Epsom v The Surrey Presidents

On Sunday 31st May The Surrey President’s team visited Epsom for the very first of our Centenary Special matches planned for this Summer. It turned out to be a very sunny, warm day with some excellent bowling across all 6 rinks.
Rink 1, skipped by Roy Ward, was playing against a strong Surrey rink and fell behind early in the match. At 10 ends they were 18 - 8 down and continued to drop shots to eventually lose 34 - 15.
Rink 2, skipped by Pat Buckley, really played very well and was leading 17 - 4
at 10 ends. They continued to score in the second half running out comfortable winners 34 - 8.
Rink 3, skipped by Les Owen and including Tony Jackman, Epsom’s President, played against the Surrey President Aga Hassan’s rink and had a very close game.
The score at 10 ends gave Epsom a 12 - 11 lead, but they failed to score on ends 12 - 16 and fell behind 14 - 20. The rink then scored 6 shots over 3 ends to level the scores 20 - 20 on the 19th end. Epsom failed to score on the last two ends and lost 23 - 20.
Rink 4, skipped by Peter Miller, was struggling at the beginning but levelled the score on the 16th end 14 - 14. They immediately dropped 5 shots then a 4 and lost 23 - 18.
The team on rink 5, skipped by Graham Naish, had a good afternoon and played some excellent bowls. Leading 13 - 5 on 10 ends they continued to add shots to win 24 - 14.
The team on rink 6, skipped by Ron Mew, was up 9 - 7 on 10 ends, dropped 5 shots on the 14th end, gained 7 shots on end 17 to run out 22 - 18 winners.


Rink 1    Bill Lawrence  Clive Banderet  Cyril Newman  Roy Ward             Lost 15 - 34

Rink 2    John Hart  Len Philpott  Graham Pilbrow  Pat Buckley               Won 34 - 8*

Rink 3    Brian Kenyon  Tony Jackman  George Sperring  Les Owen          Lost 20 - 23

Rink 4    Peter Humphreys  Derek Jones  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller    Lost 18 - 23

Rink 5    John Southam  Derek Hoffmann  Eric Brown  Graham Naish        Won 24 - 14

Rink 6     Roy Doughty  John Warren  Geoff Purrott  Ron Mew                   Won  22 - 18


Final Score:    Epsom  133     Surrey Presidents 120


*  Highest winning rink.


East Surrey League
The Men & Ladies travelled to Old Coulsdon on Saturday 30th May to play in the East Surrey League.


One of the Ladies rinks, skipped by Sylvia Pearce, was being outplayed and failed to score for several ends, but then got into the game and eventually lost 29 - 8.  The rink skipped by Gill Sperring played very well right from the beginning and were always in the lead and ran out comfortable winners 26 - 11.  This win was not quite enough to win the match, but the Ladies achieved 1 point to Old Coulsdon's 3 points.


The Men were outplayed on three out of the four rinks and lost the match 5 - 1.

The rink skipped by Jim Scott was 19 - 5 down at 10 ends and failed to make much more progress eventually losing 30 12.  The rink skipped by Ron Mew had a much closer game up until the 14th end, but dropped a total of 10 shots over the last ends to lose 23 - 13.  The rink scored by Les Owen scored 3 shots on the first end and did not score again until the 10th end making the score 5 - 12.  It did not get much better over the remaining ends when Old Coulsdon played some excellent bowls.  On the 17th end things changed in Epsom's favour and the rink started to play some good bowls.  They scored 10 shots to Old Coulsdon's 3 shots to eventually lose 16 - 25.

Peter Miller's rink up until 12 ends was having a very close game.  However, on end 18 they scored 5 shots to give them a 20 - 16 lead.  This excellent play continued and they scored a further 10 shots (7 on the last end) to have an very good 30 - 16 win over a very strong Old Coulsdon rink.

Final Details:


Rink 1    Sandra Huxford  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring   Won 26 - 11*

Rink 3    Maggie O'Sullivan  Maureen Trumble  Lyz Warren  Sylvia Pearce    Lost 8 - 29  


Final Score:    Epsom 34  Old Coulsdon 40      Epsom 1 point  Old Coulsdon 3 points



Rink 2    John Hart  Pat Buckley  Graham Naish  Jim Scott     Lost 12 - 30

Rink 4    Stefan Tomm  Roy Ward  Graham Pilbrow  Ron Mew  Lost 13 - 23

Rink 5    Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  George Sperring  Les Owen   Lost 16 - 25

Rink 6    Bill Lawrence  Derek Hoffmann  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  Won 30 - 16


Final Score:  Epsom 71  Old Coulsdon 94    Epsom 1 point  Old Coulsdon 5 points.

