Welcome to the August 2014 Newsletter.  This Newsletter will contain all information from 28th July 2014

Please scroll down for all Reports on recent Matches.


Some interesting facts relating to Finals Days

Jane Wheeler becomes the first member in the history of Epsom Bowling Club to win 5 Finals. She retained the 2 Wood Plate won in 2013.
Gill Sperring becomes the first female member of Epsom Bowling Club to win the Ward Cup (Mixed Singles. This Cup was donated by Roy Ward in 1998.
Ruth Baker wins her first Trophy at Epsom Bowling Club
The following men won their first Trophy at Epsom Bowling Club:-
Eddie Needham, Mick Gray, Frank Thompson & Terry Berry
Tony Dunn won the Men’s Championship for the first time & will represent Epsom Bowling Club in the Bowls England Champion of Champions, Surrey Champion of Champions & Paston Cup in 2015.
Terry Hoye & Marilyn Walsh retain the Mixed Pairs Trophy won in 2013.

Did you know
Did you know that a very large number of members helped to make the Finals Weekend a success.
Thanks go to everyone - too many to mention by name.
They were - Competition Secretaries, Paper Work (programme etc.), Bar helpers, Green laying out, cutting etc. etc. Members who worked tirelessly in the kitchen serving Teas/Coffees cakes etc. Those who helped clear up.
Do you also know that there is a team of members who constantly visit the Club to clean windows, clean the floors etc., fix electrics, carry out painting etc. Members who do loads of maintenance work from day to day.
If you are not one of these can you lend a hand here & there?



Finals Day - Sunday 31st August 2014

Ladies' Handicap Triples

Sandra Huxford/Sylvia Smart/Marilyn Walsh v Ruth Baker/Jane Wheeler/Eileen Mills

This was an excellent game.  Eileen's team held the initiative for most of the game when they led 15 - 7 after 10 ends.  They still held the lead, 22 - 16 after 15 ends, but Marilyn's team fought back really well.  Going into the last end Eileen's team were 22 - 20 up, but when Eileen went to play her last bowl she was facing 4 shots down.  She bowled an exceptional bowl ending up 3 inches or so behind the jack getting 2nd bowl thus winning 22 - 21.

Men's Handicap Fours

Eddie Needham/Vic Phillips/Sid Bailey/John Huxford v

David Hutchison/Fred Read/Peter Humphreys/David Sowdon

John's team dominated this game from start to finish.  They led 19 - 9 after 10 ends, 24 - 11 after 15 ends. David's team conceded on the 18th with John's team winning 32 - 11.

Ward Cup (Mixed Singles)

Gill Sperring v Terry Berry

This Competition started in 1998 when Roy Ward presented a trophy to the Club.  In all this time no Lady has won the competition - until today.  It turned out to a highly competitive game.  After 10 ends Terry was ahead 13 - 3, but Gill fought back well to be just one shot adrift, 13 - 14 after 15 ends.  The next 8 ends were keenly contested and on the 24th end the scores were level, 19 - 19.  Gill scored the 2 shots necessary on the next end to achieve an historic win.  Well done Gill on becoming the first Lady Champion of the Ward Cup.

Men's Two Wood

Terry Hoye v Graham Pilbrow

What a challenge this was for Terry as Graham had won this trophy 12 times in the past.  Terry started slowly and was behind 6 - 8 after 10 ends.  After 19 ends Terry had a 4 shot advantage and with ends running out Graham needed 4 shots to win over the last two ends.  He scored 2 on the 20th end, but only 1 on the 21st end thus leaving Terry winning the trophy for the first time.

Ladies' Singles Championship

Marilyn Walsh v Lyz Warren

In a repeat of the 2013 final (which Lyz won 21 - 9) this turned out to be a superb battle with some excellent bowling from both Ladies. After 15 ends Lyz led 15 - 14, but Marilyn tied the scores 18 - 18 on the 19th end.

Marilyn played well over the last 3 ends to win 21 - 20.

Men's Championship Singles

David Sowdon v Tony Dunn

This was a game of two halves.  David had a healthy lead 13 - 7 after 10 ends, but Tony came back really well winning the next 7 ends to win the title for the first time 21 - 13.

Ladies Two Wood Plate

Anne Hoffmann v Jane Wheeler

Playing in her 5th final of the weekend Jane was looking to make in 5 wins out of 5.  She did this comfortably.  She led 7 - 1 after 5 ends, 15 - 5 after 15 ends and completed the game on the next end winning 17 - 5.

100 Up Cup

Brian Kenyon v John Hart

Brian led 30 - 20 after 5 ends, but John came back strongly and led 54 - 46 after 10 ends, 82 - 68 after 15 ends finally winning 101 79 on the 18th end.



Finals Day - Saturday 30th August 2014

Ladies' Handicap Pairs

Pauline Devereux/ Ruth Nixon v Jane Wheeler/Eileen Mills

Jane & Eileen were in front throughout this game.  They led 12 - 6 after 10 ends, 24 - 7 after 15 ends.  They went on to win 24 - 13 (after 20 ends).

