Welcome to the May 2013 Newsletter.  This Newsletter will contain all information from September 2012

Scroll down for Match Data - 2012


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom lose in the Final of the Mole Valley Cup 14 - 18 to Bookham on Friday 5th April 2013.


Tony Dunn  Ruth Nixon  Jo Ellis Peter Miller lost 14 - 18

Epsom took the lead after 7 ends, 5 - 4, but then lost the next 4 ends dropping a total of 8 shots to go 5 - 12 behind.  They responded very well to this set back by scoring a total of 7 shots over the next 2 ends to draw level 12 - 12.   Epsom then had 3 poor ends to go behind 12 - 18 after 16 ends.  With 2 ends left to play this left Epsom needing 6 shots to draw, but they only managed to score 1 shot on ends 17 & 18 to lose by 4 shots.

Martin Harbottle & Jan Allum played in previous round of this Competition.

Click on Photo

for larger version

The letter below was sent to the Club by Joyce Maile

Dear Bowlers
On behalf of my family and myself please accept my sincere thanks for all the kind thoughts, prayers & messages of sympathy we have received.
It is lovely to know that Ken was so well thought of. Also my thanks to so many of you who were able to come to Randalls Park and to those whom I didn’t have the opportunity to speak to on such a bitterly cold day.
I am hoping that in time I will be able to see you all again at Worple Road once the new season has started.

Eric Hingston Cup

Epsom win the Eric Hingston Cup for the very first time at King George.  This Competition is played every winter between Epsom & King George Indoor Bowling Club.  Eric was a member of both Clubs and when he passed away his family donated the Cup for this game.


Rink 1  Bill Lawrence  Maureen Trumble  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller won 28 - 14

After 10 ends Epsom was just 1 shot adrift 10 - 11, but had an excellent second half to win by 14 shots.

Rink 2  Audrey Jones  John Huxford  David Bragg  Gill Sperring  lost 15 - 22

This was a close game.  Epsom trailed 8 - 11 after 10 ends losing by 7 shots.

Rink 3  Mary Bragg  Derek Jones  John Warren  Cyril Newman  lost 16 - 21

This was also a close game with Epsom 7 - 10 behind at 10 ends finally losing by 5 shots.

It is important to remember that the Epsom team contained many members who do not play indoors on a regular basis.  The Club sends congratulations to all the team on this excellent performance.

Ken Maile
Sadly Ken passed away on 7th March 2013. He joined Epsom Bowling Club in 1995 & took part in many matches. He played 16 times in the Chrystie League and was a member of the squad which won this League in 2004.
Ken played 11 times in the East Surrey League making his debut in 1997 against Godstone playing lead.
He also played in the Times Herald Competition.
Ken played in many Club Competitions winning the Fours & Windeler Cup in 2005. He was runner up in the Fours five times, the Lower Handicap twice and Windeler Cup twice.
Unfortunately Ken was unable to continue to bowl in 2012 and joined the Social Section of Epsom Bowling Club.
Ken will be sadly missed both on the green and as a Social Member.


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom beat Oxshott in the Semi Final of the Mole Valley Cup 18 - 16 on Friday 15th March 2013.


Team:  Tony Dunn Ruth Nixon  Jo Ellis  Peter Miller

After 5 ends Epsom trailed 4 - 6 & were still 2 shots adrift (8 - 10) after 10 ends.  Epsom then had some good ends and took the lead 17 - 13 after 15 ends.  They went on to win by 2 shots.


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom played Pippbrook in the Mole Valley Cup on Friday 1st March 2013 and won 35 - 2


Tony Dunn  Ruth Nixon  Jo Ellis Martin Harbottle

As the score suggests this was a very one sided game.  After 12 ends Epsom led 27 - 0.  Pippbrook scored one shot on end 13 & their only other shot on the 17th end.

This win enables Epsom to proceed to the Quarter Finals.


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom played Leatherhead in the Mole Valley Cup on Friday 22nd February 2013 and won 22 - 9


Tony Dunn  Jan Allum  Jo Ellis Martin Harbottle

After 6 ends the scores were level, 4 - 4.  After 10 ends Epsom dominated the game when they led 10 - 6 then going on to win by 13 shots.

There is one more game in the Round Robin stage of this Competition.


