Ladies Friendly

Epsom 61  Ewell 44

Paston Cup

Graham Pilbrow won his second round match

21 - 14 against Don Davies from Rosehill.


Yonwin Cup

Disastrous night for Epsom against Cheam in the Yonwin Cup.  Epsom suffered one of its worst defeats in this competition for many years.

The game started very badly for one particular rink when they went behind by some 20 shots.  This put some pressure on the other rinks to try to make up the shots.  However, this proved a very difficult task and eventually all three rinks lost.

Rink scores:

Rink 5:  Brian Kenyon, Terry Hoye, Peter Miller & Les Owen  Lost 17 - 28

Rink 6:  Stefan Tomm, Roy Doughty, David Sowdon & Jim Scott   Lost 9 - 27

Rink 7:  Bill Lawrence, John Hart, Graham Pilbrow & Pat Buckley  Lost 17 - 25


Final Result:  Epsom  43  Cheam 80


East Surrey League

Men against Wallington

Over the years Epsom have had some very close matches against Wallington in various competitions, but this was the eighth year in a row that the Club have beaten Wallington in the East Surrey League.  The result this year came very close to the biggest win against Wallington in 2005 (109 - 56).  All four rinks won to secure the Club's first 6 - 0 win in the League for nearly 2 years.

Hopefully this will put a bit of pressure on our old rivals Shirley Park & Old Coulsdon for the League title.

Match Scores:

Rink 2:  Bill Lawrence, Martin Harbottle, Terry Hoye & Peter Miller    Won 21 - 16

Rink 4:  John Hart, Ron Snow, Graham Pilbrow & Pat Buckley            Won 22 - 16

Rink 5:   Brian Kenyon, John Warren, George Sperring & Les Owen     Won 26 - 12

Rink 6:   Stefan Tomm, Geoff Purrott, Roy Ward & Jim Scott               Won 32 - 10


Final Result:  Epsom 101  Wallington 54    Epsom 6 points  Wallington 0 points


Ladies against Wallington

The ladies also proved to be too strong against Wallington.  Both rinks won comfortably.

Match Scores:

Rink 1:  Lyz Warren, Jo Ellis, Joan Robson & Janet Cheesman               Won 31 - 11

Rink 3:  Anne Hoffmann, Maureen Trumble, Eileen Mills & Gill Sperring   Won 24 - 9


Final Result:  Epsom 55  Wallington 20    Epsom 4 points  Wallington 0 points


East Surrey League Top 10 Competition

Epsom played Purley in the 2nd round of this competition on Thursday 24th July.

Singles: The singles turned out to be a very exciting game.  Graham Pilbrow started off very badly and fell behind 5 - 15 at one stage.  However, Graham dug deep and came back very strongly in the later stages of the game scoring a 2, 1, 3 & 4 to go ahead 19 - 18.  The last few ends were very close but Graham eventually lost 20 - 21.

Pairs:  David Sowdon & Stefan Tomm made a strong start and raced ahead 13 - 3.  Purley came back at them, but were always struggling to catch up.  David played very well throughout the game and secured a comfortably win 23 - 18.

Triples:  The triple of Brian Kenyon, George Sperring & Les Owen had an outstanding game.  Brian played exceptionally well setting up very good heads. At 9 ends Epsom were leading 15 - 8 and on the 10th end Les played an excellent bowl to create a count of 8 shots.  From then on the Epsom triple were always in control and ran out easy winners by 29 - 12.

Fours:  The fours started very well.  John Hart, Pat Buckley, Peter Miller & Jim Scott were playing well and built up a lead of 20 - 9 on the 16th end.  Unfortunately they had two disastrous ends dropping a total of 10 shots.  Going into the last end Epsom had a slender 1 shot lead.  On this end the Purley skip had a very fortunate bowl and secured 1 shot to tie the rink.



