Welcome to the July 2015 Newsletter.  This Newsletter will contain all information from 30th June 2015

Men's Past Times

Epsom'A' played Monotype in the Past Times Competition on Tuesday 30th June 2015 and won at home, lost away & lost overall 37 - 38.


Home:  Stefan Tomm  Ron Snow  George Sperring  Les Owen  won 20 - 15

After 5 ends Epsom was behind 4 - 7, but then took the lead up to end 9.  Monotype then levelled the scores 11 - 11 on the 10th end.  Epsom had the edge over the rest of the game & led 17 - 12 after 15 ends and went on to win by 5 shots.

Away:  John Hart  David Bragg  Martin Harbottle  Andrew Turnbull    lost 17 - 23

Epsom was behind 7 - 11 after 10 ends, but went ahead 13 - 11 on the 12th end.  Monotype came into the game strongly and went on to beat Epsom by 6 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 37  Monotype 38


Chrystie League

Epsom win their first match of the season away at Brockham on Monday 29th June 2015.  They won on 1 rink, lost on 1 rink & won the match 34 - 26.


Rink 1  Phil Sims  Ron Harsum  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  lost 14 - 15

Epsom got off to a slow start finding themselves 0 - 7 down after 5 ends.  They came back well to be just 1 shot adrift, 8 - 9 after 10 ends.  The last 8 ends were close, but Epsom lost by just 1 shot.

Rink 2  Arthur Upward  Derek Martin  David Ruston  Fred Read  won 20 - 11

This was a close game for 10 ends when Epsom led 9 - 6.  However, they outplayed Brockham over the last 8 ends to win by 9 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 34  Brockham 26    Epsom 3 points  Brockham 1 point.


East Surrey League - Ladies

Epsom Ladies travelled to Godstone on Sunday 28th June 2015 to play their 3rd ESL Match.  They lost on both rinks & the match 28 - 43 (0 - 4).


Rink 3  Ruth Baker  Jan Allum  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills  lost 14 - 22

After 10 ends Epsom was 7 - 9 behind, but came back well to be just 1 shot behind at 15 ends (12 - 13).  However, Godstone had the better of the remaining ends leaving Epsom losing by 8 shots.

Rink 4  Anne Hoffmann  Dolly Snow  Jane Wheeler  Gill Sperring  lost 14 - 21

Epsom was 8 - 9 down after 10 ends, but took the lead 11 - 9 after 13 ends.  This lead was soon lost as Godstone won the next 4 ends scoring a total of 7 shots to go ahead 16 - 11 after 17 ends.  Epsom lost by 7 shots.

Final Score:   Epsom 28   Godstone 43     Epsom 0 points  Godstone 4 points


Len Philpott

The family of Len have donated a bench in memory of Len to Epsom Bowling Club.

The Club wishes to thank the family for this kind gesture.


100 Club

Result of 24th June 2015 Draw

1st Prize    Beryl Davis   No.  16   £27         2nd Prize   Ken Lacey   No.127   £13

3rd Prize   Trevor Marvel  No. 48   £10

Next Draw:    29th July 2015


East Surrey League

Epsom played Old Coulsdon away on Saturday 27th June 2015 in League Match and came away with an excellent result considering that they , like Epsom, were unbeaten this season.  Epsom won on 2 rinks, lost on 2 rinks, but won overall 90 - 68 (8 - 4).  The highest rink best win against Old Coulsdon was achieved in this match - 33 - 6 (the previous highest winning rink was 26 - 10 in 2014).  Epsom are now 9 points clear at the top of the League.


Rink 1  Keith Roberts Bob Blaker  David Sowdon  Jim Scott  lost 20 - 25

Epsom had a poor first 10 ends when they were 8 - 18 down.  However, they fought back well to be just 4 shots adrift after 18 ends.  They finally lost by 5 shots.

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Geoff Purrott  George Sperring  Les Owen  lost 17 - 19

The first 10 ends were close on this rink with Epsom leading 9 - 7.  After 15 ends Epsom was still 3 shots ahead, 12 - 9, but Old Coulsdon came back to level the scores 17 - 17 after 20 ends.  Epsom dropped 2 shots on the last end to lose by 2 shots.

Rink 5  David Bragg  John Warren  John Huxford  Mick Gray  won 20 - 18

Epsom was ahead 12 - 9 after 10 ends and 17 - 13 in front after 15 ends.  The last 6 ends were keenly contested, but Epsom won by 2 shots.

