Vilamoura Competition Rules                      

The Vilamoura Mixed Triples Challenge


1.    The competition will be known as the ‘Vilamoura Mixed Triples Challenge’.


2.    The competition is for ‘mixed’ teams i.e. to include at least 1 female or 1 male in each triple.  Preference should be given to non-badged players but, if necessary, 1 badged player per triple will be allowed.


3.    The competition will be played as a three wood triples over 18 ends.


4.    One triple will play at home and one away. If a green is unsuitable for play then both teams to play on the other green.


5.    Scoring will be: 2 points for a win of a single game, 1 point each for a draw, plus 2 points for the overall aggregate match win (Total 6). If aggregate match scores are equal - 1 point each.


6.    The winning Club of the competition will receive a trophy.


7.    Failure to fulfil both ties of a match will result in loss of all points for that match (Total 6). 

    1. Should a game be abandoned due to the weather and a minimum of ten (10) ends have been played, the scores on the last completed end shall be taken as the result of the game.

    2. If 1 of a club’s 2 games are cancelled due to weather , the points are split: 1 win = 4pts, cancelled game = 1 pt each

    3. If a game cannot be played, or a game abandoned before the completion of ten ends cannot be rearranged, for reasons beyond the control of the teams then the points will be shared equally.


8.   If a player cannot start, or has to leave the green during the course of the game due to illness or some other reasonable cause and cannot return within 10 minutes, the skips can approve the introduction of a substitute who may play in any position.  If no eligible substitute is available, the defaulting team can either forfeit the game to their opponents or continue the game playing 6 woods against 9 with the missing player being considered as the Second and a definite order of play will be maintained. It shall be: Lead, Lead, Second: Lead, Lead, Second: Lead, Lead, Second.  The defaulting lead will change ends when the opposition lead and number 2 have played their bowls. Skips will then bowl alternately as usual.  The defaulting lead can direct his skip in the absence of the number 2.


9.    Matches commence in July each season and may be played on any agreed day in the appropriate week. Time of matches to be agreed between individual clubs. There is no requirement for after match catering.


10.  Results to be telephoned, e-mailed or by text by both sides to the organiser before 10.00pm on the day of the match.


11.  Scorecards must be used and are to be signed by both parties and kept by the winning club, in case of any objections.


12.  Dress for matches will be greys and white or team shirts as agreed by all clubs.


13.  The number of participating Clubs will be decided by the member Clubs at the time of requests to join.


14.  Matches will be played in accordance with the ‘Laws of the Sport of Bowls’ and under the rules of Bowls England.


15.  There will be a £10 annual subscription payable by each club by the AGM of the previous year of the tournament.


16.  In cases of dispute the organiser’s decision will be final.