Men's Handicap Pairs

Bob Blaker/Terry Berry v Robert York/David Sowdon

After 10 ends Bob & Terry led 11 - 10.  They took control over the next 5 ends going into a 22 - 11 lead.  The game ended after 20 ends with Bob & Terry winning 25 - 17

Men's Handicap Triples

Derek Cash/Peter Humphreys/John Huxford v Derek Jones/Frank Thompson/George Sperring

George's Triple was ahead throughout this game.  They led 14 - 5 after 10 ends, 17 - 10 after 15 ends finally winning 21 - 10.

Ladies' Two Wood Singles

Gill Sperring v Sandra Huxford

Gill held the initiative all through the morning.  She led 10 - 6 after 10 ends finally winning after 19 ends 17 - 12.

Ladies' Handicap Singles

Gill Sperring v Jane Wheeler

This was an excellent battle between Gill - several times winner of this Trophy and newer member Jane.  Gill held the lead 9 - 6 after 10 ends, 14 - 8 after 15 ends & 21 - 15 after 23 ends.  However, Jane finished strongly with 2 shots on the 24th end followed by 4 shots on the 25th end to snatch the victory 21 - 21. (Gill needing to score 25 shots).

Men's Handicap Singles

Mick Gray v Pat Buckley

This was one of the best games of the afternoon with Mick who joined Epsom BC in 2014 playing Pat who had won the Trophy in 2008.

After 10 ends Pat led 14 - 8 & 16 - 12 after 15 ends.  Mick came back strongly to level the scores 16 - 16 on the 19th end.  Pat then went ahead 17 - 16 on the next end, but Mick won the next 4 ends to win an excellent game of bowls 21 - 17.

Men's Lower Handicap Singles

Derek Cash v Tony Dunn

This was an even better game that the last one above.  Derek was ahead 9 - 5 after 10 ends, but Tony came back really well to tie the scores 14 - 14 after 19 ends.  After 24 ends Tony led 22 - 15 (Tony needed 24 shots to win), but on the 28th end they both needed 1 shot to win (the scores being 20 - 23 to Tony).  Derek drew a close bowl with his first effort but Tony failed to beat it leaving Derek getting the 21 shots necessary.

Mixed Pairs

Terry Hoye/Marilyn Walsh v Sylvia Smart/Cyril Newman

This turned out to be a very good match with Terry & Marilyn retaining their Title won last year. However, they trailed 2 - 11 after 5 ends & 8 - 15 after 10 ends.  In the second half Terry & Marilyn came back strongly and led 19 - 16 after 18 ends.  Going into the last end they led 22 - 17, but Sylvia & Cyril could not get the shots necessary thus leaving Terry & Marilyn winning 23 - 17.

Ladies' Junior Championship

Jane Wheeler v Janet Newman

Jane dominated this game from the start.  She led 7 - 0 after 5 ends, 11 - 5 after 10 ends and completed the win 23 - 5 after 15 ends.


Sutton & District Bowling Association

BLESMA Pairs - Semi Final

Tony Dunn & Martin Harbottle lost by just 1 shot in the BLESMA Pairs on Wednesday 27th August 2014.  This was a great effort by these two and Epsom Bowling Club congratulates them both on reaching the Semi Final.


Epsom started slowly & were 2 - 7 down after 5 ends.  However, they got themselves back into the game and drew level, 8 - 8 after 10 ends.  Supreme then had the better of the next 5 ends and led 16 - 9.  Epsom fought back well and won ends 17, 18, 19 & 20 to be just 2 shots adrift going into the last end.  When Martin went down to bowl he held one shot and then made it 2 to force an extra end.  However, the Supreme skip with the last bowl of the game managed to secure 2nd wood leaving Epsom agonisingly losing by just 1 shot.  A great fight back and an excellent performance by Tony & Martin.


Men's Friendly v Cheam Fields

Epsom Men played at home against Cheam Fields on Wednesday 27th August 2014 and won on all 4 rinks and the match 86 - 62.  Cheam Fields were 2 players short so Howard Ellis & Bob Blaker helped them out.


Rink 1  Derek Martin  Derek Jones  Mick Gray  Peter Miller  won 23 - 11

Epsom started well on this rink and led 10 - 6 after 10 ends.  They were further ahead 18 - 8 after 15 ends and went on to win by 12 shots.

Rink 2  Brian Kenyon  Geoff Purrott  Andrew Turnbull  David Bragg  won 23 - 16

After 10 ends Epsom led 11 - 9, but Cheam Fields went ahead 13 - 15 after 15 ends.  Epsom outscored their opponents 10 - 1 over the remaining ends to win by 7 shots.

Rink 3  David Hutchison  Ron Harsum  Ron Snow  Eric Brown  won 23 - 21

Epsom started strongly and led 13 - 5 after 10 ends.  Cheam Fields came back well and led 19 - 15 after 15 ends.  Epsom battled well over the remaining ends and won by 2 shots.

