A message from your President
Welcome to our new season. I hope you all got through the dreadful winter without too many difficulties. So we really must be due for a beautiful summer with lots of good bowling - let’s hope so anyway.
With the new season we have many new faces on the Committees and I hope you will all enjoy your new positions. Of course, winter working parties have been hard at work, as usual.
Peter Miller needs special thanks for all the time spent on mending the paths and building up the edges so they are much safer to use. We also have a magnificent new scaffolding tower for use when members are cutting high hedges, mending Club House lights and many other necessary jobs to keep our Club going. So a big thanks to everyone involved.
We have a new Publicity Officer, Eric Brown, who is attacking this job with great gusto and hopes to get more publicity coverage for our activities. We shall be having an Open Day on 6th June for people to come and see us and have a go at bowling. We will need a lot of support from members for this day please.
Graham Pilbrow has taken over as Head Coach and we already have a few new members waiting to try their hands at this great game. So don’t forget to encourage your friends to have a go.

Once again thank you to everyone for all they do to help our Club and I look forward to seeing you on the green.
Maureen Trumble - President


Message from the Men's Captain Les Owen 2010
Further to my letter in the pre season paper work may I once again wish you all a very successful season. It is very pleasing to note that we have several new members who have joined us over the last few months. I wish them all a very warm welcome.
Please enter your names on the match sheets pinned up on the notice boards. If you are selected please sign off and make a note of what your duties are for the day. If you are unable to undertake the duty allocated please try to swap with someone in your own rink in the first instance. If you need a lift for away matches please let me know a few days before the game so I can organise something for you. Please note that the notice board contains sheets for outside competitions and internal Club games (e.g. Windeler Cup).


Message from the Ladies’ Captain Eileen Mills 2010
I welcome you all to the new bowling season.
First of all I must thank my vice captain Lyz Warren for standing in for me so ably during my sojourn in Florida and also for writing the opening letter in my absence.
At this moment I can only reiterate what Lyz has said.
The match sheets for the first few matches will be on display in the Clubhouse on the opening evening. Please check your diaries to see if you are able to play. Once we have started to bowl they will be in the normal place in the changing room. Do keep an eye on the boards both in the changing room and on the verandah where the mixed games will be displayed.
I have received dates for the Top Ten and the Past Times Competitions. We are drawn to play Sutton at home in the Top 10 (closing date Sunday 9th May). I am hoping to make this the playing date. It is rather early in the season, I feel, and does not give us much time to practice. The Past Times is to be played on 27th June at Cheam Fields. I have already been contacted by them with dates in June. I shall be around asking when you are available so keep your diaries with you.
We have a fairly full fixture card for the season. Please support your Club as much as you possibly can. Do not forget the mixed sheets (pink ones) in the verandah. If you are fairly new to bowling then enter as many games as you can. It is the best way of improving.
The ladies have a number of drives on non match days. These are for fun and getting to know each other as well as to practice.
This year the catering for mixed and league games is being done differently. The Committee will buy the food and the colour coding on the team selection sheet will indicate who’s turn it is to prepare the food. This will be one person from each rink. Ladies teas will remain as before.
A special welcome to our new member Rona and our not quite so new members who joined towards the end of last season. I would like to ask that all members make them feel at home with us.
Good Bowling - Eileen


Florida Champion
Good Bowling in Sunny Florida
Brian Kenyon has once again become successful in far away Florida over the winter. Brian became Club Champion singles winner at the Sarasota Bowling Club.
On his way to victory, in the Men’s section he beat 2 English players 1 Canadian and 1 Scottish player to become Men’s Champion. He then went on to play the Ladies’ Champion, who was from Scotland, to become the overall Club Champion.
Congratulations Brian from Epsom Bowling Club


Jubilee Cup -  Semi Final

Epsom played a very strong South London team on Monday 29th March and lost 24 - 53.

Epsom made a very good start on one rink, but the other struggled throughout the match.


Rink 3 skipped by Ron Mew started very well taking an 8 - 0 lead.  On the 7th end they dropped 4 shots and allowed South London to get back into the game by dropping a further 5 shots on end 10.  From then on South London took control and the rink eventually lost 13 - 23.

Rink 2 skipped by Jim Scott struggled from the start.  At 10 ends they were 20 - 5 down and were soundly beaten 30 - 11.

Final Details:

Rink 3  Terry Hoye, David Sowdon, Les Owen & Ron Mew  lost 13 - 23

Rink 2  Graham Pilbrow, Ted Ray, Graham Naish & Jim Scott lost 11 - 30

Although losing in the Semi Final this was, once again, a fine achievement in this competition.  A huge thanks go to all who participated in the competition and to those who gave up their time to support the Club.

A special thanks to John Warren who stood by as reserve for the Semi Final.


Colin Hibbs League

Epsom have been playing this season in the Colin Hibbs league at Donyngs Indoor Bowling Club.  Last year Epsom ended bottom of the league, but this year they have had a much better season.  Of the 19 games played Epsom won 10, Lost 8 and drew 1.  They scored 272 shots for and 227 shots against.  A total of 36 players represented Epsom in this competition.  Well done on a great improvement from last year.


Indoor Friendly against King George I.B.C.

