Jubilee Cup

Epsom lost in the Semi Finals of the Jubilee Cup against Raynes Park on Friday 3rd April.


Rink 1: John Warren  Pat Buckley  Ted Ray  Ron Mew   won 19 - 15

Rink 2:  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  Terry Hoye  Graham Pilbrow  Lost 17 - 24

Final Result:  Epsom 36  Raynes Park 39


The rink led by Graham Pilbrow were in the lead right up to the 19th end when they dropped 5 shots.  The rink led by Ron Mew were in the lead throughout the game but on the 17th end they dropped 4 shots.

These two ends turned out to be the deciding factor in the result overall.

This has been an excellent performance by Epsom to reach the Semi Final.  Thanks to all other players who took part in the earlier rounds.  These were  Jim Scott,  Les Owen,  Bill Lawrence & John Hart.


Jubilee Cup

Epsom beat Ewell in the Quarter Finals of the Jubilee Cup and now play in the Semi Final on Friday 3rd April.

Details of Quarter Final win

Rink 1: John Warren  Pat Buckley  Ted Ray  Ron Mew   won 20 - 14

Rink 2:  Martin Harbottle  Terry Hoye  Graham Pilbrow  Jim Scott  won 35 - 11

Final Result:  Epsom 55  Ewell 25


Epsom Celebrate 100 Years in 2009

Many Special matches have been arranged.

Fixtures for 2009             Full Fixture List


As we celebrate 100years of Bowling at Epsom Bowling there is one of our members, Jim Scott, who celebrates 60 years of playing the game. Jim recalls some of his time in the sport:-

1949-2009 (and still counting)

At the start of the 1949 summer season the council in my home town of Montrose opened a new bowling green fully equipped with a pavilion, 48 pairs of brand new lignum vitae bowls covering the full range of sizes and a similar range of slip over shoes. Montrose only had a population of around 10,000 at that time and there were already two other public greens and a private club serving the community. You cannot imagine any local authority going to that extent nowadays.

All the male members of my family, including my father, decided to join this new club and inevitably I used to go and watch and on occasions after a match I would be allowed to roll a few woods down the green. The club had entered a local league and one evening when playing an away match one player failed to turn up. I had gone along with my father to watch and the rest, as they say, is history. I was asked if I would play to prevent the loss of penalty shots by being one player short and I became totally hooked on the sport which I have played ever since.

I well remember these early days as they formed my whole bowling character and philosophy. I only ever played lead in those early years but took an intense interest in how the senior players in the club played and reacted to situations. As at Epsom club night was on Fridays, but we called it “Sweepie” night. The first 48 players to turn up (and you had to be early to get in) paid one shilling (5p) to enter the sweep (my father paid mine) and then drew for rinks with the highest up rink at the end of the evening sharing the pot less a deduction for club funds. As a youngster I learned to watch what was happening on every rink so that I knew what had to be done to walk off with my share of the winnings!! I also learned that no one has a divine right to win. In the early 1950s I was playing extremely well and had qualified for the semi finals of both the club handicap and championship competitions. In my mind the trophies were already on the mantelpiece but I failed on both counts to even reach the finals. A bitter blow, but it taught me to respect all opposition as no one has the divine right to victory and anyone can win on the day.

I came to London in 1962 and joined a council green club in Neasden. It was not as well equipped as my own home club and I had to buy the set of bowls that I still use outdoors today. Although I enjoyed my time there it was a mistake as it was only a small club playing only a handful of matches during the season. This was not enough for me so I also started to play for another two clubs in the Neasden area often playing three or more games a weekend. In 1969 I married Pam and came to live in Surrey and joined Andre BC at Tolworth. I was with them for thirty years during which time I held every office going (often all at the same time). It was with Andre that I won the County Fours in 1974 with my good friend Ron Palmer in the rink. With Ron I was fortunate to be regularly involved in serious competition enjoying a fair modicum of success.

I have been asked if I can recall any memorable games. The answer to that is that I cannot. As soon as I come off the green the game is history and nothing I or anyone else does can change the result. I do recall however the night that I played at Magdalen Park to win my County Badge in the Fours. As we won I threw my cap in the air only to be reminded that “we do not do that sort of thing in bowls”. I also remember a match that I played at Ealing just after I came south. As I waited on the green the opposite skip came out and asked who was skipping against him. I introduced myself whereupon he retorted that he was not going to play me as I was too young and did not have enough experience although it subsequently transpired that I had many more years experience than him. In those days there was still a very strong objection to “youngsters” playing bowls.


