East Surrey League - Men & Ladies at Godstone


Epsom travelled to Godstone on Sunday 28th June to play in the East Surrey League.  After some very poor results the Men were hoping to fair a little better in this game.  They bounced back really well to secure a 6 - 0 win (the first since 2007) and by a convincing 106 shots to 58 shots victory.  Since Epsom started playing in the East Surrey League in 1986 they have played Godstone 23 times winning on 20 occasions.  The 3 losses came in 1994, 1995 & 1999.


Rink 1 skipped by Les Owen was 6 - 2 down at 6 ends, but then scored 13 shots over 3 ends.  They maintained their lead and led 23 - 9 at 15 ends and went on to win comfortably 32 - 14.

Rink 2 skipped by Peter Miller was 10 - 8 down at 10 ends, but went ahead 14 - 11 at 15 ends.  Over the last 6 ends they scored a total of 16 shots to Godstone's 1 shot to win 30 - 15.

Rink 3 skipped by Graham Naish was 11 - 8 up at 10 ends and scored a total of 12 shots during the second half of the game to win 23 - 13.

Rink 4 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was having a much closer game.  They were 10 - 9 down at 10 ends, but scored 12 shots to Godstone's 6 shots in the second half of the game to win 21 - 16.

Final details:

Rink 1    Stefan Tomm  Derek Hoffmann  Roy Ward  Les Owen                   Won 32 - 14*

Rink 2    Geoff Purrott  John Warren  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller           Won 30 - 15

Rink 3    Brian Kenyon  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish      Won 23 - 13

Rink 5    Bill Lawrence  John Hart  Pat Buckley  Graham Pilbrow                  Won 21 - 16

Final Result:

Epsom 106 shots     Godstone 58 shots              Epsom 6 points  Godstone 0 points

*Highest winning rink



The Ladies won 38 - 30 overall, winning 17 - 13 on one rink & 21 - 17 on the other.

Full details - teams etc. will appear here shortly.


Ladies Friendly

Rink 3    Maggie O’Sullivan  Audrey Jones  Jan Allum  Jo Ellis                 Won 19 - 8

Rink 4    Ruth Nixon  Eileen Godfrey  Maureen Trumble  Sylvia Pearce     Won 16 - 15



London & Southern Counties Shield

Heartbreak for Epsom in the Shield on Saturday 27th June against Egham.

Epsom played a very strong Egham team which contained some of Surrey's very top bowlers.

Away - The rink skipped by Peter Miller had an outstanding win against current England International, Steve Tuohy's rink.  At 10 ends Epsom had a commanding lead 15 - 5 and continued to score shots over the next few ends.  At 18 ends Epsom was 27 - 11 ahead and finally won 31 - 11.

The rink skipped by David Sowdon held another ex England International, Gary Little's rink to a draw.  They had a disastrous start dropping 9 shots on the first 2 ends.  However, they recovered well to get to 11 - 11 at 10 ends.  They then dropped a 5, but once again recovered to go into the lead 22 - 17 at 19 ends.  Unfortunately they dropped 4 shots on the 20th end and Egham secured a draw on the final end.

Home - The rink skipped by Graham Naish was having a very difficult time and was 15 - 7 down at 12 ends and failed to make much more impact on the score finally losing 28 - 10.  The other home rink skipped by Graham Pilbrow  had an excellent nineteen ends. Graham's opposite number was also an England International, Ian Jenkins.  They went into a 9 - 1 lead at 8 ends, kept the lead right up to the 20th end when unfortunately they dropped 4 shots.

This must be one of the best matches Epsom have played for many years in any outside competition.

Well done to all the players.

Final Scores:

Away  Rink 1  Bill Lawrence  Roy Doughty  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller    Won 31 - 11

            Rink 2  Derek Hoffmann  John Huxford  Roy Ward  David Sowdon       Drew 21 - 21

Home  Rink 4  John Hart  Les Owen  Pat Buckley  Graham Pilbrow                   Lost 19 - 22

             Rink 5  Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  George Sperring  Graham Naish    Lost 10 - 28

Final Result:

             Epsom 81  Egham 82


Men's Friendly

Epsom travelled to Leatherhead on Saturday 27th June to play in a Friendly Match.  After winning 6 out of the last 7 games Epsom were hoping for another win.  However, despite winning on two rinks, drawing on one the fourth rink lost heavily to give Leatherhead a 7 shot victory.

