Surrey Un Badged Singles

Pat Buckley qualifies for his Surrey County Badge at Dorking on Wednesday 30th June.

He won 21 - 17 against Old Coulsdon.


Surrey Ladies Singles

Maggie O'Sullivan qualifies for her Surrey County Badge.

Epsom Bowling Club sends sincere congratulations to Pat & Maggie.


Chrystie League

Epsom win for the second time this season against Bookham.


Rink 3  Ken Rogers  Alan Wybrow  John Huxford  Peter Humphreys    lost 12 - 15

Rink 4  Derek Martin  Bob Lister  Len Philpott  Fred Read                    won 19 - 11

Final Result:  Epsom 31 shots  Bookham 26 shots

                        Epsom 3 points  Bookham 1 point


East Surrey League

Epsom played away at Purley Bury on Sunday 27th June in the East Surrey League.  Although Epsom lost the match 4 - 2 they made a tremendous fight back over the last few ends.  After 15 ends all rinks were losing and Epsom were looking at a rare 6- 0 defeat.  However, over these last ends Epsom picked up 22 shots in total and two of the rinks came through to win.


Rink 2  Martin Harbottle  Geoff Purrott  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller

This rink was having a very even game up to 11 ends then Purley Bury pulled away to lead 14 - 9 after 15 ends.  Epsom fought back to be one shot behind, 14 - 15 after 18 ends, but Purley Bury won the last three ends to win 19 - 14.

Rink 3  John Warren  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish*

After 10 ends Epsom was behind 11 - 8, but had an excellent second half to run out 21 - 16 winners.

Rink 4  John Hart  Bill Lawrence  David Sowdon  Graham Pilbrow

This rink had a bad patch ends 8 - 11 dropping 10 shots.  After this Epsom struggled to keep in touch and lost 24 - 17.

Rink 5  Brian Kenyon  Ron Snow  Ron Mew  Les Owen

After 10 ends this rink was 14 - 10 down and was still  behind after 15 ends, 17 - 14.  On ends 18 to 21 Epsom played some excellent bowls scoring a total of 7 shots to win 21 - 19.

Final Score:

Epsom 73 shots  Purley Bury 78 shots       Epsom 2 points  Purley Bury 4 points

* Highest winning rink


Past Times

Epsom 'B' played Sutton in the Past Times on Tuesday 22nd June.  Epsom lost at home by 7 shots, but the away team won by 9 shots to give the Club an overall win by 2 shots.

The away rink was in control right from the start.  They held a 14 - 4 advantage after 10 ends and stretched the lead to 23 - 6 at 15 ends.  The home rink was struggling.  They were 5 - 10 down at 10 ends, 9 - 14 down at 15 ends and the last few ends turned out to be a case of Epsom holding on.  The away rink dropped 8 shots over the last 5 ends and the home rink dropped a 5 on the 20th end to make the game very tense.  On the last end the away rink was 5 shots down with two bowls to play.  However, Epsom managed to get second wood. 


Home:  Stefan Tomm  John Hart  George Sperring  Graham Naish  lost 16 - 23

Away:  Brian Kenyon  John Warren  Ron Mew  Les Owen  won 24 - 15

Final Result:  Epsom 40 shots  Sutton 38 shots.


Ladies Friendly

The Ladies won their friendly match against Old Coulsdon on Tuesday 22nd June.


Rink 3  Anne Hoffmann  Ann Bailey  Maureen Trumble  Jo Ellis  drew 15 - 15

This was a close game with Epsom 11 - 9 up at 10 ends, 15 - 11 up at 15 ends, bur Old Coulsdon came back to secure a draw.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Rona Stewart  Eileen Mills  Sylvia Pearce  won 28 - 14

Epsom was well ahead, 14 - 3 after 10 ends, 25 - 8 after 15 ends but had a very good win.

Rink 5  Freda Starkey  Tessa Hurworth  Dolly Snow  Gill Sperring  won 17 - 13

This rink also had a close game.  They led 9 - 6 after 10 ends, but Old Coulsdon drew level at 15 ends, 11 - 11.  Epsom won the last few ends to round up a good afternoon.