Rink 3  Singles  Graham Pilbrow lost 20 - 21

Rink 4  Fours  John Hart, Pat Buckley, Peter Miller & Jim Scott drew 21 - 21

Rink 5  Pairs  Stefan Tomm & David Sowdon won 23 - 18

Rink 6  Triples  Brian Kenyon, George Sperring & Les Owen won 29 - 12


Final Result  Epsom 2½  Purley 1½


Epsom have reached three finals in this competition - losing each time to Shirley Park.


Epsom now play the winners of the Ashtead/Shirley Park game.


Eileen Mills's great run came to an end in the Final of the Surrey Singles Championship Singles on Wednesday 23rd July.

Eileen played Sheila Seddon from Milford and lost 7 - 21.  The score, however, does not reflect the game as Eileen played very well.  The standard of bowling was very good from both ladies with some excellent heads throughout the game.

Having reached the Final Eileen qualifies for the England Championships at Leamington Spa.  Eileen plays her first game on 7th August.

This has been a great achievement for Eileen as Epsom Bowling Club have had only two other players who have reached the Final since the Surrey Women's Bowling Association was founded in 1931.  Margaret Lomas lost in the Final in 1987 and Fran Exton won the title in 1996.


Epsom Bowling Club congratulates Eileen on this superb performance on reaching the Surrey Championship Final.



Here is a summary of matches played so far this season (up to 22/07/08).

Matches Played Won Drawn Lost Shots For Shots Against
Men League 8 6 0 2 668 557
Ladies' League 4 3 0 1 164 148
Men Friendly 6 3 0 3 411 375
Ladies' Friendly 10 5 0 5 507 536
Mixed 7 4 0 3 538 489
Chrystie League 7 4 0 3 236 199
Totals 42 25 0 17 2524 2304

During the season information on all the Club matches played are recorded. These make interesting reading and shows how the Club is making progress.
The figures here are based on matches played up to 22nd July 2008.

Complete statistics will be available in the August Newsletter published on 1st August and distributed at the Club.


At the end of the season a complete record of results for the season will be available at the Club in a folder kept in the Captain's office.

Here is a brief summary of these details:-

Total number of players who have played in matches:-


East Surrey League - Men - 28 players selected.  Ladies - 13 players selected.

Friendly - Men 33 players selected.  Ladies - 21 players selected.

Chrystie League - 21 players selected.

Mixed - Men - 32 players selected.  Ladies - 16 players selected.


The number of men members who have played in the League, Friendly & Mixed games  is 48 (total men members - 68).

The number of ladies who have played in League & Friendly is 23 (total ladies members - 41)



Past Times

Epsom played Cheam Fields tonight and had a convincing win overall.

The home rink of Ron Snow, John Hart, Graham Pilbrow & Pat Buckley were ahead 14 - 4 early on in the game but Cheam Fields came back well and levelled the scores on the 14th end.  Epsom then picked up a four to go ahead, but Cheam Fields once again levelled.  Going into the last end Epsom led 21 - 20.  On this end Epsom were holding two shots but with his last bowl the Cheam Fields skip had a touch of luck pushing a bowl up from two yards down to flick the jack to two waiting Cheam Field bowls to win 22 - 21.  The away rink of  Stefan Tomm, Terry Hoye, Roy Ward & Jim Scott were always in the lead and went on to have a very convincing win 28 - 12.

Home Rink:  Lost 21 - 22    Away Rink:  Won 28 - 12

Overall Result;  Epsom 49  Cheam Fields 34


St Raphael Pairs (Sutton & District Bowling Association Mixed Pairs)

Eileen Mills & Brian Kenyon won their third round match against Purley 22 - 11



The Barbeque took place on Friday Evening 18th July.  This was a highly successful evening.  Over 70 members & friends attended and enjoyed a choice of steak or chicken, sausages, jacket potato and a variety of salads.

All of this, of course, could not have happened without the help of many people.  Thanks to everyone who contributed.  In particular a big thank you must go to the following:-

The cooks - Peter Miller, Peter Humphreys & Brian Kenyon - ably assisted by Pat Miller.

Preparation - Betty Day, Pat Felloni, Maureen Trumble, Nancy Smillie, George & Gill Sperring.

