Welcome to the July 2016 Newsletter.  This Newsletter will contain all information from 1st June 2016.

Surrey County Bowling Association - Un Badged Singles

John Meningen who joined Epsom Club this season has qualified for his County Badge.  He beat Tony Buckee 21 - 18 on Wednesday 29th June 2016.  The game was played at Epsom Bowling Club.


After 9 ends John led 6 - 5, then allowed his opponent to take control and go 8 - 16 behind.  He fought back well and levelled 17 - 17 on the 23rd end.  On the 27th end John needed two shots to win, but with his last bowl he faced 1 shot down.  He played a superb bowl picking up the jack & putting it in the ditch to secure the two shots required to win the game & qualify for his County Badge.

Congratulations John from everyone at Epsom Bowling Club for this great achievement.  John becomes the 13th current member to qualify for the County Badge.


Men's Friendly v Chessington

Epsom played Chessington away on Wednesday 29th June 2016 and won on 2 rinks, lost on 1 rink but won overall 67 - 53.


Rink 1  Mike James  Derek Hoffmann  Cyril Newman  Peter Miller  won 27 - 12

After 11 ends Epsom was 12 - 8 up and then won the next 5 ends scoring a total of 9 shots to go ahead 21 - 8.  They finished strongly going on to win by 15 shots.

Rink 2  Arthur Upward  Bill Lawrence  Fred Read  Roy Ward lost 23 - 27

Epsom got off to a poor start finding themselves 0 - 12 down after just 4 ends.  They fought back well, but were still behind 14 - 20 after 15 ends.  They eventually lost by 4 shots.

Rink 3  Frank Thompson  Vic Phillips  Phil Sims  Bob Blaker  won 17 - 14

After 10 ends the scores were level 7 - 7, but Epsom was 12 - 8 up after 15 ends and despite dropping 6 shots over the remaining ends they won by 3 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 67  Chessington 53


Ladies' Friendly v Leatherhead

Epsom Ladies played away at Leatherhead on Tuesday 28th June 2016  and won on one rink, lost on the second & lost the match 21 - 23. (Only 17 ends were played - match stopped by rain).


Rink 2  Audrey Jones  Guest  Sylvia Smart  Anne Hoffmann  lost 8 - 15

After 10 ends this rink was 6 - 11 behind and lost by 7 shots.

Rink 3  Pat Walmsley  Ruth Baker  Dolly Snow  Gill Sperring  won 13 - 8

Epsom was ahead all afternoon.  They led 9 - 3 after 10 ends, 12 - 6 after 15 ends & won by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 21  Leatherhead 23


Chrystie League

Epsom Men played Esher in the Chrystie League at home on Monday 27th June 2016  and won on both rinks & the match 37 - 21 (4 - 0).


Rink 5  John Savill  Bob Lister  Phil Sims  Ron Snow  won 14 - 12

Epsom was behind 6 - 10 after 10 ends, but levelled the scores 12 - 12 on the 16th end.  They finished well scoring two singles to win by 2 shots.

Rink 6  Arthur Upward  David Ganney  Ken Lacey  Fred Read  won 23 - 9

Epsom got off to a strong start and led 12 - 2 after just 5 ends.  They continued to dominate the game and led 16 - 5 after 15 ends and went on to win by 14 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 38  Esher 21    Epsom 4 points  Esher 0 points


Bowls England Top Club

Epsom men played Sutton in the BE Top Club on Sunday 26th June 2016 and won the Fours, but lost on all other disciplines.


Rink 1  Singles:  John Warren  lost 3 - 21

John struggled in this singles game being outplayed by his opponent losing by 18 shots.

Rink 1  Two Wood:  Stefan Tomm  lost 14 - 15

As the score suggests this was a great tussle, but Stefan took some time to get going.  After 15 ends he was losing 5 - 13, but won the next 5 ends to go in front 14 - 13.  On the final end Stefan played two poor bowls allowing his opponent to snatch a win by 1 shot.