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom played Epsom Park in the Mole Valley Cup on Friday 15th February 2013 and lost 15 - 18


Tony Dunn  Ruth Nixon  Jo Ellis Peter Miller

Epsom started well and led 4 - 2 after 5 ends.  The scores were level 9 - 9 after 10 ends, but Epsom Park controlled the game mainly because their skip played very well.  Epsom were 12 - 16 behind after 15 ends eventually losing by just 3 shots.

There are two more games in the Round Robin stage of this Competition.


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom played Ashtead in the Mole Valley Cup on Friday 25th January 2013 and won 20 - 13


Tony Dunn  Ruth Nixon  Jo Ellis Peter Miller won 20 - 13

Epsom got off to a very bad start and found themselves 1 - 9 down after just 5 ends.  However, they recovered well to be just one shot behind after 10 ends, 9 - 10.  From then on Epsom dominated the game going into the lead 14 - 12 after 15 ends and eventually won by 7 shots.


Indoor Match v Mole Valley

Epsom played Mole Valley in a Friendly Indoor Match on Sunday 2nd December 2012. Epsom won one rink out of the 4 rinks played & lost the match 61 - 77.


Rink 1  Clive Allum  Sue Needham  Peter Miller  Geoff Purrott  won 18 - 14

Rink 2  Ruth Nixon  Lyz Warren  Bill Lawrence  John Warren  lost 16 - 18

Rink 3  Derek Jones  Maureen Trumble  Ron Snow  Eileen Mills  lost 9 - 23

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Audrey Jones  Roy Doughty  Jan Allum  lost 18 - 22

Final Score:  Epsom 61  Mole Valley 77


Quiz Evening

A Quiz evening took place at the Club on Friday 16th November 2012.

49 members and friends turned up to enjoy an evening of testing questions varying from general knowledge, music rounds & identifying various pictures.

One of the rounds involved identifying men playing women in films and women playing men in films.  This turned out to be very challenging for some of the teams. Another round involved identifying the next line in a song played.  Many found it difficult not to sing the answer out loud which gave rise to some great fun.

The Quiz was organised by Les Owen assisted by his wife, Denise and two friends Sue & Barry Cornwell.

After a few rounds everyone enjoyed a Chicken & Chip/Fish & Chip Supper which had been organised by Betty Day & Eileen Godfrey.

Thanks also go to Peter Miller & Janet Newman who gave up their evening to look after the Bar.

After the Quiz many members mentioned that they had thoroughly enjoyed to evening.


Goodbye  Bob  (and Scrumpy Jack)


Bob Brennan was appointed Epsom’s Green Keeper in 1996. At that time he also looked after three other greens but eventually gave up all except Epsom. Over the years Bob has done an excellent job for us and there is no doubt that we have one of the best greens in Surrey. Until three years ago Bob was always accompanied by his boxer Scrumpy and then when Scrumpy Jack came along we were pleased to discover he was every bit as friendly as his predecessor.

Bob has now decided to retire and it is with great sadness we have to say goodbye.  We presented Bob with an engraved tankard and card to remind him of his time at Epsom.

Bob plans to move up north to be near to his son and family but until he goes we hope he’ll pop in to the Club for a chat and a drink.

We thank Bob for all he has done for the Club and wish him a long and happy retirement.

   *                                      *                  *

Cyril Newman presenting Bob                     George Sperring, Peter Miller                         Scrumpy Jack

      with a card &Tankard                                             & Bob


Hello  Peter


Peter Miller who has been Bob’s apprentice for the last two years expressed an interest in becoming Epsom’s Green Keeper and at the last Executive Committee Meeting Peter’s appointment was approved. At his request this appointment is initially for one year.  Our best wishes go to Peter in his new role.



Green  Ranger


Last year Peter was our Green Ranger but as he cannot be both Keeper and Ranger we urgently need a volunteer to take on the position of Green Ranger. The main task of the Green Ranger is to be the link between the Green Keeper and the Club. As head of the Green Team, organise and implement the work schedule which has been agreed with the Green Keeper during the course of the year. With advice from the Green Keeper have the final say on all matters relating to the green.



Green Assistants


The Club needs one or two volunteers to be trained in the use of the grass mower so that if necessary someone other than Peter can cut the green. Those who are interested please speak to Peter.


Cyril Newman


 Epsom Bowling Club congratulates Cyril on passing the Level 2 Coaching Course.