Rink 6  Howard Ellis  Martin Harbottle  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  won  33 - 6

Epsom had a outstanding win on this rink.  They led 10 - 6 after 10 ends and won all the ends from then on running out comfortable winners by a record 27 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 90  Old Coulsdon 68    Epsom 8 points  Old Coulsdon 4 points.

Martin Harbottle became only the 4th player to play 200 times for Epsom in this match.



John Warren has qualified for his Surrey County Badge by beating Stefan Lukatschat from Bookham 21 - 19 on Wednesday 24th June 2015.  He certainly had the members, marker & score board turner biting their nails throughout the latter stages of the game.


John got off to a great start & led 11 - 1 after 9 ends.  After 15 ends he was still ahead 13 - 8, but Stefan fought back well to level 15 - 15 after 23 ends. On the 27th end Stefan went ahead 19 - 18 and on the next end John  faced game against lying three shot down.  With his last bowl he took the jack into the ditch and the marker & Umpire had to measure with a string for shot.  John won the end by the smallest of margins.  On what became the final end (29th) John played two good bowls to hold game & Stefan with his last bowl just missed the head leaving John the winner and qualifying for his Surrey County Badge.

John plays Myles Clements from Weybridge at Purley Bury on Wednesday 1st July at 6pm.

Congratulations John from all at Epsom Bowling Club.

Click on photo

for larger version


Interesting Facts re Surrey Badge

John Warren becomes the 13th current member of Epsom Bowling Club to qualify for his Surrey County Badge. (Clive Allum no longer plays, but is a Social Member).  The last player to qualify was Pat Buckley in 2010.  A list of all players who have qualified (Men & Ladies) can be found in 'Associations' - 'Surrey'.


Men's Friendly

Epsom Men played against Chessington on Wednesday 24th June 2015 and won on 1 rink, lost on two rinks but won overall 52 - 49.


Rink 3  Arthur Upward  Mike James  Phil Sims  Bob Blaker  lost 10 - 23

Epsom led 2 - 1 after 3 ends, but failed to score for 11 ends & found themselves 2 - 20 down.  They had 3 good ends near the finish, but still lost by 13 shots.

Rink 4  Derek Jones  Bill Lawrence  Derek Martin  John Hart  won 28 - 6

After 10 ends Epsom led 8 - 5 but then won the next 6 ends scoring a total of 18 shots to give themselves a 26 - 5 lead.  They won by 22 shots.

Rink 5  Ron Harsum  Vic Phillips  Peter Humphreys  Cyril Newman  lost 14 - 20

After 10 ends Epsom was 7 - 16 behind & 13 - 17 in arrears after 15 ends.  They lost by 6 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 52  Chessington 49


Ladies Friendly

Epsom Ladies played against Leatherhead on Tuedsay 23rd June 2015 and won on 1 rink, lost on one rink but won overall 43 - 28.


Rink 3  Mary Bragg  Dolly Snow  Jan Allum  Gill Sperring  lost 15 - 18

After 10 ends this rink were 7 - 11 behind and were still behind by 9 shots after 17 ends.  Epsom won the last 4 ends to close the gap to just 3 shots.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Frances Suttonwood  Heather Pigden  Lyz Warren  won 28 - 10

After 10 ends this rink had a commanding lead 17 - 5 and continued to play well going on to win by 18 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 43  Leatherhead 28


Chrystie League

Epsom played at home against Pippbrook on Monday 22nd June 2015 and were soundly beaten on both rinks.  They lost the match 16 - 52 (0 - 4).  This was the biggest defeat for Epsom since the League began.


Rink 2  Bob Lister  Vic Phillips  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  lost 8 - 28

This rink was totally outplayed all evening.  They were 16 shots behind after 10 ends (3 - 19) and lost by 20 shots.

Rink 3  Mike James  Derek Martin  David Ganney  Fred Read  lost 8 - 24

This was a similar story to rink 2.  Epsom was 1 - 15 down after 10 ends, 6 - 23 in arrears after 15 ends and went on to lose by 16 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 16  Pippbrook 52    Epsom 0 points  Pippbrook 4 points


East Surrey League - Top 10

Epsom Men played Shirley Park at home on Sunday 21st June 2015 and won on all disciplines.  Epsom have played Shirley Park 10 times over the years in this Competition & this is only the second time the Club has won.


Rink 3  Singles:  Mick Gray v Colin Gray   won 21 - 19

This was an excellent contest between these two players. Mick got off to a slow start finding himself 0 - 8 down after 5 ends. He soon got on the scoreboard and was 4 shots behind after 10 ends, 6 - 10 but then scored on the next 4 ends to go ahead 12 - 10. Colin then went ahead 14 - 12 on the 16th end.  On the 20th end Mick was lying 3 down & facing defeat but secured the shot with an excellent bowl.  Mick finished with 3 shots on end 22 and completed the win on the next end.

