Ladies' Friendly

Epsom Ladies played Epsom Park at home on Thursday 30th July and won the match 62 - 58.


Rink 2 skipped by Gill Sperring was in control throughout the game.  At 10 ends they led 15 - 8, maintained the lead at 15 ends 20 - 14 and went on to win 25 - 16.

Rink 3 skipped by Jo Ellis was having a very different afternoon from rink 2.  They lost the lead 7 - 6 at 6 ends and did not get back into the game losing 28 - 17.

Rink 3 skipped by Eileen Mills was having a very close game.  On ends 18,19 & 20 however they scored a total of 6 shots which enabled them to win 20 - 14.

Final Details:

Rink 2    Maggie O’Sullivan  Nancy Smillie  Dolly Snow  Gill Sperring    Won 25 - 16

Rink 3    Tessa Hurworth  Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  Jo Ellis              Lost 17 - 28

Rink 4    Freda Starkey  Eileen Godfrey  Pat Felloni  Eileen Mills            Won 20 - 14

Final Score:  Epsom 62  Epsom Park 58


Epsom v East Surrey League

As part of their Centenary Epsom invited the East Surrey League to send a team to play on Wednesday 29th July.  Invitations were sent by the President Derek Harvey to all the 15 Clubs who play in the League. All 15 Clubs accepted the invitation and in the end the match was over subscribed.  Epsom agreed that the East Surrey League could field 12 players for half a game and that the Club representatives could arrive in their Club Coloured shirts.

This turned out to be a very enjoyable afternoon.  The weather was very kind and some excellent bowling took place on the green.


Rink 1 skipped by George Sperring was having an extremely close game.  At 10 ends they led 11 - 8, but the ESL rink went ahead 18 - 14 at 16 ends.  Epsom pulled back to be just 1 shot behind at 19 ends, but dropped 2 shots on end 20 and could only manage 1 shot on end 21 to lose narrowly 20 - 18.

Rink 2 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was struggling right from the start.  At 10 ends they were 18 - 2 down, and although they scored a few more shots they lost heavily 29 - 11.

Rink 3 skipped by Les Owen also had a bad start and found themselves 9 - 6 down at 10 ends, 17 - 7 down at 15 ends but recovered well to lose by just 4 shots 19 - 15.

Rink 4 skipped by Ron Mew was level 8 - 8 at 10 ends and had a very good second half to win 20 - 15.

Rink 5 skipped by Peter Miller was involved in a very tight game.  At 10 ends the score was 8 - 8, and at 15 ends Epsom held a 2 shot advantage 14 - 12.  They then slipped behind but finished strongly with a 3 and the 1 to win 20 - 18.

Rink 6 skipped by Pat Buckley was also involved in a close game.  They scored 4 shots on the 14th end then 6 shots on the 17th end to give themselves a 26 - 17 win.  This rink was awarded the Centenary Booklets for being the highest winning rink for Epsom.

After the match the East Surrey League president, Derek Harvey, presented Epsom President, Tony Jackman an inscribed clock to put up in the Club Pavilion.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Peter Humphreys  Ken Lacey  Sid Bailey  George Sperring    Lost 18 - 20

Rink 2    Bill Lawrence  Len Philpott  Terry Hoye  Graham Pilbrow       Lost 11 - 29

Rink 3    Brian Kenyon  Tony Jackman  John Warren  Les Owen          Lost 15 - 19

Rink 4    John Hart  Dave Ruston  Geoff Purrott  Ron Mew                   Won 20 - 15

Rink 5    Martin Harbottle  David Sowdon  Roy Ward  Peter Miller      Won 20 - 18

Rink 6    Clive Allum  Derek Hoffmann  Eric Brown  Pat Buckley          Won 26 - 17


Final Score:    Epsom 110  ESL 118


Epsom Ladies v Ewell

Epsom Ladies played Ewell at home on Tuesday 28th July and won on all three rinks.


Rink 3 skipped by Jo Ellis was 12 - 5 down at 10 ends, 16 - 8 down at 15 ends, but won the last 6 ends, scoring 15 shots without reply to win 23 - 16.

Rink 4 skipped by Sylvia Pearce was 17 - 0 up at 10 ends and although Ewell had a good few ends at the end Epsom won very comfortably 26 - 11.