East Surrey League Top 10

Epsom lost to Wallington 3 - 1 in the Final of the Top 10 on 29th September 2012.  This was another big disappointment for the Club after having done so well in the previous rounds.  Epsom lost the Singles, Pairs & Fours but won the Triples.


Singles:   David Sowdon   lost 14 - 21

This was a very close game.  After 10 ends David led 7 - 6 and the scores were level 10 - 10 after 15 ends. The Wallington player had the better of the last 9 ends and won by 7 shots.

Pairs:       Martin Harbottle  Graham Naish  lost 14 - 18

After 11 ends the scores were level 8 - 8, but Epsom dropped a total of 5 shots over the next two ends.  They fought back well to level once more, 13 - 13 after 15 ends.  Wallington won the next 5 ends scoring a single on each end to go into the lead 18 - 13.  Epsom scored 1 shot on the final end to lose by 4 shots.

Triples:    Terry Hoye  Pat Buckley  Les Owen  won 19 - 11

Epsom had an excellent start and led 7 - 0 after 5 ends.  Wallington drew level 8 - 8 after 9 ends, but Epsom then dominated the rest of game outscoring Wallington 11 - 3 to win by 8 shots.  This triple maintained a 100% record having won in all the previous rounds.

Fours:      Brian Kenyon  Ron Mew  Peter Miller  Jim Scott  lost 6 - 29

Wallington dominated this game from the beginning.  Epsom was 3 - 13 down after 10 ends, 6 - 22 behind after 15 ends and finally lost by 23 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 1 point  Wallington 3 points (53 - 79)


Awards Evening

The Awards Evening was held at Sutton Bowling Club on Friday 28th September 2012.

Over 60 members attended the Awards Evening.  Members were given a choice of Soup, Sea Food Salad or Melon & Parma Ham to start; Sea Bass or Lamb Shank for the main course and a choice from Fruit Crumble, Fruit Salad or Lemon Tart for Dessert.  This was followed by Cheese & Biscuits, Tea/Coffee and Mints.  Everyone agreed that this was an excellent meal.  After the meal the Club Winners & Runners Up were presented with their trophies by the President, Derek Hoffmann.  The evening was arranged by Betty Day & Eileen Godfrey.  The Presentations were organised by George Sperring & Anne Hoffmann.  Thanks to all of these who helped make this a successful evening.

On a lighter note one of our members (who shall remain nameless) turned up - not having booked- thinking it was the Millers Triples Meal!! - PATicularly bad we all say!!


Sutton & District Bowling Association - Yonwin Cup

Epsom Men lost once again in the Final of the Yonwin Cup to Cheam.  This was the third year in a row that the two Clubs had met in the Final and Cheam outplayed Epsom this year on all 3 rinks to win 80 - 47.


Rink 1  Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  Jim Scott  Les Owen   lost 15 - 24 (20 ends)

On the 5th end Epsom dropped 6 shots then 3 shots on the next end.  They never recovered from this finding themselves 5 - 20 behind at 10 ends and 9 - 22 behind at 15 ends.  They eventually lost by 9 shots.

Rink 2  John Hart  David Bragg  Martin Harbottle  Graham Naish  lost 14 - 22 (18 ends)

This was a very close match until the 17th end.  At 10 ends the scores were level 10 - 10 and at 15 ends Epsom held a 1 shot advantage, 14 - 13.  Cheam finished strongly scoring 9 shots leaving Epsom losing by 8 shots.

Rink 3  David Sowdon  Ron Mew  Pat Buckley Peter Miller    lost 8 - 34 (18 ends)

Cheam dominated this game throughout the afternoon.  Epsom struggled to get into the game finding themselves 3 - 17 down at 10 ends & 4 - 29 behind after 15 ends.  They finally lost by 26 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 47  Cheam 80

This game was  Les Owen's 50 appearance for Epsom in the Yonwin Cup becoming only the second member of Epsom Bowling Club to achieve this landmark.

This game was the 11th time that Epsom have played in a Final of the Yonwin Cup.  They have won it on 7 occasions.

This season 18 members have played in the Competition.

Click on photo for larger version


Mixed Friendly v Cheam Fields

Epsom played against Cheam Fields in the very last fixture of the season on 22nd September 2012 and lost on 2 rinks and won the third.


Rink 1  Audrey Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Vic Phillips  Geoff Purrott  lost 8 - 30

Epsom were outplayed on this rink all afternoon.  They were 7 - 20 behind at 15 ends finally losing by 22 shots.