* Highest winning Rink

After the game Old Coulsdon players were given a Centenary Booklet and a Centenary Banner was presented to the Club. 


Sutton & District Bowling Association - Yonwin Cup

Epsom made the short journey to Ewell to play in the first round of the Yonwin Cup on Friday 29th May.

Although Epsom put out a reasonably strong side they were missing one or two players who were playing in the Surrey Singles or had other commitments.

On a very challenging green one of the rinks were struggling right from the start.  This rink skipped by Ron Mew found themselves 14 - 4 down at 10 ends and 17 - 9 down at 18 ends then dropped a further 9 shots on the last 4 ends.

The rink skipped by Graham Naish were ahead until the 10th end when Ewell drew level 9 - 9.  On the 13th, 14th & 15th ends Epsom dropped 8 shots in total, but fought back to score a total of 6 shots on ends 16 to 19.  On the last two ends the Ewell skip played some excellent bowls to give his rink a 23 - 17 win.

The rink skipped by Peter Miller were always in control during the match.  At 10 ends they led 9 - 5, and at 15 ends led 14 - 8.  On the 20th end all the rink played some very good bowls and they picked up 5 shots to make the match quite close and a win well within grasp.  However, the last few ends on Ron's rink gave Ewell a 7 shot advantage when Peter went into the last end.  For just a moment during the end the 7 shots were possible, but the Ewell skip drew third bowl.

This is the first time Epsom have lost to Ewell in the Yonwin Cup over the years (5 games in total).


Rink 1  John Hart  Roy Ward  Pat Buckley  Ron Mew       Lost 9 - 26

Rink 2  Martin Harbottle  Terry Hoye  Les Owen  Peter Miller    Won 27 - 9

Rink 4  Geoff Purrott  John Warren  George Sperring  Graham Naish  Lost 17 - 23


Final Score  Epsom 53  Ewell  58

You can view all the facts, statistics etc. of the Yonwin Cup by going to Associations - Sutton & District.


Bowls England Top 11
Epsom played Sutton Common at home on Wednesday 27th May in the Top Club (Top 11) Competition.
This turned out to be a very close game, but Epsom got off to a fine start when Ted Ray won.
Two Wood Singles
At 10 ends Ted was 8 - 6 up, but fell behind 9 - 12 on the 15th end. With the scores level going into the last end Ted with his first bowl drew a front toucher and followed this with another very close bowl. His opponent disturbed the bowls with his last wood, but Ted scored the 1 shot to win 14 - 13.
Graham Pilbrow lost the first two ends but soon got into the game. At 10 ends he led 10 - 7 and stretched his lead further on 15 ends to lead 15 - 9. Graham began drawing excellent bowls putting his opponent under a great deal of pressure. He consistently drew two or three shots around the jack end after end. Once again Graham came through comfortably 21 - 14.
The Pair of Stefan Tomm and David Sowdon were well beaten (the first time this pairing have lost in outside competitions). Trailing by just 2 shots at 10 ends they picked up 4 shots to go ahead 14 - 12. However, they dropped a total of 10 shots over the next 6 ends and failed to get back into the game eventually losing 28 - 19.
The triples had a very close game. After 8 ends, however, they were 10 - 3 up, but by the 13th end were trailing by 1 shot. They took the lead once again on the 14th end and scored a vital 4 shots on the 17th end with a superb bowl from Graham Naish to eventually win 19 - 14
The fours were had a very close game throughout. They took the lead on the 5th end, lost it on the 10th, but went ahead 14 - 12 on the 16th end. Unfortunately they then had a loose 18th end when they dropped 3 shots. Going into the last end with the scores level at 16 - 16 Peter Miller was 1 down and with his last bowl tried to take the Sutton Common bowl out. Unfortunately his wood caught a short bowl and the fours lost by just 1 shot.

