Welcome to the June 2015 Newsletter.  This Newsletter will contain all information from 25th April 2015

Ladies' Friendly

Epsom played Ember on Wednesday 27th May 2015 and drew on 1 rink, lost on 1 rink & lost the match 18 - 39.


Rink 1  Heather Pigden  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  drew 13 - 13

This was a very close game throughout.  The scores were tied 7 - 7 after 10 ends, but Epsom went ahead 13 - 11 after 16 ends.  Ember scored two singles over the last 2 ends to draw.

Rink 2  Audrey Jones  Ruth Nixon  Gill Sperring  lost 5 - 26

Epsom was outplayed all afternoon on this rink.  They trailed 4 - 10 after 10 ends & only scored 1 more shot to eventually lose by 21 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 18  Ember 39


100 Club

Result of 27th   May  2015 Draw

1st Prize        Betty Day         No.  85   £27         2nd Prize       Betty Day         No.104   £13

3rd Prize        Roy Doughty  No. 36    £10

Next Draw:    24th June 2015


Men's Friendly

Epsom travelled to Redhill to play a Friendly Triples Match on Sunday 24th May 2015.  They won on two rinks, lost on two rinks but won overall 68 - 66.


Rink 1  Brian Collis  Derek Hoffmann  Peter Humphreys  lost 13 - 20

Epsom led 10 - 9 after 10 ends but fell away over the last 8 ends to lose by 7 shots.

Rink 2  Mike James  Ron Snow  John Hart  lost 18 - 20

Epsom was behind all afternoon on this rink.  They were 9 - 13 down after 10 ends, 13 - 19 adrift after 15 ends, but fought back well to lose by just 2 shots.

Rink 3  Derek Martin  David Ganney  John Warren  won 20 - 16

Epsom was 9 - 13 down after 10 ends, but had a very good last 8 ends.  They led 17 - 16 after 15 ends & went on to win by 4 shots.

Rink 4  Keith Roberts  Derek Jones  Tony Dunn  won 17 - 10

Epsom was in control of this rink all afternoon.  They led 12 - 6 after 10 ends and extended the lead further 17 - 6 after 15 ends.  Redhill won the last 3 ends, but Epsom won by 7 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 68  Redhill 66

Brian Collis played in his very first match for Epsom.


East Surrey League

Epsom travelled to Chipstead on Saturday 23rd May 2015 for their third League Match and won on 2 rinks, drew on 1 rink, lost on 1 rink but won overall 88 - 66 (9 - 3).


Rink 1  Brian Kenyon  Pat Buckley  Mick Gray  Les Owen  won 25 - 9

Epsom raced into a 20 - 0 lead after 12 ends and led 21 - 3 after 15 ends.  Chipstead scored 4 shots on end 19, but Epsom ran our winners by 16 shots.

Rink 2  Andrew Turnbull  Bill Lawrence  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  lost 16 - 23

Epsom led 11 - 8 after 10 ends & 13 - 12 after 15 ends.  However, Chipstead came back well to take the lead with 4 shots on end 18.  Epsom did not recover & lost by 7 shots.

Rink 3  Tony Dunn  John Huxford  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  won 29 - 18

After 9 ends the scores were level 9 - 9, but Epsom led 17 - 12 after 15 ends.  Epsom scored 4 shots on end 17 followed by 6 shots on the next end.  They ran out winners by 11 shots.

Rink 4  Geoff Purrott  John Warren  David Sowdon  Jim Scott  drew 18 - 18

After 10 ends Epsom was adrift 6 - 12 and further behind 10 - 17 after 17 ends.  They fought back well over the last 4 ends to secure a well deserved draw.

Final Score:  Epsom 88  Chipstead 66    Epsom 9 points  Chipstead 3 points.


Mixed Match v Epsom Park

Epsom played a Triples Match away at Epsom Park on Wednesday 20th May 2015 and won on 2 rinks, lost on 2 rinks and drew overall.


Rink 1  Derek Jones  Ruth Nixon  Derek Hoffmann  won 21 - 16

Epsom led 13 - 5 after 10 ends, 19 - 12 after 15 ends & won by 5 shots.