100 - Up Mixed Singles Competition

for the

100 - 1  Geoff Reynolds Cup


This is a new four wood mixed singles competition played to Bowls England Rules but with the following 100 - Up  rules.


No handicaps.

No marker.  Each player keeps a score card and enters points for and against.

The jack is not centred. If necessary the length of the jack is measured from the centre front of the mat to the nearest point of the jack. (23metres minimum)

No touchers.

Bowls in the ditch are DEAD but not removed.

A jack in the ditch is LIVE and only marked on the bank during a visit to the head. (See below.)

A visit to the head is allowed only after both players have delivered three bowls.

If the jack is then discovered to be outside the rink the end is declared a “no end”.


(Points trays are available to help keep track of the bowls in the current count.)


Scoring:     Bowl nearest the jack 4 points    Second nearest 3 points

                  Third nearest 2 points                 Fourth nearest 1 point

This gives an overall total of 10 points for each end.


If both players have a bowl equidistant from the jack as first, second, third or fourth bowl both players are awarded the appropriate points. (e.g. 4 points each for the two opposing bowls equidistant and nearest to the jack. In this situation the third bowl is awarded 2 points and the fourth 1 point. The overall total would then be more than 10). 

The first player to score 100 or more points is the winner.

In the event of both players reaching the same winning score in the same end, there will be a 1 end and 1 bowl each playoff.  (Toss for the mat).


If a player concedes the game his/her opponent is the winner and the winner’s point count is made up to 100.

The conceding player’s points for that game stay as they were at the time of conceding.


Competitors will be drawn and placed in Groups to play in the Round Robin section of the competition and this must be completed by a “play by” date.

If a player is unable to play before the cut off date then his/her opponent is deemed to have won and is awarded 100 points.


The winner of each Group, that is the player winning the most games, goes on to the Knockout Section where there are “play on” dates. If a player cannot play in these rounds then their opponent will be given a walk over.


In the event of two players in a Group winning the same number of games, the points difference will apply.

In the event of the points difference being equal, the result of the game between those two players in the Round Robin section will decide the winner of the Group.

If a player is in contention to to be the winner of the Group and did not complete all his/her games (because he/she conceded a game or because his/her opponent conceded a game) that player will have an advantage in “points difference”. In this situation an average of the “points against” of all the players in the Group will be calculated. This average “points against” will be apportioned to the player in question for the un-played game(s), as long as the Competition Secretaries deem this to be fair to everyone concerned.


Dates  for  2009.       Round Robin to be completed by 17th July 2009

                                Quarter Finals on 26th July 2009

                                Semi-Finals on 9th August 2009

Surrey Draw for 2009 - Scroll down for Pairs, Triples, Fours, Champion of Champions & Secretaries
Surrey Singles - Preliminary Round (on or before 15th May 2009)








158 Peter Miller H Martin Harbottle 156 Epsom
159 David Sowdon A Van De Roy Parker 227 Wallington
156 Martin Harbottle A Peter Miller 158 Epsom
162 Pat Buckley H Roger Rashleigh 181 Epsom Park


Surrey Singles - First Round (to be played on 22nd May 2009)

164 Fred Read A Gordon Jones 172 Epsom Court
163 Brian Kenyon A Terry Buckland 221 Sutton
157 John Hart A Ian Wilson 144 Chipstead
160 Graham Pilbrow A Chris Jones 175 Epsom Park
161 George Sperring A Joe Stevens 178 Epsom Park
167 Terry Hoye A Chris Hill 123 Chipstead
155 Roy Doughty A Butch Manning 192 Purley


Surrey Unbadged Singles - Preliminary Round (on or before 13th May 2009)


Fred Read


Brian Hart




John Hart


Graham Wildig


Carshalton Beeches


Surrey Unbadged Singles - 1st Round (to be played on 20th May 2009)


Brian Kenyon


Robin Rourke


Banstead Neville


Terry Hoye


John Warren




Roy Doughty


D Godbold




Pat Buckley


Martin Pelosi




John Warren


Terry Hoye




Surrey Pairs - 1st Round (to be played on 21st May 2009)


Ron Mew

Brian Kenyon


Dave Walters




David Sowdon

Stefan Tomm


Nigel Chapman




Ron Snow

Terry Hoye


Ron Miller


Banstead Neville


Martin Harbottle

Peter Miller


Kevin Donovan




Les Owen

George Sperring


Pat Buckley

Graham Pilbrow




Pat Buckley

Graham Pilbrow


Les Owen

George Sperring




Surrey Triples - 1st Round (to be played on 19th May 2009)


Pat Buckley

Stefan Tomm

Les Owen


Dickie Day




Ted Ray

Martin Harbottle

Peter Miller


Ant Peters




Surrey Triples - 2nd Round (to be played on 26th May 2009)


