East Surrey League - Men

Epsom played against Wallington on Saturday 31st July at home. Wallington came to this game leading the League so Epsom were expecting a challenge.  Epsom played well all afternoon winning 3 rinks and losing the  third on the very last end.   Epsom won the match 95 - 61 (5 - 1).  This is the tenth year in a row that Epsom have beaten Wallington in the League.


Rink 1  Terry Hoye  John Warren  Jim Scott  Graham Pilbrow  won 27 - 16

After 10 ends Epsom had moved into a 6 shot lead (15 - 9) and went further ahead, 21 - 9 after 15 ends.  They went on to win by 11 shots.

Rink 4  Martin Harbottle  Derek Hoffmann  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  lost 14 - 18

This turned out to be a very close game all afternoon.  After 10 ends Epsom led 9 - 7, but the scores were tied 11 - 11 at 15 ends.  Going into the last end the scores were once again level, 14 - 14, but the Wallington skip played into the head with his first bowl turning 1 shot down to 4 shots up for Wallington.  This was not altered so Epsom lost by 4 shots.

Rink 5  Brian Kenyon  Geoff Purrott  David Sowdon  Les Owen  won 18 - 17.

This was also a very close game, but Epsom held a 10 - 7 advantage after 10 ends and were 17 - 11 up after 15 ends.  Wallington then won the next 4 ends to close the gap, but Epsom held on to win by just the 1 shot.

Rink 6  Stefan Tomm  John Hart  George Sperring  Graham Naish  won 36 - 10 *

This turned out to be a one sided game with Wallington scoring on just 5 ends.  After 10 ends they led 10 - 6 went further ahead at 15 ends, 24 - 8 and won comfortably by 26 shots.

Final Details:  Epsom 95 shots  Wallington 61 shots  Epsom 5 points  Wallington 1 point

* Highest winning rink


East Surrey League - Ladies

The Ladies also played Wallington on Saturday 31st July and lost on 1 rink but drew on the other.  They lost overall 34 - 40


Rink 2  Audrey Jones  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring  drew 20 - 20

After 10 ends the scores were level, 9 - 9 but Epsom went ahead 15 - 12 after 15 ends.  The game became nip and tuck to the end and ended up level 20 - 20.

Rink 3  Jan Allum  Maureen Trumble  Lyz Warren  Jo Ellis  lost 14 - 20

Epsom found themselves behind throughout this game.  After 10 ends they were down 6 - 12 and were always struggling to catch up and finally lost by 6 shots.

Final Scores:  Epsom 34 shots  Wallington 40 shots  Epsom 1/2  Wallington 3 1/2

Audrey Jones played in her very first League game in this match.


Chrystie League

Epsom played against Pippbrook on Monday 26th July and won 39 - 21


Rink 1  Ken Phillpot  Arthur Upward  Ken Lacey  Roy Doughty  won 17 - 13

After 10 ends were 10 - 5 down, but went ahead 12 - 11 after 15 ends.  They continued to make further progress winning by 4 shots.

Rink 2  Derek Jones  Derek Martin  Bob Lister  Fred Read  won 22 - 8

This turned out to be an excellent evening for this rink.  They led 15 - 5 after 10 ends, 18 - 7 after 15 ends finally winning by 14 shots.

Final Result:  Epsom  39 shots  Pippbrook 21 shots    Epsom 4 points  Pippbrook 0 points


Mixed Friendly

Epsom  played Ashtead away in a Mixed match on 18th July 2010.  They won on 2 rinks but lost on 4 rinks to lose overall 100 - 117.

Rink 1  Derek Martin  Ruth Nixon  John Huxford  Ron Snow  won 17 - 15

This was a very close match.  The scores were tied, 9 - 9 after 10 ends, but Epsom fell behind 11 - 13 after 15 ends.  They finished strongly winning by 2 shots.

Rink 2  David Ruston  Ann Bailey  Derek Hoffmann  Lyz Warren   lost 19 - 20

This also was a close match.  Epsom led 9 - 7 after 10 ends, fell behind 11 - 14 after 15 ends but despite scoring a 5 on end 19 they lost narrowly by 1 shot.