Rink 2  Heather Pigden  Sylvia Smart  Cyril Newman  lost 18 - 21

Epsom was well behind after 10 ends, 5 - 15, but came back well with 6 shots on the 13th end.  After 15 ends they were 4 shots down, 14 - 17 & lost by 3 shots.

Rink 3  Arthur Upward  David Ruston  Lyz Warren  lost 14 - 20

Epsom was behind throughout the afternoon on this rink.  They were 7 - 14 down after 10 ends, 9 - 19 adrift after 15 ends and finally lost by 6 shots.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Mike James  Archie Flashman  won 15 - 11

After 10 ends the scores were tied, 6 - 6, but Epsom went ahead 10 - 8 after 10 ends.  They continued to play well and won by 4 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 68  Epsom Park 68


Ladies' Bowls England Top Club

Epsom Ladies played their first round of the Bowls England Top Club away at Old Coulsdon on Sunday 17th May 2015.

They won the Triples & Fours, lost the Singles & Pairs but won overall 80 - 76.


Rink 4  Singles: Sandra Huxford   lost 20 - 21

After 10 ends the scores were level 10 - 10. Sandra went into a 15 - 10 lead after 15 ends and was 20 - 13 ahead after 20 ends. Unfortunately Sandra lost possession of the jack and lost the remaining ends to lose by 1 shot.

Rink 2  Pairs:  Ruth Baker  Jane Wheeler   lost 12 - 28

After 10 ends Epsom's pair were 4 - 11 behind and went further adrift 6 - 20 after 15 ends. They finally were well beaten by 16 shots.

Rink 3  Triples:  Pauline File  Sylvia Smart  Gill Sperring   won 14 - 13

After 9 ends the scores were level 7 - 7, but Epsom went into a 14 - 8 lead after 14 ends.  Epsom lost the remaining 4 ends, but held on to win by just the 1 shot.

Rink 5  Fours:  Audrey Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills   won 34 - 14

Epsom dominated this game from the start.  They led 13 - 8 after 9 ends but went on to win the next 6 ends scoring a total of 16 shots to go ahead 29 - 8 (this included 7 shots on end 11).  They finally won by 20 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 2  Old Coulsdon 2    Epsom 80  Old Coulsdon 76


Bowls England Two Fours

Epsom men played away at Chipstead on Sunday 17th May 2015 and won on one rink, lost on one rink but won overall 41 - 34.


Rink 2  Howard Ellis  David Bragg  David Sowdon  Peter Miller v

              D Rowe B Gonsalves  R Mallett  R Chapman                  lost 15 - 17

After 10 ends the scores were tied 7 - 7, but after 15 ends Chipstead had gone ahead 9 - 14.  Epsom fought back well during the last 6 ends to lose by just 2 shots.

Rink 3  Mick Gray  Bob Blaker  Les Owen  Graham Naish v

              E Batchelor  N Williams  S Coomber  D Botting               won 26 - 17

After 10 ends this rink was also level, 11 - 11, but Epsom failed to score on the next 5 ends to go behind 11 - 17.  Epsom began to outplay Chipstead and won all the remaining ends to run out winners by 9 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 41  Chipstead 34.

Bob Blaker played in his very first Bowls England Two Fours game.

Epsom play Sutton in the next round at home - to be played before the 31st May.


Sutton & District Bowling Association - Yonwin Cup

Epsom men played Ewell Village at home in the Yonwin Cup on Friday 15th May and won on all 3 rinks.

They won the match 77 - 36.


Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Bob Blaker  Peter Miller  Graham Naish  won 22 - 16

Epsom got off to an excellent start on this rink and raced into a 20 - 6 lead after 10 ends.  They still had a good lead, 22 - 10 after 15 ends. However, Epsom lost the last 6 ends, but only dropped 1 shot on each of these ends.  Epsom won by 6 shots.

Rink 4  Howard Ellis  John Warren  Pat Buckley  David Sowdon  won 22 - 11

Epsom led by 4 shots on the 10th end and went further ahead 14 - 8 on the 15th end.  They went on to win by 11 shots.

