Welcome to the July 2011 Newsletter. 

Please Note:  There is an article in the August Newsletter which relates to the Zippers Match which takes place on 24th July 2011


Men's Friendly

Epsom Men played at home against Chessington on Wednesday 29th June 2011 and won the match 60 - 45. Epsom won on two rinks and lost on the third.


Rink 2  Arthur Upward  Tony Dunn  David Ruston  Roy Doughty  won 24 - 11

This rink had an excellent start and led 10 - 1 after just 5 ends.  They continued to dominate the game leading 18 - 6 after 15 ends and went on to win by 13 shots.

Rink 3  Bob Blaker  Derek Martin  Terry Hoye  Eric Brown  won 19 - 12

This was a far closer game than rink 2.  After 10 ends Epsom led 9 - 5 and Epsom did not lose the lead for the rest of the game.  After 18 ends they led 15 - 9, but then dropped 3 shots to give Chessington a chance to seek a win.  However Epsom finished with  3 shots on the 20th end, 1 shot on the last end to win by 7 shots.

Rink 4  Eddie Needham  Derek Jones  Vic Phillips  Bob Lister  lost 17 - 22

Leatherhead played with 1 player short on this rink.  It was a very close game up to the 16th end when Epsom held a 1 shot advantage 16 - 15.  However, Chessington finished strongly outscoring Epsom 7 - 1 over the last 5 ends.  Epsom lost by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 60  Chessington 45

Thanks to Eric Brown for looking after this game and being acting Captain for the match.


Ladies' Friendly

Epsom Ladies played at home on Tuesday 28th June 2011 against Leatherhead and won the match 46 - 39.  They won on 2 of the 3 rinks.  Because of the poor weather the start was delayed and it was decided to play 18 ends only.


Rink 3  Sue Needham  Anne Hoffmann  Maureen Trumble  Gill Sperring  lost 9 - 24

Not a good afternoon for this rink.  After 10 ends Epsom was 3 - 14 behind and failed to make much impact from then on eventually losing by 15 shots.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Maureen Morris  Lyz Warren  Jo Ellis  won 13 - 10

This was a very close game with Epsom being 5 - 6 down after 10 ends.  They were still behind 9 - 10 after 15 ends, but had a strong finish scoring 4 shots over the last 3 ends to win by 3 shots.

Rink 5  Tessa Hurworth  Diana Taylor  Ruth Nixon  Eileen Mills  won 24 - 5

An excellent game for Epsom on this rink.  They had a 15 - 2 lead after 10 ends and continued to dominate winning by 19 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 46  Leatherhead 39


Ladies' Friendly

Epsom Ladies played at home on Tuesday 28th June 2011 against Leatherhead and won the match 46 - 39.  They won on 2 of the 3 rinks.  Because of the poor weather the start was delayed and it was decided to play 18 ends only.


Rink 3  Sue Needham  Anne Hoffmann  Maureen Trumble  Gill Sperring  lost 9 - 24

Not a good afternoon for this rink.  After 10 ends Epsom was 3 - 14 behind and failed to make much impact from then on eventually losing by 15 shots.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Maureen Morris  Lyz Warren  Jo Ellis  won 13 - 10

This was a very close game with Epsom being 5 - 6 down after 10 ends.  They were still behind 9 - 10 after 15 ends, but had a strong finish scoring 4 shots over the last 3 ends to win by 3 shots.

Rink 5  Tessa Hurworth  Diana Taylor  Ruth Nixon  Eileen Mills  won 24 - 5

An excellent game for Epsom on this rink.  They had a 15 - 2 lead after 10 ends and continued to dominate winning by 19 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 46  Leatherhead 39


Chrystie League

Epsom played away at Leatherhead on Monday 27th June 2011 and won on one rink and lost on the other.  They won the match 30 - 27.


Arthur Upward  Vic Phillips  Bob Lister  Ken Lacey  won 20 - 7

This rink was in control throughout the evening.  They led 9 - 3 after 10 ends, 16 - 5 after 15 ends and went on to win by 13 shots.