Bar - Roy Doughty & Eileen Mills

Games - George Sperring

Congratulations to all the winners of the games & raffle.

Last but not least a huge thanks to Betty Day who organised this event - it would not have been possible without all the hard work undertaken by Betty - Thank you.


Congratulations to Eileen Mills on reaching the

FINAL of the Surrey Singles Championship.


Eileen played Diane Tarran from Purley Bury on Wednesday morning at Sutton Bowling Club.

In a very close game Eileen came through 21 - 18.


Unfortunately Gill Sperring lost in the afternoon in the Semi Final of the Champion of Champions Singles.


Chrystie Result

Epsom beat Brockham 40 - 25 on Monday 14th July.  Alan Wybrow played his very first game in the Chrystie League.

Epsom beat Leatherhead 42 - 18 on Monday 21st July.


Area 3 Top 4

Brian Kenyon, John Warren, Pat Buckley & Jim Scott lost on Monday 14th July against Purley Bury.  This turned out to be a very close game throughout. In the last few ends Epsom were holding  several times, but the Purley Bury Skip had other ideas.  He played several saving bowls and steered his side home 21 - 16.


Mixed Friendly

Epsom had mixed fortunes in the two Mixed games on the 12th/13th July.  They lost 71 - 87 against Reigate Priory on the 12th, but had an excellent win on all 4 rinks on Sunday 13th against Ashtead 94 - 57.


Bluebell Railway Outing
On a pleasant June morning we boarded the old London Transport bus at the club car park to make our way to the Bluebell Railway. Our journey took us past the new grandstand on Epsom Downs, through Reigate and Horley. Although we were going sedately enough I am sure there were some white knuckles clinging to the seat in front when we descended Reigate Hill as there were no seat belts. As we turned off the A23 at Horley we actually had to slow down for right in front of us was a hearse and we had to follow it for about two miles.
Our journey to Kingscote took about an hour and a half and we were able to wander around the station and picnic area. The train arrived at 11.30 and with plenty of passengers it was a worry that we might have to stand. Not to worry - John Huxford had arranged for us to have a reserved coach. We left at 12 for the half hour journey to Sheffield Park stopping at Horsted Keynes for a few minutes. For a relatively short trip we had a variety of embankments, cuttings, bridges and even a tunnel. There was also some soot if the window was open. We spent 2 and 1/2 hours at Sheffield Park giving us plenty of time to look round the engine sheds, where at ground level you realise how big a locomotive is, have some lunch, a drink, a look at the shop and see the model railway.
We got back to Kingscote at 3.30, reboarded the bus and made our way home, arriving at the club about 5pm.
It was a splendid day out and it must have reminded many of us of the noises and smells of yesteryear.
Our thanks go to Betty Day, Eileen Godfrey and particularly to John Huxford who organised the bus and the driving. Those who were close to him could see the effort necessary to move the steering wheel and getting out of the car park was not easy. His day was not over though as he had to drive the bus back to Maresfield, just a mile from the railway, and then drive back home in his car.
Ron Snow


East Surrey League - Top 10

Epsom had a great win against Sutton on Monday 7th July.  The game started in very gloomy conditions with some rain.  After about 5 ends the heavens opened and everyone left the green for cover.  Torrential rain coupled with some hailstones totally flooded the green in a matter of minutes.  In some parts the water covered half the jacks left on the green.  The rain eased and quite amazingly the green cleared and play resumed after about 15 minutes.

The game itself turned out to be a one sided affair with big wins in the Singles and Pairs.  The result of the game was decided well before the Fours were due to finish and they did not play the last 4 ends.

Rink 1  Singles  Graham Pilbrow won 21 - 9

Rink 2  Triples  John Hart  George Sperring  Les Owen  Won 21 - 12

Rink 3  Fours    Brian Kenyon  Pat Buckley  Peter Miller  Jim Scott  Won 18 - 11 (17 ends played)

Rink 4  Pairs     Stefan Tomm  David Sowdon  Won 35 - 10


Final Result  Epsom 95  Sutton  42    Epsom 4  Sutton 0

This was Epsom's best overall win in this competition since the Top 10 started in 1997.