Rink 6  Mick Gray  Geoff Purrott  Martin Harbottle  Les Owen  won 33 - 9

Epsom dominated this rink all evening.  They led 14 - 6 after 10 ends, 18 - 8 after 15 ends and finished strongly to win by 24 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 77  Ewell Village 36

Peter Miller played in his 50th Yonwin Cup game & Howard Ellis played in his very first Yonwin Cup match.


Bowls England Top Club

Epsom men played Cheam in the BE Top Club on Thursday 14th May and won 3 - 2.  Epsom won the 4 Wood Singles, Triples & Fours and lost the Two Wood Singles & Pairs.  The game was played on a very rainy evening.


Two Wood Singles:  David Sowdon v Gary Stevens  lost 8 - 16

David struggled to get into this game.  He was 4 - 8 down after 10 ends & 5 - 13 adrift after 14 ends.  The game was over after 18 ends.

Four Wood Singles:  Mick Gray v Mike McDonagh  won 22 - 16

Mick started strongly and went ahead 12 - 4 after 10 ends.  He continued to dominate the game and was further ahead 15 - 7 after 15 ends.  However, Mike came very well to be just 1 shot down, 16 - 15 after 20 ends.  Mick then went on to pick up 5 shots on the 22nd & 23rd ends to win by 6 shots.

Pairs:  Keith Robert/Jim Scott v John Hannon/John Parsons  lost 12 - 17

Epsom's pair were behind throughout this game.  They were 4 - 7 behind after 10 ends & 8 - 11 adrift after 15 ends.  They finally lost by 5 shots.

Triples:  Brian Kenyon/Pat Buckley/Les Owen v Colin Popple/David Miller/Ed Rochford   won  19 - 8

After 4 ends Epsom was 2 - 4 behind, but then won the next 7 ends to go into the lead 14 - 4.  Epson still had a good lead, 16 - 7 after 15 ends and finally won by 11 shots.

Fours:  Howard Ellis/Andrew Turnbull/John Huxford/Graham Naish v

             Tony Griffiths/Chas Smith/Derek Morris/Ron Willson     won 23 - 15

Epsom started really badly finding themselves 7 - 11 down after 10 ends.  They fought back well to be just 1 shot adrift, 12 - 13 after 15 ends.  However, the last 6 ends belonged to Epsom as they outscored Cheam 11 - 2 to go on to win by 8 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 3  Cheam 2 (84 - 72)

Thanks to Bill Lawrence who gave up his evening to mark both Singles.

Mick Gray, Keith Roberts, John Huxford & Andrew Turnbull played in their very first BE Top Club match.

After the match Bob Blaker provided all players with hot dogs which went down well with all players after a miserable rainy evening. Thanks Bob. Thanks also to John Warren for working on the Bar all evening.


Ladies' Friendly

Epsom Ladies played their second match (Triples) of the season at home against Malden Manor.  They won one Triple, lost the second, but won overall 41 - 24.


Rink 3  Frances Suttonwood  Eileen Mills  Lyz Warren  won 31 - 6

Epsom Ladies dominated this Triple throughout the afternoon.  They had a commanding lead 19 - 4 after 10 ends & extended this lead to 27 - 6 after 15 ends.  They went on to win by 25 shots.

Rink 4  Pauline File  Ruth Baker  Gill Sperring  lost 10 - 18

After 9 ends the scores were level 9 - 9.  However, Malden Manor had the better of the rest of the game leaving Epsom losing by 8 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 41  Malden Manor 24


Keith Roberts

Keith joined Epsom Bowling Club in 2015. During the Winter (2014/2015) Keith spent many hours making 12 Bowls Holders for the Club.  Epsom Bowling Club would like to thank Keith for his contribution to the Club.  These holders will be of great use helping to protect bowls at the end of rinks.


Click on photo to see larger version


Mixed Friendly v Insurance BA

Epsom played their very first Mixed Friendly Match of the season against the Insurance BA.  They won on 2 rinks, lost on 2 rinks and lost the match 74 - 78.


Rink 3  Sandra Huxford  Sylvia Smart  David Bragg  John Warren  won 18 - 16

Epsom led throughout the afternoon on this rink.  They led 12 - 5 after 10 ends, 14 - 10 after 15 ends. The Insurance BA came back well over the last 6 ends, but Epsom held on to win by 2 shots.