Rink 5  Pairs:  Brian Kenyon  Les Owen v K Yarwood R Turner   won 24 - 16

After 10 ends Epsom led 14 - 8 & still had a 9 shot advantage, 21 - 12 after 15 ends.  Epsom went on to win by 8 shots

Rink 4  Triples:  Martin Harbottle  George Sperring  Jim Scott     won 19 - 12

                             v B Bartlett  D Bradley  Ron Southwood

Epsom got off to a slow start finding themselves 3 - 8 down after 8 ends. They then won the next 5 ends to go ahead 14 - 8.  After 15 ends there was only 2 shots in the game, but Epsom won the last 3 ends to win by 7 shots.

Rink 6  Fours:  Geoff Purrott  Terry Berry  David Sowdon  Graham Naish    won 19 - 12

                           v K Botley  J Turner  F Alberry  G Beresford

This was a very close game for 16 ends when Epsom held a 1 shot lead, 12 - 11.  However, Epsom won 4 of the last 5 ends to win by 7 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 4 points  Shirley Park 0 points (Total score - Epsom 83  Shirley Park 59)


Hawaiian Themed Barbecue

Epsom held a Hawaiian Themed Barbecue at the Club on Sunday 21st June 2015 and many members & guests enjoyed a variety of fun games of bowls & some excellent food.

Several of those attending entered into the spirit of the occasion by wearing typical Hawaiian clothing.

A huge thanks must go to Sandra Huxford, Martine Ellis, Nancy Smillie and many more who helped to make the day a huge success.  A raffle was held and all were entertained by Bob Blaker & Guy Sowdon.


Click on photos for larger version


East Surrey League - Men

Epsom Men continue their success in the ESL by beating Purley 102 - 53 (12 - 0) at home on Saturday 20th June 2015. Another record was also broken in this match for the highest aggregate score.  Epsom won by 49 shots - the previous best was in 1995 (+42 shots).


Rink 1  Keith Roberts  Geoff Purrott  George Sperring  Jim Scott  won 21 - 19

This game went down to the very last bowl.  Epsom was 5 - 10 down after 10 ends, but came back well to lead 17 - 13 after 15 ends.  Purley fought back well to level the scores 19 - 19 on the 20th end.  The game was won by Jim taking out the Purley shot with the very last bowl to be played to lie two shots thus winning by 2 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Andrew Turnbull  John Warren  Mick Gray  won 25 - 15

Epsom led throughout this game.  They led 10 - 4 after 10 ends, 19 - 11 after 15 ends & won by 10 shots.

Rink 4  Stefan Tomm  Bob Blaker  Martin Harbottle  Les Owen  won 20 - 11

This was a similar story to rink 3.  Epsom led 10 - 5 after 10 ends, 16 - 7 after 15 ends & won by 9 shots.

Rink 6  Howard Ellis  John Hart  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  won 36 - 8

Epsom dominated this game.  They raced into a 20 - 3 lead after 10 ends and increased this to 28 - 6 after 15 ends.  They went on to win by 28 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 102  Purley 53    Epsom 12 poits   Purley 0 points

Brian Kenyon played in his 150th match in the East Surrey League.

East Surrey League - Ladies

The Ladies played Cheam Fields at home on Saturday 20th June 2015 and won on 1 rink, lost on 1 rink & lost the match 27 - 49 (1 - 3).


Rink 2  Sandra Huxford  Anne Hoffmann  Jane Wheeler  Eileen Mills  won 19 - 15

This was a very close game.  Epsom Ladies led 10 - 7 after 10 ends, but lost the lead 13 - 14 after 15 ends.  They finished well & won by 4 shots.

Rink 5  Audrey Jones  Heather Pigden  Lyz Warren  Gill Sperring  lost 8 - 34

Epsom Ladies were outplayed all afternoon by a very strong Cheam Fields rink.  They were 2 - 20 behind after 10 ends, 3 - 27 in arrears after 15 ends finally losing by 26 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 27  Cheam Fields 49    Epsom 1 point  Cheam Fields 3 points


Sutton & District Bowling Association - Yonwin Cup

Huge disappointment as Epsom lose for the second year in a row to Carshalton Beeches.  Epsom had been having a very successful season up to this week, but losing the Yonwin Cup was unexpected.  The team was missing some key players through injury and Surrey Competitions, but nevertheless the Club fielded a strong side.  They won on 1 rink, lost on 2 rinks & the match by 2 shots.