Final Result:  Epsom 60 shots  Old Coulsdon 42 shots.


Chrystie League

Epsom won for the first time this season in the Chrystie League at home against Pippbrook.


Rink 1  Ken Phillpot  David Ruston  Ken Lacey  Peter Humphreys

This rink were well ahead throughout the game.  They led 15 - 5 after 10 ends, 19 - 10 after 15 ends, but the last few ends Pippbrook came back into the game very well.  However, Epsom held on to win 22 - 17.

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  Bob Lister  Roy Doughty  Ron Snow

This turned out to be a very close game.  After 10 ends Epsom trailed by just the one shot, 7 - 8.  After 15 ends they were still behind y one shot, 11 - 12.  They had a very good last few ends and came home winners by two shots, 14 - 12.

Final Result:  Epsom 36 shots  Pippbrook 29 shots.  Epsom 4 points  Pippbrook 0 points.


Mixed Friendly

Epsom played Banstead Neville on Sunday 20th June and won by just 2 shots.  At the request of Banstead Neville this match was reduced to 3 rinks.


Rink 3  John Southam  Tessa Hurworth  Roy Doughty  Geoff Purrott

After 10 ends this rink was level 10 - 10.  They were behind 13 - 15 after 15 ends, but picked up an important 5 shots on the 16th end and went on to win 23 - 17.

Rink 4  Olive Phillips  Sue Needham  John Warren  Bill Ellis

This rink had a very good start and were ahead 11 - 4 after 10 ends, 14 - 10 after 15 ends, but Banstead Neville had a very good last few ends and won 18 - 17.

Rink 5  Sandra Huxford  Ken Phillpot  Jo Ellis  Brian Kenyon

This rink was involved in a close game for the first 13 ends, but then dropped 4 shots on end 13, a 2 on end 17 and a further 3 shots on the 18th end.  Banstead Neville went on to win 23 - 20.

Final Result:  Epsom 60 shots  Banstead Neville 58 shots.


Past Times - Ladies

The Ladies played Cheam Fields on Tuesday 16th June and won on one rink, but lost on the other to lose overall 35 - 39.


Rink 1  Freda Starkey  Sandra Huxford  Jo Ellis  Sylvia Pearce  lost 13 - 27

Rink 2  Maggie O'Sullivan  Anne Hoffman  Eileen Mills Gill Sperring  won 22 - 12.

Final Score:  Epsom 35  Cheam Fields 39


Chrystie League

Epsom played Brockham on Monday 15th June 2010.

Rink 1  Vic Phillips  Ken Phillpot  Arthur Upward  Alan Wybrow  lost 7 - 29

Rink 2  Derek Martin  Derek Jones  Clive Banderet  Ron Snow  lost 15 - 18

Final result:  Epsom 22  Brockham 47


Ladies Friendly

Epsom Ladies played Dorking on Tuesday 15th June

Rink 1  Sue Needham  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  lost 10 - 23

Rink 2  Diana Taylor  Dolly Snow  Maureen Trumble  lost   7 - 27

Final result:  Epsom 17  Dorking 50


East Surrey League - Men

Epsom played away against Horley on 13th June. Epsom men the match convincingly 106 - 50 thus getting their first 6 - 0 victory of the season.  This was a very good result after losing last year at home 5 - 1.  This loss, last year, interrupted a 10 match winning run.


Rink 1  Stefan Tomm  Bill Lawrence  John Warren  Graham Pilbrow  26 - 15

This was a very even game right up to end 16 when Horley led 15 - 14.  However, Epsom picked up a 7 then followed this up with two singles, a 2 then another single to complete an excellent win.

Rink 2  Brian Kenyon  Roy Doughty  Ron Mew  Les Owen   34 - 7*

Epsom were in control of this game right from the start.  After taking a 14 - 3 lead after 10 ends they then scored a 6.  Horley were unable to respond and Epsom scored 13 more shots over the last few ends to win comfortably.

Rink 3  Martin Harbottle  Derek Hoffmann  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  29 - 12

After 10 ends Epsom led 10 - 9.  On ends 13 - 16 they scored a total of 11 shots and Horley failed to make further impact in the game.