Chrystie League

Epsom get back to winning ways in the Chrystie League on Monday 7th July against Pippbrook

Rink 5  Dave Ruston  Derek Jones  Roy Doughty  Fred Read  Won 22 - 12

Rink 6  Laurie Garrett  Bob Lister  Ken Lacey  Eric Brown  Won 20 - 10

Final Result  Epsom  42  Pippbrook  22    Epsom 4  Pippbrook 0


East Surrey League

Epsom had a great set back in their aim to win the East Surrey League Title for the first time.  They played home to Dorking on Sunday 6th July and lost the match 2 - 4.  The rinks were shared 2 - 2, but Epsom lost on shots 74 - 77.

Hopefully the problems re selection can be resolved over the coming week and help to put the Club back on track for the elusive East Surrey League title.

Rink 3:  Bill Lawrence  Cyril Newman  Stefan Tomm Martin Harbottle  Lost 13 - 21

Rink 4:  Geoff Purrott  Jim Robson  David Sowdon  Jim Scott  Won 19 - 17

Rink 5:  Ron Snow  John Hart  Graham Pilbrow  Pat Buckley  Won 24 - 17

Rink 6:  Brian Kenyon  John Warren  Terry Hoye  Les Owen  Lost 18 - 22

Final result:  Epsom 74  Dorking 77

                    Epsom 2 points  Dorking 4 points


East Surrey League

The League table for July shows Epsom in their highest position since the League began in 1987.  Epsom are second with Shirley Park on top.  Our other close rivals in this League Chipstead are 3rd and Old Coulsdon, surprisingly, are in 7th position.


Past Times

The Epsom 'A' team played against Epsom Court on Monday 3rd July and won on both rinks.

Home Rink:  John Hart  Ron Snow  Graham Pilbrow  Pat Buckley    Won 25 - 11

Away Rink:  Stefan Tomm  Terry Hoye  Roy Ward  Jim Scott    Won 23 - 20

Final Result:  Epsom 48  Epsom Court 31


Ladies Friendly Results

Epsom v Churchfields    Won 51 - 40   Epsom v Cheam  Won 68 - 53


The Bridge Club

The Bridge Club has been in existence for 21 years. It was formed in June 1987 by Mrs Elsie Hardy and her brother Harold De’Ath who were Bowls Club members at that time.
Elsie continued to play Bridge until she was well over 90.
Clive Banderet (Secretary in the 1990’s), Peggy Shuttleworth, Jennifer Robson (not a bowls member) were among the founder members who still continue to play. Many of our other members have also belonged for many years.
About 1994 Vernon and Joyce Gutteridge took over the running of the Club, and from about 1997 my husband Peter Taylor became Secretary. From 2002 Jan Allum and myself have continued to run the Bridge Club.

The Club continues to flourish. At present we have 36 members.

New members are always welcome, so if you have about 2 years experience and play Rubber Bridge we would be pleased to see you with a partner.
We play every Monday afternoon in the Club House from 1.30pm to 4.30pm (except Bank Holidays).
The Annual Subscription is £12 and we pay £1.50 a session which includes tea and biscuits.
All profits go to the Bowls Club.

Thank you - Diana Taylor & Jan Allum

Club Night

At the 2005 Club AGM it was decided to introduce the Club’s first weekly Mixed Roll-Up. It takes the form of a competition to be held on Friday evenings throughout the season. Competitors play Triples or Rinks depending on the number attending.
Individual scores, both positive & negative are recorded. These scores are the shot differences at the end of the evening. At the end of the season the player with the FIVE largest positive scores wins the First Prize (a player must play in a minimum of SEVEN games). The player with the FIVE largest negative scores receives the Consolation Prize (again a player must play in a minimum of SEVEN games). Other Prizes go to the Runners-Up.
This ‘Club Night’ competition has proved very popular and many enjoyable evenings have resulted. Social activities have substituted for Bowls when bad weather has intervened.

Thank you - Sid Bailey