Welcome to the August 2013 Newsletter.  This Newsletter will contain all information from 1st July 2013

East Surrey League v Cheam Fields

The Men & Ladies played at home on Sunday 18th August 2013 against Cheam Fields in an East Surrey League match.  The Men won convincingly 122 - 53 (6 - 0), but the Ladies lost 23 - 47 (0 - 4)



Rink 1  Howard Ellis  John Hart  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  won 31 - 16

Epsom dominated this game from the start and led 22  15 after 15 ends.  They went on to win by 15 shots.

Rink 2  Peter Salmon  Geoff Purrott  John Huxford  John Warren  won 29 - 18

After 10 ends Epsom had a commanding lead 17 - 4 and continued to play well going on to win by 11 shots.

Rink 3  David Bragg  Bill Lawrence  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller  won 28 - 9

After 10 ends this rink also had a commanding lead after 10 ends, 19 - 5.  They went on to win by 19 shots.

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Bob Blaker  Terry Hoye  Pat Buckley  won 34 - 10

This rink were in control all afternoon.  They led 16 - 8 after 10 ends, 27 - 9 after 15 ends and went on to win by 24 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 122  Cheam Fields 53  Epsom 6 points  Cheam Fields 0 points




Rink 5  Audrey Jones  Jane Wheeler  Anne Hoffmann  Marilyn Walsh  lost 11 - 24

Rink 6  Sandra Huxford  Ruth Nixon  Lyz Warren Eileen Mills  lost 12 - 23

Final Score:  Epsom  23  Cheam Fields 47    Epsom 0 points  Cheam Fields 4 points


East Surrey League v Shirley Park

The Men & Ladies travelled to Shirley Park on Saturday 17th August 2013 to play in an East Surrey League match.  The Men lost 73 - 81 (1 - 5), but the Ladies drew 38 - 38 (2 - 2)



Rink 1  Howard Ellis  Cyril Newman  Terry Berry  Graham Naish  won 24 - 13

This rink got off to an excellent start going into a 16 - 3 lead after 10 ends.  They continued to outplay Shirley Park and won by 11 shots.

Rink 2  Peter Salmon  John Hart  John Huxford  David Sowdon  lost 14 - 25

This rink were behind all afternoon.  After 10 ends they were behind 7 - 14 and continued to be outplayed finally losing by 11 shots.

Rink 3  Geoff Purrott  Martin Harbottle  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  lost 17 - 18

This turned out to be a very close game.  After 10 ends Epsom was 8 - 10 down & 11 - 13 behind after 15 ends.  They finally lost by just 1 shot.

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Bill Lawrence  Terry Hoye  John  Warren  lost 18 - 25

Epsom was 8 - 11 behind after 10 ends, but came back well to level the scores 15 - 15 after 15 ends.  However, they were outplayed over the remaining ends to lose by 7 shots.

Final Score;  Epsom73  Shirley Park 81   Epsom 1 point  Shirley Park 5 points




Rink 5  Audrey Jones  Jane Wheeler  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  won 23 - 14

Rink 6  Sandra Huxford  Mary Bragg  Lyz Warren  Marilyn Walsh  lost 15 - 24

Final Score:  Epsom  38  Shirley Park 38    Epsom 2 points  Shirley Park 2 points


Chrystie League

The Epsom Men played at home against Brockham on Monday 12th August 2013 and lost on one rink but won the second.  Epsom needed to win this game to become Champions, but the fell short by just 1 shot overall during the season.  This was a huge disappointment after winning their first 7 matches so convincingly.


Rink 1  David Ruston  Bob Lister  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  won 21 - 13

After 10 ends this rink were 5 - 7 behind, but finished really strongly to win by 8 shots.

Rink 2  Tony Dunn  Derek Martin  Ken Lacey  David Bragg  lost 14 - 24

This rink were outplayed all evening.  They were 6 - 15 down after 15 ends & lost by 10 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 35  Brockham 37  Epsom 1 point  Brockham 3 points

A full summary of the Chrystie League Summer matches will appear here shortly.


Men Friendly v Carshalton

The Epsom Men played away against Carshalton  on Wednesday 7th August 2013 and lost on all rinks. Epsom were doing well for most of the game but lost the match on each rink during the last 6 ends.


Rink 1  Howard Ellis  Eric Brown  Andrew Turnbull   lost 14 - 21

After 12 ends the scores were tied 12 - 12, but Epsom fell away over the remainder of the game to lose by 7 shots.