Epsom played King George on Sunday 28th March and lost 55 - 85.  This competition has been running for several years, but Epsom have yet to win the Cup.  This fixture has always been difficult for Epsom as all of the King George team are regular indoor players.  This year Epsom's team contained 6 players who do not belong to an indoor club.

Rink 2  John Hart  Diana Taylor  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Mew       lost 18 - 20

Rink 3  Bill Lawrence  Jo Ellis  John Warren  Sylvia Pearce          won 16 - 15

Rink 4  Martin Harbottle  Anne Hoffmann  Terry Hoye  Les Owen   lost 15 - 21

Rink 3  Tessa Hurworth  Lyz Warren  Bill Ellis  Peter Humphreys        lost 6 - 29


Jubilee Cup - Epsom reach the Semi Final

Epsom played Chessington Ladies on Tuesday 9th March and won the match 43 - 37.


Rink 4 skipped by Ron Mew played against a very strong team of Ladies.  They were always behind in the game, but at 10 ends were only 1 shot adrift (10 - 11).  From then on they struggled eventually losing 26 - 14.

Rink 5 skipped by Graham Pilbrow got off to a slow start, but led 11 - 4 after 10 ends.  From then on they were always in control and after scoring 6 shots on one end they went on to win comfortably 29 - 11.

Final Details:

Rink 5  Maggie O'Sullivan, Peter Humphreys, David Sowdon & Ron Mew  lost 14 - 26

Rink 6  Terry Hoye, Les Owen, Graham Naish & Graham Pilbrow won 29 -11.


Epsom now play South London (who knocked out West Wimbledon in the quarter final) on Monday 29th March at 6.30pm


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom played Leatherhead 'A' on Friday 26th February.  The rink was Jan Allum, John Warren, Jo Ellis & David Sowdon.

Epsom were in control throughout the game.  Epsom were 14 - 0 up after 5 ends but Leatherhead pulled back to be only 3 shots behind after 10 ends (14 - 11).  Over the last 8 ends Epsom dominated play scoring on every end to win comfortably 28 - 11. 

Epsom do not qualify for the next stage.


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom played Esher on Friday 19th February.  The rink was Bill Lawrence, Tessa Hurworth, Bill Ellis & David Sowdon.

Epsom were in control throughout the game.  Epsom were 8 - 1 up after 5 ends and further ahead 14 - 5 after 10 ends.  Over the last 7 ends Epsom dominated play much more scoring a total of 17 shots to Esher's 1 shot.  Epsom won comfortably 31 - 6.  This becomes the second win out of three games played in the League stage of the Competition.

The final game is on 26th February against Leatherhead 'A' at 6.30pm.


Jubilee Cup

Epsom played Hook & Southborough on Tuesday 9th February and won the match convincingly 46 - 19.


Rink 5 skipped by Ron Mew had an excellent evening.  All 4 players played well and ran out comfortable winners 32 - 6.

Rink 6 skipped by Jim Scott struggled all evening to get into the game and were playing catch up right up until the last two ends.  On the 13th end they were 13 - 5 down, but scored a 6 & then a 3 to win 14 - 13.

Final Details:

Rink 5  Maggie O'Sullivan, Peter Humphreys, Les Owen & Ron Mew  won 32 - 6

Rink 6  Graham Pilbrow, Terry Hoye, Graham Naish & Jim Scott won 14 -13.


Epsom now wait until the 22nd February to see if they have qualified for the knock out stages.


Summary of League games played in the Jubilee Cup

Cheam Won 37 - 23 (1 point)                      Cuddington Won 40 - 11 (2 points)

West Wimbledon Lost 21 - 35 (0 points)    Cheam Fields Won 39 - 9⅔ (2 points)

Hook & Southborough Won 46 - 19 (2 points)

Total number of games - 5       Won - 4      Lost - 1                 Total number of rinks won 8 Total number of rinks lost - 2

Shots scored for - 183 Total shots against - 97⅔        Total number of points for 8 Total number of points against - 2

Best shot difference success   +29 v Cuddington


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom played Bookham on Friday 5th February.  The rink was David Ruston, Bill Ellis, Jo Ellis & Les Owen.

Epsom were outplayed by Bookham for most of the game.  Epsom were 10 - 2 down after just 5 ends and further behind 17 - 6 after 12 ends.  Over the last 6 ends Epsom played much better, but eventually lost 23 - 12.  After our win in the first round this loss comes as a great disappointment.

The next game is on 19th February against Esher at 6.30pm.


Mole Valley Cup

This competition consists of one rink playing on 4 occasions in the early stages.  Rinks can be single sex or mixed.

Epsom played Pippbrook on Friday 29th January.  The rink was Pat Felloni, Ruth Nixon, Jan Allum & Les Owen.

Epsom were in control throughout the match.  After 10 ends they led 18 - 3 eventually winning 29 - 6.

The next game is on 5th February against Bookham B at 6.30pm.


Club AGM

The Club Annual General Meeting was held at the Club on Friday 15th January 2010.  Over 50 members attended.

Maureen Trumble became only the second lady in the history of Epsom Bowling Club to take on the honour of President.  Other changes in the Committee were:- Sandra Huxford being elected to serve on the Committee as a representative of the Lady members.  All other nominated officers will serve a further year.