Tony Dunn  Bob Blaker  Clive Banderet  Roy Doughty  lost 10 - 20

This was the opposite to the other rink with Leatherhead dominating play from the beginning.  Epsom was behind 6 - 7 after 10 ends, further behind, 7 - 15 after 15 ends and lost by 10 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 30  Leatherhead 27   Epsom 3 points  Leatherhead 1 point.


Men's Surrey Fours

The Epsom four of John Hart, George Sperring, Les Owen & Graham Naish lost 7 - 23 in the Area Final of the Surrey Fours against Old Coulsdon.

The team were well beaten on a challenging green. They began really badly by dropping two 5's on the first 2 ends and failed to recover from this disastrous start finally losing by 16 shots.


Men's East Surrey League

Epsom Men played against Purley Bury in the East Surrey League on Sunday 26th June and won on all 4 rinks, winning the match 92 - 66 and picked up maximum points, 6 - 0.

This was an outstanding match for Epsom.  Purley Bury came to Epsom on the back of 8 wins out of 8, but Epsom had an excellent afternoon on all rinks.  This was the first time Epsom have beaten Purley Bury in the East Surrey League.  Across the 4 rinks this is how the game unfolded:-

After 7 ends Epsom was an impressive 33 shots ahead, 43 - 10.  Purley Bury began to get back into the match and narrowed the deficit to 22 shots after 10 ends and 14 shots after 15 ends.  Epsom finished very strongly over the last 6 ends scoring a total of 30 shots to record a 26 shot victory.


Rink 2  John Hart  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 23 - 18

Epsom got off to a great start on this rink and led 15 - 3 after just 8 ends.  Purley Bury came back into the game and were only 4 shots behind after 15 ends, 16 - 12.  The last 6 ends were strongly contested, but Epsom came through to win by 5 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Roy Doughty  Peter Miller  Les Owen  won 25 - 17*

Just like rink 2 this rink had a very good start and led 12 - 2 after 9 ends.  After 15 ends there were only 3 shots in the game with Epsom leading 16 - 13.  Despite dropping 4 shots on the 20th end Epsom went on to win  by 8 shots.

Rink 4  Bill Lawrence  Terry Hoye  Martin Harbottle  Pat Buckley  won 23 - 17

This certainly was the afternoon for good starts as this rink also went into a 11 - 2 lead after 8 ends.  After 15 ends Epsom was 18 - 11 shots ahead and went on to win by 6 shots.

Rink 5  Geoff Purrott  John Warren  Ron Mew  Jim Scott  won 21 - 14

After 10 ends Epsom was 8 - 9 down, but then had some excellent ends to go ahead 14 - 13 after 15 ends.  Epsom finished strongly picking up 7 shots to Purley Bury's 1 shot over the last 6 ends.  They won by 7 shots.

Final Result:  Epsom 92  Purley Bury 66      Epsom 6 points  Purley Bury 0 points

* Highest winning rink


Ladies' Past Times

The Ladies played against Purley on Sunday morning 26th June 2011 and won at home by 4 shots, but lost away by 1 shot.  This meant they won the match by 3 shots.


Away  Maggie O'Sullivan  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring  lost 16 - 17

After 10 ends Epsom led 7 - 5, but Purley went ahead 11 - 10 after 15 ends.   After 18 ends Epsom led 17 - 12, but Purley finished strongly to snatch a 1 shot win 17 - 16.

Home  Sandra Huxford  Tessa Hurworth  Lyz Warren  Sylvia Pearce  won 17 - 13

Epsom was always ahead in this game.  After 10 ends they led 9 - 6 and after 15 ends 13 - 11.  Epsom won by 4 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 33 Purley 30

This was the first time that Tessa Hurworth & Lyz Warren had played in the Past Times Competition.


Ron Snow

Congratulations to Ron Snow who was elected President of the Surrey County Badminton Association. He first joined the County committee in 1978 then after a short break in the late 80's became Secretary in 1993 until 2007 when he was elected as a Vice-President.


Ladies' Two Wood Day

The Finalists for this year's Two Wood Competition were decided on Saturday 25th June 2011.