Rink 2  Bob Lister  Derek Hoffmann  Brian Kenyon  lost 14 - 16

Epsom had a very good 12 ends when they led 11 - 6.  However Carshalton came back well to win by 2 shots.

Rink 3  Tony Dunn  Vic Phillips  John Huxford lost 16 - 24

Epsom was level 14 - 14 after 12 ends, but Carshalton went on to win by 8 shots

Rink 4  Bill Lawrence  Derek Martin  Ron Snow  lost 14 - 16

Epsom led 12 - 9 after 12 ends, but just like the other rinks lost the rink over the last few ends.

Final Score:  Epsom 58  Carshalton 77


Ladies Friendly v Bookham

The Epsom Ladies played at home against Bookham  on Tuesday 6th August 2013 and won on 1 rink & lost the other. 


Rink 1  Sandra Huxford  Pauline Devereux  Dolly Snow  Anne Hoffmann won 26 - 16

Rink 2  Audrey Jones  Maureen Trumble  Ruth Nixon  Eileen Mills  lost 21 - 23

Final Score:  Epsom 47  Bookham 39


Chrystie League

The Epsom Men played away against Pippbrook on Monday 5th August 2013 and lost on both rinks. 


Rink 1  Tony Dunn  Derek Martin  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  lost 10 - 17

Epsom was behind all through this game.  After 10 ends they were 5- 7 down finally losing by 7 shots.

Rink 2  Bob Blaker  Bob Lister  Andrew Turnbull  John Huxford  lost 9 - 16

Epsom took an early lead 4 - 1, but then dropped a total of 10 shots to go behind 4 - 11 after 10 ends.  They lost by 7 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 19  Pippbrook 33   Epsom 0 points  Pippbrook 4 points


Chrystie League

The Epsom Men played against Leatherhead at home on Monday 29th July 2013 and lost their unbeaten record.  It was a disappointing result as they lost on both rinks & the match 25 - 31.


Rink 2  Trevor Marvel  Bob Lister  Ken Lacey  Ron Snow  lost 14 - 15

This was a close game throughout the evening.  After 10 ends the scores were level 9 - 9.  Epsom took the lead, 13 - 12 on the 16th end, but Leatherhead scored 3 shots on the 17th end to take a 2 shot lead.  Epsom managed just 1 shot on the last end to lose by 1 shot.

Rink 3  Clive Banderet  Vic Phillips  Andrew Turnbull  John Huxford  lost 11 - 16

After 6 ends Epsom was 4 - 6 down & did not score again for 5 ends and found themselves 4 - 14 adrift.  Epsom scored 7 more shots in the game, but Leatherhead won by 5 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 25  Leatherhead 31    Epsom 0 points  Leatherhead 4 points

Trevor Marvel played in his very first Chrystie League match.


Ladies Smith's League

The Epsom Ladies played against Malden Manor on Monday 29th July 2013 and won at home, but lost heavily away.  They lost the match 22 - 48.


Home:  Audrey Jones  Sylvia Smart  Lyz Warren  won 16 - 12

This was a very close game all evening.  Epsom led 7 - 6 after 10 ends, but lost the lead on the 14th end.  They came back well and won by 4 shots.

Away:  Sue Needham  Frances Suttonwood  Pauline Devereux  lost 6 - 36

The Ladies were well beaten away being out played all evening.

Final Score:  Epsom 22  Malden Manor  48


Men's Friendly v The Surrey Patrons

Epsom played the Surrey Patrons on Sunday 28th July 2013 and won on 2 rinks, lost on 3 rinks and lost the match 85 - 94.


Rink 2  Len Philpott  Peter Humphreys  Geoff Purrott  John Warren  won 21 - 17

After 10 ends Epsom was 8 - 10 down, but came back well to lead 17 - 12 after 15 ends.  They kept the lead for the rest of the game and won by 4 shots.

Rink 3  Howard Ellis  Tony Brydges  Martin Harbottle  Graham Naish  lost 11 - 23

Epsom was outplayed on this rink throughout the afternoon.  After 10 ends they were 5 - 11 behind and further adrift 6 - 18 after 15 ends. The Patrons continued to play well and Epsom lost by 12 shots.