Epsom won 3 - 2 (89 - 86)

Two Wood Singles: Ted Ray Won 14 - 13

Four Wood Singles: Graham Pilbrow Won 21 - 14

Pairs: Stefan Tomm/David Sowdon Lost 19 - 28

Triples: Les Owen/George Sperring/Graham Naish Won 19 - 14

Fours: Martin Harbottle/Pat Buckley/Ron Mew/Peter Miller Lost 16 -17


Epsom are away to Croydon 'B' in the next round.  To be played by 10th June.


Windeler Cup

The Windeler Cup took place on Monday 25th May (Bank Holiday).  44 members turned up to play and the afternoon was organised into 4 rinks and 3 triples.  Members played 4 end games resulting in the winners of the two sections playing each other in the final.  Peter Humphreys who had previously won the trophy in 2007 & 2008 once again reached the final.  In the final his rink of Alan Wybrow, Vic Phillips & Clive Banderet  played John Southam, Fred Spink, Maggie O'Sullivan & Roy Ward.  The final played over 4 ends resulted in third time win for Peter.  Alan Wybrow & Vic Phillips won their very first trophy since joining the Club.

The afternoon was organised by Eileen Mills & Les Owen.  Teas and buns were served after the game - thanks to everyone who helped make the day very successful.

A comprehensive record of the Windeler Cup can be viewed on this Web Site by visiting 'Past Records' and going to 'Mixed Winners/Mixed Runners Up' then clicking on 'Windeler Cup'.


London & Southern Counties Bowling Association - Shield
Epsom were drawn against Cheam Fields in the first round of the Shield. The game took place on Sunday 24th May  on a glorious sunny morning. The game started with 3 rinks being fairly even.  However, one of the rinks playing at home went into a 18 - 3 lead after 10 ends which gave everyone a lift.  The away rinks were struggling at first, but soon found line and length to get back into the match.

The away rink skipped by Peter Miller were 8 - 7 down at 10 ends, but on the 14th - 19th end scored a total of 11 shots to take the lead 18 - 12.  The rink, however dropped 4 shots on the last end to tie the rink.

The other away rink skipped by David Sowdon struggled for the first 10 ends, but from the10th - 15th ends they scored 13 shots to go ahead 17 - 10.  They did not lose the lead again and won 20 - 14.

The home rink skipped by Jim Scott got off to a flier - leading 18 - 3 after 10 ends. Although dropping a few ends near the end of the game they came out comfortable winners 28 - 10.

The other home rink skipped by Roy Ward were having a much closer game.  At 10 ends Epsom were down 7 - 8, but on the 15th end scored a vital 4 shots to be just one shot behind.  The last few ends were fairly even but Roy's rink lost by just the 1 shot 16 - 17.

Final Details:

Home Rink 1   Roy Doughty  Derek Hoffmann  Graham Naish  Jim Scott    Won 28 - 10

          Rink  2 Bill Lawrence  Tony Jackman  Geoff Purrott  Roy Ward      Lost 16 - 17

Away  Rink 1  Martin Harbottle  John Warren  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller   Drew 18 - 18

          Rink 2  Ron Snow  John Huxford  Graham Pilbrow  David Sowdon   Won 20 - 14

Final Result:  Epsom 82  Cheam Fields 59


East Surrey League
Epsom suffered a great set back by losing 65 - 80 (1 - 5) to Sutton.  Over recent years Epsom have done very well in this fixture, but this time were outplayed on three rinks.

The rink skipped by Jim Scott only won 5 ends and at 10 ends were 14 - 4 down.  Things did not improve after this when they lost 14 more shots on the next 6 ends. They eventually lost 32 - 9.

The rink skipped by Peter Miller had a much closer game up until the 13th end (10 - 10).  But then they dropped 8 more shots over the next 4 ends.  They failed to recover and lost 23 - 13.

The rink skipped by Ron Mew had a great start going into a 14 - 2 lead at 10 ends.  They continued to score on each end thereafter except the 21st end and ran out comfortable winners 27 - 5.

The rink skipped by Les Owen had a very close game throughout.  At 10 ends they were 10 - 6 down, but took the lead 15 - 14 on the 17th end.  After some excellent bowling from the Sutton 3 over the last few ends the rink lost the lead losing 16 - 20.


