Welcome to the July 2013 Newsletter.  This Newsletter will contain all information from 29th May 2013

East Surrey League

Epsom Men & Ladies travelled to Godstone on Sunday 30th June 2013.  The Men won 90 - 73 (5 - 1), but the Ladies lost 33 - 37 (˝ - 3˝).  For the Men it was the 14th year in a row that they had beaten Godstone.



Rink 1  Brian Kenyon  Ron Mew  John Warren  Les Owen  won 22 - 11

The first 10 ends of this game was very close with Epsom being 5 - 6 behind. After 12 ends Epsom was leading by just one shot, but then scored a total of 13 shots without reply to go into a 22 - 8 lead.  Godstone won the last 3 ends scoring three singles leaving Epsom winners by 11 shots.

Rink 2  Howard Ellis  Terry Berry George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 23 - 20

Epsom was ahead 14 - 8 after 10 ends and 19 - 12 in front after 15 ends.  Godstone came back strongly over the last 6 ends, but Epsom held out to win by 3 shots.

Rink 4  Peter Salmon  John Huxford  David Sowdon  Jim Scott  won 27 - 19

After 10 ends this rink had a healthy lead 14 - 7 after 10 ends and 19 - 11 in front after 15 ends. Epsom scored a 6 on end 17, but immediately dropped 5 shots on the next end.  They finished well winning by 8 shots.

Rink 6  Terry Hoye  Bill Lawrence  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  lost 18 - 23

Epsom was outplayed for 14 ends of this game when they were 9 - 15 behind.  They came back really strongly and took the lead on the 18th end, 17 - 16.  Unfortunately they immediately dropped 6 shots to lose the lead again.  Epsom lost by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 90  Godstone 73    Epsom 5 points  Godstone 1 point



Rink 3  Sandra Huxford  Mary Bragg  Lyz Warren  Gill Sperring  drew 18 - 18

Epsom Ladies played well from the start and were leading 12 - 5 after 10 ends & 15 - 13 after 15 ends.  Godstone fought back well and secured a draw.

Rink 5  Maggie O’Sullivan  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  Marilyn Walsh  lost 15 - 19

The Ladies were behind throughout the afternoon.  They were 6 - 10 adrift after 10 ends, 9 - 14 behind after 15 ends & lost by 4 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 33  Godstone 37  Epsom ˝ point  Godstone 3˝ points


Men's Friendly v Chessington

Epsom played Chessington in a Friendly match on Wednesday 26th June 2013 & won on two rinks lost the third and won the match overall 53 - 50.


Rink 1  Len Philpott  Derek Martin  John Hart  Terry Hoye  won 24 - 11

Epsom was down 3 - 5 after 5 ends, but then won the next 9 ends scoring a total of 17 shots to take the lead 20 - 5 after 14 ends.  They went on to win by 13 shots.

Rink 2  Andrew Turnbull  Tony Dunn  Eric Brown  Martin Harbottle  lost 12 - 23

After 8 ends Epsom was behind 5 - 8, but then dropped 10 shots over ends 9 - 13 to go further behind 5 - 18.  Chessington continued to dominate the game finally winning by 11 shots.

Rink 3  Geoff Purrott  Bob Lister  John Huxford  Cyril Newman  won 17 - 16

Epsom was behind throughout the afternoon right up to the 20th end.  They were behind 6 - 9 after 5 ends & 9 - 12 after 10 ends.  They scored 5 shots on end 20 to take the lead & held out to win by just 1 shot.

Final Score:  Epsom 53  Chessington 50


Sutton & District - Arthur Hughes Triples

Epsom played Chessington in the first round of the Arthur Hughes Triples on Tuesday 25th June 2013 & lost 12 - 21.


Howard Ellis  David Bragg  Graham Naish  lost 12 - 21

Epsom struggled all evening in this game.  They were 9 - 16 down after 14 ends, 12 - 19 with one end to play, and dropped a further 2 shots on the final end to lose by 9.


Ladies Smith Trophy

Epsom Ladies played against Ember on Tuesday 25th June 2013 & lost at home and away.