Rink 4  Tony Jackman  Bob Blaker  David Bragg  Peter Miller  won 26 - 9

Epsom dominated this game all afternoon.  They led 14 - 3 after 10 ends & 22 - 4 after 15 ends.  They went on to win by 17 shots.

Rink 5  David Hutchison  Vic Phillips  Tony Dunn  John Huxford  lost 10 - 27

Epsom got off to a poor start finding themselves 1 - 11 down after just 5 ends.  They continued to struggle and were 6 - 18 down after 15 ends finally losing by 17 shots.

Rink 6  Derek Jones  Bill Lawrence  Derek Martin  Andrew Turnbull  lost 17 - 18

Epsom was involved in a close game on this rink.  They were 5 - 6 down after 10 ends, but drew level 11 - 11 after 15 ends.  The last 6 ends were close and Epsom led 17 - 15 going into the last end.  Unfortunately they dropped 3 shots to lose by 1 shot.

Final Score:  Epsom   85   The Surrey Patrons   94


East Surrey League

The Epsom Men & Ladies travelled the short distance to Wallington to play in an East Surrey League match on Saturday 27th July 2013.  The Men & Ladies both lost their matches.  The Men lost by 1 shot overall winning 2 rinks & losing 2 rinks.  The Ladies were beaten by 22 shots losing on both rinks.

Details - Men

Rink 1  Peter Salmon  Cyril Newman  David Sowdon  Jim Scott   lost 11 - 24

After 11 ends the scores were tied 8 - 8, but Epsom scored only 3 more shots in the game and lost by 13 shots.

Rink 2  Martin Harbottle  John Huxford  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller won 27 - 14

After 10 ends the scores were level on this rink 8 - 8.  However, Epsom had an excellent game from then on outscoring Wallington 19 shots to 6 shots to win by 13 shots.

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Bill Lawrence  John Warren  Les Owen  won 30 - 17

After 8 ends Epsom led 15 - 1, but Wallington came back well into the game and closed the gap to 8 shots after 15 ends.  Epsom finished strongly running out winners by 13 shots.

Rink 6  Howard Ellis  Terry Berry  Terry Hoye  Graham Naish  lost 13 - 27

After 15 ends Epsom led 13 - 12 but unfortunately did not score again and lost by 14 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 81  Wallington 82  Epsom 2 points  Wallington 4 points

Pat Buckley played in his 100th match in the East Surrey League.

Details - Ladies

Rink 3  Audrey Jones  Pauline File  Lyz Warren  Marilyn Walsh  lost 18 - 27

Epsom Ladies played well for 10 ends when they were just 2 shots adrift, 11 - 13.  Wallington dominated the rest of the game beating Epsom by 9 shots.

Rink 5  Sandra Huxford  Maureen Trumble  Dolly Snow  Eileen Mills  lost 18 - 31

This game was very similar to the other Ladies rink.  After 10 ends they were just 1 shot down 12 - 13.  Epsom scored only 3 more shots and lost by 13 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 36  Wallington 58  Epsom 0 points  Wallington 4 points

Pauline File played in her very first East Surrey League match


Games Night

A Games Night & Fish & Chip Supper took place at the Club on Friday 26th July 2013.  This was attended by over 60 members, friends & family.  It turned out to be a very successful evening organised by many members.  Several activities were set up including Target Bowls, Darts & Quoits.  These activities were organised by George & Gill Sperring.  The rest of the evening was organised by Betty Day & her team.  After the activities everyone enjoyed their Fish & Chips/Chicken & Chips.  A huge thanks go to everyone who helped to make the evening a huge success.


Men's Friendly Match v Newdigate

Epsom Men played away at Newdigate on Wednesday 24th July 2013 and won on two rinks and drew the third.  They won the match 68 - 45


Rink 2  Geoff Purrott  Derek Martin  Andrew Turnbull  Cyril Newman won 25 - 14

Epsom went behind 4 - 7 after the 7th end, but then scored 9 shots over the next 4 ends to lead 13 - 7.  They kept the lead from then on leading 19 - 10 after 15 ends going on to win by 11 shots.

Rink 3  Tony Dunn  Bob Lister  Eric Brown  Peter Miller won 26 - 14

After 9 ends the scores were level 7 - 7, but Epsom won the next 5 ends to lead 15 - 7.  They led 16 - 9 after 17 ends, but then scored a total of 10 shots over the next three ends to lead 26 - 9.  They dropped 5 shots on the last end but won by 12 shots.