Rink 4  Bob Lister  David Rundle  Fred Read  John Warren won 17 - 14

Epsom led 10 - 4 after 10 ends, but Cheam Fields came back well to be just 2 shots behind, 14 - 12 after 16 ends.  The last few ends were very close, but Epsom went on to win by 3 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 86  Cheam Fields 62


Sutton & District Bowling Association

Paston Cup & St Raphael Pairs

Paston Cup

John Huxford becomes the third Epsom member to reach the Final of the Paston Cup. (the other two are Graham Pilbrow - won 6 times & Les Owen - won once).

John played against Rose Hill on Tuesday 26th August 2014 at Sutton Bowling Club. The green proved to be a challenge for both players due to the heavy rain during the day. John led all throughout this game.  He led 9 - 8 after 11 ends and stretched his lead to 18 - 9 after 18 ends.  After 22 ends he led 20 - 12, but his opponent came back well winning the next 2 ends to narrow the gap to 4 shots.  With the Epsom fans biting their nails John managed to score the 1 shot on the 25th end for an excellent win.  Congratulations John.

St Raphael Pairs

Epsom played against Cheam in this Semi Final.  This game was also played on Sutton's green. This turned out to be an excellent tussle with some really good bowling from all 4 players. After 10 ends Epsom led 9 - 7 & 16 - 10 after 15 ends.  On the 17th end Epsom led 19 - 11, but Cheam came back strongly scoring 5 shots over 3 ends leaving Epsom leading by 3 shots going into the last end.  On the final end Epsom was 2 shots down, but Brian played his last bowl to within 6 inches in front of the jack.  Cheam just failed to remove this bowl and Epsom went on to win by 4 shots - 20 - 16.  Congratulations to Brian & Eileen on this excellent win.

Eileen has lost in one final (with Graham Pilbrow) in 2004 & been semi finalist (with Brian) in 2008.

The finals will be held at Epsom Bowling Club on Saturday 20th September 2014.


Presidents v Secretaries

The annual fixture between the Secretaries Team & Presidents Team took place on Sunday 24th August 2014.  The Secretaries Team won 126 - 95.

Details:  Presidents Team first

Rink 1  Sue Needham  Ron Harsum  David Ganney  Eileen Mills  lost 21 - 27

             v Audrey Jones  Ruth Nixon  Derek Martin  John Warren

After 10 ends the Secretaries Team held a 17 - 6 lead & were 22 - 19 in front after 18 ends.  They won by 6 shots.

Rink 2  Eddie Needham  Pauline Devereux  Derek Hoffmann  Cyril Newman  lost 17 - 22

              v Peter Humphreys  Frances Suttonwood  David Hutchison  Brian Kenyon

The Secretaries got off to an excellent start and led 12 - 0 after just 5 ends.  After 15 ends the Secretaries led 21 - 15 and went on to win by 5 shots.

Rink 3  Howard Ellis  Maureen Trumble  Eric Brown  drew 15 - 15

              v Frank Thompson  Bob Blaker  Ron Snow

The Secretaries led 13 - 5 after 10 ends & 10 - 15 after 15 ends.  The President's team fought back well to earn a draw.

Rink 4  Arthur Upward  Tony Brydges  Jane Wheeler  Terry Hoye  lost 17 - 28

             v Tony Dunn  Derek Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Graham Pilbrow

The President's team was ahead 14 - 9 after 10 ends, but the fell behind 15 - 18 after 15 ends.  They eventually lost by 11 shots.

Rink 5  Mike James  Mary Bragg  Ken Lacey  lost 14 - 21

              v Andrew Turnbull  Heather Pigden  David Bragg

The President's team led 13 - 9 after 10 ends, but then lost the next 6 ends to go behind 13 - 19.  The Secretaries team went on to win by 7 shots.

Rink 6  Ruth Baker  Vic Phillips  Pat Buckley  lost 11 - 13

             v Pat Walmsley  Lyz Warren  Martin Harbottle

This was a very close game throughout the afternoon.  After 15 ends the Secretaries team led 10 - 8 & went on to win by the same margin.

Final Score:  President's Team 95  The Secretaries Team 126

Everyone enjoyed Tea/Coffee & cakes after the game.


Ladies Friendly

Epsom Ladies played Epsom Court in a Triples match away on Thursday 21st August 2014.  They won on 1 rink, lost on the other 2, and lost the match 36 - 46.


Rink 2  Sue Needham  Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  won 13 - 12

Epsom was behind on the 13th end 8 - 11, but they won 4 of the last 5 ends scoring 5 shots to Epsom Park's 1 shot to snatch a 1 shot victory.

Rink 3  Sylvia Smart  Maureen Trumble  Marilyn Walsh  lost 12 - 22

Epsom struggled on this rink.  They were 7 - 9 down after 10 ends, 10 - 20 behind after 15 ends going on to lose by 10 shots.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Mary Bragg  Heather Pigden  lost 11 - 12

This was a very close game.  Epsom were 7 - 8 down after 10 ends, but the scores were level, 10 - 10, after 15 ends. Going into the last end Epsom needed 2 shots to draw, but could only manage 1 shot to lose by 1.