Rink 3  John Southam  Roy Doughty  Anne Hoffmann  Terry Hoye lost 10 - 23

This rink struggled all afternoon finding themselves 4 - 12 down after 10 ends, further behind 6 - 17 after 15 ends and failed to make much more impact in the match.  They finally lost by 13 shots.

Rink 4  Olive Phillips  Sandra Huxford  Eric Brown  John Warren  lost 16 - 19

Despite leading at 10 & 15 ends Epsom allowed Ashtead to take the initiative over the last few ends and lost by 3 shots.

Rink 5  Sue Needham  Derek Jones  Dolly Snow  David Sowdon  won 22 - 15

Another close match, but Epsom were ahead 14 - 12 after 15 ends and went on to win by 7 shots.

Rink 6  Audrey Jones  Vic Phillips  Jan Allum  Geoff Purrott  lost 16 - 25

Epsom were ahead up to end 14 then lost the lead 13 - 14 and continued to drop shots over the last few ends to lose by 9 shots.

 Final Score:  Epsom 100 shots  Ashtead 117 shots.


Mixed Friendly

Epsom played Brockham in a Mixed Triples match on Wednesday 21st July 2010 and won the match 61 - 54.


Rink 1  Audrey Jones  Roy Doughty  Ron Snow  won 18 - 9

This rink was ahead 8 - 6 after 10 ends, 14 - 8 after 15 ends and won comfortably by 9 shots.

Rink 2  Derek Martin  John Huxford  Lyz Warren  lost 12 - 14

Despite a good start Epsom fell behind 10 - 13 after 15 ends and despite a good finish lost by just 2 shots.

Rink 3  Derek Jones  David Ruston  Eric Brown  lost 10 - 16

This rink was behind all through the match eventually losing by 6 shots.

Rink 4  Tessa Hurworth  Bob Lister  John Warren  won 21 - 15

Epsom dominated the first 15 ends.  They led 15 - 2 after 10 ends, 20 - 6 after 15 ends but Brockham came back strongly over the last 3 ends but Epsom still won by 6 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 61 shots  Brockham 54 shots.


Ladies Friendly

The Ladies played a Triples match at home against Cheam Ladies on 8th July 2010.  They won on 2 rinks and lost on the third.


Rink 3  Freda Starkey  Anne Hoffmann  Maureen Trumble  lost 17 - 21

Epsom had a 15 - 9 shot lead after 10 ends, but had a poor second half dropping 12 shots and lost by 4 shots.

Rink 4  Maggie O’Sullivan  Ann Bailey  Eileen Mills  won 20 - 15

After 10 ends Epsom were leading 12 - 7, but Cheam came back to within 1 shot, 14 - 13 after 15 ends.  Epsom went into the last end 1 down but all 3 players played well on this final end and picked up 6 shots to win by 5 shots.

Rink 5  Audrey Jones  Dolly Snow  Jo Ellis  won 15 - 13

This turned out to be a close game all afternoon.  Epsom led 7 - 6 after 10 ends, 13 - 10 after 15 ends and held on to win by just 2 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 52 shots  Cheam 49 shots.


East Surrey League - Ladies

The Ladies played Sutton in a League match on Thursday 22nd July 2010 and lost on both rinks.

Rink 2   Maggie O’Sullivan  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring  lost 13 - 19

Epsom held the lead right up to the 14th end.  Sutton drew level on the 15th end 11 - 11 and then dominated play to the end scoring a total of 8 shots to Epsom's 2 shots.  Epsom losing by 6 shots.

Rink 4  Freda Starkey  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren  Jo Ellis  lost 13 - 23

After 10 ends Epsom were trailing 8 - 10 and after 19 ends were just 1 shot behind.  However, Sutton then scored a 6 on end 20 followed by a 3 on the last end to win by 10 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 26 shots  Sutton 42 shots  Epsom 0 points  Sutton 4 points


Ladies Friendly

The Ladies played one rink away against Sutton Ladies on 22nd July 2010.  They lost 19 - 23


Rink 3  Trish Tewfik  Tessa Hurworth  Jan Allum  Maureen Trumble  lost 19 - 23

Epsom were well down after 10 ends, 5 - 14 and went further behind 10 - 22 after 15 ends.  The last 6 ends belonged to Epsom when they scored 9 shots to Sutton's 1 shot.  However, this was not quite enough and they lost by 2 shots.