Rink 4  Arthur Upward  Vic Phillips  Bill Lawrence  John Warren  drew 17 - 17

As the score suggests this was a close game.  After 10 ends Epsom led 8 - 7 and it was level 11 - 11 after 15 ends.  Going into the last end Epsom led by 2 shots, but Newdigate managed to draw the rink.

Final Score:  Epsom 68  Newdigate 45


Ladies' Smith's League v Cheam Fields

Epsom Ladies played Cheam Fields on Monday 22nd July 2013 and lost on both rinks.


Home:  Ruth Baker  Pauline Devereux  Anne Hoffmann  lost 17 - 25

The Epsom Ladies on this rink played very well for 13 ends against a very strong Cheam Fields team and led 17 - 12.  Unfortunately they lost the last 5 ends dropping a total of 13 shots to lose by 8 shots.

Away:  Sylvia Smart  Frances Suttonwood  Sandra Huxford  lost 9 - 24

The Epsom Ladies on this rink were outplayed all evening.  They were 6 - 13 down after 10 ends & 7 - 20 adrift after 15 ends.  The lost by 15 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 26  Cheam Fields 49


Chrystie League

Epsom played away at Bookham on Monday 22nd July 2013 in the Chrystie & continued their winning streak.  They won on both rinks and the match 37 - 26.


Rink 1  Bob Blaker  Ken Lacey  Andrew Turnbull  John Huxford   won 21 - 12

Epsom was in control of this rink all evening.  They led 9 - 5 after 10 ends and dominated the last 8 ends to win by 9 shots.

Rink 2  Tony Dunn  Derek Martin  David Ruston Ron Snow  won 16 - 14

This turned out to be a very close game.  After 10 ends the scores were level 9 - 9.  The last 8 ends were keenly contested, but Epsom went on to win by 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 37  Bookham 26    Epsom 4 points  Bookham 0 points


Mixed Friendly v The Zippers BA

Epsom played The Zippers BA on Sunday 21st July 2013 and won on 4 rinks, lost on 2 rinks & won the match 99 - 77.

It was decided to make this match 18 ends.  This match was the 7th time that Epsom has played against The Zippers BA.  The Zippers have now been going for 17 years & in this time have raised over £200,000 for good causes.  This year 8 different counties were represented & the total raised in this game for the good causes was £700 (amended from £677 after further donations received after the game).


Rink 1  Len Philpott  Peter Humphreys  Ken Lacey  Terry Hoye  lost 17 - 18

As the score suggests this was a very close game.  After 10 ends the scores were level 12 - 12 and after 15 ends Epsom were 1 shot adrift, 15 - 16.  Going into the last end Epsom needed 3 to tie, but just managed 2 shots to lose by 1 shot.

Rink 2  Audrey Jones  Derek Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  David Bragg  won 19 - 13

After 11 ends Epsom was 7 - 10 down, but then scored 5 shots on the next end to go ahead 12 - 10.  After 16 ends the scores were level, but Epsom picked up their second 5 of the game to go ahead once again 18 - 13.  They finally won by 6 shots.

Rink 3  Derek Jones   Sandra Huxford  Geoff Purrott  John Warren  lost 10 - 15

Epsom was behind all throughout this game.  After 10 ends they were behind 5 - 10 & 9 - 12 in arrears after 15 ends.  They lost by 5 shots.

Rink 4  Maggie O’Sullivan  Tony Dunn  Anne Hoffmann  Marilyn Walsh  won 17 - 9

After 10 ends Epsom was 9 - 5 ahead & 15 - 7 after 15 ends.  They went on to win by 8 shots.

Rink 5  Bob Blaker  Jane Wheeler  Ron Snow  Martin Harbottle won 17 - 11

After 10 ends Epsom led by 2 shots, 8 - 6.  Epsom then had the better of the last 8 ends outscoring The Zippers 9 - 5 to win by 6 shots.

Rink 6  Stefan Tomm  Sue Needham  Ron Mew  Les Owen  won 19 - 11

After 5 ends Epsom was 3 - 4 behind, but then had some good ends to lead 11 - 6 after 10 ends.  Epsom played well over  the last 8 ends out scoring The Zippers by 8 shots to 5 to win by 8 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 99  The Zippers BA 77


East Surrey League - Ladies

Epsom Ladies played Sutton on Thursday 18th July 2013 and drew the match (drawing on both rinks).