Home:  Sue Needham  Audrey Jones  Sylvia Smart   lost 9 - 18

Away:  Ruth Baker  Jane Wheeler  Marilyn Walsh  lost 7 - 26

Final Score:  Epsom 16   Ember  44


Chrystie League

Epsom continued their excellent start to the season against Leatherhead on Monday 24th June 2013 with another 4 - 0 win in the Chrystie League.  They have now won their first 3 games 4 - 0.


Rink 2  Tony Dunn  Derek Jones  Andrew Turnbull  John Huxford   won 12 - 11

Epsom was 6 - 5 on the 9th end, but then lost the lead.  On the 14th end they were still down 7 - 11, but then won the last 4 ends scoring a total of 5 shots to win narrowly by 1 shot.

Rink 4  Bob Lister  David Ruston  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  won 14 - 12

After 5 ends Epsom was 1 - 5 behind, but then scored a total of 7 shots over the next 6 ends to go into the lead 8 - 5.  They held the lead for the rest of the game winning by 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 26  Leatherhead 23    Epsom 4 points  Leatherhead 0 points


East Surrey League v Purley Bury

Epsom played Purley Bury at home on Sunday 23rd June 2013 and lost on 3 rinks & drew the fourth.  Two of the losing rinks lost by just the one shot and the others were very close games throughout.


Rink 1  Howard Ellis  Terry Berry  George Sperring  Graham Naish  lost 18 - 19

After 10 ends the scores were level 10 - 10 & after 15 ends Purley Bury went ahead 13 - 14.  On the 17th end Epsom scored 4 shots to take the lead 17 - 16.  Going into the last end the scores were level but Purley Bury managed to get the shot for a narrow win.

Rink 2  Martin Harbottle  John Hart  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  lost 17 - 24

Epsom started well on this rink and were 8 - 0 up after just 4 ends.  However, Purley Bury came back well to take the lead 8 - 10 after 9 ends. On the 18th end Epsom was just 1 shot down, 17 - 18, but then dropped 6 shots over 2 ends.  Going into the last end Epsom needed 7 shots to draw, but only managed 2 shots to lose by 5 shots.

Rink 5  David Sowdon  John Warren  Ron Mew  Les Owen   drew 18 - 18

After 10 ends Epsom was adrift 6 - 9 & further behind 8 - 14 after 15 ends.  The last 6 ends were dominated by Epsom and they led 15 - 14 after the 19th end.  They then had a poor 20th end dropping 4 shots to go 3 behind.  Epsom rallied well on the last end scoring 3 shots for a well deserved draw.

Rink 6  Stefan Tomm  David Bragg  Terry Hoye  Jim Scott  lost 18 - 19

During the first 10 ends on this rink Epsom dropped 6 shots on end 5 & 5 shots on end 7 to put them behind 5 - 12.  On the 11th end Epsom was 6 - 16 down but then had 6 good ends scoring a total of 9 shots to be just 1 adrift on the 17th end.  Going into the last end Epsom was 15 - 19 down and needing 4 to draw, 5 to win managed to score three shots to lose by the single shot.

Final Score:  Epsom 73  Purley Bury 80    Epsom ˝ point  Purley Bury 5˝ points

George Sperring played in his 200th match in the East Surrey League.


East Surrey League Top 10

Epsom played Cheam Fields in the Top 10 Competition at home on Thursday 20th June 2013.  They won the Singles, Pairs, Triples but lost the Fours.  They won overall 92 - 56 (3 - 1).


Singles:  Graham Pilbrow  won 22 - 11

Graham was always in front in this game.  He led 9 - 2 after 5 ends & 15 - 7 after 10 ends.  His opponent made a good comeback to close the gap to 4 shots on the 15th end.  However, Graham then scored 7 shots on the next 3 ends to win by 11 shots

PairsBrian Kenyon  Les Owen  won 20 - 15

This turned out to be a close game throughout the evening.  Epsom led 8 - 7 after 10 ends, but lost the lead on the next end.  They drew level, 12 - 12 on the 15th end but had the better of the remaining ends to win by 5 shots.

Triples:  Stefan Tomm  Terry Berry  Peter Miller  won 30 - 7

Epsom dominated this game all evening.  They led 15 - 4 after 10 ends and 16 - 7 after 13 ends. Epsom went on to win all the remaining ends picking up a total of 14 shots to win by 23 shots.