Rink 2  Arthur Upward  Olive Phillips  Derek Hoffmann  Cyril Newman  lost 11 - 26

This was a similar story to rink 1 when Epsom found themselves 9 - 20 behind after 15 ends and lost by 15 shots.

Rink 3  Sandra Huxford  Derek Jones  Bob Blaker  Ron Snow  won 24 - 16

This was a very close game with the scores tied 16 - 16 after 15 ends.  Epsom had the better of the last 6 ends and won by 8 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 43  Cheam Fields 72


Summary of Mixed Matches for 2012  (2011 figures in brackets)

 There were 11 (11) games scheduled and 7 (9) played.  Of these 3 (7) were won, 3 (2) lost, 1 (0) drawn and 4 (2) cancelled. 593 (724) shots were scored for and 601 (633) against.

 The highest winning match score difference was 135 – 96 (+34) against The Piscatorials Bowling Society on 22nd July 2012. The highest rink win was 34 – 11 in the same match.

 Of the 31 (39) rinks played 15 (20) were won, 14 (15) lost & 2 (4) drawn.

 15 (15) Ladies and 28 (33) Men represented the Club in these Mixed Matches and the following are some of the most appearances made this season:-

 Ladies:  Audrey Jones, Sandra Huxford & Olive Phillips played in 5 matches; Lyz Warren & Mary Bragg played in 4 matches.

 Men:  Bob Blaker played in 6 matches; John Warren, Derek Jones & Vic Phillips in 5 matches; Roy Doughty, Geoff Purrott & Ron Snow in 4 matches.


Ladies' Friendly - Summary 2012  (2011 figures in brackets)

Of the 22 (22) scheduled games 16 (17) were played.  Epsom won 6 (10), lost 9 (7), drew 1 (0) and 6 (5) were cancelled.  In total 757 (789) shots were scored for and 765 (727) against.

In all 20 (22) Ladies represented Epsom in the Friendly matches in 2012.

The number of rinks won were 20 (28), lost 20 (20) and drawn 4 (2).

The best match win came against Ewell 68 - 23 (+45) and the best rink win was in the same match, 35 – 4 (+31).

These are the most significant appearances in the Friendly matches by the Ladies:

Sylvia Smart 12; Mary Bragg, Maureen Trumble & Jan Allum 11; Jo Ellis & Lyz Warren 10; Anne Hoffmann & Maggie O’Sullivan 9; Sue Needham 8; Eileen Mills, Dolly Snow, Ruth Nixon, Gill Sperring & Audrey Jones 7.


Ladies' Friendly

The Ladies finish the season with an excellent win against Carshalton Beeches 69 - 33.  They won on all 3 rinks. 


Rink 2  Sylvia Smart  Dolly Snow  Jan Allum  won 15 - 13

This was quite an even contest all afternoon, but Epsom led from start to finish.  They led 11 - 7 after 10 ends, 14 - 11 after 15 ends and went on to win by 2 shots.

Rink 3  Ruth Nixon  Maggie O’Sullivan  Lyz Warren  won 30 - 12

Epsom dominated this game from the start.  They led 15 - 7 after 10 ends, 25 - 11 after 15 ends and went on to win comfortably by 18 shots.

Rink 4  Mary Bragg  Maureen Morris  Jo Ellis  won 24 - 8

This was a similar story to rink 3 when Epsom led 14 - 2 after 10 ends, 21 - 5 after 15 ends and won by 16 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 69  Carshalton Beeches 33


Summary Men's League – 2012 (2011 figures in brackets)

Of the 15 (15) games scheduled 14 (15) were played.  Dorking could not field a team on 8th July 2012.   Of these 12 (11) were won, 3 (4) lost and 0 (1) drawn.

1194 (1261) shots were scored for and 988.5 (1074) against.  Epsom gained 61 (60˝) points and ended up ? (4th) in the League.

The best win was the 104 - 56 result against Caterham, (+48) on 9th September 2012, and the best rink win was the 39 - 9 (+30) victory against Godstone on 1st July 2012

Of the 56 (60) rinks played 32 (40) were won and 22 (20) lost.  There were 2 (0) rinks drawn. In all 25 (27) members played in the League this year.