There is no Catering Officer at present.

The Annual Subscription was raised to £125.

Les Owen was nominated to become a Club Honorary Vice-President in recognition of his past outstanding services to the Club.  This was unanimously agreed by all present.

Two proposals were made and discussed at the meeting.

1.  To allow casual wear to be worn for all casual play.  This was defeated.

2.  To discontinue cash prizes for all Club Competitions.  This was passed.


Jubilee Cup

Epsom played Cheam Fields on Tuesday 12th January and won the match convincingly 39 - 9⅔.  (Cheam Fields were 1 player short on 1 rink).

Rink 5  Terry Hoye  Les Owen  Graham Naish  Jim Scott    Won 23 - 3

This game turned to be very one sided with Cheam Fields scoring their only 3 shots on end 5.

Rink 6  Maggie O'Sullivan  Peter Humphreys  David Sowdon  Ron Mew  Won 16 - 6⅔.

Cheam Fields were 1 player short on this rink and Epsom were always ahead in the match.

Epsom have one more game to play in the League games against Hook & Southborough on February 9th at 8.30pm


Indoor Match against Mole Valley I.B.C

Epsom played Mole Valley I.B.C. on Sunday 29th November and lost by just 2 shots overall.  Considering many of the Epsom team do not play indoors regularly this was an excellent performance.


Rink 1  Ken Maile  Bill Lawrence  Lyz Warren  Jo Ellis

Epsom played a very strong and experienced rink on rink 1 and struggled most of the afternoon.  After 10 ends they were 12 - 5 down and eventually lost 21 - 11.

Rink 2  Joyce Maile  Pat Felloni  John Huxford  John Warren

This turned out to a very close game right up to the 17th end when Epsom led 11 - 9.  However, Mole Valley won the last 4 ends to win 17 - 11.

Rink 3  Sandra Huxford  Derek Jones  Geoff Purrott  Bill Ellis

After 9 ends Epson were ahead 11 - 8, but the then dropped a 7.  This was a big set back, but Bill Ellis played some excellent bowls in the last few ends to keep Epsom in the game, and just failed to secure a win, losing by just 2 shots 24 - 22.

Rink 4  Ruth Nixon  Audrey Jones  Clive Allum  Les Owen

Epsom were on top throughout this game and led 18 - 2 after 10 ends.  Mole Valley came back a little during the second half, but Epsom went on to win comfortably 28 - 12.

Final Score:  Epsom 72  Mole Valley 74


Jubilee Cup

Epsom played against West Wimbledon on Monday 23rd November in the third match of the Jubilee Cup.  They lost heavily.  Unfortunately Epsom were unable to put out the same team as in the first two rounds and this affected the outcome of the game very much.


Rink 2  Maggie O'Sullivan  Les Owen Peter Humphreys  Ron Mew

Epsom found themselves behind all the way through this game.  After 10 ends they were down 16 - 4, but scored a 5 on the 11th end to get back into the game.  However, this success was short lived as they went further behind, eventually losing 18 -11.

Rink 2  Graham Pilbrow  Terry Hoye  Graham Naish  David Sowdon

Epsom began this game very well and took an early lead, 9 - 4 after 10 ends.  Unfortunately the last few ends belonged to West Wimbledon with Epsom dropping a 4 and 6 on two separate ends during this period of the match to eventually lose

17 - 10.

Overall a very disappointing performance.

Final Result:

Epsom 21  West Wimbledon 35


Jubilee Cup

Epsom played against Cuddington on Friday 6th November in the second match of the Jubilee Cup.  They won this match very convincingly 4 0 - 11.


Rink 2  Graham Pilbrow  Terry Hoye  Graham Naish  Jim Scott

This game was very even for 7 ends (5 - 5) but Cuddington then took a 1 shot lead.  Epsom found some excellent form and won the next 6 ends scoring a total of 10 shots.  The game finished with Epsom winning 15 - 8.

Rink 3  Maggie O'Sullivan  Peter Humphreys  David Sowdon  Ron Mew

This game turned out to be very one sided with Cuddington scoring only 3 shots.  Epsom proved to be too strong and won 25 - 3.

Final Result:

Epsom 40  Cuddington 11


Stephen Charles Emmett 1915 - 2009

Ted, as he was known to Epsom Bowling Club and his family and friends, was born in 1915 in Wandsworth, South London. He spent 50 years in the Beddding Industry and retired in 1975. Ted joined the highly rated Wimbledon Durnsford B.C. in 1970 and was a finalist in the Club Championship and Finalist in the London Park Fours. He moved to Walton on the Hill in 1975 and joined Epsom B.C. in 1976. Ted served on several Committees and founded ‘Dad’s Army’ (see below). He retired from competitive bowls after reaching the young age of 90.
Sadly Ted passed away on Saturday 10th October 2009.

‘Dad’s Army’ played an important part in the History of Epsom Bowling Club during the late 80’s and early 90’s.
Ted Emmett was kind enough to give the information regarding this part of Epsom Bowling Club’s History.

The term ‘Dad’s Army' was given to afternoon bowlers (most of whom had served in the war) and came from Janet Cheesman’s father Henry Starkey.