Rink 5 skipped by Gill Sperring was also well in control of their game.  They led 8 - 4 at 10 ends, 22 - 5 at 15 ends and scored heavily over the last few ends to register an excellent win, 30 - 8.

Final Details:

Rink 3    Sue Needham  Dolly Snow  Pat Felloni  Jo Ellis                            Won 23 - 16

Rink 4    Audrey Jones  Maureen Trumble  Eileen Mills  Sylvia Pearce    Won 26 - 11

Rink 5    Doris Flintham  Diana Taylor  Lyz Warren  Gill Sperring              Won 30 - 8

Final Score:   Epsom 79  Ewell  35


East Surrey League - Men

Epsom played away at Wallington on Saturday 25th July in the East Surrey League.  After winning the last two League games 6 - 0 Epsom were hoping to continue their winning ways.  This they did winning by 8 shots and winning 3 of the four rinks.  This is the ninth year running that Epsom has won this fixture.


Rink 2 skipped by Graham Naish got off to a steady start and was 10 - 7 up at 10 ends.  At 15 ends they were even further ahead 18 - 9, but then lost a few ends to allow Wallington to get back within 3 shots, 18 - 15.  However, the rink held out to win 22 - 16.

Rink 3 skipped by Peter Miller was struggling in the first part of the game and was 10 - 5 down at 10 ends.  On the 15th end they scored a welcome 6 shots to get back to 16 - 13 down, but then slipped back to eventually lose 25 - 16.

Rink 5 skipped by Captain, Les Owen, was having a very close game.  At 10 ends the score was level 9 - 9.  They went ahead 17 - 14 at 15 ends, but then had a disastrous end when they dropped a 7 to go behind 21 - 17.  However, with some excellent individual bowls by the rink they regained the lead 22 - 21 at 18 ends and held on to win 25 - 22.

Rink 6 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was also having a tight game.  At 10 ends they were 13 - 11 down, pulled level at 15 ends 16 - 16.  They won the last 5 ends to ease home 26 - 18.  This rink won the Booklets for being the highest winning rink.

Final Details:

Rink 2  Brian Kenyon  Terry Hoye  George Sperring  Graham Naish    Won 22 - 16

Rink 3  Bill Lawrence  Ron Snow  Roy Ward  Peter Miller                      Lost 16 - 25

Rink 5  Stefan Tomm  John Warren  Jim Scott  Les Owen                        Won 25 - 22

Rink 6  John Hart  Derek Jones  Pat Buckley  Graham Pilbrow               Won 26 - 18

Final Score:  Epsom 89 - Wallington 81    Epsom 5 points  Wallington 1 point


East Surrey League - Ladies

Epsom Ladies also played away at Wallington on Saturday 25th July in the East Surrey League.

They won on 1 rink & lost the other.


Rink 1 skipped by Eileen Mills was 7 - 4 up at 10 ends, went further ahead 15 - 8 at 15 ends and scored 4 shots on the last end to win 22 - 17.

Rink 4 skipped by Gill Sperring was 11 - 6 down at 10 ends, closed the gap to 14 - 10 down at 15 ends and eventually lost 18 - 15.


Final Details:

Rink 1  Tessa Hurworth  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren  Eileen Mills        Won 22 - 17

Rink 4  Sandra Huxford  Anne Hoffmann  Jan Allum  Gill Sperring   Lost 15 - 18

Final Score:  Epsom 37  Wallington 35    Epsom 3 points  Wallington 1 point.


Epsom Ladies  v The Surrey President's Ladies Team

The Epsom Ladies as part of the Centenary Celebrations played against the Surrey President's Ladies Team on Thursday 23rd July.  The President brought along a very strong side and Epsom lost on all four rinks.  One rink in particular was made up of four Johns players with one of these being an ex England International.


Rink 2 skipped by Jo Ellis was 10 - 5 down at 10 ends, but came back very well in the second half closing the score on 20 ends to just 19 - 15 down.  They finished losing 21 - 15.

Rink 3 skipped by Gill Sperring got off to a very poor start and found themselves 14 - 1 down at 7 ends.  However, they came back into the game very well and were just 1 shot down, 16 - 16 at 16 ends.  Unfortunately they dropped a total of 6 shots over the next three ends, but bounced back to  narrowly  lose 22 - 19.