This turned out to be a very good day of bowling with some very close games.  The semi-final game between Lyz Warren & Gill Sperring was decided with the last bowl after the full 21 ends.  Lyz will now meet Maggie O'Sullivan in the Final in September.  The Ladies Plate Final will be between Jo Ellis & Eileen Mills.

A big thanks must go to the following men who turned up to mark the games:-  George Sperring, Roy Doughty, Derek Hoffmann, Ron Mew, Brian Kenyon, Ron Snow & Terry Hoye.


Sutton & District Bowling Association - Yonwin Cup

Epsom played at home against Ashtead in the second round of the Yonwin Cup and won on all three rinks.  They won the match 68 - 36.


Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  Ron Mew  Martin Harbottle Pat Buckley    won 24 - 12

Epsom was in control right from the beginning of this game.  They led 11 - 5 after 10 ends and continued to dominate the game.  They did not play the last end.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  Peter Miller  Les Owen  won 19 - 14

This rink got off to a shaky start, but soon took control.  They led after 10 ends, 13 - 7 & 16 - 9 after 15 ends.  They won by 5 shots.

Rink 4  John Hart  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 25 - 10

This rink had an excellent evening.  They held a 17 - 4 lead after 10 ends & continued to play well running out comprehensive winners by 15 shots.  This rink also did not play the last end.

Final Score:  Epsom 68  Ashtead 36

East Surrey League v Surrey County President's side
This inaugural fixture was held at Purley Bury on 21st June 2011. Each club was invited to nominate up to 2 players for the 6 rink event and for Epsom Bill Ellis, the League Chairman, and Ron Snow, our delegate, were offered for duty. It was a very enjoyable and jovial afternoon right across the green with many friendships renewed.
It so happened that Bill and Ron were in the same four which steadily pulled ahead of their opponents and eventually finished top rink by 31-15. The match finished 3-3 on rinks with the League winning overall by 5 shots so the Epsom pair can take some credit in the League victory.
Arrangements are in hand for a return fixture next year.

Ladies' Friendly

Epsom played away at Old Coulsdon on Tuesday 21st June 2011 and lost on all 3 rinks.  They lost the match 35 - 60.


Rink 1 Sue Needham  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  lost 9 - 26

Epsom was only 1 shot down after 10 ends, 7 - 8, but Old Coulsdon dominated the last 8 ends and won by 17 shots.

Rink 2  Maggie O’Sullivan  Maureen Morris  Lyz Warren  lost 10 - 16

As with rink 1 this rink was also only 1 shot down after 10 ends, 5 - 6.  The last few ends belonged to Old Coulsdon and they won by 6 shots.

Rink 4  Ann Bailey  Dolly Snow  Jo Ellis  lost 16 - 18

Epsom got off to an excellent start & led 14 - 3 after 10 ends.  However, Old Coulsdon took control in the last 8 ends and went on to win by 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 35  Old Coulsdon 60


Chrystie League

Epsom recorded their first win in the Chrystie League this season against Bookham on Monday 20th June 2011.  They won on 1 rink convincingly and lost by 2 shots on the other.


Derek Jones  Ken Phillpot  Alan Wybrow  John Huxford lost 16 - 18

This rink was behind throughout the game.  They trailed 8 - 13 after 10 ends and fought well to get back into the game to only lose by 2 shots.

Ken Rogers  Derek Martin  David Ruston  Ron Snow  won 25 - 6

This game started slowly, but Epsom went ahead 12 - 5 after 10 ends.  They had an excellent last 8 ends scoring 13 shots to Bookham's 1 shot.  They won by 19 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 41   Bookham 24    Epsom 3 points  Bookham 1 point


Men's Surrey Fours

The Epsom four of John Hart, George Sperring, Les Owen & Graham Naish reached the Area Final of the Surrey Fours by beating Epsom Park 21 - 20.  They play at Purley Bury next week against Old Coulsdon starting at 6.00pm.


After 5 ends Epsom found themselves 1 - 8 down, but fought back well to level the scores 10 - 10 after 10 ends.  They took the lead 15 - 10 after 15 ends, but dropped 5 shots on the 18th end to go behind 15 - 19.  They then dropped one shot on the 19th end.  Epsom finished strongly picking up 3 shots on each of the last two ends to win by just the one shot.