The fixture was run in its entirety by Ted and his dear wife. Ted starting it all off wearing a tin hat which led to other trophies, namely, Tin Hat, Shield and Wooden Spoon.
The format consisted of ‘The Army’ parade in the car park, suitably dressed, and then marching around the green which became an accepted part of the ritual. It developed further from there with others dressing up in Patriotic Costume. At one time the group boasted 20 - 30 members.

The initial match was played on the 16th July 1989 and involved Dad’s Army playing against The Rest. The result was a tie but, the winners were declared on the number of ends won.

The supper given after the game was traditional ‘Bangers & Mash’. Formal speeches and presentations were made.
‘Dad’s Army’ continued to be played until 1993 when Ted withdrew due to the loss of his Grandson.

(Click on photo for larger version)


Jubilee Cup

Epsom began the Jubilee Cup with an excellent win against a strong Cheam side.

After 5 ends Epsom were well ahead 15 - 2, but Cheam pulled back over the next 5 ends to narrow the gap 24 - 15.

Although one rink lost by 3 shots the other had a very good evening and won comfortably 21 - 4.


Rink 2  Graham Pilbrow   Terry Hoye  Graham Naish  Jim Scott   Lost 16 - 19

Rink 3  Maggie O'Sullivan  Peter Humphreys  David Sowdon  Ron Mew  Won 21 - 4

Final Result:  Epsom  37  Cheam 23

The next game is on 6th November against Cuddington at 8.30pm.


Indoor Match at Donyngs

Epsom travelled to Donyngs on Sunday 11th October and lost on 3 rinks and won on the other.  Epsom lost overall 68 - 93.

Considering that most of the Epsom players do not play indoors this was a good performance.  Many of the Epsom players found the speed of the green difficult to handle, but there were very good performances on three rinks.

Rink 2 Lost 8 - 34, Rink 3 Won 21 - 16, Rink 4 Lost 18 - 19 & Rink 5 Lost 21 - 24.


Correspondence from Members
Hi Les
I intended to write at the end of the season but didn't get round to it before I received your request.
I thought the year was absolutely fabulous and everything went very well despite a few saying the club had taken on too much and would not get enough support from members. I believe you were over subscribed for all the special games and counted myself lucky to be selected for them all except the London Secretaries in which I did eventually play as they were a rink short.
The biggest disappointment for me was the Bowls England match, not because my rink got a thumping, but the way they now select their teams. In the old days of the E.B.A. these games were six rinks of men and only the County President and Secretary were allowed to play in their own County. It was not unusual to have up to 20 different counties represented. This year with only 4 men's rinks there were 4 players from Surrey in their team who we play with or against several times in a season. This is just a personal observation.
The arrangements at matches were commented on by visitors as being first class with regard to catering and manning the bar. The club members always rally round to do the jobs that are necessary.
I am very pleased to hear the Newsletter will continue, always look forward to reading it in print even though a lot is already on the website. The amount of time you spend on both these is amazing and really appreciated.
Regarding the Commemorative Brochure for 2010 I hope you get enough support for it and I would certainly buy one even though I was not present on Gala Day and my only claim to fame, runner up in the Windeler Cup, did not qualify for a photograph!!
Well done Les in your first year as captain. In the words of Brian Clough the best captain the club has had since 1991 and in the top two of all time.
Regards, Roy Ward


Hi Les
First of all congratulations on the work you have put into this year as Men's Captain and all the hard work you have to make this a successful year for the Club. I would be interested in a brochure.
One of the memories I will have is the way the Club Members assisted to make this a Centenary year and how they dressed up in costumes on Gala Day to mark the Clubs Centenary. On another note we were very fortunate to have fairly good weather on all our special games.
Can I mention Club Nights on a Friday Evening as this turned out to be a great success for all concerned especially new members
Winter well
Cyril Newman


Dear Les
Congratulations to you and all the committee for overseeing a very successful centenary year. A lot of hard work for you all, but most enjoyable and I feel lucky to have been able to have participate and play in some of the specially arranged games.
I look forward to buying a commemorative brochure.
David Ruston


Hi Les
I think that very many clubs would wish to have had a centenary year as successful as Epsom's has been.
I have to admit that when I saw the programme of celebration matches that had been arranged I was extremely dubious about the willingness of the members to honour such a commitment but under your leadership it was achieved with considerable success.
I myself was not very involved with the year's activities but the vibes that I got were that every one enjoyed this special year.
My congratulations to you and to everyone who put in so much time and effort to bring about this great achievement.
As someone who tried for five years to put out a newsletter at King George Field (not at the standard you put out) I believe that it is an integral part of club life. The only query I have is over the need to include so much detail on the club matches. A particularly good result/rink win/or defeat might warrant special mention but you could cut down on your time and paper by omitting the details of how each rink progressed throughout the match. After all many of the games are old hat by the time the newsletter is published. (just my opinion).
Jim Scott


Hi Les
John & I decided that we wanted to take a full part in the Club's Centenary Year as we won't get another opportunity! We booked no holidays, attended one wedding and one 90th birthday party and signed up for all the rest of the games that we could. I was fortunate to be picked for most of the games, had the privilege of playing in all eight Ladies League matches and all the celebration matches which included the ladies. The Bowls England game was a particular pleasure. Excluding Friday night roll ups and Club Competitions I played in 39 matches, ladies and mixed, with a majority of club wins and a personal rink score of 15 wins, 16 losses and one draw. I had a great season gaining much experience playing three and skip. I enjoyed helping with the catering when what was served was greatly appreciated. There were many club members and officers who exceeded their duties to ensure this was a fantastic year - so thank you to them all, and I am only going to single out the Captains for specific thanks as they were never off duty.
Lyz Warren

Not much to add to that!!
I thought that the season went extremely well and lived up to all the planning and expectations. It’s a pity that it went so quickly.
John Warren


Hi Les

I personally felt last year was a massive success both socially and competitively. 