Rink 2  Brian Kenyon  Geoff Purrott  John Huxford  David Sowdon  lost 11 - 19

This rink was behind all evening.  They were 3 - 11 adrift after 10 ends, 7 - 13 down after 15 ends and lost by 8 shots.

Rink 3  Howard Ellis  George Sperring  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  won 29 - 17

Epsom was trailing by 1 shot, 9 - 10, after 10 ends, but soon got their game together and led 18 - 12 after 15 ends.  They had an excellent last 6 ends going on to win by 12 shots.

Rink 4  Keith Roberts  Martin Harbottle  Mick Gray  Jim Scott  lost 14 - 20

Epsom was 6 - 10 behind after 10 ends, 11 - 13 adrift after 15 ends finally losing by 6 shots.

Final Score:   Epsom 54  Carshalton Beeches 56

Keith Roberts played in his first game for Epsom in the Yonwin Cup.


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom 'A' played Bookham on Thursday 18th June and won at home, lost away & lost overall 24 - 30.


Home: Bob Lister  Mike James  Stefan Tomm  won 16 - 10

Epsom was ahead all morning in this game.  They led 7 - 3 after 5 ends & 12 - 6 after 10 ends.  They won by 6 shots.

Away: Bill Lawrence  Fred Read  Geoff Purrott   lost 8 - 20

Epsom had a disastrous start finding themselves 1 - 18 down after 10 ends.  They scored 7 more shots & lost by 12 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 24  Bookham 30


Bowls England Top Club

Epsom played Chipstead at home on Wednesday 17th June 2015 and won the Two Wood Singles & Fours, but lost the Singles Pairs & Triples thus losing 3 - 2.

Rink 2  Singles: Mick Gray v John Wilson  lost 9 - 21

Mick started well and led 9 - 5 after 10 ends.  However, John came back well winning the next 10 ends to win by 12 shots.

Rink 2  Two Wood:  David Sowdon v Steve Whiting   won 13 - 10

This was a very close game.  However, at 10 ends the scores were level 5 - 5, but David went ahead 9 - 7 after 15 ends and continued to be in front going on to win by 3 shots.

Rink 3  Pairs:  Keith Roberts  John Huxford v Anthony Childs  Nathan Beeson  lost 12 - 33

The Epsom pair were totally outplayed on this rink.  They dropped multiple shots during the game and were comprehensively beaten by 21 shots.

Rink 5  Triples:  Brian Kenyon  George Sperring  Les Owen  lost 15 - 23

                            v David Pearce  Dave Botting  Damian Olver

Epsom played really well in this game for 14 ends when the led 15 - 13.  However, Chipstead came back well winning the last 4 ends leaving Epsom losing by 8 shots.

Rink 4  Fours:  Howard Ellis  Andrew Turnbull  Terry Berry  Graham Naish   won 21 - 16

                           v Derek Pearce  Ian Steele  Derek Rowe  Dickie Day

Epsom led 11 - 9 after 10 ends & 17 - 13 after 15 ends.  They ended on the 19th end winning by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 2 points   Chipstead 3 points


Bowls England Tony Allcock Trophy

Epsom played Sutton at home in the above Competition on Tuesday 16th June 2015 & won on both rinks & the match 44 - 32.


Rink 5  Eileen Mills  Anne Hoffmann  John Huxford  Graham Naish  won 23 - 13

             v Shamista Patel  Neil Asten  Margaret Smith  Steve Shanley

Epsom held the initiative throughout the evening.  They led 12 - 5 after 10 ends, 18 - 8 after 15 ends & went on to win by 10 shots.

Rink 6  Sandra Huxford  Gill Sperring  George Sperring  David Sowdon  won 21 - 19

             v Rosemary Cavilla  Pat Wills Colin Wilkins  John Roll

This was a game of two halves.  Epsom raced into a 15 - 7 lead after 10 ends, but Sutton came back well to take the lead 20 - 17 after 17 ends.  Epsom played 2 more ends & secured a victory by 2 shots (19 ends played).

Final Score:  Epsom 44  Sutton 32


Chrystie League

Epsom played away on Monday 15th June 2015 against Leatherhead and won on 1 rink, lost on 1 rink & lost overall 27 - 31 (1 - 3).


Rink 1  Bob Lister  Derek Jones  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  won 15 - 10

After 10 ends the scores were level 7 - 7, but Epsom had a good second half running out winners by 5 shots.

Rink 2  Arthur Upward  David Ganney  Andrew Turnbull  Fred Read  lost 12 - 21

Epsom played well for 10 ends when they led 8 - 7.  However, they dropped 7 shots on end 15 & they failed to recover losing by 9 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 27  Leatherhead 31    Epsom 1 point  Leatherhead 3 points


Area 3 Top 4

Last year's winners of the Area 3 Top 4 go out in the first round by 1 shot against Wallington on Sunday 14th June 2015.