Rink 2    John Hart  Roy Ward  Pat Buckley  Jim Scott                                 Lost 9 - 32

Rink 2    Martin Harbottle  Peter Humphreys  David Sowdon  Peter Miller    Lost 13 - 23

Rink 3    Stefan Tomm  Graham Naish  Graham Pilbrow  Ron Mew                Won 27 - 5

Rink 4    Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  George Sperring  Les Owen                   Lost 16 - 20


Final Result:    Epsom 65    Sutton 80

                        Epsom 1 point    Sutton 5 points



Ladies Friendly
The Ladies played at home on Tuesday the 19th May against Banstead Neville.  The rink skipped by Eileen Mills were always ahead in the game and at 15 ends were well ahead 20 - 7.  However, Banstead Neville Ladies rallied to score 9 shots over the next 6 ends but this was not quite enough to stop Eileen's rink winning 22 - 16.  The rink skipped by Sylvia Pearce found themselves in a similar position and at 15 ends were16 - 8 ahead.  They had a comfortable win 20 - 11.  The rink skipped by Lyz Warren had a very close contest and at 15 ends Epsom were just 1 shot behind (14 - 15).  Banstead Neville scored 3 shots on the 19th end and although Epsom scored 2 shots on the last end it was not quite enough.  They lost 20 - 22.

Final details:

Rink 2    Tessa Hurworth  Audrey Jones  Maureen Trumble  Eileen Mills       Won 22 - 14

Rink 3    Maggie O’Sullivan  Sue Needham  Anne Hoffmann  Sylvia Pearce     Won 20 - 11

Rink 4    Doris Flintham  Diana Taylor  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren                      Lost 20 - 22


Final Result:   Epsom 62  Banstead Neville 49


East Surrey League Ladies Top 10
Ladies Top 10
The Ladies played at home on Saturday 23rd May against Sutton. Unfortunately they were well beaten by a very strong Sutton side. However, Epsom managed a draw in the Triples.
Final Details:
Singles: Maggie O'Sullivan 18 - 21
Pairs: Anne Hoffmann Eileen Mills 11 - 32
Triples: Freda Starkey Lyz Warren Gill Sperring 17 - 17
Fours: Sandra Huxford Maureen Trumble Sylvia Pearce Jo Ellis 13 - 25
Final Result: Epsom 59 Sutton 95
Epsom ½ point Sutton 3½ points


Surrey Results so far

Terry Hoye  George Sperring  Graham Naish  Les Owen won at Wallington 22 - 10


Mixed Friendly Match

Epsom played against Cheam Fields on 16th May and lost 74 - 84.  Ron Mew's rink were fairly even up until the 9th end then they dropped a 5 on the 10th end and 4 on the 11th end.  They never recovered from this and lost 14 - 22.  Martin Harbottle's rink gained the lead 9 - 7 on the 10th end and did not lose the lead again eventually winning 22 - 12.  Peter Humphrey's rink were outplayed and suffered a heavy defeat 17 - 32.  Cyril Newman's rink were ahead 12 - 7 at 10 ends and despite dropping 4 shots on the 17th end ran out winners 21 - 18.

Full details:

Rink 2    Maggie O’Sullivan  Audrey Jones  Brian Kenyon  Ron Mew               14 - 22

Rink 3    Bill Lawrence  Vic Phillips  Anne Hoffmann  Martin Harbottle          22 - 12

Rink 4    John Southam  Olive Phillips  Derek Hoffmann  Peter Humphreys    17 - 32

Rink 5    Derek Jones  Tessa Hurworth  Fred Spink  Cyril Newman                 21 - 18


Final Score:    Epsom 74   Cheam Fields 84


East Surrey League

The men had an excellent win in the East Surrey League against Purley on Sunday May 17th.  They won three rinks & lost one.

The rink skipped by Les Owen had a poor afternoon and failed to really give Purley much trouble.  They were always behind in the match, but went ahead 6 - 5 on the 10th end.  Purley once again took the lead eventually winning 20 - 14.  Ron Mew's rink were well ahead at 10 ends (13 - 5) then dropped 7 shots on the next three ends.  They recovered from this set back to win 22 - 16.  Peter Miller's rink went into a 15 - 5 lead at 10 ends and scored heavily from then on to win 31 - 13.  Jim Scott's rink were 11 - 2 up at 10 ends and on ends 16 - 20 they scored 11 shots eventually winning 24 - 6.  The highest winning rink was close with Peter's rink and Jim's rink winning by + 18 shots each.  However Jim's rink won 13 ends to Peter's 9 ends and Jim's rink were awarded the Anniversary booklet after the game.