Men's Surrey Triples

Stefan Tomm, Pat Buckley & Les Owen lose in the 5th round of the Surrey Triples on Tuesday 21st June 2011.


Bowls England Top Club (Top 11)

Epsom travelled to Camberley on Saturday 18th June 2011 to play in the above Competition.  This was the first time that these two clubs had met in this Competition.  Epsom won the Two Wood Singles & the Fours, but lost the 4 Wood Singles, Pairs & Triples.  This turned out to be a very close game when the result of the match went down to the very last end in the Pairs.


Singles: Brian Kenyon v G Clark   lost 11 - 21

This singles game started off very even, but the Camberley player took the lead 9 - 6 after 10 ends.  He continued to dominate play and won by by 10 shots.

Two Wood:  David Sowdon v D McCallum  won 16 - 15

This game went the full 21 ends.  David held a 2 shot advantage after15 ends, 11 - 9, but the scores were level going into the last end.  David got the shot to win a very close game.

Pairs:  Martin Harbottle  Pat Buckley v E Vine T Woolf  lost 16 - 21

After 8 ends Epsom was behind 3 - 12, but came back strongly to be just 1 shot behind, 12 - 13 after 14 ends.  Going into the last end and with all other games decided Epsom needed 2 to force an extra end or 3 to win the game and match.  At one stage Epsom held 1 shot, but this was beaten by the opposing skip.  With his last bowl Pat tried to pick up the jack for the win, but just missed.  They lost by 5 shots. 

Triples: John Hart  Terry Hoye  Les Owen v J Young  A Lewis  W Mathews  lost 9 - 18

Epsom struggled throughout the morning, but won 8 of the 17 ends played.  However, Camberley played well on these 8 ends restricting Epsom to just seven 1's & a 2.  This proved to be the difference in the game & Epsom lost by 9 shots.

Fours:  Bill Lawrence  Ron Mew  Peter Miller Graham Naish   won 24 - 12

             v D Hayes  A McNicol  P Shillingford  T Prentice

Epsom had a very good morning in the Fours.  They led 10 - 8 after 10 ends, 20 - 8 after 15 ends & won the game comfortably by 12 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 2  Camberley 3


Men's Friendly

Epsom played away at Southey on Saturday 18th June 2011.  It has been many years since these two clubs have played in a friendly match.  This game was reduced to 3 Triples instead of 3 Rinks at the request of Epsom as they were involved in the Bowls England Top Club in the morning.  Epsom was soundly beaten on 2 rinks, but won the third.


Rink 1  Derek Jones  Vic Phillips  John Warren  lost 6 - 38

Epsom was totally outplayed on this rink losing by 32 shots.

Rink 2  Geoff Purrott  Ron Snow  Eric Brown  lost 17 - 28

This rink also struggled all afternoon.  After 13 ends they were 12 - 21 down.  They eventually lost by 11 shots.

Rink 3  Eddie Needham  Roy Doughty  Cyril Newman  won 20 - 14

Southey had the better of the first part of this game and led 12 - 11 after 13 ends.  However, Epsom came back very well to win the game by 6 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 43  Southey 80


Chrystie League

Epsom played at home on Monday 13th June 2011 & won on one rink and lost the other.  The aggregate score was a 26 - 26.  Epsom & Pippbrook share the points 2 - 2.


Rink 5   Bob Blaker  Tony Dunn  Bill Lawrence  Ken Lacey  lost 10 - 17

This rink was behind throughout the evening.  They were a shot down, 8 - 9 after 10 ends, 9 - 16 down after 15 ends finally losing by 7 shots.

Rink 6  Ken Phillpot  Vic Phillips  Arthur Upward  Roy Doughty  won 16 - 9

Epsom led 4 - 1 after 5 ends, but Pippbrook levelled the scores 6 - 6 after 10 ends.  Epsom played well over the last 8 ends and won by 7 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 26  Pippbrook 26    Epsom 2 points  Pippbrook 2 points

Bob Blaker & Tony Dunn played their very first game in the Chrystie League.