Rink 1 Brian Kenyon  Andrew Turnbull John Warren  John Huxford  lost 16 - 17

This was a very close game as the final score suggests.  They were level 8 - 8 after10 ends, but fell behind 10 - 13 after 15 ends.  With 2 ends to go Epsom was 12 - 17 down and just fell short by the 1 shot.


Windeler Cup

The Annual Windeler Cup was played on Sunday 14th June 2015.  32 players joined in & were organised into 2 teams of 4 & 8 teams of 3.  (Skips having only 2 bowls each).

The Final was played over 5 ends with Audrey Jones, Vic Phillips & Bob Blaker beating Eddie Needham, Ruth Nixon & Gram Pilbrow on an extra end.

The whole Competition was organised by Anne Hoffmann & Bob Blaker.  Many thanks go to Anne & Bob and all other members who helped on the day.

Click on photo for larger version


East Surrey League

Epsom played Shirley Park at home on Saturday 13th June 2015 for a League Match and won with a record score on 1 rink and also beat the record for a shot difference win.  The previous highest rink win was 35 - 12 in 1989 & the highest previous overall win was 98 - 62 in 2012.  This is only the second time since 1987 that Epsom have gained maximum points over Shirley Park (the last one was in 2012).


Rink 2  Keith Roberts  Archie Flashman  John Huxford  Jim Scott  won 26 - 7

Epsom dominated this rink right from the start.  They led 10 - 4 after 10 ends, 19 - 4 after 15 ends & went on to win by 19 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Stefan Tomm  John Warren  Mick Gray  won 19 - 11

This was a very close game up until end 10 when Epsom held a 1 shot advantage, 8 - 7.  The rest of the game belonged to Epsom and they won by 8 shots.

Rink 4  David Bragg  Bill Lawrence  Martin Harbottle  Les Owen  won 29 - 13

Epsom was behind 4 - 5 after 7 ends, but then scored 6 shots on end 8.  This turned the game in Epsom's favour when they led 19 - 8 after 15 ends.  They finished strongly winning by 16 shots.

Rink 5  Howard Ellis  Bob Blaker  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 39 - 6

The scores were level 5 - 5 after 5 ends, but Epsom won the next 11 ends to take a commanding lead 31 - 5.  Shirley Park scored just 1 more shot leaving Epsom winners by 33 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 113  Shirley Park 37    Epsom 12 points  Shirley Park 0 points


Mole Valley Cup

Epsom have entered the above Competition for the first time this year.  They began with a win 37 - 11 against Newdigate.  This is a knock out Triples Competition played over 15 ends.


Home Rink:  Bob Blaker  David Bragg  Keith Roberts  won 23 - 7

Epsom was always in front in this game.  They led 9 - 2 after 5 ends, 14 - 5 after 10 ends & won by 16 shots.

Away Rink:  Howard Ellis  John Warren  John Huxford  won 14 - 4

This was a similar story to the home rink.  Epsom led 9 - 2 after 10 ends & went on to win by 10 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 37  Newdigate 11


Chrystie League

Epsom played their first Chrystie League match of the season on Monday 8th June 2015 against Bookham.  They lost on both rinks & the match 27 - 32 (0 - 4).


Rink 4  Phil Sims  Vic Phillips  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  lost 16 - 17

Epsom was behind 7 - 11 after 10 ends & 11 - 15 adrift after 15 ends.  They fought back well, but lost by just 1 shot.

Rink 5  David Ganney  David Ruston  Derek Martin  Fred Read  lost 11 - 15

This was a similar story to rink 4 when Epsom was 7 - 11 behind after 10 ends.  Epsom finally lost by 4 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 27  Bookham 32    Epsom 0 points  Bookham 4 points

David Ganney played in his very first Chrystie League match.


Bowls England - Top Club

Epsom played Sutton at home on Sunday 7th June 2015 in the Top Club Competition and won a thrilling, tense match 3 - 2.


Two Wood Singles:  David Sowdon v Peter Pearce  won 14 - 13

As the score suggests this was a very close game.  David led 9 - 4 after 10 ends & 11 - 6 after 14 ends.  The scores were tied 11 - 11 after 18 ends & still tied on the 21st end.  Peter held shot on the extra end, but David gained the shot to win an excellent game.

Four Wood Singles:  Mick Gray v Neil Asten   lost 14 - 21

Neil held the initiative throughout this game.  He led 13 - 8 after 13 ends, but Mick fought back well. However, Neil went on to win by 7 shots.

