The September Open Fours - now called 'The Event'

The following information has been extracted from the minutes recorded.

(Many thanks to Tony Jackman who compiled this information).

Notes from the 1986 Minutes

Meeting held on 4th March 1986

Jack Pilbrow outlined a competition aimed at raising Club funds which would involve 12 other Clubs each providing one rink to play against our Club, the suggested dates being July 29th and 30th with a final on 5th or 6th August.  After general discussion it was agreed that Jack pursues the idea and reports back at the next meeting.


Meeting held on 10th April 1986

With reference to the proposed competition involving teams from invited clubs to play against our Club as mentioned in previous minutes - Jack Pilbrow has now prepared details of the competition.  After some discussion it was agreed that light refreshments be provided - ladies to be approached re forming a catering team, also that the entry fee be £1.50 per player - Jack to proceed.


Meeting held on 23rd June 1986

Jack Pilbrow reported that arrangements for the proposed competition involving local clubs to celebrate the opening of our pavilion extension are well in hand.  To date nine of the twelve clubs having accepted.


Meeting held on 21st July 1986

Jack Pilbrow reported that arrangements for the competition to celebrate the opening of the pavilion extension were in hand with 11 clubs now having accepted our invitation.  Some concern re players being available for the afternoon friendly fixtures after these morning matches was expressed, but the general opinion was that these problems could be overcome.  Cyril Newman to arrange for ladies to provide light refreshments after the morning matches.


Meeting held on 12th August 1986

Jack Pilbrow reported that arrangements for the competition to celebrate the opening of the pavilion extension were well in hand, the draw had been made and the response for availabiliy's has been fair.  Prizes of wine will be presented to the winning teams on 7th and 14th September, these will be donated by Jack Pilbrow and Tony Jackman, leaving best part of the entry fees to be spent on prizes for the finals - possibly sherry.


Meeting held on 22nd September 1986

Jack Pilbrow circulated summary sheet, relating to the fund raising for the pavilion extension, this indicated an estimated profit for the Club of £200.  The competition was won by a rink from the Mid Surrey Club, the top Epsom rink was led by Graham Pilbrow.  Refreshments were provided by Mrs Aldred, Mrs Hartfree, Mrs Poate & Mrs Wheatley, our thanks to them and to Jack in particular who spent many hours planning the competition which involved 12 visiting clubs and of course 24 Epsom players on each of the three Sundays.


From the Committee Annual Report 1986

Jack Pilbrow worked hard to organise matches against 12 neighbouring clubs on three Sundays in September, the objective being to raise funds from outside sources to help pay for the cost of the new extension.  Our visitors and the home players seemed to enjoy these events very much and this coupled with the fact that after taking into account the expenditure on food and prizes, the income from entry fees and bar profits, over £200 was made for Club funds.  Indicating the success of this venture for which we thank Jack.


Notes from the 1987 Minutes


Meeting held on 20th July 1987

Jack Pilbrow reported that eleven clubs out of twelve invited have accepted his invitation to participate in the Fours Competition to be played on Sunday mornings in September.  It was agreed that Jack settle prize values.


Meeting held on 11th August 1987

Jack Pilbrow reported good response for entries in the Invitation games to be played on Sunday mornings 6th, 13th and 20th September.  Availability's for our Club teams being very good.


From the Committee Annual Report 1987

Jack Pilbrow again organised an "Open Fours Competition", involving twelve other local clubs, played on our green on three Sundays during September.  This competition was much enjoyed by all those taking part and could possibly become an annual event.  Profit from entry fees and donations amounted to £72, with further estimated profit from bar takings and raffles - £154.  Thank you Jack for your efforts, to the sponsors for their donation, to the bar stewards and to the ladies for providing the buffet.


Notes from the 1988 Minutes


Meeting held on 25th April 1988

Jack added that he planned to play the "Sunday Morning Invitation Fours" matches on 4th, 11th and 18th September.  His proposal to organise similar "Mixed" competition was defeated.


Meeting held on 25th May 1988

Jack Pilbrow reported that five replies had already been received from clubs re his "Sunday Morning Invitation Fours" competition.  It was proposed this year to move rinks after 6 ends so that a visiting team did not have to play the same Epsom team all the time.


Meeting held on 26th July 1988

All twelve clubs have now accepted our invitation to play in our "Invitation Fours" competition, arranged by Jack Pilbrow to be played in September.


Notes from the 1989 Minutes


Meeting held on 14th March 1989

Jack Pilbrow announced that the sub-committee set up to run the 80th Birthday Bowls Tournament will be meeting soon, meanwhile an invitation letter to local clubs is being prepared.  It was decided that because extra work involved this coming season with special events, the "Sunday Morning Fours" competition run in the past by Jack would be cancelled this year.


Notes from the 1990 Minutes


Meeting held on 22nd May 1990

Although Jack Pilbrow was prepared to run the "Sunday Morning Fours" tournament this September, it was decided that because of Finals Day and two league matches, it would be best not to run the competition this season.


Notes from the 1991 Minutes


Meeting held on 24th September 1991

Vice Captain Joe Felloni said that some two years ago we had Open Tournaments on Sunday Mornings and asked whether this could be re-established.  It was agreed that this be discussed at the next meeting.


Meeting held on 5th November 1991

Reference was made to the September minutes, referring to Open Tournaments on Sunday mornings.  The Vice Captain reported that he had approached Jack Pilbrow who is prepared to arrange three such tournaments during August 1992.


Notes from the 1992 Minutes


Meeting held on 25th September 1992

Vic Shrosbree said the Sunday Invitation matches arranged by Jack Pilbrow went off well with a cost to the Club of only £11.  He suggested that if these were to continue local businesses should be approached to sponsor the occasion and this supported by them, would enable the presentation of individual plaques in addition rather than the present prizes.  It was considered that the format and atmosphere of the occasion was very good.  Vic agreed to produce a draft letter for sponsorship approach.


From the Committee Annual Report 1992

September Sunday Morning Invitation Fours Competition

This event was first devised and organised by Jack Pilbrow to celebrate the opening of our new kitchen & toilet extension in 1986.  In view of its past popularity and undoubted prestige value to the Club in our relationship with other local clubs, the Committee decided to resurrect the idea and Jack Pilbrow was asked to organise it.  The sub-committee of Jack Pilbrow, Joe Felloni, Vic Shrosbree, Geoff Reynolds and Les Crowhurst, decided all the income from entry fees would be devoted to awarding worthwhile prizes to the visitors and Epsom winners and runners up leaving our Club to gain from the bar profits.

In the final on 20th September Cheam with 27 - 11 won the first prize of £60 and Reigate Priory, at 20 - 10 took the runners up prize of £25.  The Epsom four of Des O'Connor, Martin Harbottle, Harry Partington and Laurie Garrett at 26 - 11 won the whiskey with Stan Day, Dennis Neville, Tony Keeler and Len Philpott at 23 - 13 winning the wine.

The success of this competition has produced requests for it to be repeated.


Notes from 1993- 1997


Jack Pilbrow continued to organise the competition with the help of Vic Shrosbree, Geoff Reynolds, Les Crowhurst, Peggy Shuttleworth and others.  Young's Brewery provided sponsorship in 1993.  From then on SAGA Holidays took over sponsorship.


Notes from 1998 - 2002


Following the death of his father, Graham Pilbrow took over the organising of the competition, ably supported by Vic Shrosbree, Geoff Reynolds and Peter Miller.  SAGA Holidays continued sponsorship in 1998 and 1999.  Thereafter for the following three years 2000 - 2002, monies from the Club sponsorship by BPT Bridgewater was allocated by the Club Executive Committee.