Final Score:  Epsom 36  Epsom Court 46



The usual end of season event was held at Esher BC on 18th August with all 6 clubs sending two teams. It was the usual format of each team playing six ends against three other teams with the team having the highest shots scored being the winner. That turned out to be Pippbrook with 21 shots

Epsom A, represented by Tony Dunn, Derek Jones, Peter Humphreys and Fred Read won one match, lost two and finished in joint 10th place with 11 shots.

Epsom B with Phil Sims, Arthur Upward, Andy Turnbull and Ron Snow won two and lost one finishing with 17 shots and fourth place.

There were a couple of outbursts of rain and two rinks were squelchy underfoot and  mats were put down. However as darkness loomed everyone made their way to the clubroom to enjoy cottage pie and vegetables, a desert and some liquid refreshment.

Thanks were expressed to Ron Parslow of Bookham for being Secretary to the League.

Ron Snow


Ladies Friendly

Epsom Ladies played Ashtead in a Triples match at home on Tuesday 19th August 2014.  They lost on one rink, drew the second & lost the match 29 - 39.


Rink 3  Mary Bragg  Heather Pigden  Marilyn Walsh   lost 14 - 24

After 8 ends Epsom was 6 - 11 down, but went ahead 13 - 11 after 12 ends.  They had a poor last 6 ends being outscored 13 - 1 to lose by 10 shots.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Maureen Trumble  Lyz Warren  drew 15 - 15

After 6 ends Epsom was 2 - 5 down, but they came back well winning the next 5 ends to go ahead 10 - 5.  On the 14th & 15th end Epsom dropped two 4's to go behind 12 - 14.  Going into the last end they were still 2  behind, but secured the 2 shots for a well deserved draw.

Final Score:  Epsom 29  Ashtead 39


East Surrey League - Men & Ladies v Cheam Fields

Epsom Men & Ladies travelled the short distance to play Cheam Fields on Sunday 17th August 2014.  The Ladies lost their unbeaten record for this season - losing on one rink, winning the second but lost the match 35 - 42 (1 - 3).  The Men had a convincing win on 3 rinks, a close win on the fourth & won overall 102 - 63 (12 - 0).



Rink 3  Sandra Huxford  Jane Wheeler  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring  lost 12 - 24

Epsom was outdone by excellent leading from the Cheam Fields player.  They were 4 - 15 behind after 10 ends, 5 - 22 after 15 ends and lost by 12 shots.

Rink 5  Audrey Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  Marilyn Walsh  won 23 - 18

Epsom faired much better on this rink.  They were, however, 9 - 11 down after 10 ends, but came back well to lead 19 - 12 after 15 ends. Cheam Fields won 5 of the last 6 ends, but Epsom went on to win by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 35  Cheam Fields 42    Epsom 1 point  Cheam Fields 3 points




Rink 1  Tony Dunn  John Warren  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  won 31 - 16

After 10 ends Epsom had a commanding lead 20 - 2 & 29 - 9 after 16 ends.  Cheam Fields then won the last 5 ends, but Epsom still won by 15 shots.

Rink 2  Mick Gray  Bill Lawrence  Terry Hoye  George Sperring  won 29 - 17

This was a close game for 10 ends when Epsom was 9 - 8 ahead.  After 15 ends they had stretched the lead to 20 - 11 & continued to play well running out winners by 12 shots.

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Geoff Purrott  John Huxford  David Sowdon  won 22 - 11

Epsom took the lead after just 3 ends and outplayed Cheam Fields throughout the afternoon.  They led 17 - 5 after 15 ends finally winning by 11 shots.

Rink 6  Howard Ellis  Bob Blaker  Pat Buckley  Graham Naish  won 20 - 19

Epsom stormed into a 10 - 0 lead after just 4 ends.  However, Cheam Fields came back well to level the scores 13 - 13 after 13 ends.  After leading 20 - 16 after 18 ends the last few ends became very close.  Going into the last end Epsom led 20 - 18 & Graham found himself 2 shots down with last bowl to play.  He managed to push an Epsom bowl in near the jack to secure 2nd wood thus winning the rink by just 1 shot.

Final Score:  Epsom 102  Cheam Fields 63   Epsom 12 points  Cheam Fields 0 points.

It is interesting to note that this was the 200th game won by Epsom Men in the East Surrey League.


Area 3 Top 4 - Semi Final & Final

The Epsom rink Brian Kenyon, Andrew Turnbull, John Warren  & John Huxford  travelled the short distance to Epsom Park on Saturday 16th August 2014 to play in the Area Semi Final/Final/3rd place play off.

In the morning they played Chipstead 'A' and were 12 - 7 ahead after 10 ends, but lost the lead 13 - 14 on the 15th end.  They fought back well going on to win 20 - 17.  In the afternoon they played Wallington and got off to a really bad start when they were 1 - 9 down after just 5 ends.  They came back well to level the scores 9 - 9 after 10 ends, but then fell behind again 15 - 18 after 15 ends.  They then dug deep to go ahead to win the Final 24 - 21.

Epsom will now go on to Guildford on the 7th September to play the other Area winners.

Congratulations to all 4 players on this huge achievement.