Final Details:

Rink 1     John Southam  Clive Banderet  Alan Wybrow  Cyril Newman    Drew 22 - 22

Rink 2     Clive Allum  Fred Spink  Bill Ellis  Eric Brown                             Lost 11 - 25

Rink 3     Bill Norman  Derek Jones  Ron Snow  Geoff Purrott                   Won 23 - 20

Rink 4     Brian Kenyon  Tony Jackman  Len Philpott  Peter Humphreys   Won 20 - 16*

Final Score:  Epsom 76  Leatherhead 83

* Highest winning rink


Surrey Ladies' Triples

The Triple of  Maggie O'Sullivan, Eileen Mills & Gill Sperring won both their games today Friday 26th June to reach the Ladies' Surrey Triples Final.  They won 20 - 17 against Shirley Park in the morning & then won 17 - 16 (after an extra end) in the Quarter Final against Wonersh.

Ladies Past Times

The Ladies lost the Purley 26 - 46

Freda Starkey  Jan Allum  Sylvia Pearce  Jo Ellis                          Lost 17 - 21

Maggie O’Sullivan  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring   Lost 9 - 25



Men's Friendly

The Men played at home on Wednesday 24th June against Chessington & won on all 3 rinks.  The highlight of the afternoon was when the Captain's rink (Sid Bailey acting for the day) scored 8 shots on the very last end.

Rink 4 skipped by Ron Mew was 12 - 5 up at 10 ends, but Chessington closed the gap to just 2 shots on 18 ends.  However, the rink went on to win 22 - 16.

Rink 5 skipped by Martin Harbottle held a 2 shot lead at 10 ends and went further ahead 16 - 11 at 18 ends. On the final end Chessington played some poor bowls which allowed Epsom to score the maximum 8 shots to win comfortably 25 - 13.

Rink 6 Skipped by Eric Brown was having a much closer game.  Leading 6 - 5 at 10 ends, 14 - 10 at 18 ends they too went on to win 18 - 13.

Final Scores:

Rink 4    Brian Kenyon  Derek Hoffmann  Geoff Purrott  Ron Mew     Won 22- 16

Rink 5    Bill Lawrence  Dave Ruston  Sid Bailey  Martin Harbottle     Won 25 - 13

Rink 5    Ken Phillpot  Ken Lacey  Roy Doughty  Eric Brown                 Won 18 - 13

Final Result:    Epsom 65  Chessington  42


Ladies' Friendly

The Ladies played Leatherhead on Tuesday 23rd June and the match ended up all square 51 - 51

Rink 4 skipped by Sylvia Pearce was holding a slender 1 shot lead 9 - 8 at 10 ends, but went ahead 18 - 11 at 18 ends.  They scored a further 5 shots in total over the remaining ends to win 23 - 11.

Rink 5 skipped by Eileen Mills was 5 - 13 down at 10 ends, but came back into the game in the second half, but lost 18 - 15.

Rink 6 skipped by Jo Ellis did not have a good afternoon.  At 10 ends the scores was 10 - 5 down, then 18 - 9 down at 18 ends eventually losing 22 - 13.

Final Scores:

Rink 4    Maggie O’Sullivan  Diana Taylor  Lyz Warren  Sylvia Pearce             Won 23 - 11

Rink 5    Sandra Huxford  Maureen Trumble  Freda Starkey  Eileen Mills        Lost 15 - 18

Rink 6    Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Godfrey  Jan Allum  Jo Ellis                             Lost 13 - 22

Final Result:    Epsom 51   Leatherhead 51


Chrystie League
Epsom played Pippbrook in the third game this season in this League.

Rink 1    Dave Ruston  Ken Phillpot  Ken Lacey  Fred Read    Lost 9 - 20

Rink 2    Ken Rogers  Bob Lister  Bill Lawrence  Peter Humphreys    Won 17 - 12

Final Result:  Epsom 26    Pippbrook  32    Epsom 1 point  Pippbrook 3

Area 3 Top 4

Epsom's second team in this Competition played Ashtead on Thursday 25th June and won 22 - 17


The rink skipped by John Hart was 14 - 7 up at 10 ends, 21 - 13 up at 18 ends and finally won 22 - 17.

The Team was:-  Graham Pilbrow, Fred Read, Brian Kenyon & John Hart.