Fours:  David Sowdon  Ron Mew  Terry Hoye  Graham Naish  lost 20 - 23

Epsom got off to a great start on this rink going into a 11 - 0 lead after just 3 ends.  However, Cheam Fields came back strongly and were level 12 - 12 after 9 ends.  Cheam Fields then went in front 15 - 18 after 13 ends.  Epsom needed 1 shot to tie going into the last end, but dropped 2 more shots to lose by 3.

Final Score:  Epsom 92  Cheam Fields 56    Epsom 3 points  Cheam Fields 1 point

Terry Berry played in his very first Top 10 for Epsom Bowling Club.


Area 3 Top 4

This Competition must only feature one Surrey County badged player.

Epsom 'A' played Dorking at home on Thursday 20th June 2013 and won comfortably.


Peter Salmon  John Warren  John Huxford  Pat Buckley  won 24 - 12 (18 ends played).

Epsom dominated this game throughout the evening.  They led 10 - 0 after just 5 ends.  After 9 ends Dorking had come back into the game scoring 6 shots to Epsom's 1 shot to narrow the gap to 11 - 6.  However, Epsom then scored a total of 11 shots over the next 3 ends to take a 22 - 6 lead.  Dorking conceded after 18 ends leaving Epsom winners by 12 shots.


Epsom 'B' lost to Bletchingley earlier in the week.  Scores are not to hand at present.


Chrystie League v Bookham

Epsom had an excellent win in the Chrystie League on Monday 18th June 2013 beating Bookham 45 - 14.


Rink 1  Clive Banderet  Vic Phillips  Tony Dunn  Ron Snow  won 18 - 10

Epsom was always in front on this rink.  They led 11- 5 after 10 ends going on to win by 8 shots.

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  Mike James  Bob Blaker  John Huxford  won 27 - 4

Epsom totally outplayed Bookham on this rink.  They had a big lead 16 - 2 after 15 ends and went on to win by 23 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 45  Bookham 14


Ladies Smith Trophy

Epsom Ladies played their very second match in the Smith Trophy against Malden Manor on Monday 17th June 2013.  They won at home by 4 shots, but were well beaten away 12 - 21.


Home:  Audrey Jones  Sylvia Smart  Lyz Warren  won 21 - 17

Epsom had a 6 shot advantage after 10 ends, 14 - 8 and went on to win by 4 shots.

Away:  Maggie O’Sullivan  Jane Wheeler  Anne Hoffmann  lost 12 - 21

Epsom was well beaten away.  They were 2 - 18 down after 14 ends, but picked up well scoring 10 shots over the last 4 ends.  They finally lost by 9 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 33 Malden Manor 38


Past Times - Men 'B' v Malden Manor

Epsom 'B' played Malden Manor on Sunday morning 16th June 2013 and lost home & away.  They lost the match by 4 shots.


Home:  Brian Kenyon  David Bragg  Jim Scott  Les Owen  lost 21 - 24

Epsom led 12 - 10 after 8 ends, but then dropped a 3 & 4 to go 12 - 17 down.  They came back well to take the lead 19 - 18 after 16 ends.  Epsom lost the lead again on the 19th end & Malden Manor went further ahead 20 - 24 on the 20th end.  Epsom only managed to score 1 shot on the last end losing the game by 3 shots.

Away:  Bob Blaker  John Warren  George Sperring  Graham Naish  lost 14 - 15

This was a very close game as the final score indicates.  Epsom led 12 - 10 after 15 ends, but Malden Manor drew level on the 20th end, 14 - 14.  Epsom dropped 1 shot on the final end to lose by just 1 shot.

Final Score:  Epsom 35 Malden Manor 39


Ladies Past Times v Sutton

Epsom Ladies played Sutton on Sunday 16th June 2013 and won away, lost at home & lost overall 21 - 38.


Home:  Sandra Huxford  Audrey Jones  Dolly Snow  Eileen Mills  lost 7 - 25

Epsom Ladies were outplayed at home.  They were 5 - 17 down at 15 ends eventually losing by 18 shots.

Away:  Maggie O’Sullivan  Sylvia Smart  Anne Hoffmann  Marilyn Walsh  won 14 - 13

After 10 ends the Epsom Ladies were 4 - 7 down, but fought back well to take the lead 10  8 after 15 ends.  The last 6 ends were evenly contested, but Epsom won by a single shot.