Rink 4 skipped by Sylvia Pearce was playing a star studded rink, skipped by ex England International Pam Garden.  They struggled throughout the afternoon finally losing 46 - 5.

Rink 5 skipped by Eileen Mills was having an excellent afternoon.  At 10 end they led 10 - 9, went further ahead 13 - 10, but then had 6 bad ends to fall behind 18 - 13.  They recovered well over the last three ends, but agonisingly fell just short losing 18 - 17.

Final Details:

Rink 1  Tessa Hurworth  Audrey Jones  Pat Felloni  Jo Ellis                            Lost 15 - 21

Rink 2  Maggie O'Sullivan  Maureen Trumble  Lyz Warren  Gill Sperring      Lost 19 - 22

Rink 3  Ann Bailey  Anne Hoffmann  Jan Allum  Sylvia Pearce                         Lost 5 - 46

Rink 4  Freda Starkey  Eileen Godfrey  Dolly Snow  Eileen Mills                     Lost 17 - 18

Final Scores:

Epsom  56  Surrey President's 107


The Ladies Bowling Committee wishes to thank Sydney Bailey, Derek Hoffmann, Brian Kenyon, Les Owen, George Sperring and John Warren for all their help on Thursday 23rd July at the above match. They took responsibility for looking after the green, organising the photographs, laying the tables, serving behind the bar, washing up, preparing part of the meal and serving. This help was invaluable to us.
It was all done with such style and enthusiasm and greatly contributed to the friendliness of the day. Our visitors were very impressed and all our own ladies were very appreciative of the help.
We couldn't have hosted such a match without your assistance.
Thank you.
Anne Hoffmann.


Past Times

The Epsom Past Times 'A' Team played against Gonville on Monday 20th July.  The away team got off to a very good start and were 13 - 6 up at ten ends.  On the 18th end Gonville had come back into the game to be only 4 shots behind.  However, on the 17th end Epsom scored 3 shots and this was followed by a maximum 8 shots on the 18th end to hold a commanding lead 29 - 14.

This score was relayed to the home team who were 15 - 20 down at the time.  This excellent news.  Nearing the end of the game the score once again was relayed to the home side, but the away side had dropped a total of 9 shots (including a 7) on the last few ends to only win by 6 shots.

The home side was having a much closer game.  However, on the 10th end Epsom dropped 6 shots to go behind 14 - 7.  The second half was a much tighter match and Epsom came back to within 3 shots of Gonville on the 19th end.  After receiving the news from away Gonville found themselves needing 3 shots to win the match overall.  However, the Epsom four played some excellent bowls

on the last end to stop Gonville getting the 3 shots.


Away    Brian Kenyon  John Hart  George Sperring  Graham Naish    Won 29 - 23

Home    Graham Pilbrow  Ted Ray  Peter Miller  Les Owen                 Lost 19 - 21

Final Result:    Epsom 48  Gonville 44


Chrystie League

Epsom played away against the current League leaders on Monday 27th July and won 37 - 24.


Ken Phillpot  Bob Lister  Ron Snow  Fred Read                     Won 19 - 12

Derek Jones  Roy Doughty  Alan Wybrow    Ken Lacey       Won 18 - 12

Final Result:  Epsom 37  Pippbrook 24

                        Epsom 4 points  Pippbrook 0 points


Epsom played at home against Brockham on Monday 20th July and won on both rinks.


Ken Phillpot  Bob Lister  Ron Snow  Fred Read                     Won 21 - 17

Alan Wybrow  Roy Doughty  Ken Lacey  Peter Humphreys  Won 16 - 13

Final Result:  Epsom 37  Brockham 30

                        Epsom 4 points  Brockham 0 points


As usual the competitions got off to a sluggish start with only one match being played in May. Well done Betty Grant and Ken Lacey.