Rink 4  Bill Lawrence  Mary Bragg  Geoff Purrott  Gill Sperring  lost 13 - 24

Epsom struggled on this rink finding themselves 7 - 12 behind after 10 ends & 10 - 17 in arrears after 15 ends.  They lost by 11 shots.

Rink 5  Audrey Jones  George Sperring  Anne Hoffmann  Tony Dunn  won 27 - 18

Epsom played well on this rink. They led 15 - 9 after 10 ends & 20 - 17 after 18 ends.  They finished very strongly with 6 shots on the last end to win by 9 shots.

Rink 6  David Ganney  Derek Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  John Huxford  lost 16 - 20

After 10 ends Epsom was level 7 - 7, but the Insurance BA had the better of the rest of the game.  However Epsom finished well reducing the score to a loss of 4 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 74  Insurance BA 78


East Surrey League

Epsom Men travelled to Sutton for their second League match of the season and came away with an excellent result.  They won on 3 rinks lost on 1 rink and won the game 82 - 68  They won 10 - 2 in points.

Rink 2  David Bragg  John Hart  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller   lost 13 - 27

Epsom struggled on this rink throughout the afternoon.  They were 6 - 12 adrift after 10 ends further behind 8 - 22 after 15 ends and finally lost by 14 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  John Warren  Mick Gray  Les Owen  won 17 - 14

This was a very close game with Epsom 7 - 9 down after 10 ends and still 2 shots behind after 15 ends, 10 - 12.

Epsom scored 7 shots to Sutton's 2 shots over the last 6 ends to win by 3 shots.

Rink 4  Keith Roberts John Huxford  Pat Buckley  Jim Scott  won 29 - 11

Epsom led all afternoon on this rink. They were 12 - 8 ahead after 10 ends & 17 - 11 in front after 15 ends.  Sutton failed to score over the last 6 ends and Epsom ran out comfortable winners by 18 shots.

Rink 5  Howard Ellis  George Sperring  Terry Berry  Graham Naish   won 23 - 16

The first half on this rink was close with Epsom leading 11 - 9 after 10 ends.  After 15 ends Epsom held a 7 shot advantage, 18 - 11 and went on to win by 7 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 82  Sutton 68    Epsom 10 points  Sutton 2 points

Keith Roberts played in his very first match in the League for Epsom Bowling Club and became the 150th player to represent Epsom since the League began.


Captain v President

The traditional Bank Holiday match between the Captain's Team & the President's Team took place on Monday 4th May 2015.  Before the match a Plant & Produce sale took place & the profits for the day came to over £200.  A huge thanks to everyone who made the day such a big success.

Details of the Match

Forty Nine members turned up to play on the day occupying all 6 rinks. The President's team had a very successful afternoon winning on 4 of the 6 rinks and 123 - 82.

Details: (Captain's Team first)

Rink 1  Eddie Needham  Ken Lacey  Jane Wheeler  Les Owen  lost 12 - 18

            v   Derek Jones  Pat Walmsley  Eric Brown  David Sowdon

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  Ron Harsum  Ron Snow  Eileen Mills  lost14 - 27

            v  David Ganney  Andrew Turnbull  Tony Dunn  Cyril Newman

Rink 3  Ruth Baker  Audrey Jones  Geoff Purrott  John Huxford  drew 13 - 13

            v  Frank Thompson  Joy Rundle  Anne Hoffmann  Brian Kenyon

Rink 4  Geoff Benfield  Jan Allum  Derek Hoffmann  John Warren  lost 14 - 31

             v  David Rundle  Roy Ward  Vic Phillips  Lyz Warren

Rink 5  Arthur Upward  Mike James  Derek Martin  Pat Buckley  won 19 - 14

            v  Guy Sowdon  Brian Collis  Howard Ellis  Bob Blaker

Rink 6  Pauline File  Sylvia/James Smart  Dolly Snow  Stefan Tomm  lost 10 - 20

            v  Barry File  Trevor Marvell  Heather Pigden  Peter Humphreys

Final Score  Captain's Team 82  President's Team 123


Thank you everyone - great day


Ladies League

Epsom Ladies have won the coveted Inter League Challenge Trophy by beating Cheam.  Last season Epsom Ladies won the East Surrey League title which qualified them to play the winners of the Mid Surrey League.  This game was played on Saturday 2nd May 2015 at Cheam Fields Bowling Club.


