The Piscatorials Bowling Association (25th September 2011)

A brief history

The Society was formed in1947 when the porters at Billingsgate Fish Market played all sorts of sport against Smithfields Meat Market.  They decided that by 1947 that they would play bowls - it did not matter that not one of them had played before.  After the game they had a raffle of meat & kippers with the profits going on refreshments in the local pub, until one time the morning after they were presented with a bill for damages and extra drinks, so they decided enough was enough.  After this the decision was to give the money to charity as it was not long after the war.  To this day it is not known what happened but a rule was made not to give money but to pay for items needed.

In 2011 the AGM decided to support he following:-

Glenwood School, Benfleet Essex - a school for children with disabilities. Chimes, Colour Capture & Weaving Balls were purchased.

Croydon Blind were given Short Mat Equipment.

Gooshays, Essex Short Mat Bowls Club received two sets of size 00 bowls (coloued for partially sighted bowlers).

Grove Park Special Primary School at Crowborough being supplied with items for their Sensory garden.

Godstone Riding School for the Disabled helped out with Riding Hats.

New Addington Pop In for the elderly supplied with a computer.

Headley Court Rehabilitation Centre is for Military Personel.  Four touch screen Apple I Pads bought.

I Care (Rehab for stroke victims) White Board & Skittles bought for co-ordination.

Also bought - Portable Nebuliser for a lady so she can go out.


Enquiries are under way with Brent School which is a Special School for Autism.