East Surrey League - Men

Epsom Men drew with Horley on Sunday 12th June 2011.  This was a disappointing result after such an excellent start to the season.


Rink 1  John Hart  Len Philpott  Ron Mew  Graham Naish   won 16 - 14

Epsom was in control of this game up until the 17th end when they led 16 - 6.  Horley won the last 4 ends scoring 8 shots overall.  Epsom winning by 2 shots.

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  Ted Ray   Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  lost 14 - 28

This game started very even, but Epsom went behind 7 - 16 after 10 ends.  Horley dominated the rest of the game outscoring Epsom to win 28 - 14

Rink 3  Alan Wybrow  Cyril Newman  Terry Hoye  George Sperring  won 20 - 18

After 10 ends Epsom led 9 - 8, but Horley came back to level the game 14 - 14 after 15 ends.  Epsom played well over the remaining ends to win by 2 shots.

Rink 5  Geoff Purrott  Bob Blaker  Pat Buckley  Les Owen  won 26 - 17*

Epsom got off to a very poor start in this game.  After 8 ends they were 2 - 9 behind, but then scored a 6 & a one to level the scores, 9 - 9 after 10 ends.  They then fell behind once more 10 - 15 after 14 ends, but came back strongly over the last 7 ends outscoring Horley 16 shots to 2 twinning by 9 shots.

Final Scores:  Epsom 76  Horley 77    Epsom 3 points  Horley 3 points

* Highest winning rink

Bob Blaker played in his very first East Surrey League game and became the 141st member to play in this League since it was formed.


East Surrey League - Ladies

The Ladies also played Horley at home on the 12th June 2011.  They lost the match by 11 shots, losing on both rinks.


Rink 4  Anne Hoffmann  Tessa Hurworth  Lyz Warren  Gill Sperring  lost 12 - 19

Horley dominated this game all afternoon.  They led 12 - 4 after 10 ends, 16 - 6 after 15 ends and won the game by 7 shots.

Rink 6  Audrey Jones  Dolly Snow  Jan Allum  Jo Ellis  lost 15 - 19

Epsom was also behind after 10 ends on this rink, 7 - 10, but closed the gap 12 - 13 after 15 ends.  Horley had the better of the remaining ends and won by 4 shots.

Final Scores:  Epsom 27  Horley 38   Epsom 0 points  Horley 4 points


East Surrey League

Epsom Men beat Ashtead 88 - 59 (5 - 1) on Saturday 11th June 2011.


Rink 3  John Hart  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 19 - 12

Epsom got off to a slow start on this rink finding themselves 4 - 9 down after 12 ends.  However, they came back strongly in the remaining part of the game outscoring Ashtead 15 shots to 4 winning by 7 shots.

Rink 4  Tony Dunn  John Warren  Terry Hoye David Sowdon   won 24 - 17

Epsom raced into a 9 - 0 lead after just 4 ends, but Ashtead fought back well to go ahead 12 - 10 after 12 ends.  It was a close game after this, but Epsom finished well with 5 shots on the last end to win by 7 shots.

Rink 5  Bill Lawrence  Roy Doughty  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  lost 17 - 20

Ashtead held a slight advantage after 10 ends, 10 - 8, but Epsom went ahead 17 - 13 on the 16th end scoring 4 shots.  Ashtead won the last 5 ends to win by 3 shots.

Rink 6  Brian Kenyon  Ron Mew  Pat Buckley  Les Owen  won 28 - 10*

Epsom dominated play all afternoon and led 12 - 2 after 10 ends.  They held a 21 - 6 lead after 15 ends and went on to win comfortably by 18 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 88  Ashtead 59    Epsom 5 points  Ashtead 1 point

* Highest winning rink

Tony Dunn played in his very first East Surrey League game and became the 140th member to play in this League since it was formed.


Bowls England Two Fours

Epsom played  Old Coulsdon away on Saturday 11th June 2011 and lost on both rinks.  They lost the match

28 - 39.


Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Alan Wybrow  Terry Hoye  Cyril Newman  lost 11 - 17

After 10 ends the scores were level 7 - 7, but Old Coulsdon outscored Epsom 10 shots to 4 over the last 11 ends.