Rink 4  Pairs:  Brian Kenyon  David Sowdon  lost 11 - 21

Epsom was behind all morning in the Pairs.  They trailed 6 - 11 after 10 ends, 9 - 18 after 15 ends finally losing by 13 shots.

Rink 3  Triples:  Howard Ellis  Martin Harbottle  Les Owen  lost 17 - 21

Epsom's Triple did not wake up until the 13th end when they found themselves 3 - 21 down.  However, they made a spirited fight back by winning all the remaining ends to lose by 4 shots.

Rink 2  Fours: Andrew Turnbull  Bob Blaker  John Meningen  Graham Naish  won 32 - 18

Epsom started with a 6 then a 5 in the Fours.  This put them in the driving seat and they stormed into a 25 - 7 lead after 10 ends.  After 15 ends they still led 28 - 15 and finished after 18 ends winning by 14 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 1 point   Sutton 4 points.


Men's League Match v Croydon
Epsom Men played at home on Saturday 25th July 2016 against Croydon. This was the first time these two Clubs had met in the ESL. The match was decided on the last end on rink 4. Epsom won 2 rinks, lost 2 rinks but won 71 - 70 (8 - 4).
Rink 2 Brian Kenyon  Andrew Turnbull Martin Harbottle  Les Owen lost 18 - 19
After 10 ends Epsom led 9 - 7 & went further ahead 16 - 10 after 15 ends. Croydon came back well over the remaining ends and snatched a 1 shot win.
Rink 3 Howard Ellis  Bob Blaker  John Meningen  Graham Naish won 18 - 16
This rink started slowly finding themselves 4 - 12 down after 10 ends. They were still behind 12 - 15 after 16 ends, but scored 5 shots over the next 3 ends to take the lead 17 - 15. They won by 2 shots.
Rink 4 Keith Roberts  George Sperring  John Warren  Jim Scott won 25 - 14
This rink made a great start when they were 14 - 0 up after just 6 ends. Croydon fought back well, but Epsom was still ahead 18 - 12 after 15 ends. Going into the last end, with all other rinks completed, Epsom needed 1 shot to win the match overall. Facing shot down with the skips to bowl Jim got the shot which remained to the end. Epsom won by 11 shots.
Rink 5 Stefan Tomm  Geoff Purrott  John Huxford  David Sowdon lost 10 - 21
Epsom was behind on this rink all afternoon. After 10 ends they trailed 4 - 9 and 9 - 12 after 15 ends. Croydon finished strongly leaving Epsom losing by 11 shots.
Final Score: Epsom 71 Croydon 70 Epsom 8 points Croydon 4 points
David Sowdon played in his 100th game in the ESL.


Ladies' League Match v Cheam Fields

Epsom Ladies played away on Saturday 25th July 2016 against Cheam Fields. They won on won rink, lost on one rink, but won the match 30 - 23 (3 - 1). Because of the weather this game ended after 15 ends.


Rink 5  Pat Walmsley  Dolly Snow  Sandra Huxford  Eileen Mills  lost 8 - 17

Epsom was behind all afternoon.  They were 6 - 10 behind after 10 ends & lost by 9 shots.

Rink 6  Ruth Baker  Sylvia Smart  Anne Hoffmann  Gill Sperring  won 22 - 6

Epsom got off to an excellent start and led 12 - 1 after just 5 ends.  They continued to outplay Cheam Fields going on to win by 16 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 30   Cheam Fields 23   Epsom 3 points  Cheam Fields 1 point


East Surrey League - Top 10

Epsom travelled to Wallington on Wednesday 22nd June 2016.  Epsom won all disciplines.  This was the fourth time Epsom had played Wallington in this Competition & it was the first win.


Rink 4  Singles: Terry Berry  won 21 - 16

This was an excellent game of singles. After 11 ends Terry led 11 - 8, but lost the next 3 ends to go behind 11 - 15.  Terry then won the next 6 ends to go into a 20 - 15 lead.  He won on the 22nd end.