Rink 4  John Hart  Ron Snow  George Sperring  Graham Naish  17 - 16

This turned out to be a very close game.  However, Epsom were playing very well and holding several shots end after end.  The Horley skip managed to keep the score down and they took the lead 15 - 12 after 18 ends.  Epsom finished strongly with a 3 & 1 to secure a very close win.

Final score:  Epsom 106 shots  Horley 50 shots  Epsom 6 points  Horley 0 points

*Highest winning rink


East Surrey League - Ladies

After a fairly close match against Horley on 13th June on both rinks the Ladies finally lost 40 - 30.


Rink 1  Anne Hoffmann  Dolly Snow  Maureen Trumble  Jo Ellis  14 - 16

After 10 ends Epsom were down 8 - 4, however they took the lead 12 - 11 after 15 ends but failed to hold on losing by just 2 shots.

Rink 2  Sandra Huxford  Ruth Nixon  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring  16 - 24

This rink were always behind - down 7 - 15 after 10 ends, down 12 - 17 after 15 ends and dropped further shots during the last few ends.

Final Score:  Epsom 30 shots  Horley 40 shots  Epsom 0 points  Horley 4 points.


East Surrey League

Epsom played at home today against Ashtead on Saturday 12th June and won 80 - 70 (4˝ - 1˝).

Graham Pilbrow played his 200th game for Epsom Bowling Club in this league fixture.  Epsom won the match.


Rink 1  Martin Harbottle  Len Philpott  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  20 - 17

After 10 ends Epsom led 8 - 7 and continued to stay ahead throughout the game.

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  John Warren  David Sowdon  Graham Pilbrow  30 - 16

This was a really strange game from Epsom's point of view.  They were behind for most of the game, but on ends 17 - 21 they scored a total of 17 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Roy Doughty  George Sperring  Les Owen  15 - 15

This was a very even game throughout.  After 20 ends the scores were tied 15 - 15.  The last end turned out to be a measure for shot.  However, after several attempts at measuring it was decided the end was tied.

Rink 4  John Hart  Derek Hoffmann  Terry Hoye  Graham Naish  15 - 22

After 10 ends the scores were level 8 - 8.  Epsom took the lead 13 - 12 after 15 ends, but Ashtead played well over the last few ends to secure a win.

Final Score:  Epsom 80 shots  Ashtead  70 shots  Epsom 4˝ points  Ashtead 1˝ points.


Cropley Cup

The Annual match for The Cropley Cup between the Men and the Ladies took part on Wednesday 9th June.  This year the Men won and provided the refreshments after the match.


Vic Phillips  Bill Lawrence  Len Philpott  George Sperring                 27

Ann Bailey  Audrey Jones  Jan Allum  Jo Ellis                                      6


Derek Jones  Roy Doughty  Brian Kenyon  Bill Ellis                         17

Olive Phillips  Tessa Hurworth  Maggie O’Sullivan  Gill Sperring     11


Geoff Purrott  Alan Wybrow  Derek Hoffmann  John Warren            18

Anne Hoffmann  Maureen Trumble  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills            6


Final Score:  Men 62  Ladies 23


Open Day

Thank you

A very big thank you to you all for the support given to the Club on Open Day Sunday 6th June 2010.

Special thanks go to our coaches Graham Pilbrow and Ron Mew, and of course to our Publicity Officer, Eric Brown, who with Men's Captain Les' help, did a mammoth task of putting Epsom Bowling Club on the map.

We are so grateful for all the help and support our members gave as well.  We could not have done this without you.  Thanks also to the bowlers playing on the green; to the men who helped with the car parking and to those who helped with the extra coaching and talking to the visitors as they appeared.  Thanks to Eileen Godfrey and Betty Day who provided the tea and biscuits which came just at the right time.

We have, as a result of the Open Day, quite a few prospective new members and their application forms are already on display on the Club notice board.  Hopefully we will have new members joining us very soon.

All our visitors praised our Club generally and seemed very interested in having a 'Go'.

Once again many thanks to all.

Maureen Trumble - President


Chrystie League

Epsom played their first game in the Chrystie League at home against Esher on Monday 7th June.  These are 2 rink friendly matches.  Epsom lost on 1 rink, but drew the other.