Pairs:  Keith Roberts/Jim Scott v Tony Wood/Steve Shanley    lost 10 - 25

Epsom's Pair were outplayed during the evening.  They were 6 - 13 behind after 10 ends & 7 - 20 in arrears after 15 ends.  Sutton went on to win by 15 shots.

Triples:  Brian Kenyon/George Sperring/Les Owen v Robert Wharf /Colin Wilkins/Keith Adams  won 18 - 17

Epsom played well on this rink.  They led 8 - 6 after 10 ends, 15 - 10 after 15 ends & going into the last end held a 5 shot advantage.  Somehow Keith played a wood to gain 5 shots to draw.  On the extra end Epsom gained the shot to win by 1 overall.

Fours:  Howard Ellis/Andrew Turnbull/Peter Miller/Graham Naish   won 21 - 16

             v Terry Buckland/Kevin Donovan/John Cocoracchio/John Roll

After 11 ends Epsom was 7 - 13 behind, but won the next 5 ends to go ahead 14 - 13.  On the 19th end Epsom was 1 shot adrift, but Epsom scored two 3's to win by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 3  Sutton 2


East Surrey League - Ladies

Epsom Ladies played their first League game of the season against Horley and won on both rinks and the match 53 - 30 (4 - 0).


Rink 4  Ruth Baker  Sylvia Smart  Lyz Warren  Gill Sperring  won 21 - 16

Epsom got off to a good staret and led 9 - 1 after 10 ends.  However, Horley fought back to go ahead 14 - 13 after 15 ends.  Epsom had a good last 6 ends to win by 5 shots.

Rink 5  Sandra Huxford  Anne Hoffmann  Jane Wheeler  Eileen Mills  won 32 - 14

Epsom had a convincing win on this rink.  They raced into a 15 - 0 lead after just 5 ends and continued to outplay Horley going on to win by 18 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 53  Horley 30  Epsom 4 points  Horley 0 points


Area 3 Top 4

Epsom played Newdigate at home on Sunday 7th June 2015 in the Area 3 Top 4 Competition.  This Competition only allows 1 County Badged player to participate.


Rink 4  Tony Dunn  Howard Ellis  David Bragg  Graham Naish lost 16 - 18

After 10 ends Epsom was 6 - 10 behind but fought back well to take the lead 13 - 11 after 15 ends.  However, Newdigate had the better of the remaining ends to go to win by 2 shots.


East Surrey League

Epsom played Ashtead at home on Saturday 6th June 2015 for a League Match and were given a big scare but held on to win the match overall by 6 shots.  They won 3 of the 4 rinks.


Rink 3  Phil Sims  David Bragg  Peter Miller  Jim Scott  won 22 - 18

After 10 ends Epsom led 13 - 10 and went further ahead 20 - 12 after 16 ends.  However, Ashtead came back well to score 6 shots over the next 3 ends to narrow the gap to just 2 shots. Epsom ended with 2 singles to secure a 4 shot victory.

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Andrew Turnbull  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 20 - 13

This was a very close contest for 13 ends when Epsom led 9 - 8.  However. Epsom then scored a total of 9 shots over the next 4 ends to go ahead 18 - 8.  Ashtead finished well, but Epsom held on to win by 7 shots.

Rink 5  Keith Roberts  Bob Blaker  John Warren  David Sowdon  won 20 - 17

Epsom controlled this game for15 ends when they led 17 - 7.  They then dropped 7 shots over the next 2 ends to be just 3 shots ahead. Epsom held on to win by 3 shots.

Rink 6  Mick Gray  Cyril Newman  Martin Harbottle  Les Owen  lost 14 - 22

Epsom had a really bad afternoon on this rink struggling end after end.  Ashtead outplayed this rink going into a 11 - 6 lead after 10 ends and went further ahead 20 - 9 after 16 ends.  Epsom dug deep during the last 5 ends winning 4 of them to narrow the loss to 8 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 76  Ashtead 70     Epsom 10 points  Ashtead 2 points


Cropley Cup

Epsom Men played Epsom Ladies in the Annual internal fixture on Wednesday 3rd June 2015.  In a very close match the Men just managed to secure a 3 shot victory.


Rink 3  Derek Jones Mike James Derek Cash  Derek Hoffmann - 15

              v Ruth Baker  Mary Bragg  Sylvia Smart  Lyz Warren     - 19

After 10 ends the Ladies had a good lead 14 - 8, but the Men fought back well in the second half.  However, the Ladies held on to win by 4 shots.