Rink 3  Pairs: Brian Kenyon David Sowdon    won 25 - 17.  Epsom got off to a very good start and led 15 - 6 after 10 ends.  They still had a good lead 20 - 9 after 15 ends & went on to win by 8 shots.

Rink 5  Triples: Andrew Turnbull  Martin Harbottle  Les Owen  won 17 - 16

As the score suggests this was a very close game.  Epsom led 14 - 8 after 10 ends, but Wallington came back well to be just 2 shots behind, 16 - 14, after 15 ends.  Going into the last end the scores were level and Andy drew an excellent front bowl.  When the skips went to bowl Epsom held 2 shots, but the Wallington skip disturbed the head sending the jack to the side leaving Epsom 1 down.  Les drew the winning shot with the very last bowl.

Rink 2  Fours: Stefan Tomm  Bob Blaker  John Huxford  Graham Naish  won 24 - 18 (17 ends played).

Epsom had a commanding lead, 16 - 7 after 10 ends and continued to keep ahead when Wallington conceded on the 17th end as the Singles, Pairs & Triples had been won.

Final Score:  Epsom 4  Wallington 0

Andrew Turnbull played in his very first ESL Top 10 game.


Sutton & District Bowling Association - Yonwin Cup

Epsom travelled the short distance to Cuddington in the Yonwin Cup on Tuesday 21st June 2016.  This was the fourth time that these 2 Clubs had met in this competition. The last time was in 1998 when Epsom won 72 - 39. (the other dates were 1976 - lost & 1984 - lost).  Epsom won on all 3 rinks.


Rink 2  Howard Ellis  Bob Blaker  John Huxford  David Sowdon  won 20 - 13

After 10 ends Epsom led 10 - 9 but the scores were level 12 - 12 after 15 ends.  Epsom won the last 4 ends to win by 7 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Martin Harbottle  John Warren Les Owen  won 23 - 16

Epsom raced into a 18 - 2 lead after 10 ends, but the Cuddington skip played exceptionally well in the second part of the game converting possible big scores by drawing shot end after end.  Epsom won by 7 shots.

Rink 4  Andrew Turnbull  John Meningen  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  won 26 - 11

Epsom led 10 - 6 after 10 ends and went further ahead 21 - 9 after 15 ends.  They went on to win by 15 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 69   Cuddington 40

Andrew Turnbull & John Meningen played in their very first Yonwin Cup game.


Area 3 Top 4

Epsom 'B' played against Warlingham on Tuesday 21st June 2016 and won 23 - 17.


Rink 1  Brian Kenyon  Andrew Turnbull  John Warren  John Huxford  won 23 - 17

After 10 ends the scores were level 9 - 9, but Epsom then took control and led 17 - 12 after 15 ends & went on to win by 6 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 23  Warlingham 17


Chrystie League

Epsom Men played their second match in the Chrystie League at Brockham and won on one rink lost the second, but won overall 33 - 23 (3 - 1).


Rink 1  John Savill  Bob Lister  Derek Martin  Ron Snow  won 18 - 6

Epsom had the upper hand all evening on this rink.  They led 13 - 2 after 10 ends, 16 - 5 after 15 ends and won by 12 shots.  This was John Savill's first match in the Chrystie League.

Rink 2  Frank Thompson  Mike James  Ken Lacey  Phil Sims  lost 15 - 17

Epsom started well, but soon went behind 8 - 11 after 10 ends.  They fought well over the rest of the game but fell 2 shots short.

Final Score:  Epsom 33  Brockham 23   Epsom 3 points  Brockham 1 point.


Pirates Day BBQ

Epsom held a very successful Pirates BBQ day on Sunday 19th June 2016.  The day had been planned for a long time & a lot of hard work was undertaken on the day itself.  A huge thanks goes to Martine & Howard Ellis and Sandra Huxford who organised the event.  On the day a great deal of help was given by David & Mary Bragg, Denise Owen, Brian Kenyon & Bob Blaker.  The BBQ itself was manned by Andrew Turnbull who cooked everything to perfection.  During the afternoon some fun games of bowls took place which was organised by Les Owen.  Prizes were awarded to the following:-

Target Bowls - David Sowdon, Yardstick - Lesley Flint, Hoops - Guy Sowdon, Bowl in the box - Guy & Caroline Sowdon, Flags - Brian Kenyon, Quoits - Roy Harvey.  The overall winner was Brian Kenyon.