East Surrey League  Epsom v Purley Bury

Epsom played Purley Bury on Sunday 21st June.  Purley Bury joined the league this year so this was the first League Match between these two Clubs.  Last year a friendly was played as part of Purley Bury's introduction to the League.  Epsom lost this match 69 - 91 with the rinks shared 2 - 2.

However, Epsom lost this match by an even worse score making this the poorest start in the League for many years.

Rink 2 skipped by Peter Miller was having a poor game and at 10 ends the score was 3 - 14.  The situation did not improve in the second half and the rink was well beaten 27 - 9.

Rink 3 skipped by Graham Naish was struggling at the beginning and was 7 - 12 down at 10 ends.  They then scored a total of 9 shots over the next 5 ends to take the lead 16 - 12.  They immediately lost the lead dropping a 5, but had an excellent finish by winning the last 4 ends with a total of 10 shots.  They won 26 - 19.

Rink 4 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was having a much closer game in the first half of the match, but the 14 shots dropped in the second half resulted in a 25 - 16 loss.

Rink 5 skipped by Ron Mew was also having a close first half.  The deciding end was the 16th when they dropped 5 shots, eventually losing 23 - 17.

Final Scores:

Martin Harbottle  Geoff Purrott  David Sowdon   Peter Miller       Lost 9 - 27

Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  George Sperring  Graham Naish         Won 26 - 19*

John Hart  Roy Ward  Pat Buckley  Graham Pilbrow                     Lost 16 - 25

Bill Lawrence  Ron Snow  John Warren  Ron Mew                         Lost 17 - 23


Final Score:   Epsom  68  Purley Bury  94

                      Epsom 1 point  Purley Bury 5 points

* Highest winning rink

Epsom have now played 7 games, winning just two, losing four and drawing one.  The shots scored so far are 550 and against 551.  The points scored for are 17 and against 25.


Ladies' Friendly match against Old Coulsdon on Tuesday 16th June.

The Ladies travelled to Old Coulsdon and won on one rink but lost the other two.

The rink skipped by Sylvia Pearce was involved in a very close game throughout.  Needing 5 to win with 2 ends to play they only managed 3 shots to lose by just 2 shots 17 - 19.

The rink skipped by Gill Sperring were leading 17 - 6 at 14 ends, but Old Coulsdon won 5 ends in a row, scoring a total of 7 shots to close the gap to 4 shots, 17 - 13.  Epsom then scored 3 shots on the 20th end to ease into a comfortable 20 - 14 win.

The rink skipped by Eileen Mills fell behind after the 6th end and Old Coulsdon went into a commanding lead to win 24 - 15.

Final Scores:

Rink 2    Sue Needham  Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  Sylvia Pearce    Lost 17 - 19

Rink 3    Maggie O’Sullivan  Audrey Jones  Dolly Snow  Gill Sperring   Won 20 - 14

Rink 4    Tessa Hurworth  Diana Taylor  Jan Allum  Eileen Mills            Lost 15 - 24

Final Result:  Epsom 52  Old Coulsdon  57


East Surrey League Top 10

Epsom, the defending Top 10 Champions, travelled to Godstone on Wednesday evening 17th June.  Fortunately the rain stayed away, but there was a chill in the air.


Graham Pilbrow once again got Epsom off to a fine start in the singles.  This turned out to be a very close game right up to the last 6 ends. After 17 ends Graham held a 1 shot lead 13 - 12.  He then scored 9 shots to his opponents 1 shot to win comfortably 22 - 13.


David Sowdon playing with a different partner from last season started off very badly.  At 12 ends they were 14 - 5 down, but came back into the game to be just 1 shot behind 15 - 16 on the 18th end.  However, they dropped a further 2 & 3 shots to lose 21 - 16.


This year a completely new Triple represented Epsom.  This combination worked very well all evening and on the 10th end Epsom were leading 16 - 1.  They then had a few lose ends between ends 11 & 14, but ran out easy winners 19 - 9.


The first half of the Fours was quite evenly balanced with the score at 10 ends being 8 - 6 to Epsom.  In the second half the rink scored a total of 17 shots to Godstone's 5 shots to win 25 - 12.