Rink 3  Ken Rogers  Alan Wybrow  Ken Lacey  Fred Read

This rink was always behind in the game.  At 15 ends they were losing 20 - 11 and eventually lost 22 - 12.

Rink 4  Derek Martin  Bill Lawrence  David Ruston  Roy Doughty

This rink had a very close game throughout.  They were 2 shots down at 15 ends and fought back to earn a draw 16 - 16.

Final Result:  Epsom 28  Esher 38        Epsom ˝ point  Esher 3˝ points


London & Southern Counties Bowling Association

Epsom Men played Wallington in the Shield on Sunday 6th June.  This Competition is played with 2 rinks at home & 2 rinks away.  Last year Epsom lost by just 1 shot in the first round against Egham., however this year they lost heavily to Wallington.


Rink 4  Ted Ray  John Warren  Terry Hoye  Ron Mew (Home)

This rink had a poor morning.  After 10 ends they were 10 - 5 down, and dropped 13 shots on ends 13 - 18.  They never recovered and lost 13 - 27

Rink 5  Martin Harbottle  Tom Sams  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller (Home)

This rink did not fair much better and were 10 - 5 down after 10 ends.  They failed to score on ends 13 - 16 dropping a total of 12 shots and were well beaten 30 - 9.

Rink 1  Brian Kenyon  Ron Snow  David Sowdon  Les Owen (Away)

This turned out to be a very even game. After 13 ends the scores were level 12 - 12.  Epsom then scored a 3 then a 4 on ends 16 & 17, but Wallington fought back to level the scores 20 - 20 on the 20th end.  Epsom managed to get the shot on the 21st end with the very last bowl to win 21 - 20.

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  Stefan Tomm  George Sperring  Graham Naish (Away)

This rink also had a very close game up the 15th end when Wallington led 11 - 10.  However, Epsom won all the remaining ends to win by 8 shots, 19 - 11.

Final Result:  Epsom 62 shots  Wallington 88 shots.


Men's Friendly Match against Redhill.

The Men played at home on Sunday 30th May 2010 and won on 2 rinks and lost on two rinks.  They won narrowly by 3 shots.


Rink 2  Derek Jones  Len Philpott  Geoff Purrott

The deciding factor on this rink was on ends 12 - 16 when Epsom dropped a total of 12 shots.  They eventually lost 11 - 24.

Rink 3  Alan Wybrow  Derek Hoffmann  John Hart

This rink scored consistently throughout the afternoon wining comfortably 30 - 18.

Rink 4  Bill Lawrence  John Huxford  John Warren

This rink had a good afternoon and won 10 of the 18 ends to finish 25 - 11.

Rink 5  Roy Doughty  Bill Ellis  Eric Brown

Redhill dominated this rink winning well 23 - 13.

Final Score:  Epsom 79  Redhill 76


East Surrey League

Epsom played Old Coulsdon in the East Surrey League on Saturday 5th June and won for the first time since 2002.


Rink 2  Martin Harbottle  Len Philpott  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller

This game was quite close for 10 ends (7 - 10).  However, they dropped 6 shots on end 14 making them 20 - 8 down.  During the last few ends Epsom played well and closed the gap, but not enough, losing 19 - 27.  The 4 shots they picked up on the last played a significant part in the overall win.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  David Sowdon  Ron Mew  Les Owen

This rink raced into a 15 - 1 lead, but Old Couldson fought back well to level the scores 18 - 18 after 18 ends.  The last 3 ends proved very tense but Old Coulsdon edged home 21 - 20.

Rink 4  Geoff Purrott  John Warren  Jim Scott  Graham Pilbrow

This rink made a very slow start and found themselves 13 - 5 down after 11 ends.  They fought back well to take the lead 15 - 14 after 15 ends.  The rest of the game belonged to Epsom and they went on to win 20 - 15.

Rink 6  John Hart  George Sperring  Terry Hoye  Graham Naish*

This rink was in control throughout the afternoon.  After 15 ends they led 15 - 10 and went on to win 24 - 18.