Significant appearances:-

John Warren & Graham Naish played in 14 games; Brian Kenyon, Martin Harbottle & George Sperring played in 13; Peter Miller, Les Owen, Geoff Purrott, Pat Buckley & John Hart played in 12; Terry Hoye & Bill Lawrence in 11; Jim Scott in 10; David Bragg & Cyril Newman in 8; David Sowdon & Stefan Tomm in 7 & Bob Blaker in 6.


East Surrey League

Epsom Men played against Chipstead at home on Sunday 15th September 2012.  After such an excellent season this loss was a huge disappointment.  Epsom were totally outplayed on two rinks and lost the lead on both the others after good starts.  Epsom salvaged ˝ point by drawing one of the rinks.


Rink 2  Bill Lawrence Cyril Newman  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  lost 12 - 27

Epsom got off to a really disappointing start and found themselves 3 - 18 down after 10 ends.  They were further behind 5 - 23 after 15 ends, but scored 7 shots over the last few ends to get double figures.  They lost by 15 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Roy Doughty  Terry Hoye  Les Owen  lost 19 - 23

After 10 ends Epsom led 12 - 9 and still had a 5 shot lead after 15 ends, 17 - 12.  Chipstead finished strongly and won by 4 shots.

Rink 4  Geoff Purrott  Roy Doughty  John Warren  Jim Scott drew 18 - 18

Epsom had a tremendous start when they led 16 - 2 after 10 ends.  However, they failed to score for 7 ends allowing Chipsted to level 16 - 16 after 17 ends.  The last few ends were keenly contested and needing 1 shot to level on the last end Epsom managed to tie the rink.

Rink 5  John Hart  Ron Mew  Pat Buckley  Graham Naish  lost 16 - 24

Epsom led 7 - 4 after 8 ends, but then dropped 6 shots on end 9.  This spurred on Chipstead and they dominated play for the rest of the game winning by 8 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 65  Chipstead 92   Epsom ˝ point  Chipstead 5˝ points


Ladies' Friendly

Epsom Ladies played against Cuddington at home on Thursday 13th September 2012.  This match was reduced to 2 rinks.  They won on one rink lost the other & the match 32 - 39.


Rink 3  Mary Bragg  Sylvia Smart  Lyz Warren  lost 16 - 24

Epsom had the better of the first half of this game when they led 11 - 8 after 10 ends.  They still led 16 - 14 after 13 ends, but then lost the next 5 ends dropping a total of 10 shots to lose by 8 shots.

Rink 4  Ruth Nixon  Dolly Snow  Jan Allum  won 16 - 15

The reverse happened on this rink when Epsom trailed 7 - 9 after 10 ends & 9 - 13 after 14 ends.  Epsom then outscored Cuddington 9 - 2 over the last 5 ends to snatch a 1 shot win.

Final Score:  Epsom 32  Cuddington 39

As Cuddington could not put out more than two triples Epsom Ladies organised an inter friendly.


Audrey Jones,  Maggie O'Sullivan & Maureen Trumble played Sue Needham, Anne Hoffmann & Eileen Mills

This turned out to be a close encounter with Maureen's team finally winning 14 - 9 after trailing 6 - 9 after 14 ends.


Men's Friendly Matches 2012 - Summary 2011 figures in brackets

Of the 12 (12) matches scheduled 9 (10) were played.  Epsom won 7 (6), lost 2 (3) and drew 0 (1).  Three games were cancelled – Reigate Priory, Chipstead & Carshalton Beeches.

33 (40) rinks were played and of these 18 (19) were won, 15 (19) lost and 0 (3) drawn.

The best win came against Redhill on the 27th May, 83 – 43 (+40).

The best rink win was in the same game 34 - 9.

In all 36 (38) members represented the Club in Friendly matches in 2012.

Significant appearances:

Vic Phillips played in all 9; Derek Martin & Derek Jones 8; Eddie Needham, Len Philpott, Bob Blaker & John Warren 6; Ron Snow, Derek Hoffmann, David Bragg & Roy Doughty 5.


Men's Friendly

Epsom Men played against Oxshott at home on Tuesday 12th September 2012.  They lost on 2 rinks won on one rink & won the match 63 - 52.


Rink 2  Bob Lister  Clive Banderet  Roy Doughty  Brian Kenyon  won 33 - 14

This was an excellent afternoon for this rink.  They held a one shot advantage, 13 - 12 after 10 ends, but then had 5 very good ends when they outscored Oxshott 11 - 1 to go ahead 24 - 13.  They continued this momentum for the rest of the game winning by 19 shots.