You and George should be praised for what must have been some tricky team selections, lucky as I was to be selected for several Surrey County matches.

I was pleased to note that it would seem we [Epsom] are at last being noticed and no longer are the Country Cousins.

Well done to you and the team.

David Sowdon.



Jack Gee Celebration

Jack Gee Celebrated his 100th Birthday on Saturday 3rd October at The Epsom Bowling Club. His Grandson and his wife had flown over from Ibiza for this Celebration.  Also present were friends of Jack and many members of Epsom Bowling Club.  Light refreshments were available and a toast was made with a glass of champagne.  Click on photos for larger version


                                                 Card from the Queen       Big Puff             No Problem!


Jack Gee - 100 Years Old

Jack Gee Celebrated his 100th Birthday on Monday 28th September.  Jack strolled into the Club a year ago to see what was going on and soon decided to become a member.  He thoroughly enjoys watching the game of bowls, talking to members and drinking a pint of beer.

The Club sends Jack sincere congratulations on the occasion of his 100th Birthday.


Awards Evening

Epsom Bowling Club celebrated their Centenary at Surrey Downs Golf Club on Saturday 26th September 2009.  At this evening Tony Jackman, President, welcomed members and guests and thanked everyone for making the year memorable.  Vera Deane in reply gave a short history of the Club.

Les Owen presented Joan Reynolds with a signed photograph of the presentation of the 100 Up Cup she kindly gave to the Club in memory of her late husband, and former member, Geoff.

All members and guests were served with an excellent meal and all Competition winners and Runners Up present were presented with their Cups and Certificates.



Joan Reynolds                                                                                                                                                Vera Deane

& Les Owen                                                                                                                                               & Tony Jackman


Men's Friendly

The season ended with a Men's Friendly match against Medway Bowling Association.  This game was arranged as part of Epsom's Centenary Celebrations.  The President, Tony Jackman, had made a special request to play this Association as he has strong connections with them.


Rink 1 skipped by Pat Buckley was involved in a very close game throughout the afternoon.  At 10 ends the score was 10 - 8 to Medway, but Epsom levelled 15 - 15 after 15 ends.  After a very close second half the honours were shared with the final score being 21 - 21.

Rink 2 skipped by Ron Mew had an excellent afternoon with all 4 players playing very well.  After 10 ends Epsom led 12 - 4 and went further ahead 20 - 6 after 15 ends.  Medway failed to score again and the rink won 29 - 6.

Rink 3 skipped by Les Owen found themselves 14 - 4 down after 10 ends, but on ends 12 - 15 they scored a total of 12 shots to go ahead 16 - 15.  After this the game was very close but Medway won 20 - 19 on the very last end.

Rink 4 skipped by Roy Ward was having a very close game with the score 11 - 11 after 14 ends, then 13 - 13 after 16 ends.  Epsom then had a disastrous 18th end when they dropped 6 shots.  This proved to be the deciding factor in the game and they eventually lost 21 - 16.

Rink 5 skipped by David Sowdon had a close first few ends but then scored on each of the ends 9 to 17 to go ahead 25 - 6.  Medway won the last 4 ends but still lost 25 - 13.

Rink 6 skipped by Peter Miller led 11 - 7 after 10 ends and maintained a lead of 8 shots on end 14 , 18 - 10.  They finished strongly going on to win 27 - 12.

Final Details:

Rink 1  Clive Allum  Clive Banderet  Eric Brown  Pat Buckley           Drew 21 - 21

Rink 2  Roy Doughty  Dave Ruston  Peter Humphreys  Ron Mew    Won 29 - 6*

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Tony Jackman  John Warren  Les Owen        Lost 19 - 20

Rink 4  John Hart  Ken Lacey  Sid Bailey  Roy Ward                         Lost 16 - 21

Rink 5  Bill Lawrence  Bill Ellis  Geoff Purrott  David Sowdon           Won 25 - 13

Rink 6  Ron Snow  Derek Jones  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller       Won 27 - 12

Final Score:  Epsom  137      Medway  93

* Highest winning rink


Cropley Cup

The Annual fixture between the Men & the Ladies took place on Tuesday 22nd September.  Last year the Ladies won 68 - 45 so the Men were looking for a little revenge in 2009.  They certainly bounced back from this defeat with a very good 79 - 36 win.  The game was played in a very sporting manner and after the game all the players sat down for refreshments prepared by the Ladies.