John Hart

Brian Kenyon

Graham Pilbrow


Richard Ladbrook


Carsalton Beeches


Terry Hoye

Graham Naish

George Sperring


Terry Dobbs




David Sowdon

Ron Snow

Ron Mew


Peter Marshall




Surrey Fours - 2nd Round (to be played on 18th May 2009)


Les Owen

George Sperring

Graham Naish

Terry Hoye


Bill Ayling




John Hart

Brian Kenyon

Fred Read

Graham Pilbrow


Peter Miller

Ted Ray

Martin Harbottle

Pat Buckley




David Sowdon

Stefan Tomm

Dave Ruston

Roy Doughty


Ron Miller


Banstead Neville


Peter Miller

Ted Ray

Martin Harbottle

Pat Buckley


John Hart

Brian Kenyon

Fred Read

Graham Pilbrow




Surrey Champion of Champions - 2nd Round (to be played by 22nd May 2009)


Graham Pilbrow


Brian Garrett-Budd




Surrey Secretaries - 2nd Round (to be played by 20th May 2009)

166 Sid Bailey A Philip Froude 415 Purley Bury

Jubilee Cup

Epsom have qualified for the Knock Out Stages of the Jubilee Cup.

To reach this stage Epsom have won all their four League games only losing one rink out of eight.

The results are as follows:-

First game against West Park won on both rinks.

Rink 1:  Bill Lawrence  Peter Miller

Pat Buckley  Ted Ray  Won 21 - 6

Rink 2:  John Hart  Martin Harbottle  Graham Pilbrow  Jim Scott  Won 16 - 9

Final Result:  Epsom 37  West Park 15  (2 points to Epsom)


Second game against Chessington Ladies.

Rink 1:  Martin Harbottle, Peter Miller,

Les Owen & Jim Scott    Won 18 - 7

Rink 2:  Bill Lawrence, Pat Buckley, Ted Ray & Ron Mew           Won 19 - 10

Third game against Cuddington.

Rink 1:  Graham Pilbrow, Peter Miller,

Les Owen & Jim Scott    Won 16 - 7

Rink 2:  Bill Lawrence, Pat Buckley, Ted Ray & Ron Mew           Won 23 - 6


Fourth game against Hook & Southborough convincingly 34 - 19.

Rink 1:  Graham Pilbrow, Peter Miller,

Les Owen & Jim Scott    Won 24 - 6

Rink 2:  Bill Lawrence, Pat Buckley,

Ted Ray & Ron Mew           Lost 10 - 13



Epsom will play their next game on Friday March 20th at 6.30pm. This will be against Ewell.





I would like to thank all members who supported me with the catering during the 2008 season.
The majority of comments for our efforts were favourable and I am confident the men’s and mixed matches appreciated the service we provided.
Everybody gave their time happily and willingly and I hope enjoyed the challenge as much as I did.
Now we look forward to 2009 a very important year.
I am appealing to all members yet again for their support. I hope that the experience you gained helping in 2008 will make you once again be willing to give up your time to make 2009 a huge success.

Thank you - Nancy Smillie

Visit to The Royal Albert Hall

Members & friends gathered in the Club car park, in the rain, on Thursday 13th November in eager anticipation of the trip to the Royal Albert Hall to see “Broadway.” Things did not start very well as the coach turned up 25 minutes late. It did not get much better either as the traffic going towards Kingston was horrendous. After about an hour we were still in North Cheam! The coach driver then did a three point turn in Worcester Park High Street and made his way through Wimbledon. Members in the front of the coach shut their eyes as the driver tried to make up time. Amazingly he dropped us off outside the venue at 7.24pm.
We all rushed to the entrance and were literally seated just as the concert began. Most of the members and friends enjoyed the concert especially the last 15 minutes or so of Abba. Abba never fails - does it?
Once again a huge thanks to Betty Day for organising the trip - she even organised a programme each for us.


East Surrey League - Top 10 Final

The Top 10 Final took place against Walingham Park on a very sunny and warm Saturday morning .  The match took place at Old Coulsdon B.C. on 27th September.

Before the game started all players and spectators stood in silence in memory of Keith Nash, President of the East Surrey League, who passed away last week.

The game turned out to be a very exciting match with the final result being decided with the very last bowl in the Fours.