Area 3 Top 4

Epsom played against Old Coulsdon on Friday 23rd July and lost 21 - 28

The rink was:

Terry Hoye, Ted Ray, Pat Buckley & Peter Miller


Sutton & District Bowling Association

Epsom played against Ashtead on Saturday 24th July and won 71 - 52.


Rink 2  Geoff Purrott  David Sowdon  Ron Mew  Graham Naish  won 20 - 18

After 10 ends Epsom held a 1 shot lead, 11 - 10 but went behind 17 - 14 after 15 ends.  Epsom finished strongly winning the last 5 ends to snatch victory by 2 shots.

Rink 3  Martin Harbottle  Terry Hoye  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  lost 18 - 20

Epsom held a 1 shot lead after 10 ends, 8 - 7.  The second half was very close and the scores were level, 16 - 16 after 19 ends.  Unfortunately Epsom dropped 4 shots on the 20th end and could not get these back on the last end and lost by 2 shots.

Rink 5  John Hart  John Warren  Jim Scott  Graham Pilbrow   won 33 - 14

Epsom were in complete control throughout this game.  After 10 ends they held a commanding lead 17 - 3.  The second half also belonged to Epsom and they went on to win by 19 shots.

Final Result:  Epsom 71 shots  Ashtead 52 shots.


Past Times ('B')

Epsom played Chipstead on Monday 19th July and won on one rink and lost on the other.


Rink 1  Away  Brian Kenyon  John Warren  Ron Mew  Jim Scott  won 26 - 11

After 10 ends Epsom led 13 - 3.  They continued to dominate the game scoring 13 shots to Chipstead's 8 shots during the second half.

Rink 2  Home  Stefan Tomm  John Hart  Terry Hoye  Graham Naish  lost 12 - 21

This was a difficult game for Epsom.  They were 9 - 0 down after 6 ends, 13 - - 5 adrift at 10 ends and failed to get into the game during the second half losing eventually by 9 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 38 shots  Chipstead 32 shots.

Epsom 'B' now play against the Epsom 'A' side.  'B' are the challengers.


Chrystie League

Epsom played Esher on Monday 12th July and won on one rink and lost on the other.


Rink 1  Derek Martin  Bob Lister  Ken Lacey  Peter Humphreys  won 18 - 12

This rink was in the lead all evening.  They led 11 - 2 after 10 ends, led 17 - 8 after 15 ends eventually won by 6 shots.

Rink 2  Derek Jones  Vic Phillips Ron Snow  Fred Read  lost 10 - 30

This rink struggled all evening.  They were behind 5 - 16 after 10 ends, further behind 7 - 26 after 15 ends, and lost heavily by 20 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 28 shots  Esher 42 shots   Epsom 1 point  Esher 3 points.


Chrystie League

Epsom played Brockham on Monday 19th July and won on one rink and lost on the other.


Rink 1  Ken Phillpot  Derek Jones  Ken Lacey  Fred Read lost 16 - 18

This rink was very close all evening.  The scores were level 12 - 12 after 10 ends, and still level, 15 - 15 after 15 ends but Brockham stole victory right at the end to win by just 2 shots.

Rink 2  Bill Lawrence   David Ruston  Alan Wybrow  Peter Humphreys  won 17 - 5

This rink got off to an excellent start.  They led 11 - 1 after 10 ends, 15 - 3 after 15 ends, and won comfortably by 12 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 33 shots  Brockham 23 shots   Epsom 3 points  Esher 1 point.


Past Times - 'A' Team

Epsom played Old Coulsdon 


Home:  Geoff Purrott  Derek Hoffmann  David Sowdon  Graham Pilbrow  15 - 19

After 10 ends this rink was leading 10 - 4, but Old Coulsdon came back into the game and led 14 - 11 after 15 ends.  Epsom eventually lost by 4 shots.