This result is the second highest shot difference win against Purley (36 shots).  The highest being in 1995 (42 shots).


Final Details:

Rink 2    Brian Kenyon  Derek Hoffmann  George Sperring  Les Owen     Lost 14 - 20

Rink 3    Bill Lawrence  Ted Ray  Pat Buckley  Ron Mew                         Won 22 - 16

Rink 4    John Hart  Geoff Purrott  Roy Ward  Jim Scott                         Won 24 -  6*

Rink 5    Stefan Tomm  Martin Harbottle  David Sowdon  Peter Miller      Won 31 - 13


Final Result:

Epsom 91    Purley 55               Epsom 5 points  Purley 1 point


*   Highest winning rink



Ladies Friendly Match

The Ladies won for the second this season against Reigate Priory on Thursday 14th May.  They won on two rinks and drew the other.

Rink 1    Freda Starkey  Dolly Snow  Jan Allum                  Won 15 - 11

Rink 2    Anne Hoffmann  Maureen Trumble  Eileen Mills    Won 16 -  7

Rink 3    Tessa Hurworth  Lyz Warren  Sylvia Pearce          Drew 14 - 14


Final Result:    Epsom 45  Reigate Priory 32


Ladies Friendly Match

The Ladies won their first match of the season against Malden Manor on Tuesday 12th May.  They won on two rinks and lost the other.

Rink 2   Tessa Hurworth  Diana Taylor  Freda Starkey  Jo Ellis                  12 - 13

Rink 3   Maggie O’Sullivan  Maureen Trumble  Dolly Snow  Gill Sperring   19 - 14

Rink 4    Sue Needham  Eileen Godfrey  Jan Allum  Sylvia Pearce              17 - 12


Final Result:    Epsom 48  Malden Manor 39


Arthur Hughes Triples

The Epsom Triple of Roy Doughty, Ron Snow & Cyril Newman played against Auriol in the first round of the Arthur Hughes Triples on Monday 11th May.  It was a lovely sunny evening but windy and bitterly cold.  The game was very close for the first 10 ends.  At 10 ends the score was 10 - 10 & at 14 ends 14 - 14.  On a very challenging green there were many loose heads, but Epsom on the 15th end scored 1 shot followed by a 4 then another 1 to go ahead 20 - 14.  Auriol needed 6 to draw on the last end but only managed 1 shot.

Final Score:  Epsom 20  Auriol 15


Mixed Match

Epsom played against the Insurance B.A. on Sunday 10th May and won on 3 rinks and drew on the other.  At 10 ends Epsom were well ahead, leading 45 - 23, but the Insurance team slowly got back in the game.


Rink 2    Tessa Hurworth  John Huxford  John Warren  Cyril Newman         Won 25 - 11*

Rink 3    Maggie O’Sullivan  Anne Hoffmann  Geoff Purrott  Ron Mew           Won 27 - 17

Rink 3    Sandra Huxford  Derek Hoffmann  Eric Brown  Eileen Mills             Drew 17 - 17

Rink 4    Pauline Devereaux  Lyz Warren  Brian Kenyon  Martin Harbottle    Won 17 - 14

Final Result:    Epsom 86  Insurance B.A. 59

* Highest winning rink


Bowls England

Epsom played against Old Coulsdon in the first round of the Bowls England Two Fours on Sunday 10th May.  On a glorious sunny morning the game turned out to be a very close match. At 10 ends Old Coulsdon led by just 1 shot, but then Jim Scott's rink dropped 8 shots in 4 ends and failed to catch up again. Peter Miller's rink were 13 - 9 up at 11 ends, but from then on it was very close each end.  Peter's rink ended up with a draw.


Terry Hoye  George Sperring  David Sowdon  Peter Miller    19 - 19

Bill Lawrence  John Warren  Roy Ward  Jim Scott               16 - 24


Final Result:  Epsom 35  Old Coulsdon 43


Bowls England - Single Rink

Epsom played away at Old Coulsdon on Wednesday 13th May and lost the game 18 - 19.

This was a very close game throughout and going into the last end Epsom were winning 18 - 16, but Old Coulsdon managed to get the three to win.

The team was Bill Lawrence Terry Hoye  Ted Ray & David Sowdon.