Singles:  Ted Ray represented the Club once again.  He struggled at first to stay in the game and was 19 - 11 down. Ted then picked up some vital shots to eventually lose 15 - 21 (-6 shots)

Pairs:  Once again Stefan Tomm & David Sowdon represented the Club and continued with their successes in earlier rounds.  At 10 ends the score was level 7 - 7, but then Epsom went ahead and at 15 ends the score was 15 - 11.  They continued to stay in front and went on to win 20 - 15 (+5 shots).

Triples:  The triple in the final had to be changed from earlier rounds as George Sperring was away.  Graham Pilbrow stepped in to play 2.  At 5 ends Epsom were 1 - 6 down, but then picked up a 5 to level the scores.  After 10 ends they were 7 - 11 down, but with some excellent bowls Epsom took the lead and at 15 ends the score was 17 - 13.  The triple did not lose the lead again eventually running out 19 - 15 winners (+4 shots).

Fours: The fours were in a a very tight game with Epsom always coming from behind.  They took the lead 10 - 9 on the 12th end, but on the 18th end dropped a 3 to go behind 15 - 16.  The last three ends became very exciting as the Singles, Pairs and Triples had finished.  Going into the very last end Warlingham Park needed 3 shots to win overall, and were holding these with just one bowl left to be delivered by Peter Miller.  In total silence Peter went on to the mat and delivered his bowl.  All eyes were fixed on the bowl as it travelled towards the jack.  It passed the jack, slowed down and stopped just less than a yard behind the jack.  Out came the measure.  Warlingham Park definitely had one shot so all eyes, once again, were on the measure.

To Epsom's delight Peter's bowl had crept in for second shot thus securing a victory by just 1 shot.

A great game of bowls.


Singles  Ted Ray lost 15 - 21        Pairs:  Stefan Tomm & David Sowdon  won 20 - 15

Triples:  John Hart, Graham Pilbrow & Les Owen  won 19 - 15

Fours:  Martin Harbottle, Terry Hoye, Pat Buckley & Peter Miller  lost 17 - 19


Final Result:

Epsom 2 points  Warlingham Park 2 points

Epsom 71 shots  Warlingham Park 70 shots


Epsom won the Top 10 by 1 shot.


Well done all the players and supporters for attending not just the Final but previous rounds.

Below is a breakdown of the road to the Final.


The road to the Top 10 Final (more detailed information can be viewed in the East Surrey Section of the Web Site.

Round 1  Epsom 95  Sutton 42  ((4 - 0)    Round 2  Epsom 93  Purley 72  (2½ - 1½)

Semi Final  Epsom 76  Shirley Park 63  (3 - 1)    Final  Epsom 71  Warlingham Park 70  (2 - 2)


Below is a summary of the 2008 matches.  Please scroll down.


Men's East Surrey League

Of the 14 games scheduled all were completed.  Epsom won 10, Lost 3 and drew 1.  The Club ended up 3rd in the League which is one place better than last year.

Epsom scored 1163 shots for and had 908 shots scored against.  The total points scored in 2008 was 53½ which is the second highest achieved since the League began in 1987. (59 points in 2006 finishing 3rd).

In all 30 players played in the League this year with Bill Lawrence playing in all 14 games.  Other significant appearances are as follows:-

John Hart, Les Owen and Peter Miller 13; Pat Buckley, Graham Pilbrow, Geoff Purrott and Roy Ward 12; Martin Harbottle and George Sperring 11; John Warren 10; Terry Hoye and Jim Robson 9; Ron Snow 8; David Sowdon and Len Philpott 6.

Of the 56 rinks played 32 were won, 23 lost and 1 drawn.  The best match win was the 108 - 58 win against Godstone and the best rink score was the 32 - 11 win at home to Purley.

Since the League began Epsom have played 245 games, winning 137, losing 104 and drawing 4.  There have been two games which were abandoned without a bowl being played.


Men's Friendly

Of the 13 games scheduled 11 were played and 2 cancelled.  Epsom won 4, Lost 6 and drew 1.

In all 789 shots were scored for and 763 against.

In all 34 players represented the Club in the friendly fixtures.

Of the 43 rinks played 23 were won and 20 were lost.

The best win came against Carshalton Beeches 93 - 52.


Men's Chrystie League

Of the 10 games scheduled all were played.  Epsom won 4, lost 5 and drew 1, scored 320 shots for with 287 shots against.  23 members represented the Club in the Chrystie League this season with Derek Jones playing in 9, Ken Lacey 8, Bob Lister 7, Fred Read & Eric Brown 6, Roy Doughty & Geoff Purrott 5 and Ken Philpott 4.

In all 20 rinks were played with Epsom winning 10, losing 9 and drawing 1.

Since the Chrystie League started in 2001 Epsom have played 73 matches, winning 43, losing 27, drawing 3.