The afternoon was completed on the green with a knock out Triples of 4 ends.  The winners were Howard Ellis, Bob Blaker & Lesley Flint.

A huge thanks goes to everyone who attended & those who stayed to help clear up.


Men's League Match v Shirley Park

Epsom Men played away at Shirley Park on Saturday 18th June 2016. Epsom won on three rinks, lost on one rink but won overall 91 - 69 (10 - 2). This was the 4th game in a row that Epsom have beaten Shirley Park.


Rink 2  Howard Ellis  Geoff Purrott  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  lost 18 - 20

This was a highly competitive game.  After 10 ends Epsom was 9 - 12 down, but levelled the game 13 - 13 on the 14th end.  They went into a 3 shot lead on the 17th end, but dropped 5 shots over the next 2 ends to go behind again.  Going into the last end Epsom needed 3 to draw, but only got 1 shot to lose by 2 shots.

Rink 3  John Hart  John Warren  John Huxford  David Sowdon  won 19 - 13

After 13 ends Epsom was 8 - 11 down, but won 6 of the remaining ends outscoring Shirley Park 11 - 2 to win by 6 shots.

Rink 4  Keith Roberts  Bob Blaker  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  won 30 - 21

This was quite a remarkable game.  Epsom went into a 14 - 8 lead after 10 ends, but lost the next 5 ends dropping a total of 13 shots to go behind 14 - 21.  Epsom then went on to win all the remaining ends scoring a total of 16 shots to win by 9 shots.

Rink 5  Brian Kenyon  Andrew Turnbull  John Meningen  Les Owen  won 24 - 15

Epsom raced into a 15 - 4 lead after 10 ends and still had a good lead, 19 - 8 after 15 ends.  Shirley Park had the better of the remaining ends, but Epsom still won by 9 shots.

Final Score:   Epsom 91   Shirley Park 69    Epsom 10 points   Shirley Park 2 points


Ladies League v Horley

Epsom Ladies played their very first League match of 2016 against Horley on Sunday 12th June.  They won on one rink, lost on the second, but won overall 43 - 26 (3 - 1).


Rink 2  Ruth Baker  Dolly Snow  Anne Hoffmann  Gill Sperring  lost 14 - 17

Epsom was behind 5 - 9 after 10 ends, but fought back to level the scores, 10 - 10 after 15 ends.  On the 18th end Epsom led 13 - 11, but Horley came back well to win by 3 shots.

Rink 3  Sandra Huxford  Sylvia Smart  Ruth Nixon  Eileen Mills  won 29 - 9

After 10 ends Epsom held a slender lead 10 - 8, but went further ahead 16 - 9 after 15 ends.  Horley failed to score on the remaining ends and Epsom scored a total of 13 shots to win by 20 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 43  Horley 26    Epsom 3 points   Horley 1 point.


Mole Valley Cup   Epsom 'B'

Epsom Men played Bookham on Sunday 12th June 2016 and lost at home, but won away.


Home: Bill Lawrence  Bob Blaker  Les Owen  lost 6 - 19

Bookham played much better than Epsom all morning in pouring rain.  Bookham led 6 - 2 after 7 ends, 10 - 3 after 11 ends and beat Epsom by 13 shots.

Away:  Stefan Tomm  Geoff Purrott  John Meningen  won 16 - 10

After 7 ends Epsom was 2 - 8 down, but won the next 6 ends to go 15 - 8 ahead.  They went on to win by 6 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 22  Bookham 29


Men's League Match v Cheam

Epsom Men played away at Cheam on Saturday 11th June 2016. This was the first time these two clubs had met in the ESL.  Epsom won on two rinks, lost on two rinks, but won overall 90 - 71 (8 - 4).