Watch John Hart as he has a nasty habit of creeping up from behind! He had an excellent match with Ken Mew in the Championship. He was behind all the way until the 18th end, finally winning 21-18. In the Handicap it was a similar story. Against Les Owen John was 20-17 down before easing home 22-21 and in the next round against Alan Wybrow not getting level until the 23rd end before finally scraping home.
In the previous round of the Handicap though Alan proved his pedigree winning 21-24 against Peter Miller (Peter needed 25). Another close encounter in the Handicap was when Tony Jackman beat Martin Harbottle 21-22. So the handicaps work, well some of the time!
Ken Lacey has also figured strongly. In the Championship he recorded an excellent win against Ted Ray 21-20 and in the Mixed Singles had a classic encounter with Ron Mew. At 20-20 after 25 ends it all depended on the last end. Ken had a rotten end, one wood in the ditch and two nowhere near the jack. Ron meanwhile had three surrounding the jack. With the last wood and no shot to play Ken somehow dislodged the jack and grabbed the match. As Ken would say a” fluke” and a match he never deserved to win. “S--- happens”.
Mind you it's not all a bed of roses is it Ken as I see you earlier took a good hiding against John Huxford in the Handicap singles.
Other close results: Sid Bailey beat Dave Sowdon 21-20 in the Championship. In the Mixed Singles John Huxford just beat Ron Snow as did Peter Humphreys against Gill Sperring.
In the 2 Wood there were several close calls. Roy Ward only just scraped home against Derek Jones 15-14. Well done Derek. Ron Snow beat that man Lacey 13-12. Peter Humphreys eased home against John Hart.
In the Lower Handicap Singles Tony Jackman got the better of Len Philpott. Being President clearly weighs lightly on Tony's shoulders as he is enjoying such a good bowling season.
Finally the piece de resistance: In the Mixed Singles Eileen Mills beat Graham Pilbrow – Wow !!!

Gala Day

Centenary Year was celebrated in great style at Epsom Bowling Club on Saturday 18th July.

Over 40 members went to a great deal of effort and trouble to dress up in Period Costume.

After some introductions to the day by President, Tony Jackman, he declared the Celebrations open.

The morning began with a parade past of all members who had dressed up in Period Costume a panel of Judges (Ruth & Colin Hunt, Peggy Shuttleworth).  This was followed by a 'Yardstick' game of bowls of 4 ends.  In total 16 ends of bowls were completed between two groups.  The winners of each group played in a Final.

The Final was won by one shot, and the winning team was Audrey Jones, Doris Flintham, John Huxford & Les Owen.  The runners up were Arthur Upward, Anne Hoffmann, Brian Kenyon & Gill Sperring.

As these games were being played several fun games were taking place including Darts, Boule & target bowls.

Everyone stopped for a Buffet Lunch provided by outside caterers.  This was well received by all members.

The whole day was organised by Bill Ellis who also devised a quiz.  This quiz was a back up to the proceedings in case it rained.  However, the day turned out to be sunny with overhead clouds at times.

The whole day was completed with prizes to the winners.

The Ladies Prize for best Costume was awarded to Doreen Jackman and the runners up were Diane Brown & Maureen Trumble.  The Men's prize went to Les Owen and the runners up were Brian Kenyon & Ken Lacey.

A special prize was awarded to Sandra Huxford for her Costume.

The President, Tony Jackman, thanked everyone for coming and thanked those responsible for making the day successful.  Graham Pilbrow then thanked the organisers on behalf of members.


East Surrey League - Ladies

Epsom Ladies played at home against Sutton on the 16th July and lost on both rinks.


Rink 3 skipped by Gill Sperring was 12 - 6 up at 10 ends, but Sutton came back well in the second half to win 23 - 18.

Rink 4 skipped by Sylvia Pearce got off to a very poor start and found themselves 15 - 1

down at 10 ends.  They recovered a little, but Sutton proved to be too strong and won comfortably 26 - 9.

Final Details:

Rink 3    Ann Bailey  Dolly Snow  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring    Lost 18 - 23

Rink 4    Maggie O'Sullivan  Anne Hoffmann  Lyz Warren  Sylvia Pearce   Lost 9 - 26

Final Score:  Epsom 27  Sutton 49     Epsom 0 points  Sutton 4 points.


Ladies Friendly

The Ladies also had a friendly 1 rink match against Sutton on the 16th July. Unfortunately they lost as well.


The rink skipped by Maureen Trumble started off well and were only 12 - 9 down

at 10 ends.  However, Sutton had a very good second half and eased to a 25 - 13 win.

Rink 5  Audrey Jones  Tessa Hurworth  Pat Felloni  Maureen Trumble  Lost 13 - 25.


Surrey Ladies' Triples

Maggie O'Sullivan, Eileen Mills & Gill Sperring lost in the Semi Final of the Surrey Triples against Belmont.

Congratulations to the Epsom Ladies for an excellent performance in 2009.