Rink 5  Stefan Tomm  Roy Doughty  Ron Mew  David Sowdon  lost 17 - 22

Epsom found themselves 7 - 13 behind after 10 ends, but came back to be just 2 shots behind, 16 - 18 after 18 ends.  Old Coulsdon had the better of the remaining 3 ends and won by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 28  Old Coulsdon 39 


* Click on photo for larger version

Maggie O'Sullivan receiving her

County Badge at the match Surrey against Berkshire


Past Times

Epsom 'B' played Mitcham on Wednesday 8th June 2011 and lost the match 37 - 51.  They won at home, but lost heavily away.


Home:  Bill Lawrence  John Huxford  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller won 23 - 14 (19 ends)

After 10 ends the scores were level 7 - 7, but Epsom had 5 very good ends to go into a 21 - 8 lead after 15 ends.  After 19 ends & leading by only 9 shots the news came from Mitcham that the rink had lost heavily so the home rink did not play the remaining 2 ends.

Away:  Alan Wybrow  Roy Doughty  Ted Ray  Terry Hoye  lost 14 - 37

This rink got off to a bad start and found themselves 9 - 21 down after 10 ends.  Mitcham continued to dominate the game winning the rink by 23 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 37  Mitcham 51

John Huxford played in his very first game in the Past Times Competition.


Cropley Cup

The annual match between the Men & Ladies took place on Tuesday 7th June 2011.  This year the Ladies beat the men by 1 shot, 58 - 57.


Rink 3    Tony Dunn  Bill Gates  Derek Martin  John Hart                          24

               Sue Needham  Anne Hoffmann  Maureen Morris  Jo Ellis            16

After 5 ends the Ladies led 8 - 5, but the men came back strongly and led 11 - 9 after 10 ends and still held a 2 shot advantage, 14 - 12 after 15 ends.  They finished well and won by 8 shots.


Rink 4  Eddie Needham  Vic Phillips  Sid Bailey  George Sperring               14

              Ann Bailey  Lyz Warren  Maureen Trumble  Gill Sperring              20

The Ladies led throughout this game.  After 15 ends they led 16 - 10 and the men failed to narrow the gap losing by 6 shots.


Rink 5  Arthur Upward  Derek Jones  Bob Lister  Ken Lacey                      19

              Audrey Jones  Dolly Snow  Tessa Hurworth  Jan Allum                  22

The Ladies led this game for most of the afternoon.  They led 14 - 10 after 10 ends, extended their lead after 15 ends, 19 - 10, and won by 3 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom Men 57  Epsom Ladies 58

The Ladies put on an excellent tea for everyone after the match.  A big thanks to all who helped make the day successful.

History of the Cropley Cup

The Cropley Cup was presented to the Club by Robert Tyler in 1915.  The cup was won outright by C C Cropley in 1921.  It is not sure how the cup became the trophy for this annual match.


Chrystie League

Epsom played their first match of the season on Monday 6th June 2011 at Brockham.  They won on 1 rink & lost the other losing the match by just 2 shots.


Derek Jones  David Ruston  Alan Wybrow  Ron Snow  won 20 - 19

This game started very even, but Epsom went into a 17 - 8 lead after 10 ends.  However, Brockham came back strongly over the last few ends, but Epsom held on to win narrowly by 1 shot.

Ken Rogers  Derek Martin  Bob Lister  John Huxford  lost 15 - 17

After 10 ends the scores were level 7 - 7, but Brockham had the better of the remaining ends to win by 3 shots.

Final Scores:  Epsom 32  Brockham 34     Epsom 1 point  Brockham 3 points


Open Day

Unfortunately due to bad weather not many people turned up for Open Day.  This was a great shame as a lot of members went to a lot of trouble to organise the day.  Thanks in particular to Cyril Newman & John Warren who braved the rain to show our few visitors the basics of the game.

Thanks also to all the members who turned up on the day to support the Club.  A special thanks to our Publicity Officer, Eric Brown (and his wife Diane), for once again parading the streets of Epsom to distribute promotional leaflets, contacting Radio Jackie and generally cajoling others to distribute information.