Rink 1  Sandra Huxford  Ruth Baker  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  won 21 - 11

Epsom started strongly and led 10 - 3 after 10 ends.  They continued to dominate the game and went further ahead 17 - 5 after 15 ends.  Epsom went on to win by 10 shots.

Rink 2  Audrey Jones  Pauline File  Jane Wheeler  Lyz Warren  lost 21 - 22

After 10 ends Epsom trailed 10 - 15, but drew level 15 - 15 after 13 ends.  Going into the last end Epsom led 21 - 20, but Cheam scored 2 shots to snatch a win.

Final Score:  Epsom 42  Cheam 33

Congratulations Ladies from all at Epsom Bowling Club

Click on photo for larger version


East Surrey League

Epsom Men travelled to Purley Bury for their very first League match of the season and came away with an excellent result.  They won on 3 rinks lost on 1 rink and drew the game 71 - 71.  They won 8 - 4 in points.


Rink 1  Brian Kenyon  John Huxford  Martin Harbottle  Les Owen  won 19 - 17

This was a very close game.  Epsom led 12 - 9 after 10 ends & 16 - 12 after 15 ends.  Purley Bury drew level, 17 - 17, on the 19th end, but Epsom played well over the last 2 ends to win by 2 shots.

Rink 2  Howard Ellis  Bob Blaker  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  won 21 - 16

This rink started badly finding themselves 5 - 10 adrift after 10 ends.  They fought back well to level the scores, 10 - 10 after 13 ends. Epsom then went on to take the lead 17 - 11 after 17 ends and held on for an excellent win by 5 shots.

Rink 3  Stefan Tomm  John Warren  Pat Buckley  David Sowdon  lost 12 - 21

Epsom was level 8 - 8 after 10 ends, but went behind 11 - 14 after 15 ends.  Purley Bury had the better of the last 6 ends running out winners by 9 shots.

Rink 4  Mick Gray  John Hart  Jim Scott  Peter Miller  won 19 - 17

Epsom led 8 - 6 after 10 ends & 14 - 10 after 15 ends.  Purley Bury won 4 of the last 6 ends, but Epsom held out to win by 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 71  Purley Bury 71   Epsom 8 points  Purley Bury 4 points



The Top Lady player was Emmie Seldon and Men’s top player Ken Lacey
May I take this opportunity to thank all those members who supported these whist drives and my thanks to my wife Janet, Tony Bridges and other members who supplied cakes and other goodies for these drives, hopefully we will start whist drives in October 2015
Please see notice board nearer the date
My Thanks to all
Have a Good Summer and those that play bowls Line, Length & Luck
Regards Cyril

The second Karaoke night took place at Epsom Bowling Club on Friday 1st May 2015.

This was yet another successful night with Bob Blaker. Our stars were Fred and Joy singing These Boots are Made for Walking, and Don't go Breaking My Heart, with lots of cheering.
Dave and Guy sang For One Night Only & our Billy sang Old Man River, with a standing ovation.

The company was great and everyone had a great laugh. Thanks to Val for providing the flowers for the tables, and thank you to Derek Martin for working in the bar.

May these fun nights continue,

Sandra, and Martine

Men's Friendly

Epsom Men played their third Friendly match of the season against Carshalton Beeches on Saturday 2nd May 2015.  They won on 2 rinks, lost on 2 rinks and won the match overall 84 - 67.


Rink 2  Brian Kenyon  Derek Jones  Terry Berry  Mick Gray  lost 15 - 19

This rink was behind all afternoon.  They were 7 - 9 behind after 10 ends, 13 - 16 adrift after 18 ends finally losing by 4 shots.

Rink 3  Ron Snow  Howard Ellis  Bob Blaker  John Warren  lost 16 - 20

This was a close game up until the 16th end.  The scores were level 8 - 8 after 10 ends and still equal 12 - 12 after 15 ends.  However, Carshalton Beeches had the better of the last few ends to win by 4 shots.