Rink 3  Sid Bailey  Vic Phillips  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  lost 13 - 20

This rink was 7 - 9 down at 10 ends, further behind, 8 - 15 after 15 ends and lost by 7 shots.

Rink 4  Eddie Needham  Derek Jones  Bob Blaker  John Hart  lost 17 - 18

Unfortunately this rink lost on the very last end after coming back into the game after a poor start.  They were 7 - 9 down after 10 ends & 9 - 15 behind at 15 ends. They then had three excellent ends to take the lead 17 - 15 after 18 ends.  Oxshott drew level 17 - 17 on the 20th end and secured the one for victory on the final end.

Final Score:  Epsom 63  Oxshott 52


Ladies' Friendly

Epsom Ladies played against The Insurance at home on Tuesday 11th September 2012.  They lost on all 3 rinks & the match 39 - 71.


Rink 3  Audrey Jones  Maureen Trumble  Maggie O’Sullivan  Eileen Mills  lost 19 - 23

After 10 ends this rink was 4 - 15 behind.  However, they scored 7 shots on end 11 to get themselves back into the game.  They were still behind 15 - 21 after 15 ends and went on to lose by 4 shots.

Rink 4  Sue Needham  Ruth Nixon  Maureen Morris  Jan Allum  lost 9 - 29

Epsom was totally outplayed on this rink.  They were 6 - 15 behind after 10 ends and failed to make much more impact into the game finally losing by 20 shots.

Rink 5  Mary Bragg  Sylvia Smart  Anne Hoffmann  Gill Sperring  lost 11 - 19

This was a very close game for 10 ends when the score was level 7 - 7.  However, Epsom fell behind 10 - 14 on end 15 and finally lost by 8 shots.

Final score:  Epsom 39  Insurance 71


East Surrey League - Ladies

The Ladies have now completed their East Surrey League fixtures for 2012.  They did slightly better than last year.  They won 4 matches in 2012 compared with 3 in 2011.  They also scored ˝ point more and they scored more shots for than against since 2008.

Summary (2011 figures in brackets)

There were 8 (8) games scheduled and 8 (8) played.  Of these 4 (3) were won and 4 (5)  lost.  321 (264) shots were scored for and 289 (282) against.   The Ladies gained 12 (11˝) points.  Of the 16 rinks played 8 (5) were won and 8 (10) lost. (last year one rink drew).  The highest rink win was 33 - 9 against Old Coulsdon on the 4th June and the best win was also on this date when the Ladies won by 20 shots.  11 (15) Ladies played in the League in 2012 and Anne Hoffmann, Gill Sperring, Lyz Warren & Eileen Mills played in all 8 games.


East Surrey League

Epsom Men & Ladies played against Caterham at home on Sunday 9th September 2012.  The Men had an excellent win 104 - 56 (6 - 0), but the Ladies lost by 1 shot, 42 - 43 (1 - 3).  The win for the Men still gives them a chance of winning the League.  This will depend on the result of the final match against Chipstead and the result of the match between Purley Bury and Chipstead.  Epsom Men have now equalled the points total from last year (60˝).



Rink 1  John Hart  David Bragg  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 27 - 16

After 10 ends Epsom led 13 - 11, but Caterham drew level 13 - 13 on the next end.  Epsom then had 4 good ends scoring a total of 9 shots to go ahead 23 - 13 on the 16th end.  They finished well finally winning by 11 shots.

Rink 2  Brian Kenyon  Howard Ellis  Terry Hoye  Les Owen  won 21 - 14

After 10 ends Epsom was 7 - 8 down, but had 3 good ends to go ahead 15 - 8.  They kept the lead for the rest of the game winning by 7 shots.

Rink 4  Geoff Purrott  Cyril Newman  John Warren  Martin Harbottle  won 20 - 14

This was a very close game throughout the afternoon.  After 11 ends the scores were level 7 - 7 and still level, 11 - 11 after 15 ends.  After 17 ends Epsom fell behind 11 - 14, but they came well scoring a total of 9 shots over the last 4 ends to win by 6 shots.