Away:   Bill Lawrence  Cyril Newman  Ted Ray  Peter Miller  23 - 8

The away rink was in control right from the start and led 18 - 5 after 15 ends and went on to win comfortably by 15 shots.

Derek Hoffmann played in his first game in the Past Times Competition.


Final Result:  Epsom 38  Old Coulsdon 27


East Surrey League

Epsom played at home against Dorking on Sunday 11th July and won on 3 rinks  and lost on one.


Rink 2  Bill Lawrence  Derek Hoffmann  Peter Miller  Pat Buckley    won 19 - 16

This turned out to be quite a close game throughout the afternoon.  Epsom led 10 - 6 after 10 ends, 11 - 10 after 15 ends and won by 3 shots.

Rink 3  John Hart  Cyril Newman  John Warren  Jim Scott  won 46 - 15*

This turned out to be a very one sided affair as Epsom dominate play all afternoon.  They led 32 - 4 after just 10 ends, 39 - 12 after 15 ends and won by 31 shots.  This win becomes the second highest shot difference score on a rink (the highest was the 40 - 6 win at Purley at the beginning of 2010).

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Geoff Purrott  Ron Mew  Graham Pilbrow  won 26 - 12

This rink had an excellent start and led 16 - 5 after 10 ends, 20 - 9 after 15 ends and went on to win by 14 shots.

Rink 5  Stefan Tomm  Len Philpott  George Sperring  Graham Naish  lost 13 - 26

This rink struggled throughout the afternoon and were 5 - 15 down after 10 ends, 9 - 22 after 15 ends and failed to make further impact in the game.  They lost by 13 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 104 shots  Dorking 69 shots  Epsom 5 points  Dorking 1 point

* Highest winning rink


Surrey Ladies Fours

Epsom ladies Maggie O'Sullivan, Anne Hoffmann, Eileen Mills and Gill Sperring reach the Semi Final in the Surrey Fours. 


Surrey Un Badged Singles

Pat Buckley played in the Semi Final of the Surrey County Un Badged Singles at Chipstead on Wednesday 14th July.  He lost 12 - 21 against Ian Dexter from West Byfleet.

Congratulations Pat from all of Epsom Bowling Club on reaching the Semi Final.


Surrey Un Badged Singles

Pat Buckley reached the Semi Final of the Surrey County Un Badged Singles at Epsom on Wednesday 7th July.  He won 21 - 5 against Chipstead.

This round of the singles, in recent years, has always been played at Epsom so it was good to see an Epsom player at his home ground.

Pat played against a very good young prospect in the game of bowls, Damian Olver, from Chipstead.  Damian is already making a name for himself in the game having qualified for his County Badge this year at the tender age of 18.

After 6 ends Pat held a 2 shot lead 5 - 3, but he then dominated the game for the next 8 ends scoring a total of 15 shots to lead 20 - 3.  Damian then scored two shots and immediately took the mat right up the green.  He held 3 shots on this end and Pat, with his last bowl, trailed the jack right back to the end of the rink to hold game.  Damian tried to draw the shot but fell short leaving Pat with an outstanding win 21 - 5.

Pat plays the Semi Final at Chipstead on Wednesday 14th July.

Well done Pat from all of Epsom Bowling Club.


Surrey Ladies Fours

Epsom ladies Maggie O'Sullivan, Anne Hoffmann, Eileen Mills and Gill Sperring reach the last 16 in the Surrey Fours.  They beat Cheam Fields 15 - 14.


Chrystie League

Epsom played Leatherhead on Monday 5th July and won on one rink and drew on the other.


Rink 1  David Ruston  Vic Phillips  Ken Lacey  Fred Read  won 23 - 7

This rink was in the lead all evening.  They led 11 - 3 after 10 ends, led 18 - 4 after 15 ends eventually won by 16 shots.