Rink 2  Ken Lacey  Ken Rogers  Martin Harbottle Pat Buckley v

             Ann Bailey  Eileen Godfrey  Maureen Trumble  Gill Sperring

After 10 ends the Men were 14 - 3 ahead and went further ahead 19 - 6 after 15 ends.  The men went on to win convincingly 30 - 10.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Roy Doughty  John Warren  Sid Bailey v

             Anne Hoffmann  Betty Day  Lyz Warren  Jan Allum

This game turned out very similar to Rink 2.  After 10 ends the Men led 19 - 6 (scoring a 6 on end 10) and went further ahead 24 - 7 after 15 ends.  The men here also had a convincing win 31 - 11.

Rink 4  Clive Allum  Clive Banderet Eric Brown  Peter Humphreys v

              Sandra Huxford  Ruth Nixon  Dolly Snow  Eileen Mills.

This game turned out to be a much closer affair.  After 10 ends the Ladies led 8 - 6 and after a few close ends the Men sneaked ahead 11 - 10 after 15 ends.  The last 6 ends proved to be decisive with the Men scoring a total of 7 shots to the Ladies 5 shots resulting in the Men won 18 - 15.

Final Score:  Epsom Men 79  Epsom Ladies 36


The Event

The Event run & organised by Graham Pilbrow once again proved to be a very successful event.  This Competition for the last few years has been supported by the National Counties Building Society.

The Event is run over three Sunday mornings in September and this year was won by a team from Raynes Park.  Wallington were the Runners Up.

Graham organised a few different ideas for this year as part of the Centenary Celebrations.

Dave Emery won shot of the day, Les Owen won the fluke of the day, Bob Brennan was crowned Star of the day and the silly hat went to Peter Salmon.

A huge thanks to everyone who made this Event highly successful.

Full details of this Competition - History and results can be viewed on this Web Site by going to 'Results'/'The Event' and following the links.


Sutton & District Bowling Association - Paston Cup

The Sutton & District Bowling Association Finals took place on Saturday 19th September 2009.  Graham Pilbrow reached the Paston Final for the seventh time.  He won once again to make it 6 wins out of 7.

Graham started the game very well and went into an 8 - 1 lead after 6 ends.  His opponent, from Wallington, came back to be just 2 shots behind, 10 - 8, after 11 ends, but Graham went further ahead 18 - 12 after 19 ends.  The match was won on the 20th end when Graham drew 3 very good bowls.  Needing to cut the shot count down to stay in the game his opponent, with his last bowl, fell short by 1 yard.  Graham won 21 - 12.

Epsom Bowling Club sends Sincere Congratulations to Graham for winning The Paston Cup for the 6th time.


Ladies' Friendly Matches 2009

Summary - Last year’s figures in brackets

Of the 25 (24) scheduled games 22 (20) were played.  Epsom won 12 (9), lost 9 (11), drew 1 (0) and 3 were cancelled.  In total 1081 (1024) shots were scored for and 1142 (1076) against.

In all 25 (23) Ladies represented Epsom in the Friendly matches in 2009.

The number of rinks won were 30 (22), lost 29 (33) and drawn 3 (3).

The best match win came against Ewell 79 - 35 (+44) and the best rink win was in the same match, 26 - 11 (+15).

These are the most significant appearances in the Friendly matches by the Ladies:

Maureen Trumble 18, Anne Hoffmann & Lyz Warren 17, Dolly Snow 15, Maggie O’Sullivan & Sylvia Pearce 14, Pat Felloni, Tessa Hurworth, Jo Ellis & Eileen Mills 13, Freda Starkey & Gill Sperring 12, Jan Allum 11, Audrey Jones 9.


Men's Friendly

The Men played Churchfields on Wednesday 16th September and won overall 60 - 52.


Rink 3 skipped by Eric Brown was having a very good afternoon and were 9 - 4 ahead after 10 ends.  After 15 ends they had increased their lead to 15 - 7 thanks to a 4 & 2 on ends 14 and 15.  They went on to win comfortably 20 - 11.  Well done Eric!

Rink 4 Skipped by Peter Humphreys started well but dropped shots on ends 3 - 7 and were 9 - 5 down after 10 ends.  At 15 ends they had closed the gap to 11 - 12 down.  They then had 3 good ends scoring a total of 6 shots to go ahead 18 - 12. Then disaster on ends 20 & 21 when they dropped 3 shots then a 6 to lose 21 - 18.

Rink 5 skipped by John Warren, Captain for the day, found themselves 12 - 5 down at 10 ends.  After 15 ends they came back to be within 1 shot, 14 - 13 down, at 15 ends.  The last 5 ends proved to very exciting when Epsom scored a 5 on end 17 then 1 shot on end 18 to go ahead 20 - 16.  Churchfields then hit back with a 4 on end 20 to level the game 20 - 20.  Epsom held out on the last end scoring 2 shots to win the game 22 - 20.

Final Details:

Rink 3  Bill Lawrence  Derek Jones  Alan Wybrow  Eric Brown           Won 20 - 11

Rink 4  John Southam  Derek Hoffmann  Geoff Purrott  Peter Humphreys     Lost 18 - 21

Rink 5  Brian Kenyon  Ken Rogers  Roy Doughty  John Warren    Won 22 - 20

Final Score:  Epsom 60  Churchfields 52


Men East Surrey League

The Men played the last League game of the season away at Chipstead on Saturday 12th September.  After winning 7 games in a row Epsom needed to secure 3 shots to ensure getting third place.  Sadly they were soundly beaten by a good Chipstead side.  However, they did get one point which means Epsom finish at least 4th and above Chipstead.


