 Peter Humphreys 28

Since the League started back in 2001 a total of 44 players have represented the Club. (some of these are no longer with us).

Thanks goes to all the players who have represented the Club this year but particular thanks goes to Ken Lacey who made sure Epsom had a team for each game.


Men's Friendly

Epsom played against The Surrey Patrons Bowling Association on Sunday 10th August.  The game ended up a draw with Epsom & The Patrons winning 3 rinks each and the final score being 116 - 116.

Match Details:

Rink 1:  Laurie Garrett  Derek Hoffmann  Geoff Purrott  Les Owen     

Rink 2:  Len Phillpot  Sid Bailey  Eric Brown  Graham Pilbrow             

Rink 3:  John Southam  Dave Ruston  Ron Snow  Roy Ward                 

Rink 4:  Reg Grady  Tony Jackman  Bill Ellis  Cyril Newman                 

Rink 5:  Bill Lawrence  Roy Doughty  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller      

Rink 6:  Clive Banderet  Derek Jones  John Warren  George Sperring   


Final Result:  Epsom 116 Shots  Surrey Patrons  116 Shots






Lost 9 - 27

Won 24 - 14

Lost 20 - 22

Lost 17 - 20

Won 24 - 17

Won 23 - 16


Past Times

Dramatic win for Epsom Men in the Quarter Final of the Past Times.

Epsom played Purley and won on the very last end at Purley virtually in the dark.

The home rink had a very close game but fell behind 8 - 12 on the 15th end.  They levelled 13 - 13 on 19 ends but then dropped a shot on each of the last two ends to lose 13 - 15.

The away team started well but fell behind 10 - 18 at 15 ends.  They then picked a score of 5 to make the last few ends very tense. The home team had finished but the news came through from Purley that Epsom were still playing and had gone ahead 22 - 20 on the 20th end.  Eventually the phone call came from Purley to inform the Club that they were trying to establish the situation on the completion of the 21st end as it was by now very dark and that it was difficult to see the bowls. Fortunately Epsom scored a further shot to gain overall victory.


Home Team:  John Hart  Laurie Mills  Graham Pilbrow  Pat Buckley  Lost 13 - 15

Away Team:  Ted Ray  Geoff Purrott  Terry Hoye  Jim Scott  Won 23 - 20


Final Result:  Epsom 36    Purley 35


From Ron Snow (who was at the game being played at Purley)
From my telephone calls the match at Epsom seemed to proceed at an even pace with shots being exchanged from one end to the next. It was quite different at Purley where Epsom took the first three ends to lead by 7-0. Purley then took the next five to lead 10-7 although a two to us made it 10-9. Five more ends to Purley so that at end 14 we were down 9-18 and it was not only the weather which was looking gloomy. Three ends to Epsom and one to Purley made it 14-20 with three ends to go - a big task. Then Epsom got a five followed by a three to put us up by two shots and news from Epsom that the home rink had lost by two meant that it would all depend on the last end. By this time, 9pm, it was so dark, apart from when the lightning flashed across the sky, that I could only distinguish Jim Scott at the end of the rink because he was the only player with white shoes. Shot bowl was exchanged a couple of times and with the last bowl of the match from Purley the skip was forced to run at the head moving the jack back in the process. The drama had not finished for it still took a measure to decide 'One to Epsom' and so we are in the semi-final to meet Old Coulsdon.

Visit to the Royal Albert Hall - Thursday 13th November 2008


The trip organised to go to see ‘Best of Broadway’ at the Royal Hall is on Thursday 13th November at 7.30pm. If you have put names down for tickets please pay by the 15th September. The cost of the tickets per person is £26. Money or cheque should be given to Eileen Godfrey (cheques payable to Epsom Bowling Club). If you are paying by cheque you can post it to Eileen if you prefer.
The coach will be leaving the car park at 5.30pm sharp so please be in the car park by 5.15pm.

The show has a dazzling West End cast, including Ria Jones, Mary Carewe, Graham Bickley and Michal Dore and with the combination of the show-stopping music, the special light effects, not to mention the magnificent surroundings of the Royal Albert Hall, it is little wonder that this tremendous show is a firm favourite and has fast become a popular alternative to London’s West End.

Programme to include…
The very best from Jesus Christ Superstar, Les Misérables, Hairspray, Billy Elliot, Wicked, Wicked, Cabaret and many many more!
Special tribute to the classic musicals of Rogers and Hammerstein


Ladies' Friendly

Epsom 48  Epsom Park 71


Chrystie League

Epsom 28  Bookham 31


Top 10 - Men

Epsom play Shirley Park or Ashtead in the next round.

Men's Friendly

Epsom 67  Raynes Park 68


Paston Cup

Graham Pilbrow now plays the Champion from Supreme on a Neutral Green.