Area 3 Top 4

Epsom played Purley Bury on Thursday 16th July and won 21 - 9.


The team was - Brian Kenyon, Fred Read, John Hart & Graham Pilbrow.


Mixed Friendly

Epsom played Brockham in a mixed match on Wednesday 15th July at home.

They won on all 4 rinks and won the match 80 - 46.


Rink 1 skipped by Captain of the day, Sid Bailey, went into a 13 - 9 lead at 10 ends, but dropped 6 shots on the 14th end to go behind 17 - 14.  However, they recovered from this set back to win narrowly 20 - 18.

Rink 2 skipped by John Warren was having an excellent evening and was 13 - 4 ahead at 10 ends.  They continued scoring in the second half to win 19 - 9.

Rink 3 skipped by Eric Brown was having a very close game with only 2 ends having

more than 1 shot scored.  At 10 ends it was 6 - 6, but Epsom finished strongly to win 14 - 9.

Rink 4 skipped by Brian Kenyon was having an outstanding game.  At 10 ends they

were ahead 16 - 4 and maintained the momentum in the second half to win comfortably 27 - 10.

Final Scores:

Rink 1    Vic Phillips  Lyz Warren  Sid Bailey                Won 20 - 18

Rink 2    Derek Jones  Ron Snow  John Warren            Won 19 - 9

Rink 3    Tessa Hurworth  Bill Lawrence  Eric Brown    Won  14 - 9

Rink 4    Audrey Jones  Les Owen  Brian Kenyon          Won 27 - 10*

Final Result:

Epsom 80    Brockham 46          *Highest winning rink.


East Surrey League - Top 10

Epsom played against Purley Bury in the Top 10 second round on Tuesday 14th July.  Purley Bury had beaten Epsom 5 - 1 in the League earlier in the season so this game was Epsom's chance to make amends.  They certainly did this with an outstanding performance in all four disciplines.


Singles:  Once again Graham Pilbrow represented Epsom and got off to a shaky start.  He was 10 - 5 down after 10 ends, but fought hard to get back into the game.  He levelled the scores to 14 - 14 after 17 ends, and then took the lead 18 - 14.  Graham then dropped 2 shots then 3 shots to go behind 19 - 18.  Graham then played two excellent ends of bowls to get the three shots to win 21 - 19.

Pairs:  Epsom tried out a new pairs team for this game, and it proved to be a good choice.  Stefan Tomm had a magnificent game drawing shots around the jack end after end.  They led 8 - 7 at 10 ends and went further ahead at 15 ends 14 - 8. The last few ends were very close, but Epsom held on to win 17 - 11.

Triples:  As with the Pairs Epsom tried out a new combination in the Triples.  This also worked well.  They started off poorly, but were only 10 - 8 down at 10 ends.  At 11 ends Purley Bury was 12 - 8 up, but Epsom won all the remaining ends scoring a total of 15 shots to win comfortably 23 - 12.

Fours: The successful Area 3 Top 4 rink of two years ago were reunited for this game and they continued their winning ways.  At 10 ends they led 12 - 3, and went further ahead 16 - 7 at 15 ends.  By the time they had reached the 19th end the game had been decided so the last end was not played.  The fours won 19 - 15.

Final Result:  Epsom 80 shots  Purley Bury 57 shots

                      Epsom 4 points    Purley Bury 0 points.

Team & Details:

Singles:  Graham Pilbrow    Won 21 - 19              Pairs:  Stefan Tomm & Ron Mew    Won 17 - 11

Triples:   Brian Kenyon, Les Owen & Graham Naish   Won 23 - 12

Fours:     Martin Harbottle, Ted Ray, Pat Buckley & Peter Miller   Won 19 - 15


Epsom now play Shirley Park in the Semi Final


Chrystie League

Epsom won for the second time this season by winning away at Esher.  They won on one rink and lost the other.


Rink 1  Ken Phillpot  Roy Doughty  Ken Lacey  Fred Read    Won 21 - 11

Rink 2  Derek Martin  Bob Lister  Alan Wybrow John Warren   Lost 16 - 17

Final Result:  Epsom 37  Esher 28

Derek Martin played his very first game in the Chrystie League at Esher.


Mixed Friendly

Epsom travelled to Reigate Priory on Saturday 11th July.  They won 2 rinks and lost 2 rinks.