Final Score:  Epsom 21  Sutton 38


Men's Friendly v Southey

Epsom played against Southey away on 15th June 2013 in a Triples match and won on two rinks, lost on the third and lost the match overall.

There is quite a story to this game.  Southey thought they were playing at Epsom & also reduced the match from 3 Rinks to 3 Triples. After many telephone calls Southey eventually did host the match, but there was no food.  Three Epsom players - well one forgot his white trousers, one forgot his bowling shoes and one only had 2 bowls (for a triples match!!).  It also poured with rain for most of the game which was abandoned after 2 rinks had played 14 ends & one rink 13 ends.  Ah yes another thing - one of Epsom's experienced bowlers forgot to record the score on the card for the entire afternoon. (good job the ex Captain was there watching who did record the scores for that rink). All in all an interesting afternoon.


Rink 3  Tony Dunn  John Warren  Ron Mew  won 13 - 6 (13 ends)

This rink led all afternoon.  They led 5 - 1 after 5 ends, 9 - 4 after 10 ends & won by 7 shots.

Rink 4  Howard Ellis  Andrew Turnbull  Graham Naish  lost 6 - 29 (14 ends)

Epsom was outplayed on this rink.  They were well adrift, 3 - 24 after 10 ends finally losing by 23 shots.

Rink 5  Ron Snow  Vic Phillips  John Huxford  won 14 - 6 (14 ends)

Epsom led 10 - 3 after 10 ends and won by 8 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 33  Southey 41


Bowls England Over 60's Mixed Double Rink

Epsom played against Sutton at home on Wednesday 12th June 2013 and won on one rink, lost on the other and lost the match overall.


Rink 6  Ron Mew  Eileen Mills  Marilyn Walsh  David Sowdon  won 18 - 16

This was a close game throughout the afternoon.  Epsom led 9 - 8 after 10 ends, 14 - 12 after 15 ends and went on to win by 2 shots.

Rink 5  Maggie O’Sullivan  Ron Snow  Gill Sperring  Pat Buckley  lost 15 - 28

Sutton outplayed Epsom on this rink.  After 10 ends Epsom was adrift 6 - 15 and further behind 9 - 21 after 15 ends.  They finally lost by 13 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 33  Sutton 44


Ladies Smith Trophy

Epsom Ladies played their very first match in the Smith Trophy against Hook & Southborough.  This is the first year that the Ladies have participated in this League. They lost narrowly at home, but were well beaten away.


Home  Audrey Jones  Maureen Trumble  Jan Allum  lost 16 - 17

This was a close game all evening.  After 15 ends the scores were level 14 - 14 and going into the last end the scores were still level.  Epsom lost the end and game by 1 shot.

Away  Olive Phillips  Frances Suttonwood  Sylvia Smart  lost 10 - 24

The Epsom away rink were outplayed all evening.  They were adrift 3 - 18 after 10 ends, 6 - 23 after 15 ends finally losing by 14 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 26  Hook & Southborough 41


Chrystie League v Esher

Epsom Men played their very first fixture of the 2013 season at home against Esher on Monday 10th June.  They won on both rinks and the match 36 - 31 (4 - 0).  This game was decided on the very last few ends on both rinks.


Rink 1  Derek Jones  Derek Martin  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  won 22 - 18

After 10 ends Epsom was 12 - 6 ahead, but soon lost this advantage 13 - 15 after 15 ends.  Epsom won the game by scoring 5 shots on end 17 followed by 4 shots on the last end to win by 4 shots.

Rink 2  David Hutchison  Andrew Turnbull  Howard Ellis  John Huxford  won 14 - 13

Epsom was ahead 9 - 5 after 10 ends, 11 - 10 in front after 15 ends, but Esher drew level on the penultimate end to make the scores 13 - 13.  Epsom managed to win the final scoring just 1 shot.

Final Score:  Epsom 36  Esher 31   Epsom 4 points  Esher 0 points


East Surrey League - Men & Ladies


Last season the men were beaten 66 - 80 (1 - 5) at Horley.  However, they bounced back well this year with an excellent win 107 - 58 (6 - 0).


Rink 1  Terry Berry  Derek Hoffmann  David Bragg  Terry Hoye  won 21 - 15

Epsom kept in the lead all afternoon.  They were 13 - 4 ahead after 10 ends & 20 - 6 after 15 ends.  Horley came back well in the latter stages, but Epsom won by 6 shots.