East Surrey League - Men
Epsom played their first League game against Warlingham Park on Saturday 9th May and won convincingly 102 - 63 (5 points to Epsom 1 point to Warlingham Park). This was slightly better than last year when Epsom won 4 points to 2.
The rink led by Peter Miller was 5 - 1 down after 4 ends, but then started to play some excellent bowls. Drawing level at 6 ends (6 - 6) they surged ahead to lead 29 - 6 after 15 ends. The rink finally winning 31 - 15 and were awarded the Whiskey and Centenary Booklets after the game being the highest winning rink.
The rink led by Jim Scott was in control throughout the game. At 10 ends the score was 14 - 8. However, Warlingham Park came back into the game to be one shot adrift 14 - 13 at 15 ends. Over the next 6 ends Epsom scored 12 shots with only 2 in reply. They finally won 26 - 15.
The rink skipped by Ron Mew made a steady start and there was nothing much between the two teams throughout the match. The deciding end came on the 11th end when Epsom dropped 4 shots. Going into the last end Epsom were 16 - 17 down, and failed to score to win or level the game. Warlingham Park won 18 - 16.
The rink skipped by Les Owen raced into a 17 - 4 lead at 10 ends, but then stuck on 17 for the next 4 ends. They then picked up 10 shots over the next 4 ends to take a 27 - 9 shot lead. The rink eventually winning 29 - 15.

Final Details:

Rink 5 Brian Kenyon Terry Hoye George Sperring Les Owen Won 29 - 15
Rink 3 Bill Lawrence Geoff Purrott Roy Ward Jim Scott Won 26 - 15
Rink 2 Stefan Tomm Martin Harbottle David Sowdon Peter Miller Won 31 - 15
Rink 4 John Hart John Warren Graham Pilbrow Ron Mew Lost 16 - 18

Final Result:     Epsom 102 shots Warlingham Park 63 shots     Epsom 5 points Warlingham Park 1 point.

After the game, Peter Miller put on an excellent meal. He was ably assisted by several members with the serving and washing up.   It was also Peter’s 150th appearance for Epsom in the East Surrey League.

Bowls England Top 11

In a very close match Epsom came through by winning the Pairs, Triples & Fours.

Although the two singles matches finished well before the Pairs, Triples & Fours there was still a lot of work to do.  The triples match was very close up to the 11th end, but then Epsom played some excellent bowls to score 15 shots over 6 ends.  The pairs held the lead throughout the game and scored a 6 on the 12th end to make the remaining ends comfortable.

The Fours also were never behind.  However, they did have a slight scare dropping 2 shots on the 18th end & 3 shots on the 19th end.

Final Result:

Epsom 3  Felbridge 2

Thanks to reserve Bill Lawrence for travelling.

Epsom are now at home to Sutton Common. 


Two Wood
















Ted Ray


Graham Pilbrow



Stefan Tomm

David Sowdon


Brian Kenyon

George Sperring

Les Owen


John Hart

Martin Harbottle

Ron Mew

Peter Miller





Lost 13 - 17


Lost  9 - 21



Won 27 - 14



Won 26 - 14




Won 23 - 19


President v Captain

This Annual event took place on Monday 4th May on a very dreary day.  Everyone playing were glad of a cup of tea after the game to get warm.  The Captain's team won on all rinks with George Sperring's rink being the Highest winning rink.  His rink were presented with a Centenary Booklet after the game.

Details: Captain Team first



Rink 1






Rink 3



Rink 4



Rink 5


Rink 6


Fred Spink  Dolly Snow  Derek Hoffmann  George Sperring

John Southam  Doris Flintham  John Warren  Vera Deane


Ken Phillpot  Pat Felloni  Roy Doughty  Ron Mew

Ron Snow  Derek Jones  Ken Lacey  Sylvia Pearce


Bill Lawrence  Olive Phillips  Jan Allum  Les Owen

Maggie O'Sullivan  John Huxford  Maureen Trumble  Martin Harbottle


Anne Hoffmann  Vic Phillips  John Hart  Gill Sperring

Sandra Huxford  Tony Jackman  Lyz Warren  Roy Ward                    


Brian Kenyon  Audrey Jones  Geoff Purrott  Eileen Mills

Diana Taylor  Reg Grady  Peter Humphreys  Cyril Newman


Pauline Devereaux  Vi Upward  Peter Miller

Betty Grant  Ruth Nixon  Arthur Upward


Final Result:    Captain's Team 117    President's Team 78



















Centenary Booklet

You can view an abridged version of the Centenary Booklet here


Men's Friendly

A third win for Epsom.  The Centenary season continued well with another win this time over Carshalton Beeches.  Once again it was a beautiful day with one or two clouds in the sky all afternoon.  This game also turned out to be a very close affair and was won when Ron Mew's rink scored 7 shots on the nineteenth end.