Click on photos for larger version


East Surrey League - Ladies

Epsom Ladies played Shirley Park at home on Saturday 16th August 2014 and won 45 - 24 (4 - 0).  This win makes sure that Epsom have won the League title for the third time in the history of Epsom Bowling Club (won in 2005 & 2006).  It is also the first time that the Ladies have won the first 6 games without dropping a rink.


Rink 3  Sandra Huxford  Pauline File  Eileen Mills  Marilyn Walsh  won 25 - 11

Epsom dominated this game all afternoon.  They led 15 - 6 after 10 ends, 18 - 7 after 15 ends and went on to win by 14 shots.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  Gill Sperring  won 20 - 13

This was a much closer game.  Epsom led 11 - 7 after 10 ends, but Shirley Park drew level 11 - 11 after 13 ends.  Epsom lost the lead on the next end, but won the next 4 ends to go ahead 18 - 12.  They went on to win by 7 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 45  Shirley Park 24    Epsom 4 points  Shirley Park 0 points

Congratulations to all the Ladies who played in the games leading to this success.


East Surrey League - Men

Epsom Men played Shirley Park at home on Saturday 16th August 2014 and won 83 - 75 (8 - 4).  They won on 2 rinks, lost on 2 rinks but won the match overall by 8 shots.


Rink 1  Howard Ellis  John Hart  Pat Buckley  Graham Naish  lost 19 - 24

This Epsom rink found the going tough all afternoon.  They were 6 - 16 down after 10 ends and 11- 19 behind after 15 ends.  They narrowed the gap to 3 shots (17 - 20) on the 18th end, but Shirley Park pulled ahead again to win by 5 shots.

Rink 3  Tony Dunn  Bill Lawrence  Terry Hoye  George Sperring  won 27 - 15

Epsom had a good afternoon on this rink.  They led 11 - 6 after 10 ends, 15 - 10 after 15 ends and went on to win by 12 shots.

Rink 5  Phil Sims  Peter Humphreys  Mick Gray  David Sowdon  won 20 - 17

This turned out to be a very close tussle all through the game.  Epsom was 9 - 11 behind after 10 ends, but levelled the scores 14 - 14 after 15 ends.  On the 17th end Epsom was 14 - 17 adrift, but played really well to win the remaining 4 ends and the rink by 3 shots.

Rink 6  Geoff Purrott  Bob Blaker  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  lost 17 - 19

This was also a close game.  Epsom led 10 - 7 after 10 ends, but lost the lead 13 - 14 after 15 ends.  Shirley Park edged the last few ends leaving Epsom losers by 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 83 Shirley Park 75   Epsom 8 points  Shirley Park 4 points

Phil Sims played his very first game for Epsom in the East Surrey League in this match.  He becomes the 149th member to play in this League since it began.


Chrystie League Report - 2014

Last years figures in brackets.


Epsom made a very disappointing start to the 2014 season by losing their first 4 games.  However, they recovered very well losing only 1 of the remaining 6 matches.


This year Epsom won 4 (7), lost 5 (3) & drew 1 (0).  Epsom ended up gaining 18½ (27) points and came 3rd (2nd) in the League.


In all 19 (20) members represented Epsom in the Chrystie League in 2014.  The following are some significant appearances:-

Peter Humphreys 9, Ron Snow 8, Fred Read 8, Andrew Turnbull 7, Bob Lister 6 & Ken Lacey 6.


Here are some facts that you may find interesting:- (2013 data in brackets)


Number of rinks won - 8 (12)  Number of rinks lost - 9 (8)   Number of rinks drawn - 3 (0).  Epsom won 2 (5) of the games 4 - 0 and lost 3 (2) games 4 - 0.

Against individual Clubs Epsom lost 3 (2) games on both rinks.

The best match win was 31 - 22 (+9) against Pippbrook on the 4th August and the worst defeat came against Pippbrook 22 – 54 (-32) on the 30th June.

The best rink win was a 16 - 7 victory against Pippbrook on 4th August & the worst defeat on a rink was the 7 – 32 (-25) loss against Pippbrook on 30th June.

The highest total shots scored in a match was on 30th June against Pippbrook when the combined score was 76 shots (22 - 54).

The lowest combined total of shots scored was 46, (25 - 21), in the match against Brockham on the 11th August.


To date since 2001 Ken Lacey has played in 80 matches, Fred Read 63, Ron Snow 59, Bill Lawrence 47, Peter Humphreys 45 & Bob Lister 45.

The number of members who have played in the Chrystie League since 2001 is 47.  Geoff Benfield, Ron Harsum & Phil Sims made their debuts in 2014.


A little bit of history:-

Since the Chrystie League began in 2001 Epsom have played 131 matches.  Of these 72 have been won, 54 lost, 5 drawn and 9 cancelled.  4203 shots have been scored for and 3960 shots against.


The highest number of shots scored in a season was in 2004 (386) when Epsom were the Champions.  The most shots scored against in a year was in 2010 - 327.


Since 2001 Epsom have a very good record in this league, winning in 2004, and 2nd in 2003, 2005, 2006 & 2013.


All the facts on the Chrystie League can be viewed on our Website.  These include all the teams for each game played since 2001.  It also includes the number of appearances made by each member over this time.