Final Scores:    Singles:  Graham Pilbrow  Won 22 - 13

                        Pairs:     Brian Kenyon/David Sowdon    Lost 16 - 21

                        Triples:  Terry Hoye/John Hart/Graham Naish    Won 19 - 9

                         Fours:    Martin Harbottle/Les Owen/Pat Buckley/Peter Miller    Won 25 12

Final Result:     Epsom 3  Godstone 1 (81 shots - 55 shots)


Mixed Friendly

Sunday 14th June

Epsom travelled the short distance to Banstead Neville to play in a mixed Friendly Match.  This turned out to be a very hot sunny day with some interesting bowling taking place.  Rinks were shared 2 - 2, but Epsom won 84 - 78.

Rink 2 skipped by Jo Ellis was 14 - 2 down at 10 ends and they scored a total of 9 shots in the second part of the game, but lost 21 - 11.

Rink 3 skipped by Ken Lacey was 11 - 10 up at 10 ends, scored a 6 on end 13 and kept the lead to win 29 - 22

Rink 3 skipped by Les Owen was well ahead 14 - 4 at 10 ends and in the second part of the game scored 2 6's to run out very comfortable winners 37 - 10.

Rink 5 skipped by Bill Ellis was 10 - 4 down at 10 ends and struggled over the remainder of the match to lose 25 - 7.

Final Scores:

Rink 2    Brian Kenyon  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  Jo Ellis         Lost 11 - 21

Rink 3    Ruth Nixon  Roy Doughty  Jan Allum  Ken Lacey             Won 29 - 22

Rink 4    John Southam  Dolly Snow  John Warren  Les Owen        Won 37 - 10*

Rink 5    Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  Geoff Purrott  Bill Ellis       Lost 7 - 25

Final Result:   Epsom 84    Banstead Neville  78

*Highest Winning Rink


Bowls England visit Epsom Bowling Club
Bowls England visited Epsom on Wednesday 10th June 2009.  At one stage earlier in the day it seemed as if the game might not go ahead due to the weather.  However, just after 12 o'clock the rain stopped photographs were taken and the game started on schedule at 1.30pm.


Rink 2 skipped by Vera Deane got off to a slow start, but was only 7 - 6 down at 10 ends.  They failed to score on the next 5 ends and went behind 14 - 6.  Epsom managed 4 more shots in the game and eventually lost 18 - 10.

Rink 4 skipped by Gill Sperring fell behind 13 - 4 at 10 ends, but made an excellent recovery go ahead 17 - 16 on the 20th end.  They then managed to also win the final end scoring one shot to win 18 - 16.


Rink 1 skipped by Peter Miller was having a very close game and at 10 ends the score was 10 - 12.  On the 16th end they scored 5 shots which helped them take an 18 - 14 lead.  They then lost the lead and going into the last end needed 3 shots for victory.  With some excellent bowling they achieved the shots to win narrowly 21 - 20.

Rink 3 skipped by Captain, Les Owen, also made a slow start falling behind 8 - 2 at 7 ends.  They then scored a total of 9 shots on the next 4 ends to take the lead 10 - 8.  After this the game became very close and going into the last end the rink was 17 - 18 down.  When Les went down to bowl his rink were holding 2 shots, but the skip sprung the jack to the rear of the rink, but Epsom still had 1 shot.  Les drew the second shot to win the rink 19 - 18.

Rink 5 skipped by Roy Ward found themselves being out bowled for most of the game.  At one stage the rink was 17 - 5 down.  They recovered a little, but was soundly beaten 25 - 11.

Rink 6 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was playing well until they dropped 4 shots on the 10th end to go behind 10 - 8.  They had a much better second half scoring on 7 of the last 11 ends to win 18 - 15.  This turned out to be the highest winning rink for Epsom.

Final details:

Rink 1    Bill Lawrence  Clive Banderet  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller       Won 21 - 20

Rink 2    Jan Allum  Maureen Trumble  Eileen Mills  Vera Deane                Lost 10 - 18

Rink 3    Brian Kenyon  Tony Jackman  George Sperring  Les Owen           Won 19 - 18

Rink 4    Anne Hoffmann  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren  Gill Sperring                Won 18 - 16

Rink 5    Derek Hoffmann  Len Philpott  Geoff Purrott  Roy Ward              Lost 11 - 25

Rink 6    John Hart  Sid Bailey  John Warren  Graham Pilbrow                   Won 18 - 15*


Final Scores:     Epsom Ladies 28   Bowls England 34

                         Epsom Men 69   Bowls England 78

Total Scores:     Epsom 97   Bowls England 112


* Highest winning rink.


Before the game Metal Lapel Badges were exchanged on the green and after the game all the Bowls England players and guests received a Centenary Booklet from Epsom Bowling Club.  The highest winning Epsom rink also received a commemorative spoon from the Bowls England Captain of the day, Chris Smith.