Rink 4  Mike James  Derek Hoffmann  Geoff Purrott  John Huxford  won 22 - 12

Epsom were behind 7 - 9 after 10 ends, but dominated the game from then on. After 15 ends they led 16 - 9 and finished strongly going on to win by 10 shots.

Rink 5  John Hart  Phil Sims  David Bragg  David Sowdon  won 31 - 16

A comfortable win for this rink.  They led 14 - 7 after 10 ends, 26 - 15 after 18 ends ending the game with 5 shots on the 21st end to win by 15 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 84  Carshalton Beeches 67.


Ladies' Friendly

The Epsom Ladies played their very first Friendly match of the season on Thursday 30th April 2015 against Supreme.

Epsom dominated this match on he two rinks played.


Rink 3  Sandra Huxford  Pat Walmsley  Jane Wheeler  Lyz Warren  won 29 - 9

As the score suggests Epsom outplayed their opponents.  They led 17 - 4 after 10 ends, 24 - 5 after 15 ends going on to win by 20 shots.  Pat played in her first game since returning to the Club.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Ruth Baker  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  won 18 - 9

Epsom led 10 - 4 after 10 ends and were just 3 shots ahead, 12 - 9 after 15 ends.  They outplayed supreme over the last 3 ends to win by 9 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 47  Supreme 18.


Men's Friendly

The men played their second match of the season at home against Chipstead.  Unfortunately Chipstead could only put out 3 rinks. Epsom won on 1 rink, lost on 2 rinks, and lost overall 47 - 62.  Epsom also played a Triples internal friendly game.


Rink 1  Brian Kenyon  Bill Lawrence  Keith Roberts  Les Owen  lost 12 - 19

This was a very close game for 14 ends.  Epsom led 9 - 7 after 10 ends, but went behind 11 - 13 after 15 ends.  Chipstead had the better of the remaining ends leaving Epsom losing by 7 shots.

Rink 2  Geoff Purrott  Tony Dunn  John Warren  Martin Harbottle   lost 14 - 27

Epsom led 10 - 9 after 8 ends, but Chipstead won the next 3 ends scoring a total of 9 shots to go ahead 18 - 10.  Chipstead dominated the rest of the game running out winners by 13 shots. (Well done Dickie Day!)

Rink 3  Derek Martin  Ron Snow  Stefan Tomm  Pat Buckley  won 21 - 16

Epsom played well on this rink all afternoon.  They led 10 - 7 after 10 ends, 14 - 12 after 15 ends and went on to win by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 47  Chipstead 62

Keith Roberts played in his very first match for Epsom.


Friendly Internal Triple

Arthur Upward  Derek Hoffmann  Peter Miller 25   Phil Sims  Bob Blaker  Eric Brown  13

Peter's team led 10 - 7 after 8 ends & went further ahead 20 - 13 after 15 ends.  They went on to win by 12 shots.


Men's Friendly

The men started the 2015 Season at home with an excellent win against Reigate Priory.  They won on 2 rinks, lost on 2 rinks, but won overall 100 - 71.


Rink 1  Geoff Purrott  Howard Ellis  Martin Harbottle  Pat Buckley  lost 16 - 17

This rink started well & led 12 - 8 after 10 ends.  They still were ahead by 4 shots, 16 - 12 after 18 ends, but lost the last 3 ends dropping 5 shots to lose by 1.

Rink 2  Andrew Turnbull  Bill Lawrence  John Hart  Geprge Sperring  won 35 - 10

Epsom dominated this rink all afternoon.  They led 11 - 0 after 5 ends, 29 - 6 after 15 ends finally winning by 25 shots.

Rink 3  Vic Phillips  Eric Brown  Bob Blaker  David Sowdon  won 32 - 18

Epsom led 18 - 6 after 10 ends & 32 - 9 after 18 ends.  Reigate Priory had 3 good last ends to narrow the gap to a 14 shots defeat.

Rink 4  David Ganney  Derek Hoffmann  Tony Dunn  Peter Miller  lost 17 - 26

Epsom started badly finding themselves 1 - 10 adrift after only 5 ends.  They recovered well to be just 5 shots behind after 15 ends.  They finally lost by 9 shots.

Final Score: Epsom 100   Reigate Priory 71