Past Times

Epsom played Sutton on Monday 11th August and won at home, lost away and lost the match overall 33 - 44.


Home - Mick Gray  David Bragg  David Sowdon  Jim Scott  won 21 - 19

Epsom started well and led 10 - 2 after just 5 ends.  They continued to play well and led 15 - 6 after 10 ends and 20 - 8 after 15 ends.  Sutton came back strongly and won 5 of the remaining ends to close the gap to just 2 shots.

Away - Brian Kenyon  John Hart  George Sperring  Graham Naish  lost 12 - 25

After 10 ends Epsom was 7 - 13 down and 11 - 17 behind after 15 ends.  Epsom only scored 1 more shot eventually losing by 13 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 33  Sutton 44


Chrystie League

Epsom played Brockham at home on Monday 11th August 2014 and won on one rink, lost on the other but won the game overall 25 - 21 (3 - 1). 17 ends were played by both rinks.


Rink 1  Bob Blaker  Arthur Upward  Peter Humphreys  Fred Read  won 15 - 12

After 10 ends Epsom was 5 - 10 down, but recovered well to go ahead 12 - 10 after 15 ends.  They maintained this momentum and went on to win by 3 shots.

Rink 2  Phil Sims  Derek Jones  Ron Snow  Andrew Turnbull  lost 10 - 11

This was a very close game all evening.  The scores were level 6 - 6 after 10 ends, but then Epsom slipped behind 8 - 10 after 15 ends.  They finally lost by just 1 shot.

Final Score:  Epsom 25  Brockham 23   Epsom 3 points  Brockham 1 point


Sutton & District BA - BLESMA Pairs

Martin Harbottle & Tony Dunn have reached the Semi Final of the BLESMA Pairs.  They beat fellow Club members Terry Hoye & Peter Miller 23 - 18 on Monday 11th August 2014.


Martin & Tony started slowly going  3 - 8 behind after 5 ends.  They went ahead 15 - 9 after 10 ends, but Terry & Peter fought back well to draw level, 15 - 15 after 15 ends.  Martin & Tony then had the better of the remaining ends to win by 5 shots.

Martin & Tony now play Supreme or Chipstead in the Semi Final on a neutral green.  The game to be played before 30th August 2014.


Men's Friendly v The Surrey Patrons

Epsom Men played The Surrey Patrons on Sunday 10th August 2014 and won on 2 rinks, drew on 1 rink, lost on 2 rinks and won the game overall 106 - 103.

The game was started with a 'Spider' (which raised £33) and the game turned out to be a very close match on 5 rinks.  Many thanks to Lyz Warren, David Ruston & Sophie Ryckaert for looking after the Food and Martin Harbottle, George Sperring & Tony Dunn for looking after the Bar.

A cheque for £120 was presented to the Surrey Patrons after the match.


Rink 1  Tony Dunn  Derek Jones  Bob Blaker  John Huxford  lost 17 - 21

Epsom made a promising start on this rink when they led 10 - 8 after 10 ends.  The Patrons went ahead on end 14, 11 - 15, but Epsom levelled the scores 15 - 15 on the 16th end.  They went on to lose by 4 shots.

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  David Rundle  Geoff Purrott  Peter Miller  won 26 - 16

This rink played very well and kept ahead all afternoon.  They led 18 - 10 after 12 ends & 20 - 13 after 15 ends.  They continued to play well running out winners by 10 shots.

Rink 3  Phil Sims  Vic Phillips  Martin Harbottle  Graham Naish  drew 14 - 14

Epsom began well on this rink and led 12 - 7 after 14 ends.  Going into the final end Epsom held a 1 shot lead, 14 - 13, but the Patrons secured 1 shot to end up level.

Rink 4  Stefan Tomm  Tony Jackman  Terry Hoye  Pat Buckley  lost 14 - 18

This game was decided on the very last end.  The scores were level 11 - 11 after 16 ends and 14 - 14 after 20 ends.  However, The Patrons scored 4 shots on the last end.

Rink 5  David Hutchison  Eddie Needham  Peter Humphreys  John Warren  lost 18 - 19

Epsom let this game slip over the last 5 ends.  They led 10 - 5 after 10 ends & 18 - 9 after 16 ends.  The Patrons came back well and with the scores level 18 - 18 going into the last end they scored 1 shot to top a fine come back.

Rink 6  Howard Ellis  Derek Martin  David Ganney  George Sperring  won 17 - 15

This turned out to be a very close game.  The scores were level 11 - 11 after 14 ends, but The Patrons went ahead 12 - 13 on the 16th end.  Epsom fought well over the remaining 5 ends to win by 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 106  Surrey Patrons 103


East Surrey League

Epsom Men travelled to Bletchingley on Saturday 9th August 2014 and won on all 4 rinks and the match 105 - 44.  This win (+61 shots) becomes the best win since 1999 when Epsom won by 54 shots.  Epsom have an excellent record against Bletchingley since 1987 when the League began.  They have now only lost 3 games in this time, winning 23 with 1 game being abandoned.  The last time Epsom lost against Bletchingley was in 2004.