Thanks were conveyed to everyone that helped make the day a great success.  The weather was kind and the green bowled extremely well.


Surrey Fours

The Surrey four Martin Harbottle, Ted Ray, Pat Buckley & Peter Miller won against Epsom Park on Monday 8th June.  At one stage Epsom were trailing 14 - 6, but fought back well scoring regularly in the second half of the game to go into the lead 23 - 14.  Epsom Park needing 10 shots on the last two ends to win managed to get 3 shots on the 20th end & 2 shots on the last end.  Epsom held on to win 23 - 19.


Chrystie League

Epsom played their first Chrystie League game of the season on the 8th June against Esher.  At one stage one Epsom rink was winning 16 - 0, but Esher rink recovered to lose to Epsom by just 1 shot.  The other rink was always coming from behind and eventually lost 18 - 13.

Final score:  Epsom 31  Esher 35

                   Epsom 1  Esher 3 points.


Epsom v Horley - Men
Epsom were looking forward to playing Horley again as they have an outstanding record against them in recent years. Epsom has won in every league game over the last 10 years. This, however, turned out to be one of the most disappointing results for many seasons. Epsom won on just one rink and was well beaten on the other 3.
Rink 1 skipped by Ron Mew was having a very close game. At 13 ends the scores were level 7 - 7, but they then dropped 6 shots over ends 14, 15 & 16. They did not recover and lost 17 - 10.
Rink 2 skipped by Peter Miller got off to a flying start. They led 18 - 5 at 9 ends and dropping a few ends in the later stages of the game limited Horley to just one shot an end. They ended up winning 25 - 16 and it was the highest winning rink.
Rink 3 skipped by Graham Pilbrow lost 10 shots over 4 ends at the beginning of the game and never really recovered. They lost 16 - 24.
Rink 6 skipped by Graham Naish was behind right from the beginning. On 14 ends they closed the gap to 11 - 14, but immediately dropped a 4. They closed the gap to 3 shots on the 20th end, but when the jack was played into the ditch by the lead on the 21st end they had little chance of gaining the 4 shots to win the rink. They lost 18 - 23.
Overall this was a big set back for Epsom in the East Surrey League.
Final Scores:
Rink 1 John Warren Ron Snow David Sowdon Ron Mew Lost 10 - 17
Rink 2 Bill Lawrence Les Owen Martin Harbottle Peter Miller Won 25 - 16*
Rink 3 John Hart Geoff Purrott Pat Buckley Graham Pilbrow Lost 16 - 24
Rink 6 Brian Kenyon Derek Hoffmann George Sperring Graham Naish Lost 18 - 24
Final Result: Epsom 69 shots Horley 81shots
Epsom 1 point Horley 5 points

* Highest winning rink for Epsom
After the game the Ladies’ Captain, Anne Hoffmann, presented a Centenary Banner to the Ashtead Captain and all the Horley players were given a Centenary Booklet.

Epsom v Horley - Ladies
Since the records for the Ladies’ matches in the League against Horley have been recorded Epsom has not lost. This year it was yet another win by the slender margin of 1 shot. Unfortunately Jo Ellis had to withdraw after 12 ends with a pulled muscle. This affected the score on that rink as a 1/4 had to be deducted (after 12 ends) from the final score.
Rink 4 skipped by Gill Sperring lost the lead just twice in the whole game. They went ahead 17 - 15 at 18 ends and held on to win 22 - 16.
Rink 5 skipped by Eileen Mills was having a much harder game. When Jo Ellis withdrew they were leading 14 - 11, but the disruption in the rink did not help and they dropped 9 shots on ends 15 - 18, and could not recover eventually losing 20 - 23. However, with the 1/4 off rule the final score was calculated to be 18 - 23.
Final Scores:
Rink 4 Ruth Nixon Dolly Snow Lyz Warren Gill Sperring Won 22 - 16
Rink 5 Anne Hoffmann Jan Allum Jo Ellis Eileen Mills Lost 18 - 23
Final Result: Epsom 40 Horley 39
Epsom 3 points Horley 1 point