Rink 1 skipped by Jo Ellis was level 8 - 8 at 10 ends and had a very even second half, but won by 6 shots.

Rink 3 skipped by Lyz Warren was only one shot down, 9 - 10 at 10 ends, but managed to get the lead in the second half and won 21 - 17.

Rink 4 skipped by John Warren was leading 10 - 5 at 10 ends, but had a poor last few ends and lost 22 - 15.

Rink 5 skipped by Ron Mew was ahead 10 - 8 at 10 ends, but they too had a poor second half and lost 21 - 12.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Maggie O’Sullivan  Derek Jones  Pat Felloni  Jo Ellis       Won 22 - 16*

Rink 3    Vic Phillips Alan Wybrow Jan Allum Lyz Warren                Won 21 - 17

Rink 5    Clive Allum  Olive Phillips  John Huxford  John Warren     Lost 15 - 22

Rink 4    Audrey Jones  Sue Needham  Roy Doughty  Ron Mew      Lost 12 - 21

Final Score:   Epsom 70    Reigate Priory 76

*Highest winning rink


Mixed Friendly

Epsom played against Ashtead on Sunday 12th July and had an outstanding win.  They won on 5 of the 6 rinks with the final score being a win by 75 shots.


Rink 1 skipped by Ron Mew was having an excellent afternoon.  At 10 ends they were leading 22 - 8 and continued to score many shots per end in the second half.  They finished up winning 41 - 12.

Rink 2 skipped by John Warren was 13 - 3 up at 10 ends and they too continued to pick up many shots in the second half to win comfortably 31 - 10.

Rink 3 skipped by Captain, Les Owen, started slowly, but recovered to take a 1 shot lead, 10 - 9 at 10 ends.  They led 17 - 11 at 16 ends, but dropped 5 shots on the 17th end.  The game from then on was close, but they went on to win 21 - 17.

Rink 4 skipped by Eric Brown raced into a 16 - 0 lead after just 7 ends.  However, Ashtead got back into the game winning the next 5 ends.  Epsom went further ahead in the second half and won 23 - 12.

Rink 5 skipped by Martin Harbottle was 10 - 7 up at 10 ends, but then had 6 poor ends, dropping a total of 11 shots.  They failed to recover and lost 22 - 14.

Rink 6 skipped by Sid Bailey was 12 - 4 up at 10 ends, scored on 9 of the remaining 11 ends to win 26 - 8.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Bill Norman  Anne Hoffmann  George Sperring  Ron Mew*         Won 41 - 12*

Rink 2    Bill Lawrence  Ann Bailey  Pat Felloni  John Warren                      Won 31 - 10

Rink 3    Maggie O’Sullivan  Dave Ruston  Derek Hoffmann  Les Owen     Won 21 - 17

Rink 4    Audrey Norman  Sandra Huxford  Geoff Purrott  Eric Brown          Won 23 - 12

Rink 5    John Southam  Derek Jones  Gill Sperring  Martin Harbottle         Lost 14 - 22

Rink 6    Audrey Jones  Diana Taylor  Roy Doughty  Sid Bailey                    Won 26 - 8


Final Score:  Epsom 156    Ashtead 81

* Highest winning rink


Epsom v The Surrey Patrons

The Surrey Patrons visited Epsom on 8th July 2009.  This was exactly 100 years to the date when Epsom Bowling Club was formed - 8th July 1909.

Details:  At the beginning of the game it was raining, but eventually cleared up to give everyone an enjoyable afternoon.  Epsom won on 4 rinks, lost on 2, but won the match by 14 shots.

Rink 1 skipped by Peter Miller was only 1 shot down at 10 ends, but on the 12th - 15th end they dropped a total of 13 shots.  They failed to recover from these bad ends and lost 26 - 12.

Rink 2 skipped by Peter Humphreys was 9 - 1 up at 6 ends, but then had a disastrous 4 ends when they dropped 15 shots. They recovered a little in the second half but still lost 27 - 18.

Rink 3 skipped by Captain, Les Owen went into an early lead but were soon just 10 - 9 ahead on 10 ends.  The Patrons came within one shot of Epsom on 16 ends, 16 - 15, but Epsom held on to win 19 - 17.