Since 2001 44 members of the Club (past & present) have played in this League.


Mixed Friendly

Of the 12 games scheduled 11 were played and one cancelled by Epsom.  There were 7 wins, 4 losses and 816 shots scored for and 770 shots against.  Of the 44 rinks played there were 24 wins, 17 losses and 3 drawn.

The highest shot difference win was 94 - 57 against Ashtead.  The highest rink win was against Epsom Park 34 - 10.  In all 34 Men and 19 ladies played in the Mixed Friendly games.


Ladies' East Surrey League

All scheduled league games were played.  Epsom won 5 and lost 2.

In total 309 shots were scored for and 244 shots against.  Epsom scored 19 points with 9 points against. In all 15 ladies represented the club in the East Surrey League this season with Anne Hoffmann, Eileen Mills and Gill Sperring playing in all 7 games.  Jo Ellis and Freda Starkey played in 5 games.  Of the 14 rinks played 8 were won, 4 lost and 2 drawn.

The best match win came against Wallington 55 - 20 and the highest rink win was 34 - 10 against Horley.


Ladies' Friendly

Of the 24 scheduled games 20 were played.  Epsom won 9 and lost 11 & 4 were cancelled.

In total 1024 shots were scored for and 1076 shots against

In all 23 ladies represented the club in the East Surrey League this .

Of the 58 rinks played 22 were won, 33 lost and 3 drawn.

 The best match win came against Cuddington 70 - 36 and the highest rink win was 33 - 9 against Dorking


Full Summary of the above Matches

Epsom played 73 games, winning 39, losing 31, drawing 3 with 7 games being cancelled.

4421 shots were scored for and 4208 shots against.

Here you will find some interesting facts from 1909 (research carried out by Ken Phillpot)

Columbia - The Government recognises the Independence of the Republic of Panama.
On the 9th a British expedition got within 111 miles of the South Pole led by Lieutenant Edward Shackelton closer than any other explorers.
On 1st January a happy New Year for thousands of Britons over 70 who went to the Post Office to draw their first weekly pension of five shillings.
In February colour films are screened in public at Brighton for the first time.
17th February Chiricahua Apache Chief Geronimo died.
David Lloyd George tells MP’s that the Old Aged Pension is more popular than expected.
In London MP’s are told that daylight saving would check people’s “physical deterioration”
15th March - The American ‘store’ Selfridges opened in Oxford Street.
David Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced the most radical budget in the nation’s history. A new “supertax” of 6d in the pound will be levied on the 10,000 people with incomes of over £5,000 a year.
April 6th - The North Pole was finally conquered by Commander Robert E Peary of the US Navy.
The line by line Tory onslaught on the so called Peoples Budget began today. The former Prime Minister Arthur Balfour told the House that the Government is being pushed by Lloyd George into equating robbery with democracy. He responded the raising of more money from car tax will be used for coping with bumps, holes and big stones on the roads. Village by pass routes may be provided so that children can play more safely on the roadside.
Arthur Gore, at 41 the oldest ever men’s champion beats Major Ritchie in Wimbldons Men’s Final Singles Final. Penelope Boothby beats Agnes Morton for the Ladies’ title.
25th July - Frenchman Louis Bleriot, 36, became aviation’s latest hero when he flew across the Channel. He landed at Dover Castle 43 minutes after taking off from Sangatte near Calais at an average speed of 40 miles per hour.
Many workers stage demonstrations in protest at the official visit of the Russian Czar.
11th August - Nigeria - 12 British colonial policemen are killed by poisoned arrows in an attack by natives.
16th August - Tory leader Arthur Balfour tells MP’s that giving equal rights to South African’s black’s would threaten white civilisation.
7th September - Lord Northcliffe owner of “The Times” claims Germany is rapidly preparing for war with UK.
10th September - Liberal ex MP Lord Rosbery presidency of Liberal League over Peoples Budget.ry resigns.
2nd October - Orville Wright flies at a record 1.600 feet
9th October - Lloyd George calls peers “500 men chosen accidentally from the unemployed.”
9th November - Suffragettes throw stones st the Guildhall during the Lord Mayor’s banquet.
3rd December - King Edward VII dissolves Parliament: taxes on beer, spirits, tobacco and cars lifted because no Budget has been passed.
13th November - South Polar explorer Ernest Shackelton knighted.
31st December - A novel and promising material made its appearance - Bakelite.

The hits for 1909 were - Moonstruck, I wonder who’s kissing her now & Has anyone here seen Kelly.

Quote of the year
“Any colour you like, as long as it is black” - Henry Ford advertising slogan for the new Ford Model T.