Rink 2  Derek Martin  Bob Lister  Alan Wybrow  Ron Snow  drew 15 - 15

This rink was also ahead all evening.  They led 11 - 9 after 10 ends, led 15 - 11 after 15 ends, but let Leatherhead back in to snatch a draw on the last end.

Final Score:  Epsom 38 shots  Leatherhead 22 shots   Epsom 3˝ points  Leatherhead ˝ point.


East Surrey League - Men

Epsom played Godstone on Sunday 4th July.   They won three of the four rinks and the match 103 - 55.


Rink 1  Geoff Purrott  Cyril Newman  Jim Scott  Graham Pilbrow   won 34 - 8*

This rink dominated the play all afternoon.  They held a 22 - 7 lead after 15 ends and won 14 of the 21 ends to win comfortably.

Rink 2 Bill Lawrence  John Warren  George Sperring  Graham Naish   won 19 - 14

After 14 ends the scores were level 10 - 10.  The rink then lost the lead, but recovered well scoring on 5 of the last 6 ends to win by 5 shots.

Rink 3  Brian Kenyon  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Mew  Les Owen  lost 15 - 19

This team played on was a real challenging rink.   The rink started well enough, leading 7 - 0, however, Godstone's lead played very well throughout and they won ends 10 - 13 to take the lead.  Epsom came back to be just 1 shot behind going into the last end but dropped 3 more shots to lose by 4 overall.

Rink 6  Martin Harbottle  John Huxford  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  won 35 - 14

This was very close for 9 ends when Godstone led 10 - 9.  Epsom then had 4 excellent ends scoring a total of 14 shots.  They continued to dominate play and they too won comfortably by 21 shots.

Final Scores:  Epsom 103 shots  Godstone 55 shots    Epsom 5 points  Godstone 1 point

This win has given Epsom their best winning run against an East Surrey League team - 11 wins in a row against Godstone.

*Highest winning rink


East Surrey League - Ladies


Rink 4 Maggie O'Sullivan  Ruth Nixon  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills won 21 - 13*

Epsom was ahead throughout this game.  They led 14 - 6 after 10 ends, 17 - 9 after 15 ends winning by 8 shots at the end.

Rink 5  Freda Starkey  Dolly Snow  Jan Allum  Gill Sperring  lost 24 - 25

Epsom was 13 - 12 up after 10 ends, increased their lead 21 - 16 after 15 ends, but dropped 3 2's on the final 3 ends to lose by just 1 shot.

Final Scores: Final Scores:  Epsom 45 shots  Godstone 38 shots    Epsom 3 points  Godstone 1 point

*Highest winning rink


East Surrey League - Top 10

Epsom played Shirley Park on Saturday 3rd July.  This once again proved to be a very close match, however Epsom could only manage to win the Singles.


Singles:  Graham Pilbrow  Won 21 - 17

Graham led 13 - 5 after 10 ends and was 20 - 13 up after 20 ends.  He then dropped 6 shots over two ends, but held on to win.

Pairs:  Stefan Tomm/Graham Naish  lost 14 - 26

The Epsom pair had a very poor start, but pulled back well to be just 3 shots behind at 10 ends.  They came back to be just 3 shots behind after 16 ends, but then dropped a 4.  They never recovered finally losing by 12 shots.

Triples:  Brian Kenyon/Ron Mew/Les Owen  lost 13 - 18

After 8 ends it was 6 - 6, but Shirley Park went ahead 15 - 8 after 14 ends.  Epsom then scored 4 shots over 2 ends, but this was not quite enough and they too lost.

Fours:  Terry Hoye/Martin Harbottle/Pat Buckley/Peter Miller lost 15 - 16

The fours also got off to a poor start and were 8 - 0 down after 6 ends.  From then on the game was very close.  Epsom drew level 14 - 14 after 19 ends, went ahead 15 - 14 on the next end, but Shirley Park snatched a close win with 2 shots on the last end.

Final Scores:  Epsom 1   Shirley Park 3    Epsom 63 shots  Shirley Park 77 shots.