Rink 3  Sandra Huxford  Sylvia Smart  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills  drew 24 - 24

Epsom got off to a great start and led 16 - 8 after 10 ends.  They still led 19 - 14 after 15 ends, but Sutton came back well over the remaining 6 ends to tie the scores.

Rink 4  Maggie O’Sullivan  Jane Wheeler  Anne Hoffmann  Gill Sperring  drew 19 - 19

This was a similar game to rink 3.  Epsom led 12 - 9 after 10 ends & 16 - 12 after 15 ends.  Going into the last end Epsom was 19 - 16 ahead, but Sutton scored 3 shots to tie the game.

Final Score:  Epsom 43  Sutton 43  Epsom 2 points  Sutton 2 points

Sylvia Smart & Jane Wheeler played in their very first League match for Epsom Ladies.


Ladies Friendly Triples v Sutton

The Ladies played a one rink Triple against Sutton on Thursday 18th July 2013 and won comfortably 23 - 11 to record the Ladies first Friendly Match win of the season.


Rink 2  Audrey Jones  Ruth Baker  Maureen Trumble  won 23 - 11

Epsom dominated this Triples game throughout the afternoon.  They led 13 - 2 after just 5 ends, 19 - 6 after 10 ends & went on to win by 12 shots.


Area 3 Top 4

Epsom played Epsom Park on Thursday 18th July 2013 and lost 12 - 27.


Rink 3  Peter Salmon John Warren John Huxford Pat Buckley lost 12 - 27

Epsom was outplayed all through this game.  After 10 ends they were 7 - 11 down & 10 - 19 adrift after 15 ends.  They conceded after 19 ends losing by 15 shots.


Mixed Friendly v Brockham

Epsom played Brockham in a Mixed Friendly Triples match on Wednesday 17th July 2013 and won on all 4 rinks.  After 5 ends had been played by all rinks Epsom were 10 - 20 down, but came back strongly in the match to win by 23 shots.


Rink 2  Tony Dunn  Vic Phillips  Marilyn Walsh  won 15 - 12

This turned out to be a close game all evening.  Epsom led 9 - 6 after 10 ends & 12 - 11 after 15 ends.  The last few ends were keenly contested, but Epsom went on to win by 3 shots.

Rink 3  Derek Jones  Lyz Warren  Andrew Turnbull  won 17 - 12

This Triple got off to a poor start and soon found themselves 1 - 11 down.  However, they closed the gap 5 - 11 after 10 ends and drew level 12 - 12 after 15 ends.  On the 16th end they took the lead and went on to win by 5 shots.

Rink 4  Audrey Jones  Derek Martin  John Huxford  won 16 - 14

After 10 ends this Triple was 8 - 9 down, but came back well to go ahead 15 - 11 after 15 ends.  They held on to win by 2 shots.

Rink 5  Bob Lister  Jane Wheeler  John Warren  won 21 - 8

This Triple was in control all evening.  They led 12 - 4 after 10 ends, 18 - 5 after 15 ends and won comfortably by 13 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 69  Brockham 46


Chrystie League

Epsom played away at Esher on Monday 15th July 2013 in the Chrystie & maintained their 100% record for the season by winning 36 - 23 (3 - 1).


Rink 1  Arthur Upward  Vic Phillips  Ken Lacey  John Huxford  lost 14 - 17

Epsom started well on this rink, but soon lost their way finding themselves 6 - 14 down after 10 ends.  Epsom outscored Esher 8 - 3 over the next 8 ends, but lost by 3 shots.

Rink 2  Derek Jones  Bob Lister  David Ruston  Ron Snow  won 22 - 6

After 10 ends Epsom led 10 - 4 and had an excellent last 8 ends running out winners by 16 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 36  Esher 23    Epsom 3 points  Esher 1 point


Mixed Friendly v Ashtead

Epsom played Ashtead in a Mixed Friendly match on Sunday 14th July 2013 and won on all 6 rinks.  They won 125 - 53.


Rink 1  Len Philpott  Sue Needham  Eric Brown  Geoff Purrott   won 21 - 10

After 9 ends Epsom was 7 - 10 down.  However, Ashtead did not score again allowing Epsom to score a total of 14 shots over the remaining 9 ends to win by 11.