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  John Warren  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  won 27 - 12

After 10 ends Epsom led 12 - 7 and immediately scored 5 shots then 4 shots to go further ahead.  They continued to play well and won by 15 shots.

Rink 4  Howard Ellis  John Hart  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 24 - 18

Epsom dominated this game for 15 ends when they led 19 - 9.  However, Horley came back within 3 shots on end 17, but Epsom finished strongly to win by 6 shots.

Rink 6  Brian Kenyon  Bob Blaker  Les Owen  Ron Mew  won 35 - 13

Epsom dominated this game right from the start.  They led 17 - 7 after 10 ends and went further ahead 27 - 10 on 15 ends (including 7 shots on end 12).  They continued to play well winning convincingly by 22 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 107  Horley 58   Epsom 6 points  Horley 0 points


The Ladies won at Horley last year 41 - 26 (4 - 0) and they had another excellent win this year, 52 - 32 (3˝ - ˝).


Rink 3  Maggie O’Sullivan  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring  won 29 - 9

After 10 ends Epsom led 18 - 4 & continued to dominate the game winning by 20 shots.

Rink 5  Mary Bragg  Lyz Warren  Jan Allum  Marilyn Walsh  drew 23 - 23

After 10 ends Epsom had a good lead 14 - 5, but Horley came back into the game over the last 11 ends.  Going into the last end Epsom led by 2 shots, but Horley managed to tie the game.

Final Score:  Epsom 52  Horley 32  Epsom 3˝ points  Horley ˝ point


East Surrey League - Men

Epsom Men travelled to play Ashtead in the ESL on Saturday 8th June 2013 & won 99 - 62 (5 - 1).  This was an excellent performance after two poor results in recent weeks.


Rink 2  Peter Salmon  Geoff Purrott  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  lost 21 - 22

After 10 ends Epsom led 11 - 10 and increased the lead, 19 - 14 after 15 ends.  Ashtead came back strongly over the remaining ends going into the lead 22 - 20 on the 20th end. Needing 2 to tie and 3 to win Epsom on the last end only managed 1 shot to lose by 1.

Rink 3  Howard Ellis  Terry Berry  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 24 - 14

Epsom was ahead all throughout this game.  They led 13 - 4 after 10 ends and 15 - 9 after 15 ends.  They finished strongly to win by 10 shots.

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  John Hart  John Warren  Les Owen  won 29 - 8

Epsom dominated this game all afternoon.  They had commanding leads 16 - 2 after 10 ends and 22 - 7 after 15 ends.

Epsom continued to out play Ashtead & won comfortably by 21 shots.

Rink 5  Stefan Tomm  David Bragg  Terry Hoye  Jim Scott  won 25 - 18

This was a remarkable game when Epsom was 0 - 9 down after 7 ends.  However, they won the next 8 ends scoring a total of 19 shots. Ashtead then scored 5 shots over ends 16 & 17 to narrow the gap 19 - 14.  Epsom went on to win by 7 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 99  Ashtead 62   Epsom 5 points  Ashtead 1 point.


Cropley Cup

The annual match between the Men & Ladies took place on Wednesday 5th June 2013.  The men won 2 rinks & lost the third.  The men won overall 90 - 46


Rink 2  Bob Blaker  Tony Dunn  Bob Lister  John Warren                   41

              Olive Phillips  Maureen Trumble  Sylvia Smart  Lyz Warren  8


Rink 4  Stefan Tomm  David Hutchison  Derek Hoffmann  John Huxford       29

              Maggie O’Sullivan  Heather Pigden  Mary Bragg  Marilyn Walsh    15


Rink 5  Brian Kenyon  Sid Bailey  Len Philpott  Cyril Newman    20

              Ruth Baker  Audrey Jones Jane Wheeler  Jan Allum      23


After the match the Ladies provided Tea & Cakes.


B E Double Fours

Epsom played Egham away on Wednesday 5th June 2013 and lost on both rinks.  They lost by 7 shots on one rink, but were well beaten 17 - 32 on the other. 