Past Times ‘B’ Team
The ‘B’ team was drawn against Sutton in the first round. They played on a very wet and miserable morning 6th June.
The home team was doing very well at the start going into a 20 - 4 shot lead at 9 ends. Sutton then got into the game and played some very good bowls and caught up to be 21 - 15 down at 16 ends. The news from the team at Sutton was not very good as they were 15 - 6 down at 11 ends, further behind 21 - 6 at 16 ends and lost heavily 33 - 7.
The home team finished up winning by just 4 shots. The match was lost 30 - 52.
Home Team Bill Lawrence Roy Doughty Terry Hoye Martin Harbottle Won 23 - 19
Away Team Cyril Newman Geoff Purrott Roy Ward Ron Mew Lost 7 - 33
Final Score Epsom ‘B’ 30 Sutton 52


East Surrey League

Epsom v Ashtead

Epsom travelled on Derby day 2009 and came away with just a draw.  Epsom were hoping to equal last year's success of 5 - 1 or even a 6 - 0.  At one stage Epsom were 19 shots up on the match but dropped many shots in the last few ends on all rinks.  After 84 ends of bowling over 4 rinks the score was 84 - 84.  Has this ever happened before?


Rink 2 skipped by David Sowdon was ahead 17 - 13 at 14 ends, but then lost the next three ends dropping a total of 8 shots.  They scored just one more shot in the game and lost 26 - 18.

Rink 3 skipped by Graham Naish was always playing catch up and although only 11 - 8 down on 14 ends they dropped a total of 11 shots over the last few ends to lose 21 - 9.

Rink 4 skipped by Peter Miller was having a closer game. On ends 7 - 12 they scored a total of 15 shots to take a 19 - 9 lead.  However, they immediately dropped a 6, made amends on the 16th end with a 6 of their own and won comfortably 32 - 23.

Rink 5 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was having an excellent game, and despite dropping 8 shots in the last few ends won 25 - 14.

Final Scores:

Rink 2  Clive Banderet  Derek Hoffmann  Geoff Purrott  David Sowdon    Lost 18 - 26

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Cyril Newman  George Sperring  Graham Naish     Lost 9 - 21

Rink 4  Bill Lawrence  Les Owen Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller                Won 32 - 23

Rink 5  Roy Doughty  Len Philpott  Pat Buckley  Graham Pilbrow             Won 23 - 14*


Final Result:    Epsom 84 shots   Ashtead 84 shots

                       Epsom 3 points   Ashtead 3 points

* Highest winning rink for Epsom

After the game the Captain, Les Owen, presented a Centenary Banner to the Ashtead Captain and all the Ashtead players were given a Centenary Booklet.


Epsom v Sutton & District Bowling Association

On Wednesday Sutton & District Bowling Association visited Epsom for the second Special Centenary game.  This turned out to be an excellent win for Epsom 157 shots to 97 shots.

Rink 1 skipped by Geoff Purrott was having a very close game throughout the afternoon.  They won by two shots.

Rink 2 skipped by Peter Humphreys was well ahead at 10 ends (14 - 5), and continued to score shots and won convincingly 36 - 12.

Rink 3 skipped by Captain, Les Owen, had a very close game.  Losing 14 - 12 at 10 ends they picked up shots to go ahead on the 16th end 18 - 17.  Over the last few ends it was quite close.  Going into the last end Epsom was 2 shots behind.  Les with his last bowl, and four shots down drew the shot, moving the jack but not quite enough to score the 3 needed to win.  They lost 22 - 23.

Rink 4 skipped by Peter Miller scored 13 shots from ends 13 - 18 which helped them to a 27 - 16 win.

Rink 5 skipped by Roy Ward also had a good few ends, 10 - 15, when they scored a total of 15 shots to win 32 - 11.

Rink 6 skipped by Pat Buckley was behind in the game up until the 16th end.  They finished the game with a 2, 3 & 1 to win 23 - 20.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Roy Doughty  Derek Jones  Ron Snow  Geoff Purrott    Won 17 - 15

Rink 2    Laurie Mills  John Warren  Sid Bailey  Peter Humphreys    Won 36 - 12

Rink 3    John Southam  John Huxford  George Sperring  Les Owen    Lost  22 - 23

Rink 4    Bill Lawrence  Derek Hoffmann  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  Won 27 - 16

Rink 5    Stefan Tomm  Tony Jackman  Eric  Brown  Roy Ward  Won 32 - 11

Rink 6    John Hart  Clive Banderet  Graham  Pilbrow  Pat Buckley   Won 23 - 20


Final Score:   Epsom  157    Sutton & District B. A.   97