Final Result:  Epsom  83   Old Coulsdon  81

                        Epsom 4 points  Old Coulsdon 2 points

* Highest winning rink


East Surrey League - Ladies

The Ladies also played Old Coulsdon and at one stage they were on course to be well beaten.  However, one rink pulled back well to draw, but they lost overall 33 - 38.


Rink 1  Maggie O'Sullivan  Anne Hoffmann  Jan Allum  Jo Ellis

This rink was 7 - 10 down after 10 ends, but drew level 13 - 13 after 15 ends.  Old Coulsdon eventually pulled away to win 20 - 15.

Rink 5  Sandra Huxford  Maureen Trumble  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring

This rink was well down after 10 ends, 3 - 14.  They pulled back to 11 - 17 after 15 ends and had an excellent last few ends to draw 18 - 18.

Final Score:  Epsom 33  Old Coulsdon 38

                      Epsom ˝ point  Old Coulsdon 3˝ points


Ladies' Match on 3rd June 2010 against Ember

Rink 2  Rona Stuart  Dolly Snow  Jo Ellis   lost 8 - 22

Rink 3  Trish Tewfik  Tessa Hurworth  Sylvia Pearce  lost 6 - 26

Rink 4  Ruth Nixon  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  lost 16 - 24

Final Result:  Epsom  32  Ember 72


Windeler Cup

The first Club Competition, The Windeler Cup,  took place on Monday 31st May 2010.

The winners were:- Brian Kenyon, Arthur Upward, Vic Phillips & Tony Brydges.

This was a first trophy for Tony at Epsom Bowling Club having joined the Club this year.
The Runners Up were:- Cyril Newman, Audrey Jones, Alan Wybrow & Derek Martin.

Click on Photo


East Surrey League

Epsom Men played Sutton away on Saturday 29th May.  This was the 21st time Epsom have played Sutton since the League was founded in 1986.  Up to this game Epsom and Sutton were tied 10 - 10 in games won over the years.  In a very close match overall Sutton won 82 - 76.  The second half proved to be the decider when one rink dropped a total of 22 shots.


Rink  2  Graham Pilbrow  John Warren  David Sowdon  Ron Mew    won 28 - 10*

This rink started off very even, but Epsom scored on each of ends 8 - 17 without reply, taking a 26 - 6 lead on the 17th end.

Rink  3  Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  Jim Scott  Les Owen                  won 18 - 17

This rink had a very close game right up to the last end.  After 15 ends Sutton led 13 - 12.  Epsom went ahead on the 17th end 15 - 14.  With 2 ends to go Epsom drew level on the 20th end and managed to get the shot for victory on the last end.

Rink  4  Martin Harbottle  Roy Doughty  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  lost 19 - 20

This rink also was a close match.  After 13 ends the scores were level 12 - 12, but they dropped 4 shots on end 18 and failed to get the win by just the 1 shot.

Rink  5  Bill Lawrence  John Hart  George Sperring  Graham Naish  lost 11 - 35

After 11 ends Epsom were still in this game, but they had a disastrous second half losing each end and lost heavily.

* Highest winning rink


Ladies' Match on 25th May 2010 against Banstead Neville

Rink 2  Freda Starkey  Heather Pigden  Anne Hoffmann  Gill Sperring     won 19 - 17

Rink 3  Audrey Jones  Diana Taylor  Jan Allum  Eileen Mills  lost 14 - 25

Rink 4  Rona Stuart  Eileen Godfrey  Maureen Trumble  Sylvia Pearce  lost 18 - 22

Final Result:  Epsom  51  Banstead Neville  64


Mixed Match on 26th May 2010 against Epsom Park

Rink 2  Audrey Jones  Sue Needham  Brian Kenyon  Jo Ellis  lost 22 - 26

Rink 3  Ruth Nixon  Derek Jones  Bill Lawrence  Eileen Mills  won 27 - 18

Rink 4  Maggie O'Sullivan  Bob Lister  Len Philpott  Derek Hoffmann  won 22 - 21

Rink 5  John Southam  Ron Snow  Bill Ellis  Eric Brown  drew 18 - 18

Final Result:  Epsom 89  Epsom Park 83.