Three rinks lost with one winning by 11 shots.


Rink 3   Ken Phillpot  Derek Hoffmann  John Warren  Les Owen     Lost 18 - 19

Rink 4   John Hart  Alan Wybrow  Brian Kenyon  David Sowdon      Lost 15 - 20

Rink 5   Bill Lawrence  Len Philpott  Martin Harbottle  Roy Ward    Lost 16 - 18

Rink 6   Stefan Tomm  Roy Doughty  Geoff Purrott  Ron Mew         Won 22 - 11*

*Highest winning rink


Final Result:   Epsom 71    Carshalton Beeches 68

After the game the Carshalton Beeches Captain was presented with a Centenary Banner and each of the Carshalton Beeches players received a Centenary Note Book.


Ladies' Friendly

The Ladies started the season with a defeat against Supreme.  They won 1 rink and lost the other 2.  Final Score Epsom 48  Supreme 69


Men's Friendly

A second win in as many days for Epsom.  The Centenary season continued well with a win over Chipstead.  Once again it was a beautiful day with not a cloud in the sky all afternoon.  The game turned out o be a very close affair and was won with the final bowl of the afternoon.

Three rinks won with one losing heavily.


Rink 2    Bill Lawrence  Len Philpott  Eric Brown  Peter Miller                         21 - 10*

Rink 3    Brian Kenyon  Geoff Purrott  John Warren  Les Owen                        22 - 16

Rink 4    John Southam  Bill Ellis  Roy Ward  Ron Mew                                        8 - 33

Rink 5    Martin Harbottle  Peter Humphreys  Pat Buckley  George Sperring     20 - 11

*Highest winning rink


Final Result:   Epsom 71    Chipstead 70

After the game the Chipstead Captain was presented with a Centenary Banner and each of the Chipstead players received a Centenary Note Book.

Winter Bowling
During the winter Eileen Mills & Brian Kenyon spend some time in Florida. They bowl at Sarasota Bowls Club. Brian won the Cut Throat Singles Competition and Eileen & partners were awarded first place in the Washington Triples. Well done.


Men's Friendly

Epsom started the Centenary season with an excellent win over Reigate Priory.  On a very bright afternoon the game was played in an excellent spirit with lots of banter on the green.

All four rinks won and the overall score was an emphatic win for Epsom 118 - 65.



Rink 2    Roy Doughty  Derek Hoffmann  Bill Ellis  Roy Ward                       Won 24 - 17

Rink 3    Dave Ruston  Tony Jackman  John Warren  Les Owen                   Won 32 - 20

Rink 4    Bill Lawrence  Alan Wybrow  Eric Brown  Peter Miller                   Won 24 - 13

Rink 5    John Southam  Martin Harbottle  Brian Kenyon  David Sowdon      Won 38 - 15*

*Highest winning rink


Final Result:   Epsom 118    Reigate Priory 65

After the game the Reigate Priory Captain was presented with a Centenary Banner and each of the Reigate Priory players received a Centenary Note Book.

Winter Bowling
During the winter Eileen Mills & Brian Kenyon spend some time in Florida. They bowl at Sarasota Bowls Club. Brian won the Cut Throat Singles Competition and Eileen & partners were awarded first place in the Washington Triples. Well done.

Whist Drive Champions

This years top Lady player is Diane Taylor and top Gentlemen Martin Harbottle. I would like to thank all those members who have supported these evenings during the Winter Months. A special thank you to all those ladies who made cakes for Whist Drive evenings especially my wife Janet.
On another point I would like to mention we had 2 couples who both scored a maximum 13 tricks. These were Janet Newman & John Hart, Emmie Seldon and Bill Lawrence
We would like more players to join so if you are interested and would like to spend a Thursday night playing Whist every fortnight then please contact me. The Next sessions will start in October 2009
Cyril Newman