Executive Committee - 2024


Club President 

Brian Collis

Club Senior Vice President 

Liz Hind

Club Honorary Vice Presidents   

Clive Allum  Betty Day Derek Hoffmann   Ruth Hunt  Tony Jackman   Brian Kenyon  Peter Miller Eileen Mills Cyril Newman  Les Owen  Graham Pilbrow  Geoff Purrott  George Sperring   Gill Sperring   John Warren


Club Secretary

David Fearn

Membership Secretary                       

Fi Drinkall

Club Treasurer                         

Trish Southgate

Club Social Secretary                 

Sandie Harvey/Martine Ellis

   Lettings Secretary   Sandie Harvey

Health & Safety Officer

 Derek Harvey
  Safeguarding Officer   Pauline Devereux
  Publicity Officer   Ted Ray

Men Playing Members

 Mick Cooper

Lady Playing Members 

 Sandy Cooper


Men's Captain

Wayne Thornton

Men's Vice Captain

Phil Sims

Ladies' Captain 

Trish Southgate

  Mixed Team Manager   Keith Roberts


 Clive Banderet    Tony Jackman  Eileen Mills     Cyril Newman

Club Auditors

 Derek Martin John Bartlett 

  Green Ranger    Bob Blaker

Bar Manager

Phil Sims/Pauline Devereaux

S.C.B.A./SCWBA Delegates

Sylvia Smart/Heather Pigden

Club Coaches

 Graham Pilbrow  Cyril Newman  Norman Mann

  Website    Les Owen

Past Presidents - List of all Presidents of the Club since 1909

Past Secretaries - List of all Secretaries of the Club since 1909

Past Treasurers - List of all Treasurers of the Club since 1909