Rink 4  Sid Bailey  Ron Harsum  Vic Phillips  Ron Snow                      - 22

             v  Joy Rundle  Dolly Snow  Heather Pigden  Anne Hoffmann  - 18

The Men had a bowling lesson in the first 10 ends from the Ladies when they raced into a 16 - 3 lead.  However, the Men dominated the last 11 ends outscoring the Ladies 19 - 2 to win by 4 shots.

Rink 5  Arthur Upward  David Rundle  David Ganney  Peter Humphreys     - 21

             v Audrey Jones  Maureen Trumble  Ruth Nixon  Gill Sperring         - 18

This was a similar story to rink 4 when the Ladies led11 - 3 after 9 ends.  The Men had a much better game during the rest of the afternoon and went on to win by 3 shots.

Final Score:   Epsom Ladies 55  Epsom Men 58

Huge thanks to Lyz Warren & her team for looking after the refreshments after the match.


Bowls England - Tony Allcock Trophy

Epsom played away at Cheam Fields on Tuesday 2nd June 2015 in the BE Tony Allcock Trophy and one on 1 rink, lost on the other but won overall by 12 shots.


Rink 2  Ruth Baker  Anne Hoffmann  John Huxford  Graham Naish  won 29 - 14

This was very close for 8 ends when the scores were level 7 - 7.  However, Epsom won the next 9 ends scoring a total of  21 shots to go ahead 28 - 7.  Epsom won convincingly by 17 shots.

Rink 3  Sandra Huxford  Gill Sperring  George Sperring  David Sowdon  lost 20 - 25

This rink had a disastrous start finding themselves 1 - 15 adrift after 9 ends.  However, Epsom fought back well over the last few ends to lose by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 49  Cheam Fields 37

Ruth Baker, Sandra Huxford, George Sperring & John Huxford played in this Competition for the first time.


Mixed Friendly

Epsom played away at Malden Manor on Tuesday 2nd June 2015 and won on 3 rinks, drew on 1 rink and lost on 1 rink.  Epsom won the match 98 - 81.


Rink 1  Maureen Trumble  Bill Lawrence  Ron Snow  Tony Dunn  lost 17 - 27

Epsom held the lead, 12 - 8 after 10 ends, but were outplayed during the rest of the game losing by 10 shots.

Rink 2  Derek Jones  Heather Pigden  Derek Hoffmann  John Warren  won 19 - 11

This was a very close game up to 12 ends when Epsom led 12 - 10.  Epsom had some very good ends from then on running out winners by 8 shots.

Rink 3  Mike James  David Ganney  Peter Humphreys  Cyril Newman  won 20 - 14

Epsom held the lead all afternoon.  They led 8 - 4 after 10 ends, 16 - 4 after 15 ends and won by 6 shots.

Rink 4  Arthur Upward  Ron Harsum  Fred Read  Lyz Warren  drew 17 - 17

As the score suggests this was a hard fought battle.  The scores were level 8 - 8 after 10 ends and Epsom had a 1 shot advantage, 11 - 10 after 15 ends.  Epsom extended their lead to 17 - 11 after 19 ends, but dropped 6 shots over the last to ends to draw.

Rink 5  Audrey Jones  Vic Phillips Guest  Bob Blaker  won 25 - 12

Epsom was 1 player short on this rink, but Malden Manor were good enough to lend the Club a player.  Epsom dominated the game.  They led 16 - 3 after 10 ends, 20 - 7 after 15 ends going on to win by 13 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 98  Malden Manor 81


Sutton & District Bowling Association - Arthur Hughes Triples

Epsom played away at Sutton in the Arthur Hughes Triples on Monday 1st June 2015 and won 16 - 15.

Teams:  Bill Lawrence, Bob Blaker & John Warren played Robert Wharf, Keith Adams & Steve Shanley.

Well done Epsom


Mixed Friendly v Popes Mead

Epsom played Popes Mead in a 6 rink Friendly Match at home on Sunday 31st May 2015.  They won on 4 rinks, lost on 2 rinks & won overall 125 - 102.


Rink 1  Joy Rundle  Mike James  Guy Sowdon  Geoff Purrott  won 21 - 20

After 10 ends Epsom led 12 - 8 & 15 - 9 after 15 ends.  The last 6 ends were close, but Epsom held on to win by 1 shot.

Rink 2  Sylvia Smart  Derek Martin  David Ganney  Brian Kenyon  won 16 - 15

This was also a close game.  The scores were level 11 - 11 after 15 ends, but Epsom won by 1 shot.