Rink 2  Brian Kenyon  Bill Lawrence  Pat Buckley  Jim Scott  won 23 - 11

Epsom got off to an excellent start when they led 8 - 0 after just 5 ends.  They kept the lead all afternoon and were 11 - 5 ahead after 10 ends, 16 - 8 in front after 15 ends going on to win by 12 shots.

Rink 3  Howard Ellis  Ron Snow Terry Hoye  George Sperring  won 30 - 9

Epsom had a commanding lead, 17 - 3 after 10 ends and 22 - 5 after 15 ends.  They finished strongly running out winners by 21 shots.

Rink 4  Bob Blaker  Derek Jones  Andrew Turnbull  John Huxford  won 19 - 15

This turned out to be a very close game. Epsom led 9 - 6 after 10 ends and 14 - 9 after 15 ends.  However, Bletchingley came back well to level the game 15 - 15 after 19 ends.  On the 20th end when John went to play his bowl he was 2 shots down, but played an excellent bowl to pick up 3 shots.  Epsom then went on to win by 4 shots.

Rink 5  Tony Dunn  Geoff Purrott  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  won 33 - 9

Epsom dominated this game all afternoon.  They led 13 - 3 after 10 ends, 17 - 8 after 15 ends and went on to win by 24 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 105  Bletchingley 44     Epsom 12 points  Bletchingley 0 points


Area 3 Top 4

Epsom Men played against Carshalton away on Friday 8th August 2014 and won 22 - 15. (20 ends played).

Rink:  Brian Kenyon  Andrew Turnbull  John Warren  John Huxford  won 22 - 15.


Epsom started really well and led 10 - 4 after 10 ends.  Carshalton levelled the scores, 10 - 10 after 12 ends, but Epsom then won the next 5 ends scoring a total of 12 shots to lead 22 - 10.  Carshalton won the next 3 ends, but Epsom restricted them to just 5 shots in total.  Carshlton conceded on the 20th end.  This was a particularly good performance as the team they played reached the quarter finals of the Surrey Fours this year.

This win puts Epsom in the Semi Final.  The Semi Final will be played at Epsom Park on Saturday 16th August 2014.  The winners will play each other in the afternoon.


East Surrey League

Re: Godstone resigning from the League

Godstone have now officially resigned from the East Surrey League.  All points and shots for/shots against have been deducted from all teams that played Godstone during this season.

However, Epsom's history will still show the result of the game played in 2014 and all the statistics relating to this game will be retained.

The final League table will, of course, reflect the correct details, but will contain reference to the game that was played by Epsom against Godstone in 2014.  Hopefully this will be clear to everyone to see.

Epsom Bowling were very sad to learn that Godstone had pulled out of the League and hope that they will continue to be a successful Club for many years to come.


Men's Friendly

Epsom Men played against Carshalton at home on Wednesday 6th August 2014 in a Triples match and won on two rinks, lost on two rinks and won the match overall 65 - 56.


Rink 1  Guy Sowdon  Derek Jones  Martin Harbottle  lost 10 - 17

Epsom started well on this rink and led 8 - 4 after 10 ends.  However, Carshalton began to play well and led 15 - 9 after 15 ends.  Epsom lost by 7 shots.  Guy Sowdon played in his very first game for Epsom.

Rink 2  Phil Sims  Vic Phillips  David Sowdon  won 22 - 10

Epsom had the upper hand in this game throughout the evening.  They led 11 - 3 after 10 ends, 14 - 8 after 15 ends & won by 12 shots.

Rink 3  Arthur Upward  Andrew Turnbull  John Huxford  won 20 - 10

This was a similar story to rink 2.  Epsom led 13 - 4 after 10 ends, 18 - 6 after 15 ends going on to win by 10 shots.

Rink 4  Bob Lister  Derek Martin  Peter Humphreys  lost 13 - 19

Epsom was adrift 7 - 9 after 10 ends & soon found themselves 9 - 17 down after 14 ends.  Epsom won the last 4 ends, but still lost by 6 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 65  Carshalton 56


Ladies' Friendly

Epsom Ladies travelled to Bookham on Wednesday 6th August in a Triples match and won on two rinks, lost on one rink and won the match overall 57 - 39.


Rink 1  Audrey Jones  Jan Allum  Jane Wheeler  won 21 - 8

Epsom started well and led 11 - 5 after 10 ends.  Bookham only scored 2 more shots and Epsom went on to win by 13 shots.

Rink 2  Sue Needham  Heather Pigden Gill Sperring  lost 15 - 20

This was a very close games for 10 ends when Epsom was ahead 8 - 7.  Unfortunately Epsom dropped 5 shots on end  13 & 6 shots on end 14 to go 11 - 18 down.  They recovered a little, but lost by 5 shots.

Rink 3    Sylvia Smart  Ruth Baker  Marilyn Walsh  won 21 - 11

After 7 ends Epsom found themselves 2 - 10 down, but then won the next 8 ends scoring a total of 17 shots to go ahead 19 - 10.  They went on to win by 10 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 57   Bookham 39


Chrystie League

Epsom travelled to Pippbrook on Monday 4th August 2014 to play in a Chrystie League match.  They had an excellent win 31 - 22 (3½ - ½).  They were well beaten 22 - 54 (0 - 4) at home earlier in the season.