Rink 2  Keith Roberts  Andrew Turnbull  Geoff Purrott  David Sowdon  lost 16 - 18

During the first half of this game the Cheam skip had some telling bowls  Epsom was 4 - 9 down after 10 ends & 9 - 11 behind after 15 ends.  However, Epsom fought back well to go ahead 14 - 13 on the 19th end, but then immediately dropped a count of 5.  They lost by 2 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  George Sperring  Peter Miller  Les Owen  lost 23 - 24

Epsom was outplayed for 10 ends on this rink finding themselves 11 - 18 behind.  Epsom won 8 of the remaining ends and came within one inch of securing 4 shots on the last end to draw.

Rink 4  Stefan Tomm  Martin Harbottle  John Meningen  John Warren  won 32 - 13

This was a tremendous performance by Epsom on this rink.  They led 13 - 8 after 10 ends and raced into a 24 - 11 lead after 15 ends.  With all 4 players playing well Epsom finished strongly and won by 19 shots.

Rink 5  Howard Ellis  Bob Blaker  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  won 19 - 16

After 10 ends the scores were level 9 - 9 and Epsom took a 1 shot lead on end 15, 14 - 13.  Epsom outscored Cheam over the last 6 ends 5 - 3 to win by 3 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 90  Cheam 71   Epsom 8 points  Cheam 4 points


Bowls England Over 60's Tony Allcock Trophy

Epsom played Sutton 'A' at home on Friday 10th June 2016 in the above competition and won on 1 rink, lost on the other & lost overall by 1 shot.


Rink 4  Anne Hoffmann  Gill Sperring  Les Owen  Graham Naish   lost 12 - 28

              v  Shamista Patel  Allan Duff  Roger Graves  Margaret Smith

Epsom was outplayed on this rink all evening.  They were 3 - 12 down after 10 ends, 9 - 18 behind after 15 ends and lost by 16 shots.

Rink 5 Sandra Huxford  Eileen Mills  John Huxford  David Sowdon   won 26 - 11

            v Terry Buckland  John Cocoracchio  Carol McGrail  Pat Bourne

Epsom was totally in control on this rink all evening.  They led 7 - 6 after 9 ends then won the next 6 ends scoring a total of 15 shots (including a 7 on end 15) to lead 22 - 10.  They went on to win by 15 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 38   Sutton 'A' 39


Mixed Match v Malden Manor

Epsom played at home against Malden Manor on Tuesday 7th June 2016. Epsom was successful on all 3 rinks winning 71 - 44.


Rink 1  Arthur Upward  Anne Hoffmann  Brian Kenyon  Bob Blaker  27 - 15

This rink was ahead all afternoon.  They led 12 - 6 after 10 ends, 22 - 13 after 18 ends & won by 12 shots.

Rink 2  Robert York  Derek Hoffmann  Stefan Tomm  Eileen Mills  won 19 - 14

Epsom got off to an excellent start and led 13 - 2 after 10 ends.  They still led 16 - 10 after 15 ends going on to win by 5 shots.

Rink 3  Bill Lawrence David Ganney  Sylvia Smart  John Warren  won 25 - 15

Epsom found themselves 9 - 10 down after 10 ends, but dominated the rest of the game going on to win by 10 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 71  Malden Manor 44


Chrystie League

Epsom Men played their first match in the Chrystie League at Leatherhead and lost on both rinks and the match 21 - 42.


Rink 1  Vic Phillips  Frank Thompson  David Ganney  Ken Lacey  lost 10 - 22

Epsom was behind all evening.  They were 5 - 12 down after 10 ends, 6 - 21 behind after 15 ends and lost by 12 shots.

Rink 2  Mike James  Arthur Upward  Phil Sims  Ron Snow  lost 11 - 20

Epsom led 8 - 6 after 10 ends and 11 - 10 after 15 ends but did not add to their score and lost by 9 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 21  Leatherhead 42


Bowls England Top Club

Epsom Men played at home against Cheam Fields in the Bowls England Top Club on Sunday 5th June 2016 and won on all disciplines.  This turned out to be a comfortable win in the Pairs, Triples & Fours but the Two Wood Singles and Four Wood Singles were fairly close.