Rink 2  Howard Ellis  Jane Wheeler  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  won 27 - 3

Epsom totally dominated this game allowing Ashtead to score on only three ends in the game.  Epsom won by 24 shots.

Rink 3  Sandra Huxford  Derek Martin  Tony Dunn  John Warren  won 17 - 14

Epsom started well going into a 6 - 0 lead after 3 ends.  However, Ashtead won the next 6 ends to go into a 6 - 11 lead.  Epsom came back strongly in the second half to win by 3 shots.

Rink 4  Bill Lawrence  Bob Blaker  Terry Hoye  Marilyn Walsh  won 20 - 7

Epsom led 10 - 3 after 10 ends and continued to dominate the game running out winners by 13 shots.

Rink 5  Maggie O’Sullivan  Nancy Smillie  Ron Mew  Les Owen  won 14 - 13

As the final score suggests this was a close game all afternoon.  Epsom led 7 - 6 after 10 ends and 12 - 10 after 15 ends.  Ashtead finished strongly and needing 3 shots to draw on the last end managed just 2 shots.  Epsom winning a close game by just 1 shot.

Rink 6  David Ruston  Eddie Needham  Lyz Warren  John Huxford  won 26 - 6

Another one sided game with Epsom winning 14 of the 18 ends.  They led 10 - 2 after 10 ends, 21 - 3 after 15 ends & went on to win by 20 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 125  Ashtead 53


Mixed Friendly v Reigate Priory

Epsom travelled to Reigate Priory on Saturday 13th July 2013 to play in a Mixed Friendly match. They won on 2 rinks, lost the third but won overall 65 - 37.


Rink 2  Sandra Huxford  Sue Needham  David Ruston  John Warren  lost 20 - 23

After 10 ends Epsom was 11 - 15 down.  They came back well in the last 8 ends, but fell short by 3 shots.

Rink 3  Audrey Jones  Eddie Needham  Andrew Turnbull  Derek Hoffmann   won 28 - 5

After 6 ends the score was 5 - 4 to Epsom.  However, they won the next 9 ends scoring a total of 20 shots to take a commanding lead 25 - 4.  They finally won by 23 shots.

Rink 4  Arthur Upward  Derek Jones  Lyz Warren  John Huxford  won 17 - 7

Epsom held the lead throughout this game.  They led 8 - 4 after 10 ends and outscored Reigate Priory  9 - 5 over the remaining 8 ends to win by 8 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 65  Reigate Priory 37


East Surrey League - Top 10

Epsom Men played at home against Shirley Park on Saturday 13th July 2013 and lost 67 - 75 (1 - 3.)


Singles:  Graham Pilbrow  lost 19 - 21

This turned out to be a very close game.  After 12 ends the scores were level 11 - 11.  On the 16th end Graham held a 2 shot advantage 15 - 13, but his opponent drew level, 16 - 16 on end 18.  Going into the 21st end Graham was 16 - 20 down, but then scored 3 shots to be just 1 behind.  His opponent managed to score the 1 shot on the next end to win a very close game 21 - 19.

Pairs:  Pat Buckley  David Sowdon  won 22 - 18

After 8 ends Epsom had a good lead 13 - 4 and still had the lead, 16 - 12 after 15 ends.  On the 18th end Epsom dropped 4 shots to lead by only 1 shot, but they finished well winning by 4 shots.

Triples:  Stefan Tomm  Peter Salmon  Peter Miller  lost 13 - 18

Epsom had an excellent start on this rink and were leading 11 - 4 after 9 ends.  They then dropped a total of 11 shots over the next 5 ends to go behind 11 - 15.  They did not recover from this and lost by 5 shots.

Fours:  Ron Mew  Terry Hoye  John Hart  Graham Naish  lost 13 - 19

After 14 ends the scores were level 10 - 10, but Shirley Park had a good 7 ends to win by 6 shots.

Final Score:  Epson 67  Shirley Park 75    Epsom 1 point  Shirley Park 3 points


Past Times 'A' Team

Epsom Men played Dorking on Saturday 13th July 2013 and lost 29 - 48.

Epsom won at home, but lost heavily away.


Home:  Bill Lawrence  Tony Dunn Ron Snow  Geoff Purrott    won 19 - 11

Epsom played well and held a 10 - 5 advantage after 10 ends.  They continued to play well going on to win by 8 shots.