Rink 1  Howard Ellis  Terry Hoye  Pat Buckley  Graham Naish  lost 9 - 16

Epsom did well on this rink for 15 ends when the scores were level 9 - 9.  Egham won the last 6 ends scoring a total of 7 shots.

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence David Bragg  David Sowdon  Peter Miller  lost 17 - 32

Epsom was outplayed on this rink all evening.  They were 10 - 21 down at 15 ends eventually losing by 15 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 26  Egham 48

Howard Ellis played in his very first Bowls England Double Fours Competition.


Area 3 Top 4

Epsom played Croydon MO'S at home on Tuesday 4th June and won comfortably 33 - 5.


Peter Salmon  John Warren  John Huxford  Pat Buckley  won 33 - 5

Epsom dominated this game from the start.  They led 22 - 4 after 10 ends & 26 - 5 after 15 ends.  Croydon MO's conceded after 18 ends.


Mixed Friendly v Malden Manor

Epsom travelled the short distance to Malden Manor on Tuesday 4th June 2013 to play a Mixed Friendly match.  This was a new fixture for Epsom and they won on 3 rinks, lost the fourth but won the match 89 - 65.


Rink 1  Maggie O’Sullivan  Vic Phillips  Bob Lister  Lyz Warren  won 24 - 12

This rink led 14 - 12 after 15 ends and finished strongly going on to win by 12 shots.

Rink 2  Arthur Upward  Olive Phillips  Mary Bragg Tony Dunn  won 21 - 14

After 13 ends Epsom  was 7 - 14 behind, but won the remaining 8 ends scoring 14 shots in total to win by 7 shots.

Rink 3  Audrey Jones  Mike James  Pauline Devereux  David Bragg   won 24 - 18

This rink was always in the lead.  After 15 ends they led 18 - 16 and won by 6 shots.

Rink 4  Tony Brydges  Maureen Morris  David Ruston  Anne Hoffmann  lost 20 - 21

Epsom had a commanding lead, 18 - 6 after 14 ends, but Malden Manor outscored Epsom 15 - 2 to win by just 1 shot.

Final Score:   Epsom 89  Malden Manor  65

Mike James played in his very first match for Epsom.


Mixed Match v Popes Mead

Epsom played Popes Mead on Sunday 2nd June 2013. This fixture began last year when Epsom travelled to Popes Mead.  They lost this match by 7 shots & only won on two rinks.  This year Epsom certainly gained revenge by winning 5 out of the 6 rinks and the match by 29 shots.


Rink 1  Bill Lawrence  Tony Brydges  Eric Brown  John Huxford   won 22 - 18

This was a very close game for 15 ends when Epsom held a 1 shot advantage, 12 - 11.  They went ahead 19 - 11 on the 17th end, but then dropped 5 shots.  The last few ends were close, but Epsom won by 4 shots.

Rink 2  Ruth Nixon  Derek Jones  Lyz Warren  Ron Mew  won 24 - 20

After 8 ends this rink led 16 - 1, but Popes Mead came back strongly and went ahead on the 17th end, 18 - 17.  Epsom finished strongly scoring a total of 5 shots on the last 2 ends to win by 4 shots.

Rink 3  Maggie O’Sullivan  Olive Phillips  David Bragg  Graham Naish  won 26 - 11

Epsom dominated this game winning 14 of the 21 ends.  They led 14 - 5 after 10 ends, 19 - 9 after 15 ends and won comfortably by 15 shots.

Rink 4  Bob Blaker  Len Philpott  Sandra Huxford  Cyril Newman  won 19 - 18

This was a very close game all afternoon.  Epsom led 8 - 7 after 10 ends & 15 - 8 after 15 ends.  However, Popes Mead finished strongly, but Epsom held on to win by just 1 shot.

Rink 5  Audrey Jones  Vic Phillips  Geoff Purrott  Martin Harbottle lost 18 - 28

Epsom was only 2 shots adrift after 10 ends, 10 - 12.  However, They were outplayed by Popes Mead over the last 11 ends outscoring Epsom 16 - 8,  Epsom lost by 10 shots.

Rink 6  Mary Bragg  Derek Martin  Derek Hoffmann  John Warren  won 28 - 13

Epsom was 4 - 7 behind after 7 ends, but then started to dominate the game.  They led 20 - 11 after 15 ends going on to win by 15 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 137  Popes Mead 108


Past Times

The Epsom Men 'A' team played Purley on Sunday morning 2nd June 2013 and won by 18 shots at home, but lost by 1 shot away.  They won overall 55 - 38.