Rink 5  Singles:  John Warren - conceded by Cheam Fields after 20 ends with John winning 16 - 13

John started slowly, but went ahead 9 - 8 after 10 ends.  He kept the lead until the game was conceded.

Rink 5  Two Wood:  Stefan Tomm  won 17 - 11

Stefan held the initiative throughout the morning.  He led 9 - 5 after 10 ends, but his opponent levelled 11 - 11 after 16 ends.  Stefan won the next 4 ends to win by 6 shots.

Rink 6  Pairs:  Brian Kenyon  David Sowdon  won 23 - 8

Epsom's Pair was in control from the start.  They led 12 - 5 after 10 ends and 18 - 6 after 15 ends.  They went on to win by 15 shots.

Rink 3  Triples:  Howard Ellis  Martin Harbottle  Les Owen  won 29 - 6

After dropping 2 shots on the first end Epsom immediately took the lead and dominated the game from then on.  They led 13 - 4 after 10 ends, 26 - 4 after 15 ends and won by 23 shots.

Rink 4  Fours: Andrew Turnbull  Bob Blaker  John Meningen  Graham Naish  won 28 - 6

Epsom got off to a storming start and led 20 - 0 after 11 ends.  They continued to play excellent bowls going on to win by 22 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 5  Cheam Fields 0


Men's League Match v Wallington

Epsom Men played away at Wallington on Saturday 4th June 2016. Epsom won on two rinks, lost on two rinks, but won overall 76 - 74 (8 - 4).  The overall win was decided by the very last bowl of the match on rink 4.


Rink 2  Stefan Tomm  John Hart  George Sperring  Jim Scott  lost 15 - 19

After 10 ends Epsom was just 1 shot down, 7 - 8, but Wallington then had 5 good ends to go further ahead 7 - 17 after 15 ends.  Epsom fought back well over the least 6 ends to lose by 4 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Andrew Turnbull  Peter Miller  Les Owen  won 22 - 15

The only time during the afternoon that Epsom was behind was on the 11th end, 9 - 10.  On the 15th end Epsom led 14 - 12 and finished strongly to win by 7 shots.

Rink 4  Howard Ellis  Bob Blaker  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  won 20 - 18

After 15 ends Epsom had a good lead 15 - 10, but Wallington came back well to be just 1 shot adrift 19 - 18 going into the last end.  With the other rinks having finished Epsom was leading in the match by just one shot.  The last end here was very tense with Wallington holding two shots and Graham to play the very last bowl.  He drew the shot to win the rink by 2 shots and helped win the match also by two shots.

Rink 5  Keith Roberts Geoff Purrott  Martin Harbottle  John Warren  lost 19 - 22

Epsom was 5 - 12 behind after 10 ends, but on the 15th end they scored 6 shots to go ahead 15 - 14.  They still led 19 - 14 with 3 ends to play, but Wallington snatched a win by 3 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 76   Wallington 74      Epsom 8 points   Wallington 4 points


Ladies' Friendly v Ember

The Ladies played a two rink Triples match against Ember on Thursday 2nd June 2016 and won on both rinks & the match 33 - 25.


Rink 2  Ruth Baker  Dolly Snow  Eileen Mills  won 15 - 9

The Epsom Ladies held the lead all afternoon.  They led 6 - 5 after 10 ends, 11 - 8 after 15 ends and won by 6 shots.

Rink 3  Frances Suttonwood  Anne Hoffmann  Gill Sperring  won 18 - 16

After 9 ends the Epsom Ladies were 9 - 12 down, but 7 shots over the next 4 ends to go ahead 16 - 12.  They then lost the next 3 ends to be just 1 shot ahead, 16 - 15. Going into the last end they led by 3 shots, dropped 1 shot and won by 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 33  Ember 25