Rink 5 Stefan Tomm  Roy Doughty  Pat Buckley  Jim Scott  won 36 - 12

Epsom dominated this game throughout allowing Caterham to score on only 6 of the 21 ends.  They led 14 - 8 after 10 ends, 21 - 12 after 14 ends and scored a total of 15 shots on the remaining 7 ends to win comfortably by 24 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 104  Caterham 56       Epsom 6 points  Caterham 0 points




Rink 3  Anne Hoffmann  Jan Allum  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring  lost 18 - 20

After 10 ends Epsom was behind 6 - 11 and still behind, 14 - 16 after 15 ends.  The lost by just 2 shots.

Rink 6  Audrey Jones  Jo Ellis  Lyz Warren  Marilyn Walsh  won 24 - 23

This rink held the lead throughout the game until Caterham levelled the scores 19 - 19 on the 16th end.  The scores were level again, 23 - 23 going into the last end but Epsom managed to secure the 1 shot for an excellent win.

Final Score:  Epsom 42  Caterham 43    Epsom 1 point  Caterham 3 points


Mixed Match v Esher

Epsom played Esher at home in a Mixed Match on Saturday 8th September 2012 and won on 3 rinks & lost the  fourth.  They won overall 81 - 70.


Rink 2  Sue Townsend  Clive Banderet  Bob Blaker  Geoff Purrott  won 22 - 18

After 10 ends this rink led 12 - 9 and kept the lead for the rest of the afternoon.  They ended up winning by 4 shots.

Rink 3  Eddie Needham  Vic Phillips  Jan Allum  Ron Snow won 21 - 20

Epsom was in control right up to end 15 when they led 18 - 13.  However, over the last 6 ends Esher outscored Epsom 7 - 3 just failing to draw level or win.  Epsom won by just the 1 shot.

Rink 4  Tony Dunn  Olive Phillips  Len Philpott  John Warren  lost 18 - 20

This rink was always behind all afternoon.  They trailed by 2 shots, 9 - 11 after 10 ends and 12 - 17 after 15 ends.  However, they came back well to lose by just 2 shots.

Rink 5  Sue Needham  Brian Kenyon   Roy Doughty  Cyril Newman  won 20 - 12

This rink just like rink 2 had the better afternoon.  they led 12 - 5 after 10 ends, 14 - 9 after 15 ends & went on to win by 8 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 81  Esher 70


Past Times Final - Ladies

The Ladies played against Purley Bury on Saturday 8th September 2012 and lost on both rinks losing the Final 32 - 49.  The match took place at Purley.  They were still in the game after 15 ends, but between the two rinks they had a few loose ends near the end.


Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring  lost 17 - 24

This was a very close game right up to the 15th end.  After 10 ends the scores were level, 9 - 9 and 1 down (13 - 14) after 15 ends.  They fell behind 14 - 18 after 18 ends and was followed by a disastrous 19th end when they dropped 5 shots.

They eventually lost by 7 shots.

Rink 5  Sandra Huxford  Jo Ellis  Lyz Warren  Marilyn Walsh  lost 15 - 25

This rink was 5 - 7 down after 10 ends, but scored 4 shots to take the lead.  Unfortunately they then dropped 4 shots on end 11 followed by 3 shots on end 12.  They failed to recover from this set back eventually losing by 10 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 32  Purley Bury 49

Congratulations to the Ladies for reaching the Final.

(Click on Photograph for larger version)

Past Times Team

Gill Sperring  Lyz Warren  Audrey Jones  Jo Ellis  Sandra Huxford

Eileen Mills  Marilyn Walsh  Maggie O'Sullivan  Anne Hoffmann


Ladies' Friendly v Carshalton Beeches

The Ladies played against Carshalton Beeches on Tuesday 4th September 2012 and won on one rink, lost on one rink and drew the third.  They lost the match 41 - 56.


Rink 3  Sylvia Smart  Maureen Trumble  Jo Ellis  lost 8 - 26

This rink struggled all afternoon.  They were 8 - 12 down after 10 ends, further behind 8 - 21 after 15 ends finally losing by 18 shots.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Maggie O’Sullivan  Lyz Warren  drew 17 - 17

This was a very close game all afternoon.  Epsom led 12 - 10 after 10 ends, but Carshalton Beeches drew level 15 - 15 after 15 ends.  The last 3 ends were close and the game ended up drawn.

Rink 5  Sue Needham  Jan Allum  Gill Sperring  won 16 - 13

After 10 ends this rink was 8 - 9 down, but came back well to lead 13 - 12 after 15 ends.  They maintained this momentum to go on and win by 3 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 41  Carshalton Beeches 56