Rink 4 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was having an excellent game.  They led 13 - 4 on 10 ends, 18 - 7 on 15 ends and finished with a flourish scoring 14 shots on the last 4 ends to win very comfortably 32 - 10.  They were presented with a Centenary Booklet at the end of the game for being the highest winning rink for Epsom.

Rink 5 was skipped by Ron Mew was playing against only 3 Surrey Patrons. They held a 13 - 6 lead on 10 ends, went further ahead on 15 ends, 18 - 10 and ran out 26 - 16 winners.

Rink 6 skipped by Pat Buckley was having a very close game up until 10 ends.  Epsom then went into a 20 - 9 shot lead at 15 ends, but The Patrons came back into the game very well.  Epsom held on to win 22 - 19.

Final Details:

Rink 1    Bill Lawrence  Ken Phillpot  Martin Harbottle  Peter Miller    Lost 12 - 26

Rink 2    Ken Lacey  Derek Hoffmann  Ron Snow  Peter Humphreys     Lost 18 - 27

Rink 3    Stefan Tomm  Tony Jackman  John Warren  Les Owen            Won 19 - 17

Rink 4    David Sowdon  Bill Ellis  Eric Brown  Graham Pilbrow               Won 32 - 10

Rink 5    Roy Doughty  Len Philpott  Geoff Purrott  Ron Mew                 Won 26 - 16

Rink 6    Brian Kenyon  Derek Jones  Cyril Newman  Pat Buckley          Won 22 - 19

Final Result:  Epsom 129  Surrey Patrons 115


    *                             *

       Epsom Team v Surrey Patrons                                                  Surrey Patrons Team v Epsom


Chrystie League

Another defeat in the Chrystie League 25 - 36 against Leatherhead.


Area 3 Top 4

Roy Doughty  Cyril Newman  John Warren & Graham Naish lost at Wallington 24 - 15


Past Times

The Epsom 'A' Team played against Carshalton on Sunday morning 5th July.  Both the home and away teams won.


Away Rink - The away rink skipped by Graham Naish was having a very good game and led 9 - 3 on 10 ends.  They continued to score throughout the match to win comfortably 24 - 6.

Home Rink - The home rink skipped by Les Owen was 6 - 1 down after 4 ends, but then started to play well.  At 15 ends Epsom led 19 - 10 and finally won 23 - 18.

Rink Scores:

Away:  Brian Kenyon  John Hart  George Sperring  Graham Naish    Won 24 - 6

Home:  Graham Pilbrow  Ted Ray  Peter Miller  Les Owen                 Won 23 - 18

Final Scores:  Epsom 47  Carshalton 24


East Surrey League

Epsom Men travelled to Dorking on Sunday afternoon 5th July for a League game.  Having won 6 - 0 last week against Godstone Epsom was hoping to at least overturn the defeat against Dorking last year. (2 - 4).

This they certainly achieved with an outstanding 74 shot win and won on all 4 rinks.  This win was the second highest in the League.


Rink 2 skipped by Graham Pilbrow raced into a 20 - 5 shot lead on 10 ends and continued to score in the second half of the game to win 36 - 13.  Derek Jones playing 2 in this rink played his first East Surrey League game for Epsom, becoming the 137th player to represent the Club.

Rink 3 skipped by George Sperring started slowly and took a 3 shot lead at 10 ends.  They continued to play well and led 24 - 12 on 19 ends, but finished the game dropping a 4 & 2 to win 24 - 18.  George played his 150th game in the League today.

Rink 4 skipped by Ron Mew was having an outstanding game playing some exceptional bowls.  They led 18 - 1 on 10 ends then dropped a total of 5 shots over 4 ends, but found their form again to secure an excellent win 29 - 10.

Rink 4 skipped by Peter Miller was also having an excellent game.  Throughout the game they only lost 5 ends and won 33 - 7 thus becoming the highest winning rink for Epsom.

Final Details:

Rink 2    Bill Lawrence  Derek Jones  Pat Buckley  Graham Pilbrow     Won 36 - 13

Rink 3    Brian Kenyon  Derek Hoffmann  George Sperring                    Won 24 - 18

Rink 4    Stefan Tomm  John Hart  John Warren  Ron Mew                    Won 29 - 10

Rink 5    Martin Harbottle  Roy Ward  Les Owen  Peter Miller               Won 33 - 7*

Final Result:

Epsom 122 shots    Dorking 48 shots

Epsom 6 points    Dorking 0 points.               * Highest winning rink


Mixed Friendly Match v The Zippers Bowling Association

Epsom played The Zippers Bowling Association on Saturday 4th July as part of their Centenary Celebrations.