London & Southern Counties - Shield

Epsom played against Cheam Fields in the above competition on Sunday 5th June 2011.  This match involves two rinks playing at home & two away. They won three out of the four rinks.


Away  Rink 1  Martin Harbottle  Roy Doughty  Ted Ray  Peter Miller  won 22 - 15

This rink went into a 6 - 1 lead after just 5 ends, but Cheam Fields soon came back into the game to be just 3 down after 11 ends.  Epsom had the better of the remainder of the game and went on to win by 7 shots.

Away  Rink 2  Geoff Purrott  Vic Phillips  John Warren  Ron Mew  won 20 - 15

This rink also had a good start and led 9 - 0 after 6 ends.  Epsom continued to play well and led 15 - 10 after 15 ends and went on to win by 5 shots. 

Home  Rink 2  Ron Snow  Eric Brown  Pat Buckley  Les Owen  won 22 - 13

Epsom was in total control in this game up to end 17 when they led 22 - 6.  However, Cheam Fields won the last 4 ends scoring a total of 7 shots.  Epsom won the rink by 9 shots.

Home  Rink 3  John Hart  Alan Wybrow  Cyril Newman  Graham Naish  lost 16 - 19

After 10 ends Epsom was down 10 - 12.  From then on it was a really close game.  Going into the 20th end the scores were tied 16 - 16, but Epsom dropped 3 shots.  As the scores from the other rinks were finalised this rink did not play the last end.  Epsom lost the rink by 3 shots

Final Score:  Epsom 80  Cheam Fields 62

Alan Wybrow & Vic Phillips played in their very first L&SC BA Shield match.


Area 3 Top 4

Epsom travelled to Newdigate to play in the first round of this competition and won on the extra end, (18 - 17).

The team was  Brian Kenyon  Derek Jones  Bill Lawrence  David Sowdon


East Surrey League

Epsom travelled to Old Coulsdon on Saturday 4th June 2011 to play their fourth League game of the season.  This turned out to be an Historic win for the Club as Epsom had not won at Old Coulsdon in 13 matches until today.


Rink 1  Bill Lawrence  Roy Doughty  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  lost 19 - 26

This was a topsy turvy game.  After 11 ends the scores were level 11 - 11.  Old Coulsdon took the lead, Epsom then went ahead, but then lost the lead once more.  The main difference in this game was that Epsom dropped 3 4's in the last part of the game which gave Old Coulsdon a win by 7 shots

Rink 2  John Hart  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish   won 25 - 16*

Epsom was in control throughout the afternoon.  After 10 ends they led 12 - 4, but had a set back on ends 13 - 15 when they dropped a total of 8 shots.  Epsom struck back immediately with a 4 and went on to win by 9 shots.

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Ron Snow  Pat Buckley  Les Owen  lost 15 - 18

This game was very close up to 13 ends when Old Coulsdon held a 1 shot advantage, 10 - 9.  Epsom then dropped 7 shots over 3 ends and failed to recover losing by 3 shots.

Rink 5  Geoff Purrott  John Warren  Ron Mew David Sowdon  won 19 - 15

This was also a close game throughout.  After 15 ends Epsom led 14 - 10 and maintained this difference after 21 ends winning by 4 shots.

Final Result:  Epsom 78    Old Coulsdon 75      Epsom 4 points    Old Coulsdon 2 points

This was Geoff Purrott's 100th game in the ESL & Martin Harbottle reached the 150 games mark.

* Highest winning rink


East Surrey League - Ladies

Epsom Ladies also travelled to Old Coulsdon on Saturday 4th June 2011 to play their first League game of the season.  They lost by just 1 shot overall.


Rink 1  Anne Hoffmann  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren  Sylvia Pearce  won 20 - 19

After 10 ends Old Coulsdon led 10 - 7, and went further behind 9 - 17 after 15 ends.  Epsom came back strongly in the last 6 ends to snatch a win by 1 shot.

Rink 2  Audrey Jones  Sandra Huxford  Jo Ellis  Gill Sperring  lost 17 - 19

This rink was also behind at 10 ends, 6 - 10, but took the lead 13 - 12 after 15 ends.  The last few ends were closely contested but Old Coulsdon went on to win by 2 shots.