Away:  David Hutchison  Frank Thompson  Bob Blaker  John Huxford    lost 10 - 37

Because of a clash of fixtures Epsom had to play 2 very inexperienced bowlers on this rink.  Unfortunately the rink was totally out played by Dorking.  After 6 ends they were behind by just 1 shot 5 - 6.  However, they lost the next 7 ends dropping a total of 16 shots.  They failed to recover from this set back and finally lost by 27 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 29  Dorking 48

David Hutchison, Tony Dunn & Frank Thompson played in their very first representative game for Epsom Bowling Club in this Competition.


Chrystie League

Epsom Men travelled to Brockham on Monday 8th July 2013 to play their 5th game in the Chrystie League.  They won on one rink, lost the 2nd but won overall 31 - 25 (3 - 1).


Rink 1  Tony Dunn  Derek Martin  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  won 19 - 10

This was a very even game for 10 ends when Epsom held a 1 shot advantage 6 - 5.  Epsom had the better of the remaining 8 ends outscoring Brockham 13 - 5 to win by 9 shots.

Rink 2  Howard Ellis  Bob Blaker  Andrew Turnbull  John Huxford  lost 12 - 15

From the 4th end onwards Epsom were always trailing Brockham.  They were 8 - 10 down after 10 ends, 10 - 13 behind after 15 ends finally losing by 3 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 31  Brockham 25    Epsom 3 points  Brockham 1 point


East Surrey League

Epsom Men travelled to Dorking to play in an East Surrey League Match.  They won on 3 rinks, lost on one rink & won the match 114 - 56 (5 - 1).


Rink 1  Howard Ellis  Terry Berry  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 32 - 11

This rink was leading 10 - 7 after 9 ends and then won the next 6 ends scoring a total of 15 shots to take a commanding lead 25 - 7.  Epsom continued to dominate the game and won by 21 shots.

Rink 2  Stefan Tomm  David Bragg  Terry Hoye  Jim Scott  won 26 - 12

After 10 ends Epsom led 12 - 6 and dominated the game from then on.  They outscored Dorking 14 shots to 6 over the second half to win by 14 shots.

Rink 4  Martin Harbottle  Bill Lawrence  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  lost 18 - 20

Epsom got off to a poor start on this rink finding themselves 5 - 10 down after 10 ends. Epsom just shaded the rest of the game, but fell short by 2 shots.

Rink 6  Brian Kenyon  Ron Mew  John Hart  Les Owen  won 38 - 13

Epsom dominated this game all afternoon allowing Dorking to win just 4 ends.  They led 22 - 3 after 10 ends, 33 - 7 after 15 ends & went on to win by 25 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 114  Dorking 56  Epsom 5 points  Dorking 1 point.


Mixed Match v Epsom Park

Epsom played a mixed match against Epsom Park on Saturday 6th July 2013 and drew 77 - 77.  Only 18 ends were played.

This was a rearranged game scheduled to be played on Wednesday 22nd May 2013.


Rink 1  Audrey Jones  Mary Bragg  Bob Blaker  Geoff Purrott  lost 5 - 22

After 5 ends Epsom was 1 shot behind 2 - 3.  However, they lost the next 9 ends to go 3 - 14 down.  They eventually lost by 17 shots.

Rink 2  Derek Jones  Sue Needham  Tony Dunn  Terry Hoye won 25 - 8

Epsom led 10 - 4 after 10 ends and dominated the rest of the game running out winners by 17 shots.

Rink 5  Len Philpott  Maggie O’Sullivan  Andrew Turnbull  John Huxford  lost 9 - 16

After 10 ends the score was 5 - 8, but Epsom only won one more end to lose by 7 shots.

Rink 6  Arthur Upward  Sandra Huxford  Gill Sperring  David Bragg  won 18 - 11

Epsom held the lead all through this game.  They led 13 - 5 after 10 ends & went on to win by 7 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 77  Epsom Park 77


Ladies Friendly v Churchfields

Epsom Ladies played Churchfields in a Friendly match on Tuesday 2nd July 2013 and lost on both rinks.


Rink 3  Audrey Jones  Sue Needham  Maureen Trumble  Dolly Snow  lost 17 - 25

Rink 4  Pauline Devereux  Mary Bragg  Jane Wheeler  Marilyn Walsh  lost 17 - 21

Final Score:  Epsom 34  Churchfields 46


Mixed Friendly v Medway BA

Epsom played Medway BA in a Mixed Friendly match on Wednesday 3rd July 2013 and won 3 rinks, lost 3 rinks and lost the match overall by 28 shots.