Rink 3  Pat Walmsley  Jan Allum  Lyz Warren  John Warren  lost 16 - 21

Epsom was ahead 8 - 7 after 10 ends, Popes Mead took control and went ahead 13 - 10 after 15 ends.  Epsom finally lost by 5 shots.

Rink 4  Brian Collis  Derek Jones  Vic Phillips  David Sowdon  won 19 - 15

Epsom was ahead all through the afternoon.  They led 10 - 6 after 10 ends, 13 - 10 after 15 ends & went on to win by 4 shots.

Rink 5  Audrey Jones  Bill Lawrence  Tony Dunn  Cyril Newman  won 39 - 8

This turned out to be a one sided game with Epsom racing into a 17 - 2 lead after 10 ends.  They forged further ahead 33 - 2 after 15 ends finally winning by 31 shots.

Rink 6  Ruth Nixon  David Rundle  Derek Hoffmann  Peter Humphreys  lost 14 - 23

Epsom struggled for 15 ends on this rink finding themselves 4 - 21 down.  They had 6 good ends outscoring Popes Mead 10 - 2 to close the gap to lose by 9 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 125  Popes Mead 102


Bowls England - Two Fours

Epsom played Sutton at home on Sunday 31st May 2015 in the BE Two Fours and won on 1 rink, lost on the second and lost overall 26 - 43.


Rink 1  Mick Gray  Bob Blaker  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 15 - 13 (18 ends played)

This was a very close game with Epsom leading 10 - 9 after 10 ends, but went behind 12 - 13 after 15 ends.

Epsom won 15 - 13, but played only 18 ends as rink 2 lost heavily.

Rink 2  Howard Ellis  David Bragg  David Sowdon  Peter Miller  lost 11 - 30

Epsom was adrift 4 - 11 after 10 ends and failed to make much more impact (score wise) in the game.  However, Epsom played well over the second half, but the Sutton number 3 had some exceptional bowls to turn things against Epsom.  The rink went down by 19 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 26  Sutton 43


East Surrey League

Epsom played Wallington at home on Saturday 30th May 2015 for a League Match and won on 3 rinks, lost on 1 rink and won the match 86 - 68 (10 - 2).  This was Epsom's fourth win in a row in the League.


Rink 1 Mick Gray  Bob Blaker  John Huxford  Les Owen  lost 15 - 26

Epsom struggled to get their game together on this rink.  They were 5 - 17 adrift after 10 ends, 8 - 20 down after 15 ends and lost by 11 shots.

Rink 2  Howard Ellis  George Sperring  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  won 19 - 10

Epsom was in the lead all afternoon on this rink  They led 8 - 4 after 10 ends, 15 - 4 after 15 ends and won by 9 shots.

Rink 3  Andrew Turnbull  David Bragg  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  won 30 - 13

Unfortunately one of Wallington's players did not turn up.  Epsom took advantage of the 8 bowls to 6 bowls situation and dominated the game.  They led 16 - 6 after 10 ends, 24 - 8 after 15 ends and won convincingly by 17 shots.

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  John Warren Pat Buckley  Jim Scott  won 22 - 19

Although the final score was close on this rink Epsom held the lead throughout.  The were ahead 13 - 9 after 10 ends, 19 - 13 after 15 ends and despite Wallington finishing strongly Epsom won by 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 86  Wallington 68    Epsom 10 points  Wallington 2 points


Ladies' Bowls England - Top 10

Epsom Ladies played away at Purley Bury on Saturday 30th May 2015 and lost 1½ - 2½ (67 - 73).  They won the singles, drew the Fours & lost the Pairs & Triples.


Singles: Sandra Huxford  won 21 - 8

Sandra played well in this game holding the lead throughout.  She led 10 - 5 after 10 ends, 15 - 8 after 15 ends & won the final 4 ends for an excellent win by 13 shots.

Pairs:  Ruth Baker  Jane Wheeler  lost 13 - 21

After 14 ends Epsom was 6 - 16 adrift, but then won the next 3 ends to close the gap to 12 - 16.  Purley Bury finished well leaving Epsom losers by 8 shots.

Triples:  Pauline File  Sylvia Smart  Gill Sperring  lost 13 - 24

Epsom started badly finding themselves 4 - 16 down after 10 ends.  On the 13th end Epsom scored 5 shots but still lost by 11 shots.

Fours:  Audrey Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills  drew 20 - 20

This was a game of two halves.  After 10 ends Epsom was 6 - 12 down, but outscored Purley Bury over the next 10 ends to go ahead 20 - 16.  Sadly they dropped 4 shots on the last end to level the scores.

Final Score:  Epsom 67  Purley Bury 73   Epsom 1½ - Purley Bury 2½