Rink 1  Tony Dunn  Ken Lacey  Fred Read  Peter Humphreys  drew 15 - 15

Epsom was 3- 5 down after 5 ends & just 1 shot behind after 10 ends (8 - 9).  They had a very good last 8 ends to secure a well earned draw.

Rink 2  Bob Lister  David Ruston  Andrew Turnbull  Ron Snow  won 16 - 7

Epsom started slowly, but went into a 7 - 5 lead after 10 ends.  They out played Pippbrook for the rest of the game going on to win by 9 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 31  Pippbrook 22  Epsom 3½ points  Pippbrook ½ point


East Surrey League

Epsom men played at home against Chipstead on Sunday 3rd August 2014 and lost on 3 rinks, won on the fourth & lost the match 70 - 84.


Rink 2  Tony Dunn  John Huxford  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  lost 16 - 20

After 10 ends Epsom was 6 - 15 behind, but fought really well to get back into the game.  After 15 ends Epsom trailed by 5 shots, but Chipstead went on to win by 5 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Bill Lawrence  John Warren  Jim Scott  lost 15 - 25

After 10 ends Epsom was 7 - 11 adrift and 11 - 14 behind after 15 ends.  Chipstead dominated the rest of the game (mainly from good bowls from their skip) running out winners by 10 shots.

Rink 4  Howard Ellis  Pat Bucley  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  lost 16 - 20

This turned out to be a hard fought game.  Epsom was behind 6 - 11 after 10 ends and 10 - 14 adrift after 15 ends.  Epsom took the lead on the 17th end, 15 - 14 but Chipstead regained the lead after 18 ends.  Despite fighting really hard over the remaining ends Epsom lost by 4 shots.

Rink 5  Mick Gray  Bob Blaker  Terry Hoye  David Sowdon  won 22 - 17

Epsom had an excellent start to this game and led 13 - 3 after 10 ends.  However Chipstead came back strongly to level the scores, 15 - 15 after 15 ends.  Epsom dug deep and won the next 3 ends to lead 21 - 15.  They went on to win by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 70  Chipstead 84    Epsom 2 points  Chipstead 10 points


Commonwealth Games

Andrew Turnbull, Pauline Devereux, Frances Suttonwood &

Howard Ellis visit the Commonwealth games

Andrew, Pauline, Francis & Howard watched the Commonwealth Games at Kelvinbrook where the bowls was held. They were lucky enough to see two Gold Medal matches, the first was the Men's Triples between Northern Ireland and South Africa with South Africa taking Gold. The second game was the Men's Pairs between Scotland (Alex Marshall & Paul Foster) & Maylasia, with Scotland winning easily with probably the finest display of bowls you are likely to see.

(Photograph - from Andrew Turnbull)

Click on picture for larger version


Ladies Friendly

Epsom Ladies travelled to Epsom Park to play in a Friendly Triples match on Thursday 31st July & won on one rink, lost the second, but won overall 41 - 20.  Only 16 ends were played.


Rink 1  Audrey Jones  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren  won 28 - 6

Epsom Ladies dominated this game throughout.  They led 19 - 6 after 10 ends and Epsom Park failed to add to their score on the remaining ends leaving Epsom winners by 22 shots.

Rink 2  Heather Pigden  Maureen Trumble  Marilyn Walsh  lost 13 - 14

Epsom Ladies were 5 - 11 behind after 10 ends and came back well to lose by only 1 shot.

Final Score:  Epsom 41  Epsom Park 20


Ladies Friendly

Epsom Ladies travelled to Ewell to play in a Friendly match on Tuesday 29th July & won on both rinks & the match 51 - 14.  Only 18 ends were played on each rink.


Rink 1  Sue Needham  Mary Bragg  Sylvia Smart  Lyz Warren  won 25 - 6

After 10 ends Epsom led 9 - 5, but then dominated the rest of the game winning by 19 shots.

Rink 2  Anne Hoffmann  Maureen Trumble  Dolly Snow  Gill Sperring  won 26 - 8

After 10 ends Epsom was well ahead 15 - 4 and continued to out play Ewell.  They went on to win by 18 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 51  Ewell 14


Chrystie League v Leatherhead

Epsom Men travelled to Leatherhead on Monday 28th July 2014 to play in a Friendly match.  They won on both rinks & the match 35 - 27 (4 - 0).  This was an excellent result as Epsom had lost to Leatherhead at home earlier in the season.


Rink 1  Bob Lister  Arthur Upward  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  won 17 - 15

This rink held the lead throughout the game.  They led 5 - 3 after 5 ends, 8 - 6 after 10 ends going on to win by 2 shots.

Rink 2  Phil Sims  Vic Phillips  Fred Read  Peter Humphreys  won 18 - 12

Epsom was behind 3 - 4 after 5 ends, but came back well to take the lead 8 - 6 after 10 ends.  They finished strongly winning by 6 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 35  Leatherhead 27    Epsom 4 points  Leatherhead 0 points