* Epsom Team     * Zippers Team


Mixed Friendly Match v The Zippers Bowling Association

The Zippers Bowling Association visited Epsom on Saturday 4th July as part of the Centenary Celebrations.  At the end of the game a cheque was presented to the Captain of the day, Eric Brown, for over £450.  This was the result of a raffle, Dutch Auction and 'Spider' at the start of the match.

A full explanation of the work undertaken by the Zippers can be viewed by clicking on the link above.

Match Details:

Rink 1 skipped by Jo Ellis was 15 - 4 up at 10 ends and continued to play very good bowls to eventually win 20 - 14.

Rink 2 skipped by Graham Pilbrow was having a very close game and at 14 ends the score was level 10 - 10.  The Zippers then scored a total of  7 shots on ends 14 - 18 to go ahead.  Epsom failed to make any impact and lost 18 - 12.

Rink 3 skipped by Captain Les Owen was 16 - 5 up at 10 ends, but the Zippers closed the gap to 19 - 13 on 16 ends.  Epsom dropped 4 shots on the 20th end, but held on to win 24 - 18.

Rink 4 skipped by Peter Miller found themselves in a very even game.  They went behind 19 - 13 at 14 ends, but immediately scored 1 shot, 4 shots and then 2 shots to regain the lead 20 - 19.  The remaining ends stayed very close, but Epsom scraped home by just 1 shot, 24 - 23.

Rink 5 skipped by Roy Ward was having a much tougher afternoon and were always coming from behind.  At 12 ends they managed to level the scores 12 - 12, but then dropped 8 shots on the next 4 ends.  They failed to make any more headway and lost 26 - 16.

Rink 6 skipped by Martin Harbottle was having an excellent afternoon.  At 10 ends they led 13 - 6, and in the second half of the game scored a total of 15 shots to the Zippers 4 shots to run out very comfortable winners 28 - 13.  This rink was awarded the Centenary Booklets for being the highest winning rink for Epsom.

Final Scores:

Rink 1    Dave Ruston  Vic Phillips  Ron Snow  Jo Ellis                                   Won 20 - 14

Rink 2    Arthur Upward  Olive Phillips  Sylvia Pearce  Graham Pilbrow     Lost 12 - 18

Rink 3    Anne Hoffmann  Maureen Trumble  John Warren  Les Owen        Won 24 - 18

Rink 4    Bill Lawrence    Diana Taylor  Derek Hoffmann  Peter Miller      Won 24 - 23

Rink 5    Maggie O’Sullivan  Ken Rogers  Pat Felloni  Roy Ward                   Lost 16 - 26

Rink 6    Sandra Huxford  Ken Phillpot  Lyz Warren  Martin Harbottle        Won 28 - 13*


Final Result:  Epsom 124    The Zippers Bowling Association 112                     *Highest winning rink


Sutton & District Bowling Association - Arthur Hughes Triples

The Epsom Triple of Roy Doughty, Ron Snow & Cyril Newman lost in the second round of the Arthur Hughes Triples on Wednesday 1st July at Supreme 25 - 8.


Ladies Friendly against Cheam

The Ladies played Cheam on Thursday 2nd July and won on two rinks and lost the third.


Rink 2 skipped by Jo Ellis went into an early lead 11 - 6 at 10 ends.  Cheam drew level on 14 ends 13 - 13, but Epsom scored 6 shots on the 17th end to win 22 - 14.

Rink 4 skipped by Gill Sperring also went into an early lead at 10 ends, 11 - 4.  They kept in front for the rest of the game to win 22 - 13.

Rink 5 skipped by Sylvia Pearce was having a very different afternoon.  At 10 ends they were 15 - 9 down, but although they scored 6 more shots in the game they lost 26 - 16.

Final Scores:

Rink 2    Maggie O’Sullivan  Pat Felloni  Maureen Trumble  Jo Ellis    Won 22 - 14

Rink 4    Ann Bailey  Anne Hoffmann  Eileen Mills  Gill Sperring          Won 22 - 13

Rink 5    Nancy Smillie  Dolly Snow  Lyz Warren  Sylvia Pearce             Lost 16 - 26