Home Team:  John Hart  Ron Snow  John Huxford  David Sowdon  won 39 - 21

This game was totally dominated by Epsom when they scored heavily on 7 ends.  After 10 ends they led 14 - 12, but then scored 18 shots without reply to go into a 32 - 12 lead.  Purley then scored 9 shots to close the gap, but Epsom replied with 7 shots over the last 2 ends to win convincingly by 18 shots.

Away Team:  Bill Lawrence  Geoff Purrott  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  lost 16 - 17

Epsom got off to a good start and led 12 - 4 after 10 ends.  They then lost the next 6 ends allowing Purley to take the lead 14 - 12.  Going into the last end the scores were level, 16 - 16 but Purley got the 1 shot for the win.

Final Score:  Epsom 'A' 55   Purley 38


East Surrey League

The Men & Ladies travelled to Old Coulsdon on Saturday 1st June 2013 to play in an East Surrey League game.  The Men lost 73 - 85 (1 - 5) & the Ladies lost 24 - 40 (0 - 4).


This was a great disappointment for Epsom Men as they had beaten Old Coulsdon in the last 3 League matches.  After 15 ends the Men held a 14 shot advantage (63 - 49), but fell away badly on three rinks during the last 6 ends to lose overall by 12 shots.


Rink 2  Derek Jones  Derek Hoffmann  Peter Salmon  George Sperring   lost 16 - 22

This rink were behind throughout the afternoon.  They were 12 - 19 down at 15 ends eventually losing by 6 shots.

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Geoff Purrott  Terry Hoye  Les Owen  lost 15 - 24

This rink started well and led 14 - 10 after 15 ends.  However, they were totally outplayed by Old Coulsdon over the last 6 ends dropping a total of 14 shots to 1 to lose by 9 overall.

Rink 5  Bill Lawrence  Andrew Turnbull  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  won 26 - 15

This rink had an excellent afternoon.  They led 14 - 3 after 10 ends and 23 - 6 after 15 ends.  Old Coulsdon had a good last 6 ends and closed the gap but the rink won by 11 shots. 

Rink 6  Bob Blaker  John Hart  David Bragg  Graham Naish  lost 16 - 24

This was a very close game up to 15 ends when the scores were tied 14 - 14.  Just like rink 4 Old Coulsdon finished strongly to win by 8 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 73  Old Coulsdon 85  Epsom 1 point  Old Coulsdon 5 points

Andrew Turnbull played his very first East Surrey League game in this match and Peter Miller equalled the Club record for appearances in the League - 208 matches.




Rink 1  Mary Bragg  Jan Allum  Lyz Warren  Gill Sperring   lost 13 - 24

The Ladies were behind all afternoon.  They were 9 - 18 adrift after 15 ends finally losing by 11 shots.

Rink 3  Audrey Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  Marilyn Walsh  lost 11 - 16

After 15 ends the Epsom Ladies were level, 10 - 10, but the last 6 ends were edged by Old Coulsdon.  Epsom eventually losing by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 24  Old Coulsdon 40  Epsom 0 points  Old Coulsdon 4 points.

Mary Bragg played her very first League game.


Ladies Friendly v Ember

The Ladies travelled to Ember on Thursday 29th May 2013 and lost the match by just 1 shot.  Three ladies played in a match for the very first time.  Pauline File, Ruth Baker & Jane Wheeler all had an excellent game - well done.


Rink 1  Pauline File  Audrey Jones  Jan Allum  lost 15 - 17

Epsom Ladies led all through the first half of this game (8 - 7 after 10 ends), but then lost the lead, 13 - 14 after 15 ends eventually losing by 2 shots.

Rink 2  Ruth Baker  Sylvia Smart  Lyz Warren  lost 11 - 18

After 10 ends the scores were level 8 - 8, but Ember had the better of the second half outscoring Epsom 10 - 3 to win by 7 shots.

Rink 3  Maggie O’Sullivan  Jane Wheeler  Marilyn Walsh  won 19 - 11

Epsom had an excellent first 10 ends when they led 12 - 6.  They finished strongly going on to win by 8 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 45  Ember 46