Rink 2 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was having a very good afternoon.  They took the lead 9 - 8 after 10 ends and then scored on each of the next 8 ends to take a commanding lead 24 - 8.  They went on to win 25 - 10.

Rink 3 skipped by Graham Naish was behind right from the start, but levelled 9 - 9 after 10 ends.  Chipstead went ahead in the second half, and although Epsom narrowed the gap to 5 shots on 18 ends they eventually lost 23 - 15.

Rink 4 skipped by Les Owen also levelled the score 9 - 9 after 10 ends and then took the lead 15 - 10 after 16 ends.  Chipstead had a very good last few ends and just managed to overtake Epsom to win 17 - 16.

Rink 5 skipped by Peter Miller scored 4 shots on end 3, but soon found themselves 15 - 6 down after 15 ends.  They closed the gap a little, but Chipstead scored on the last three ends to win 26 - 15.

Final Details:

Rink 2  John Hart  Len Philpott  Pat Buckley  Graham Pilbrow                    Won 25 - 10*

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Bill Lawrence  George Sperring  Graham Naish      Lost 15 - 23

Rink 4  Ron Snow  Roy Ward  Jim Scott  Les Owen                                       Lost 16 - 17

Rink 5  Martin Harbottle  Alan Wybrow  David Sowdon  Peter Miller          Lost 15 - 26

Final Scores:  Epsom 71  Chipstead 76

                        Epsom 1 point  Chipstead 5 points

*Highest winning rink.


East Surrey League Summary 2009  - 2008 figures in brackets

All 15 (14) games were completed as scheduled.  Of these Epsom won 9 (10), Lost 5 (3) and Drew 1 (1).

1315 (1163) shots were scored for and 1077 (968) against.   Epsom gained 56 (53½) and ended up 4th* (3rd) in the League.

The best win this year was against Dorking 122 - 48 (+74 shots) and the best rink win came in the same game, 33 - 7.

29 (30) members played in the League this year with John Huxford & Alan Wybrow playing their very first game for the Club in this Competition.

Peter Miller played in all 15 games.  Other significant appearances were:-

Bill Lawrence, Brian Kenyon & George Sperring 14; Les Owen, John Hart, Martin Harbottle, Graham Pilbrow & Pat Buckley 13; Graham Naish & Roy Ward 12; Ron Mew & David Sowdon 10; Jim Scott John Warren & Derek Hoffmann 9; Terry Hoye & Geoff Purrott 8; Stefan Tomm & Ron Snow 7.

*To be confirmed


Ladies' Friendly

The Ladies played Cuddington on 10th September and won 56 - 47.


Rink 4 skipped by Eileen Mills went behind right from the beginning, but levelled 7 - 7 after 11 ends.  The last few ends decided the outcome of the game when Cuddington scored a 3 on end 19 and 4 shots on the 21st end to win 18 - 11.

Rink 5 skipped by Sylvia Pearce was leading 10 - 6 at 10 ends and stretched the lead to 17 - 10 after 15 ends.  The rink went on to win 20 - 14.

Rink 6 skipped by Jo Ellis was well ahead at 10 ends, 13 - 5 at 15 ends, and continued to dominate the game and went on to win 25 - 15.

Final Details:

Rink 4  Freda Starkey  Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills    Lost 11 - 18

Rink 5  Ann Bailey  Nancy Smillie  Diana Taylor  Sylvia Pearce         Won 20 - 14

Rink 6  Audrey Jones  Tessa Hurworth  Pat Felloni  Jo Ellis                Won 25 - 15

Final Score:  Epsom 56  Cuddington 47


East Surrey League

Epsom Men played away at Caterham on Sunday 6th September 2009.  Last year Epsom lost at home, but this year they won on all 4 rinks securing a 6 points to nil result.  This was the 7th League in a row that Epsom have won.


Rink 2 skipped by Graham Pilbrow got off to a poor start and found themselves 12 - 2 down after just 8 ends.  They then got into the game and went ahead 14 - 13 after 15 ends.  They scored a 4 on the 19th end and went on to win 21 - 18.

Rink 3 skipped by Graham Naish was involved in a very tight game.  The scores were level 10 - 10 after 10 ends, but then they lost the lead but came back to score a 5 on the 17th end to regain the lead 18 - 16.  They finished well scoring a 2, 1 & 2 to win 23 - 18.

Rink 5 skipped by Peter Miller had a very good start and went into a 12 - 3 lead after 10 ends.  Caterham had a much better second half and got back to within 2 shots, 17 - 15 after 19 ends.  Epsom held out to win by just the 1 shot 18 - 17.

Rink 6 skipped by Les Owen had a good first half and led 19 - 9 after 10 ends.  They continued to score in the second half and won comfortably 31 - 15.