Bowls England Top Club (Top 11)

Epsom beat Chipstead in the Top Club on Wednesday 1st June 2011 3 - 2.


Two Wood Singles:  Stefan Tomm v Nigel Chapman  lost 8 - 16

Stefan was always trailing in this game.  After 10 ends he was 4 - 10 down and Nigel continued to dominate and won after 18 ends, 16 - 6.

Four Wood Singles: Brian Kenyon v Roger Mallet   won 21 - 11

After his great win last match in this competition this was an eagerly awaited game.  Brian did not let anyone down yet again as he won comfortably 21 - 11.  After 9 ends he trailed by 1 shot, 5 - 6, but then went ahead 12 - 6 and continued to play very well and  won after 23 ends.

Pairs:  Martin Harbottle/Peter Miller v Eric Batchelor/John Wilson   lost 17 - 20

This was a very closely fought game.  Epsom led 11 - 9 after 10 ends, but Chipstead drew level on the 19th end and went on to win by 2 shots.

Triples:  John Hart/David Sowdon/Les Owen v Craig Baker/Chris Hill/Dickie Day   won 17 - 16

After 10 ends the scores were level 8 - 8, but Epsom went ahead 16 - 9 after 14 ends.  Going into the re played last end Chipstead was holding 4 shots, but the Chipstead skip fell short with his last bowl giving Epsom a narrow win by 1 shot.

Fours:  Ted Ray/Ron Mew/Pat Buckley/Graham Naish v

             N Perry/Brian Hart/Frank Dodd/Dave Botting            won 26 - 11 (after 18 ends)

The fours started slowly and found themselves 1 - 6 down after 4 ends.  However, they pulled back to take a 10 - 8 lead after 10 ends.  Epsom dominated the remainder of the game and Chipstead conceded after 18 ends giving Epsom a 15 shot win.

Final Score:  Epsom 3  Chipstead 2

Thanks to Bill Lawrence for marking both singles and to George & Gill Sperring for an excellent supper after the match.


Surrey v Sussex
Surrey played against Sussex at Epsom Bowling Club on Thursday 2nd June 2011. A great number of Epsom members made a huge contribution to the success of this match.
A big thanks goes to Ted Ray who organised & cooked the meal and to Eileen Godrey, Betty Day & Lyz Warren for helping in the kitchen - mainly doing the washing up.
A big thanks also goes to Bill Lawrence for basically doing a lot of everything. He is a tremendous asset to our Club and his time and work does not go un-noticed.
Thanks to John Warren & Cyril Newman for helping with the serving of food.  A big thanks to Terry Hoye for doing a lot of hard work in and out of the kitchen.
Thanks to Vic Phillips & Roy Doughty for doing a great job organising parking, to Brian Kenyon for organising the raffle & to Roy Doughty who helped with the raffle after the match.
Lastly a big thank you to John Hart & the many members who helped with the bar.
This game would not have been possible without the members mentioned above.
The result of the match was a draw, 111 - 111 and George Sperring, David Sowdon, Peter Miller, Martin Harbottle & Les Owen played in this match. Les was on the highest winning rink & was presented with a Surrey Centenary pen, whiskey glass & miniature bottle of whiskey.


Ladies Friendly

Epsom played Ember on 1st June and won on 2 rinks and lost the 3rd.  They won the match 51 - 43.


Rink 3  Maggie O’Sullivan  Dolly Snow  Jo Ellis  won 15 - 8

This rink was ahead all through the game.  They led 7 - 4 after 10 ends and won by 7 shots.

Rink 4  Ruth Nixon  Lyz Warren  Sylvia Pearce  won 27 - 14

This rink got off to a great start and led 14 - 2 after just 5 ends.  Ember did come back well in the remainder of the game, but were restricted to low scores on the ends they won.  Epsom ran out comfortable winners by 13 shots.

Rink 5  Anne Hoffmann  Maureen Trumble  Jan Allum  lost 9 - 21

There was only 4 shots difference in this game at 10 ends, but Ember had an excellent last 8 ends to win by 12 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 51  Ember 43