Men's Friendly v Chessington on Wednesday 30th June

Rink 2  Bob Lister  Derek Jones  Ken Lacey  Brian Kenyon  won 27 - 22

Epsom led 15 - 9 after 10 ends and had a very good second half outscoring Chessington by 12 - 5.

Rink 3  Arthur Upward  Tony Jackman  Alan Wybrow  David Sowdon  lost 14 - 21

Epsom was behind all through this game.  They trailed 11 - 5 after 10 ends, fell further behind 17 - 9 after 15 ends and although they scored 4 shots over the last 3 ends they lost.

Rink 4  Bill Lawrence  Derek Martin    Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  won 21 - 14

This was a very close game in the first half, however Epsom dominated the second half to win by 7 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 62  Chessington 57


Men's Friendly v Leatherhead on Saturday 3rd July

This turned out to be a disastrous result for Epsom as they lost by 56 shots

Rink 2  Ken Phillpot  Vic Phillips  Len Philpott Geoff Purrott  won 24 - 21

After 10 ends Epsom was 8 - 12 down and was still behind by 5 shots after 15 ends.  The last few ends belonged to Epsom as they finished with 3 & 2 to secure a 3 shot win.

Rink 3  Derek Hoffmann Tony Jackman  Pat Buckley  Ron Snow   lost 15 - 28

Epsom found themselves behind all through this game.  After 10 ends they were 14 - 8 down and the second half belonged to Leatherhead and they won comfortably by 13 shots.

Rink 4  Brian Kenyon  Derek Jones  Ernie Phipps  Eric Brown  lost 12 - 28

A very similar story to rink 3.  Epsom was 16 - 6 down after 10 ends and failed to make much impact in the second half finally losing by 16 shots.

Rink 5  John Huxford  Bob Lister  Bill Ellis  John Warren  lost  5 - 35

This was a disastrous afternoon for Epsom on this rink.  They found themselves being totally outplayed and were 23 - 1 down after 10 ends.  The second half was not much better and they lost by 30 shots.

Final Score:  Epsom 56  Leatherhead 112


Chrystie League

Epsom win for the second time this season against Bookham.


Rink 3  Ken Rogers  Alan Wybrow  John Huxford  Peter Humphreys    lost 12 - 15

Rink 4  Derek Martin  Bob Lister  Len Philpott  Fred Read                    won 19 - 11

Final Result:  Epsom 31 shots  Bookham 26 shots

                        Epsom 3 points  Bookham 1 point


Ladies Friendly

The Ladies win by just 1 shot against Leatherhead despite losing 2 of the 3 rinks.


Rink 2  Freda Starkey  Diana Taylor  Anne Hoffmann  Jo Ellis

After 10 ends the rink was ahead 8 - 6, and still led after 15 ends 11 - 8.  However, Leatherhead snatched a 15 - 14 win right at the end.

Rink 3  Maggie O’Sullivan  Sue Needham  Maureen Trumble  Sylvia Pearce

This rink was always behind in the game and was well down, 6 - 18 after 15 ends.  They eventually lost 23 - 14.

Rink 4  Trish Tewfik  Ann Bailey  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills

This rink played well all afternoon and went into a 12 - 7 lead at 10 ends.  They increased the lead to 17 - 8 after 15 ends and won comfortably 23 - 12.

Final Result:  Epsom 51 shots  Leatherhead 50 shots.


Past Times 'A' Team

The Epsom 'A' team played Bookham on Thursday 1st July and won a very close match.

Home:  Bill Lawrence  Cyril Newman  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller   won 21 - 14

Away:  Alan Wybrow  Geoff Purrott  David Sowdon  Graham Pilbrow  lost 13 - 18


At home Epsom raced into a 9 - 0 lead, but Bookham fought back well. After 15 ends Epsom was ahead 13 - 11 and pulled further ahead 20 - 14 after 20 ends.  The away rink was having a close game all evening and they finished their game earlier than the home rink. The score relayed to Epsom was that they had lost 18 - 13. This meant that the home Epsom rink needed to win the 21st end or just drop 1 shot to force an extra end.  However, the home rink won the last end holding one shot to win a very close match 34 - 32.