Final Details:

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  Cyril Newman  John Hart  Graham Pilbrow  Won 21 - 18

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  John Warren  George Sperring  Graham Naish   Won 23 - 18

Rink 5  Martin Harbottle  Derek Hoffmann  David Sowdon  Peter Miller   Won 18 - 17

Rink 6  Geoff Purrott  Roy Ward  Jim Scott  Les Owen   Won 31 - 15*

Final Score:  Epsom 93  Caterham 68

                       Epsom 6 points  Caterham 0 points

* Highest winning rink


East Surrey League

The Ladies also played a League match at Caterham on Sunday 6th September 2009.  They lost on both rinks with one of these having a dramatic collapse.


Rink 1 skipped by Gill Sperring got off to an excellent start and led 13 - 3 after 10 ends.  They increased the lead to 22 - 6 after 14 ends, but Caterham shortened the jack length and Epsom lost their way dropping 19 shots over the last 7 ends to lost 25 - 22.

Rink 4 skipped by Sylvia Pearce struggled throughout the game.  They were behind 11 - 6 after 10 ends, fell further behind 16 - 7 after 15 ends and were soundly beaten 22 - 9.

Final Details:

Rink 1  Freda Starkey  Sandra Huxford  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring   Lost 22 - 25

Rink 4  Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  Jo Ellis  Sylvia Pearce  Lost 9 - 22

Final Score:  Epsom 31  Caterham 47

                       Epsom 0 points  Caterham 4 points


Ladies Friendly

The Ladies played Cheam Fields on 27th August 2009 and lost 2 of the 3 rinks and lost the match overall 42 - 67.


Rink 1 skipped by Jan Allum had an excellent afternoon.  They led 11 - 3 at 10 ends, but allowed Cheam Fields back into the game to come to within 2 shots, 12 - 10 after 15 ends.  However, Epsom finished strongly winning the last 6 ends scoring a total of 14 shots to win 26 - 10.

Rink 2 skipped by Lyz Warren struggled throughout the game.  They did, however win 8 ends but only scored 1 shot on each of these ends.  They lost 20 - 8.

Rink 3 skipped by Jo Ellis also struggled and were 12 - 5 down at 10 ends.  They had a dreadful second half losing seven of the last eight ends dropping a total of 23 shots to lose 37 - 8.

Final Details:

Rink 1  Freda Starkey  Heather Pigden  Maureen Trumble  Jan Allum  Won 26 - 10

Rink 2  Anne Hoffmann  Ruth Nixon  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren                Lost 20 - 8

Rink 3  Ann Bailey  Doris Flintham  Pat Felloni  Jo Ellis                           Lost 37 - 8

Final Score:

Epsom  42  Cheam Fields 67


Ladies Friendly

The Ladies played a Triples match against Carshalton Beeches on 1st September 2009 and lost on 2 rinks and drew the other.  They lost the match 42 - 59


Rink 4 skipped by Jo Ellis had a very close first half and at the half way stage the scores were level 9 - 9.  However, The Beeches scored well in the second half winning 20 - 10.

Rink 5 skipped by Pat Felloni were well down at 10 ends, 16 - 6.  They recovered well in the second half, but The Beeches scored 2 3's on ends 16 & 17 to win 23 - 16.

Rink 6 skipped by Maureen Trumble had an excellent first half and led 15 - 8 after 14 ends.  They then dropped 8 shots over 3 ends and then went behind.  They secured 1 shot on the last end to tie the rink 16 - 16.

Final Details:

Rink 4  Heather Pigden  Maggie O’Sullivan  Jo Ellis  Lost 20 - 10

Rink 5  Freda Starkey  Anne Hoffmann  Pat Felloni    Lost 23 - 16

Rink 6  Ruth Nixon  Dolly Snow  Maureen Trumble    Drew 16 - 16

Final Result:

Epsom 42 Carshalton Beeches 59


Mixed Friendly

Epsom played Esher on the 5th September 2009 and lost on three rinks and won the other so convincingly they won the match overall 81 - 77


Rink 1 skipped by Geoff Purrott was behind all throughout the match.  They were losing 15 - 6 after 10 ends, but had a good recovery to lose by just 4 shots 23 - 19.

Rink 2 skipped by Eric Brown had an excellent game.  They dominated the match throughout and led 13 - 3 after 10 ends, 24 - 7 after 15 ends and went on to win comfortably 32 - 10.

Rink 3 skipped by John Warren was 14 - 9 ahead after 11 ends, but then fell to pieces dropping 18 shots over the next 10 ends to lose 27 - 14.

Rink 4 skipped by Lyz Warren was only two shots down at 10 ends, 9 - 7.  In the second half Esher went ahead 17 - 11 and Epsom fought back well to fall short by just 1 shot to lose narrowly 17 - 16.

Final Details:

Rink 1  Sandra Huxford  Derek Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Geoff Purrott   Lost 23 - 19

Rink 2  Audrey Jones  Olive Phillips  Derek Hoffmann  Eric Brown        Won 32 - 10

Rink 3  Sue Needham  Vic Phillips  Bill Lawrence  John Warren              Lost 14 - 27

Rink 4  Tessa Hurworth  Doris Flintham  Brian Kenyon  Lyz Warren      Lost 16 - 17

Final Score:

Epsom 81  Esher 77