Rink 1  Howard Ellis  Pauline Devereux  Brian Kenyon  Geoff Purrott   won 25 - 13

Epsom led 11 - 7 after 10 ends, 20 - 8 after 15 ends & went on to win by 12 shots.

Rink 2  Audrey Jones Tony Jackman  Dolly Snow  John Warren  won 24 - 21

After 9 ends the scores were level 10 - 10, but Epsom played well over the remaining ends scoring 14 shots to Medway's  11 shots to win by 3 shots.

Rink 3  Maggie O’Sullivan  Bob Blaker  Tony Dunn  Ron Mew  lost 11 - 21

After 10 ends Epsom was 2 - 10 behind and still 6 shots adrift after 15 ends.  They ended up losing by 10 shots.

Rink 4  Bill Lawrence  Jane Wheeler  Sylvia Smart  Peter Miller  won 22 - 20

Epsom dominated this game for 12 ends when they led 17 - 7.  However, Medway had a good second half to be 21 - 20 down going into the last end.  Epsom won the last end to win narrowly by 2 shots.

Rink 5  Len Philpott  Sue Needham  Jan Allum  Graham Naish  lost 13 - 24

This rink was outplayed all afternoon.  They were 5 - 11 down after 10 ends, further adrift 7 - 22 after 15 ends finally losing by 11 shots.

Rink 6  Derek Jones  Mary Bragg  Lyz Warren  Cyril Newman  lost 9 - 33

After 6 ends Epsom were losing 3 - 7, but then lost the next 7 ends dropping a total of 17 shots.  They finally lost by 24 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 104  Medway BA 132

The following was received from Medway after the game:

Hi Martin
I would like to say thank you to your members for a great day out, the company was second to none, the food was to die for, many. Many thanks to the kitchen staff and not forgetting the bar staff. The whole day was fantastic
Thank you very much for all you did to make us welcome. I hope you will have us back.
Kind regards Eddy


Men's Friendly v Leatherhead

Epsom Men travelled to Leatherhead on Saturday 29th June 2013 to play a Friendly Match.  They won on 3 rinks, lost on one rink and won overall 77 - 53.


Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  Vic Phillips  Len Philpott  Cyril Newman  won 23 - 14

Epsom was ahead throughout this game.  They led 10 - 7 after 10 ends, 18 - 10 after 15 ends and went on to win by 9 shots.

Rink 3  Derek Jones  Derek Martin  Eric Brown  John Warren   won 23 - 16

Epsom had a poor start on this rink, but levelled the scores 11 - 11 after 10 ends. They restricted Leatherhead to scoring just 1 shot on 5 ends in the second half and went on to win by 7 shots.

Rink 4  Howard Ellis  Andrew Turnbull  Bob Blaker  Geoff Purrott    lost 10 - 14

After 14 ends Epsom was 9 - 8 down, but Leatherhead won 6 of the remaining ends to win by 4 shots.

Rink 5  Arthur Upward  Tony Jackman  Tony Dunn  John Huxford  won 21 - 9

After 10 ends Epsom led 10 - 3 and dominated the rest of the game to run out winners by 12 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 77  Leatherhead 53


Chrystie League

Epsom created history in the Chrystie League on Monday 1st July 2013 by winning their first 4 games of the season 4 - 0.  They won 38 - 30 (4 - 0) against Pippbrook.


Rink 4  Howard Ellis  Vic Phillips  Bob Blaker  John Huxford  won 20 - 16

Epsom staged a remarkable come back in this game.  After 5 ends they were 1 - 8 down, 5 - 14 adrift after 10 ends, but came storming back into the game to level the scores on the 17th end 16 - 16.  They completed the great come back by scoring 4 shots on the final end to win by 4 shots. (Some say it was Bob who changed the course of the game by borrowing Howards Cap to shield him from the sun!!)

Rink 5  Clive Banderet  Bob Lister  Derek Martin  Ken Lacey  won 18 - 14

This rink also struggled in the first 10 ends when they were 4 - 7 down.  They drew level on the 12th end, 7 - 7, but then went ahead by scoring 6 shots on end 13.  They continued to dominate the game and despite dropping 3 shots on the last end they won by 4 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 38  Pippbrook 30    Epsom 4 points  Pippbrook 0 points